/** * Enable the plugin in the singleton * * @param unknown_type $sNamespace */ public function enablePlugin ($sNamespace) { foreach ($this->_aPluginDetails as $namespace => $detail) { if ($sNamespace == $namespace) { $this->registerFolder( $sNamespace, $sNamespace, $detail->sPluginFolder ); //register the default directory, later we can have more $this->_aPluginDetails[$sNamespace]->enabled = true; if (class_exists($detail->sClassName)) { $oPlugin = new $detail->sClassName( $detail->sNamespace, $detail->sFilename ); } else { $oPlugin = $detail; } $this->_aPlugins[$detail->sNamespace] = $oPlugin; if (method_exists( $oPlugin, 'enable' )) { $oPlugin->enable(); } /* * 1. register <plugin-dir>/src directory for autoloading * 2. verify if rest service is enabled * 3. register rest service directory */ $pluginSrcDir = PATH_PLUGINS . $detail->sNamespace . PATH_SEP . 'src'; if (is_dir($pluginSrcDir)) { //Bootstrap::registerDir($detail->sNamespace.'/src', $pluginSrcDir); $loader = \Maveriks\Util\ClassLoader::getInstance(); $loader->add($pluginSrcDir); } if (array_key_exists($detail->sNamespace, $this->_restServiceEnabled) && $this->_restServiceEnabled[$detail->sNamespace] == true ) { $oPlugin->registerRestService(); } return true; } } throw new Exception( "Unable to enable plugin '$sNamespace' (plugin not found)" ); }
/** * Set value in WE_DATA * * @param string $webEntryUid Unique id of Web Entry * * return void */ public function setWeData($webEntryUid) { try { //Verify data $this->throwExceptionIfNotExistsWebEntry($webEntryUid, $this->arrayFieldNameForException["webEntryUid"]); //Set variables $arrayWebEntryData = $this->getWebEntry($webEntryUid, true); $processUid = $arrayWebEntryData["PRO_UID"]; $taskUid = $arrayWebEntryData["TAS_UID"]; $dynaFormUid = $arrayWebEntryData["DYN_UID"]; $webEntryMethod = $arrayWebEntryData["WE_METHOD"]; $webEntryInputDocumentAccess = $arrayWebEntryData["WE_INPUT_DOCUMENT_ACCESS"]; $webEntryData = ""; $wsRoundRobin = 0; //0, 1 //0 - Cyclical Assignment $pathDataPublicProcess = PATH_DATA_PUBLIC . $processUid; //Delete previous files if (trim($arrayWebEntryData["WE_DATA"]) != "") { $fileName = str_replace(".php", "", trim($arrayWebEntryData["WE_DATA"])); $file = $pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . $fileName . ".php"; if (is_file($file) && file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); unlink($pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . $fileName . "Post.php"); } } //Create files \G::mk_dir($pathDataPublicProcess, 0777); $http = \G::is_https() ? "https://" : "http://"; switch ($webEntryMethod) { case "WS": require_once PATH_RBAC . "model" . PATH_SEP . "RbacUsers.php"; $user = new \RbacUsers(); $arrayUserData = $user->load($arrayWebEntryData["USR_UID"]); $usrUsername = $arrayUserData["USR_USERNAME"]; $usrPassword = $arrayUserData["USR_PASSWORD"]; $dynaForm = new \Dynaform(); $arrayDynaFormData = $dynaForm->Load($arrayWebEntryData["DYN_UID"]); //Creating sys.info; $sitePublicPath = ""; if (file_exists($sitePublicPath . "")) { } //Creating the first file $weTitle = $this->sanitizeFilename($arrayWebEntryData["WE_TITLE"]); $fileName = $weTitle; $fileContent = "<?php\n"; $fileContent .= "global \$_DBArray;\n"; $fileContent .= "if (!isset(\$_DBArray)) {\n"; $fileContent .= " \$_DBArray = array();\n"; $fileContent .= "}\n"; $fileContent .= "\$_SESSION[\"PROCESS\"] = \"" . $processUid . "\";\n"; $fileContent .= "\$_SESSION[\"CURRENT_DYN_UID\"] = \"" . $dynaFormUid . "\";\n"; $fileContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();\n"; $fileContent .= "G::LoadClass(\"pmDynaform\");\n"; $fileContent .= "\$a = new pmDynaform(array(\"CURRENT_DYNAFORM\" => \"" . $arrayWebEntryData["DYN_UID"] . "\"));\n"; $fileContent .= "if (\$a->isResponsive()) {"; $fileContent .= " \$a->printWebEntry(\"" . $fileName . "Post.php\");"; $fileContent .= "} else {"; $fileContent .= " \$G_PUBLISH->AddContent(\"dynaform\", \"xmlform\", \"" . $processUid . PATH_SEP . $dynaFormUid . "\", \"\", array(), \"" . $fileName . "Post.php\");\n"; $fileContent .