Пример #1
  * Generates edit form and processes post data
  * @param int  $objectId
  * @param bool $ignorePost
  * @param bool $forceTypeSelection
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse|Response
 public function editAction($objectId, $ignorePost = false, $forceTypeSelection = false)
     /** @var \Mautic\FormBundle\Model\FormModel $model */
     $model = $this->factory->getModel('form');
     $formData = $this->request->request->get('mauticform');
     $sessionId = isset($formData['sessionId']) ? $formData['sessionId'] : null;
     if ($objectId instanceof Form) {
         $entity = $objectId;
         $objectId = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
     } else {
         $entity = $model->getEntity($objectId);
         // Process submit of cloned form
         if ($entity == null && $objectId == $sessionId) {
             $entity = $model->getEntity();
     $session = $this->factory->getSession();
     $cleanSlate = true;
     //set the page we came from
     $page = $this->factory->getSession()->get('mautic.form.page', 1);
     //set the return URL
     $returnUrl = $this->generateUrl('mautic_form_index', array('page' => $page));
     $postActionVars = array('returnUrl' => $returnUrl, 'viewParameters' => array('page' => $page), 'contentTemplate' => 'MauticFormBundle:Form:index', 'passthroughVars' => array('activeLink' => '#mautic_form_index', 'mauticContent' => 'form'));
     //form not found
     if ($entity === null) {
         return $this->postActionRedirect(array_merge($postActionVars, array('flashes' => array(array('type' => 'error', 'msg' => 'mautic.form.error.notfound', 'msgVars' => array('%id%' => $objectId))))));
     } elseif (!$this->factory->getSecurity()->hasEntityAccess('form:forms:editown', 'form:forms:editother', $entity->getCreatedBy())) {
         return $this->accessDenied();
     } elseif ($model->isLocked($entity)) {
         //deny access if the entity is locked
         return $this->isLocked($postActionVars, $entity, 'form.form');
     $action = $this->generateUrl('mautic_form_action', array('objectAction' => 'edit', 'objectId' => $objectId));
     $form = $model->createForm($entity, $this->get('form.factory'), $action);
     ///Check for a submitted form and process it
     if (!$ignorePost && $this->request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
         $valid = false;
         if (!($cancelled = $this->isFormCancelled($form))) {
             //set added/updated fields
             $modifiedFields = $session->get('mautic.form.' . $objectId . '.fields.modified', array());
             $deletedFields = $session->get('mautic.form.' . $objectId . '.fields.deleted', array());
             $fields = array_diff_key($modifiedFields, array_flip($deletedFields));
             //set added/updated actions
             $modifiedActions = $session->get('mautic.form.' . $objectId . '.actions.modified', array());
             $deletedActions = $session->get('mautic.form.' . $objectId . '.actions.deleted', array());
             $actions = array_diff_key($modifiedActions, array_flip($deletedActions));
             if ($valid = $this->isFormValid($form)) {
                 //make sure that at least one field is selected
                 if (empty($fields)) {
                     //set the error
                     $form->addError(new FormError($this->get('translator')->trans('mautic.form.form.fields.notempty', array(), 'validators')));
                     $valid = false;
                 } else {
                     $model->setFields($entity, $fields);
                     $model->deleteFields($entity, $deletedFields);
                     if ($entity->isStandalone()) {
                         if (!($alias = $entity->getAlias())) {
                             $alias = $model->cleanAlias($entity->getName(), '', 10);
                         if (!$entity->getId()) {
                             // Set timestamps because this is a new clone
                             $model->setTimestamps($entity, true, false);
                         // save the form first so that new fields are available to actions
                         // use the repository method to not trigger listeners twice
                         if (count($actions)) {
                             // Now set and persist the actions
                             $model->setActions($entity, $actions);
                         // Delete deleted actions
                         if (count($deletedActions)) {
                     } else {
                         // Clear the actions
                         // Delete all actions
                         if (count($modifiedActions)) {
                     // Persist and execute listeners
                     $model->saveEntity($entity, $form->get('buttons')->get('save')->isClicked());
                     // Reset objectId to entity ID (can be session ID in case of cloned entity)
                     $objectId = $entity->getId();