= " G::RenderPage(\"publish\", \"blank\");"; $fileContent .= "}"; file_put_contents($pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . $fileName . ".php", $fileContent); //Creating the second file, the post file who receive the post form. $pluginTpl = PATH_TPL . "processes" . PATH_SEP . "webentryPost.tpl"; $template = new \TemplatePower($pluginTpl); $template->prepare(); $template->assign("wsdlUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/sys" . SYS_SYS . "/" . SYS_LANG . "/" . SYS_SKIN . "/services/wsdl2"); $template->assign("wsUploadUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/sys" . SYS_SYS . "/" . SYS_LANG . "/" . SYS_SKIN . "/services/upload"); $template->assign("processUid", $processUid); $template->assign("dynaformUid", $dynaFormUid); $template->assign("taskUid", $taskUid); $template->assign("wsUser", $usrUsername); $template->assign("wsPass", \Bootstrap::getPasswordHashType() . ':' . $usrPassword); $template->assign("wsRoundRobin", $wsRoundRobin); if ($webEntryInputDocumentAccess == 0) { //Restricted to process permissions $template->assign("USR_VAR", "\$cInfo = ws_getCaseInfo(\$caseId);\n\t \$USR_UID = \$cInfo->currentUsers->userId;"); } else { //No Restriction $template->assign("USR_VAR", "\$USR_UID = -1;"); } $template->assign("dynaform", $arrayDynaFormData["DYN_TITLE"]); $template->assign("timestamp", date("l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A")); $template->assign("ws", SYS_SYS); $template->assign("version", \System::getVersion()); $fileName = $pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . $weTitle . "Post.php"; file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent()); //Creating the third file, only if this wsClient.php file doesn't exist. $fileName = $pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . "wsClient.php"; $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . "templates" . PATH_SEP . "processes" . PATH_SEP . "wsClient.php"; if (file_exists($fileName)) { if (filesize($fileName) != filesize($pluginTpl)) { copy($fileName, $pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . "wsClient.php.bak"); unlink($fileName); $template = new \TemplatePower($pluginTpl); $template->prepare(); file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent()); } } else { $template = new \TemplatePower($pluginTpl); $template->prepare(); file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent()); } //Event $task = new \Task(); $arrayTaskData = $task->load($arrayWebEntryData["TAS_UID"]); $weEventUid = $task->getStartingEvent(); if ($weEventUid != "") { $event = new \Event(); $arrayEventData = array(); $arrayEventData["EVN_UID"] = $weEventUid; $arrayEventData["EVN_RELATED_TO"] = "MULTIPLE"; $arrayEventData["EVN_ACTION"] = $dynaFormUid; $arrayEventData["EVN_CONDITIONS"] = $usrUsername; $result = $event->update($arrayEventData); } //WE_DATA $webEntryData = $weTitle . ".php"; break; case "HTML": global $G_FORM; if (!class_exists("Smarty")) { $loader = \Maveriks\Util\ClassLoader::getInstance(); $loader->addClass("Smarty", PATH_THIRDPARTY . "smarty" . PATH_SEP . "libs" . PATH_SEP . "Smarty.class.php"); } $G_FORM = new \Form($processUid . "/" . $dynaFormUid, PATH_DYNAFORM, SYS_LANG, false); $G_FORM->action = $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/sys" . SYS_SYS . "/" . SYS_LANG . "/" . SYS_SKIN . "/services/cases_StartExternal.php"; $scriptCode = ""; $scriptCode = $G_FORM->render(PATH_TPL . "xmlform" . ".html", $scriptCode); $scriptCode = str_replace("/controls/", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/controls/", $scriptCode); $scriptCode = str_replace("/js/maborak/core/images/", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/js/maborak/core/images/", $scriptCode); //Render the template $pluginTpl = PATH_TPL . "processes" . PATH_SEP . "webentry.tpl"; $template = new \TemplatePower($pluginTpl); $template->prepare(); $step = new \Step(); $sUidGrids = $step->lookingforUidGrids($processUid, $dynaFormUid); $template->assign("URL_MABORAK_JS", \G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/js/maborak/core/maborak.js")); $template->assign("URL_TRANSLATION_ENV_JS", \G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/jscore/labels/" . SYS_LANG . ".js")); $template->assign("siteUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); $template->assign("sysSys", SYS_SYS); $template->assign("sysLang", SYS_LANG); $template->assign("sysSkin", SYS_SKIN); $template->assign("processUid", $processUid); $template->assign("dynaformUid", $dynaFormUid); $template->assign("taskUid", $taskUid); $template->assign("dynFileName", $processUid . "/" . $dynaFormUid); $template->assign("formId", $G_FORM->id); $template->assign("scriptCode", $scriptCode); if (sizeof($sUidGrids) > 0) { foreach ($sUidGrids as $k => $v) { $template->newBlock("grid_uids"); $template->assign("siteUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); $template->assign("gridFileName", $processUid . "/" . $v); } } //WE_DATA $html = str_replace("</body>", "</form></body>", str_replace("</form>", "", $template->getOutputContent())); $webEntryData = $html; break; } //Update //Update where $criteriaWhere = new \Criteria("workflow"); $criteriaWhere->add(\WebEntryPeer::WE_UID, $webEntryUid); //Update set $criteriaSet = new \Criteria("workflow"); $criteriaSet->add(\WebEntryPeer::WE_DATA, $webEntryData); \BasePeer::doUpdate($criteriaWhere, $criteriaSet, \Propel::getConnection("workflow")); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw $e; } }
define('PATH_TRUNK', $pathTrunk); define('PATH_OUTTRUNK', $pathOutTrunk); require_once (PATH_HOME . 'engine' . PATH_SEP . 'config' . PATH_SEP . 'paths.php'); require_once PATH_TRUNK . "framework/src/Maveriks/Util/ClassLoader.php"; //Class Loader - /ProcessMaker/BusinessModel $classLoader = \Maveriks\Util\ClassLoader::getInstance(); $classLoader->add(PATH_TRUNK . "framework" . PATH_SEP . "src" . PATH_SEP, "Maveriks"); $classLoader->add(PATH_TRUNK . "workflow" . PATH_SEP . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "src" . PATH_SEP, "ProcessMaker"); $classLoader->add(PATH_TRUNK . "workflow" . PATH_SEP . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "src" . PATH_SEP); //Add vendors to autoloader //$classLoader->add(PATH_TRUNK . "vendor" . PATH_SEP . "luracast" . PATH_SEP . "restler" . PATH_SEP . "vendor", "Luracast"); //$classLoader->add(PATH_TRUNK . "vendor" . PATH_SEP . "bshaffer" . PATH_SEP . "oauth2-server-php" . PATH_SEP . "src" . PATH_SEP, "OAuth2");
/** * create a new instance of local $rest Restler object */ protected function initRest($uri, $version, $multipart = false) { require_once $this->rootDir . "/framework/src/Maveriks/Extension/Restler/UploadFormat.php"; // $servicesDir contains directory where Services Classes are allocated $servicesDir = $this->workflowDir . 'engine' . DS . 'src' . DS . 'ProcessMaker' . DS . 'Services' . DS; // $apiDir - contains directory to scan classes and add them to Restler $apiDir = $servicesDir . 'Api' . DS; // $apiIniFile - contains file name of api ini configuration $apiIniFile = $servicesDir . DS . 'api.ini'; // $authenticationClass - contains the class name that validate the authentication for Restler $authenticationClass = 'ProcessMaker\\Services\\OAuth2\\Server'; // $pmOauthClientId - contains PM Local OAuth Id (Web Designer) $pmOauthClientId = 'x-pm-local-client'; /* * Load Api ini file for Rest Service */ $config = array(); if (file_exists($apiIniFile)) { $cachedConfig = $this->workspaceCacheDir . "api-config.php"; // verify if config cache file exists, is array and the last modification date is the same when cache was created. if (!file_exists($cachedConfig) || !is_array($config = (include $cachedConfig)) || $config["_chk"] != filemtime($apiIniFile)) { $config = Util\Common::parseIniFile($apiIniFile); $config["_chk"] = filemtime($apiIniFile); if (!is_dir(dirname($cachedConfig))) { Util\Common::mk_dir(dirname($cachedConfig)); } file_put_contents($cachedConfig, "<?php return " . var_export($config, true) . ";"); Util\Logger::log("Configuration cache was loaded and cached to: {$cachedConfig}"); } else { Util\Logger::log("Loading Api Configuration from: {$cachedConfig}"); } } // Setting current workspace to Api class Services\Api::setWorkspace(SYS_SYS); $cacheDir = defined("PATH_C") ? PATH_C : sys_get_temp_dir(); $sysConfig = \System::getSystemConfiguration(); \Luracast\Restler\Defaults::$cacheDirectory = $cacheDir; $productionMode = (bool) (!(isset($sysConfig["service_api_debug"]) && $sysConfig["service_api_debug"])); Util\Logger::log("Serving API mode: " . ($productionMode ? "production" : "development")); // create a new Restler instance //$rest = new \Luracast\Restler\Restler(); $this->rest = new \Maveriks\Extension\Restler($productionMode); // setting flag for multipart to Restler $this->rest->setFlagMultipart($multipart); // setting api version to Restler $this->rest->setAPIVersion($version); // adding $authenticationClass to Restler $this->rest->addAuthenticationClass($authenticationClass, ''); // Setting database connection source list($host, $port) = strpos(DB_HOST, ':') !== false ? explode(':', DB_HOST) : array(DB_HOST, ''); $port = empty($port) ? '' : ";port={$port}"; Services\OAuth2\Server::setDatabaseSource(DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_ADAPTER . ":host={$host};dbname=" . DB_NAME . $port); if (DB_NAME != DB_RBAC_NAME) { //it's PM < 3 list($host, $port) = strpos(DB_RBAC_HOST, ':') !== false ? explode(':', DB_RBAC_HOST) : array(DB_RBAC_HOST, ''); $port = empty($port) ? '' : ";port={$port}"; Services\OAuth2\Server::setDatabaseSourceRBAC(DB_RBAC_USER, DB_RBAC_PASS, DB_ADAPTER . ":host={$host};dbname=" . DB_RBAC_NAME . $port); } // Setting default OAuth Client id, for local PM Web Designer Services\OAuth2\Server::setPmClientId($pmOauthClientId); $this->rest->setOverridingFormats('JsonFormat', 'UploadFormat'); // scan all api directory to find api classes $classesList = Util\Common::rglob($apiDir . "/*"); foreach ($classesList as $classFile) { if (pathinfo($classFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'php') { $relClassPath = str_replace('.php', '', str_replace($servicesDir, '', $classFile)); $namespace = '\\ProcessMaker\\Services\\' . str_replace(DS, '\\', $relClassPath); $namespace = strpos($namespace, "//") === false ? $namespace : str_replace("//", '', $namespace); //if (! class_exists($namespace)) { require_once $classFile; //} $this->rest->addAPIClass($namespace); } } // adding aliases for Restler if (array_key_exists('alias', $config)) { foreach ($config['alias'] as $alias => $aliasData) { if (is_array($aliasData)) { foreach ($aliasData as $label => $namespace) { $namespace = '\\' . ltrim($namespace, '\\'); $this->rest->addAPIClass($namespace, $alias); } } } } // // Register API Plugins classes $isPluginRequest = strpos($uri, '/plugin-') !== false ? true : false; if ($isPluginRequest) { $tmp = explode('/', $uri); array_shift($tmp); $tmp = array_shift($tmp); $tmp = explode('-', $tmp); $pluginName = $tmp[1]; $uri = str_replace('plugin-' . $pluginName, strtolower($pluginName), $uri); } // hook to get rest api classes from plugins if (class_exists('PMPluginRegistry') && file_exists(PATH_DATA_SITE . 'plugin.singleton')) { $pluginRegistry = \PMPluginRegistry::loadSingleton(PATH_DATA_SITE . 'plugin.singleton'); $plugins = $pluginRegistry->getRegisteredRestServices(); if (!empty($plugins)) { foreach ($plugins as $pluginName => $plugin) { $pluginSourceDir = PATH_PLUGINS . $pluginName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src'; $loader = \Maveriks\Util\ClassLoader::getInstance(); $loader->add($pluginSourceDir); foreach ($plugin as $class) { if (class_exists($class['namespace'])) { $this->rest->addAPIClass($class['namespace'], strtolower($pluginName)); } } } } } Services\OAuth2\Server::setWorkspace(SYS_SYS); $this->rest->addAPIClass('\\ProcessMaker\\Services\\OAuth2\\Server', 'oauth2'); return $uri; }