                     $this->addFlash('mautic.core.notice.updated', array('%name%' => $entity->getName(), '%menu_link%' => 'mautic_form_index', '%url%' => $this->generateUrl('mautic_form_action', array('objectAction' => 'edit', 'objectId' => $entity->getId()))));
                     if ($form->get('buttons')->get('save')->isClicked()) {
                         $viewParameters = array('objectAction' => 'view', 'objectId' => $entity->getId());
                         $returnUrl = $this->generateUrl('mautic_form_action', $viewParameters);
                         $template = 'MauticFormBundle:Form:view';
         } else {
             //unlock the entity
             $viewParameters = array('page' => $page);
             $returnUrl = $this->generateUrl('mautic_form_index', $viewParameters);
             $template = 'MauticFormBundle:Form:index';
         if ($cancelled || $valid && $form->get('buttons')->get('save')->isClicked()) {
             //remove fields from session
             // Clear session items in case columns changed
             $session->remove('mautic.formresult.' . $entity->getId() . '.orderby');
             $session->remove('mautic.formresult.' . $entity->getId() . '.orderbydir');
             $session->remove('mautic.formresult.' . $entity->getId() . '.filters');
             return $this->postActionRedirect(array_merge($postActionVars, array('returnUrl' => $returnUrl, 'viewParameters' => $viewParameters, 'contentTemplate' => $template)));
         } elseif ($form->get('buttons')->get('apply')->isClicked()) {
             //rebuild everything to include new ids
             $cleanSlate = true;
             $reorder = true;
     } else {
         $cleanSlate = true;
         //lock the entity
     // Get field and action settings
     $customComponents = $model->getCustomComponents();
     $fieldHelper = new FormFieldHelper($this->get('translator'));
     $availableFields = $fieldHelper->getList($customComponents['fields']);
     if ($cleanSlate) {
         //clean slate
         //load existing fields into session
         $modifiedFields = array();
         $usedLeadFields = array();
         $existingFields = $entity->getFields()->toArray();
         foreach ($existingFields as $formField) {
             // Check to see if the field still exists
             if ($formField->getType() !== 'button' && !isset($availableFields[$formField->getType()])) {
             $id = $formField->getId();
             $field = $formField->convertToArray();
             if (!$id) {
                 // Cloned entity
                 $id = $field['id'] = $field['sessionId'] = 'new' . hash('sha1', uniqid(mt_rand()));
             if (isset($customComponents['fields'][$field['type']])) {
                 // Set the custom parameters
                 $field['customParameters'] = $customComponents['fields'][$field['type']];
             $modifiedFields[$id] = $field;
             if (!empty($field['leadField'])) {
                 $usedLeadFields[$id] = $field['leadField'];
         $session->set('mautic.form.' . $objectId . '.fields.leadfields', $usedLeadFields);
         if (!empty($reorder)) {
             uasort($modifiedFields, function ($a, $b) {
                 return $a['order'] > $b['order'];
         $session->set('mautic.form.' . $objectId . '.fields.modified', $modifiedFields);
         $deletedFields = array();
         // Load existing actions into session
         $modifiedActions = array();
         $existingActions = $entity->getActions()->toArray();
         foreach ($existingActions as $formAction) {
             // Check to see if the action still exists
             if (!isset($customComponents['actions'][$formAction->getType()])) {
             $id = $formAction->getId();
             $action = $formAction->convertToArray();
             if (!$id) {
                 // Cloned entity so use a random Id instead
                 $action['id'] = $id = 'new' . hash('sha1', uniqid(mt_rand()));
             $modifiedActions[$id] = $action;
         if (!empty($reorder)) {
             uasort($modifiedActions, function ($a, $b) {
                 return $a['order'] > $b['order'];
         $session->set('mautic.form.' . $objectId . '.actions.modified', $modifiedActions);
         $deletedActions = array();
     return $this->delegateView(array('viewParameters' => array('fields' => $availableFields, 'actions' => $customComponents['choices'], 'formFields' => $modifiedFields, 'formActions' => $modifiedActions, 'deletedFields' => $deletedFields, 'deletedActions' => $deletedActions, 'tmpl' => $this->request->isXmlHttpRequest() ? $this->request->get('tmpl', 'index') : 'index', 'activeForm' => $entity, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'forceTypeSelection' => $forceTypeSelection), 'contentTemplate' => 'MauticFormBundle:Builder:index.html.php', 'passthroughVars' => array('activeLink' => '#mautic_form_index', 'mauticContent' => 'form', 'route' => $this->generateUrl('mautic_form_action', array('objectAction' => 'edit', 'objectId' => $entity->getId())))));