Пример #1
Файл: lib.php Проект: LeonB/site
 * Truncate a given HTML fragment to the desired length (measured as character
 * count), additionally performing some cleanup.
 * @param string $html The HTML fragment to clean up
 * @param int $desiredLength The desired number of characters, or NULL to do
 *                           just the cleanup (but no truncating).
 * @param string $ellipseStr If non-empty, this string will be appended to the
 *                           last collected node when the document gets
 *                           truncated.
 * @param bool $stripTags If TRUE, remove *all* HTML tags. Otherwise, keep a
 *                        whitelisted 'safe' set.
 * @param bool $nbsp If TRUE, convert all whitespace runs to non-breaking
 *                   spaces (' ' entities).
function trimToHTML($html, $desiredLength = null, $ellipseStr = "…", $stripTags = false, $nbsp = false)
    // We'll use htmlmaid to clean up the HTML, but because we also have to
    // step through the DOM ourselves to perform the trimming, so we'll do
    // the DOM loading ourselves, rather than leave it to Maid.
    // Do not load external entities - this would be a security risk.
    $prevEntityLoaderDisabled = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
    // Don't crash on invalid HTML, but recover gracefully
    $prevInternalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
    $doc = new \DOMDocument();
    // We need a bit of wrapping here to keep DOMDocument from adding rogue nodes
    // around our HTML. By doing it explicitly, we keep things under control.
    $doc->loadHTML('<!DOCTYPE html><html>' . '<head><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/></head>' . '<body><div>' . $html . '</div></body>' . '</html>');
    $options = array();
    if ($stripTags) {
        $options['allowed-tags'] = array();
    } else {
        $options['allowed-tags'] = array('a', 'div', 'p', 'b', 'i', 'hr', 'br', 'strong', 'em');
    $options['allowed-attribs'] = array('href', 'src', 'id', 'class', 'style');
    $maid = new Maid($options);
    $cleanedNodes = $maid->clean($doc->documentElement->firstChild->nextSibling->firstChild);
    // To collect the cleaned nodes from a node list into a containing node,
    // we have to create yet another document, because cloning nodes inside
    // the same ownerDocument for some reason modifies our node list.
    // I have no idea why, but it does.
    $cleanedDoc = new \DOMDocument();
    $cleanedNode = $cleanedDoc->createElement('div');
    $length = $cleanedNodes->length;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
        $node = $cleanedNodes->item($i);
        $cnode = $cleanedDoc->importNode($node, true);
    // And now we'll create yet another document (who's keeping count?) to
    // collect our trimmed nodes.
    $newDoc = new \DOMDocument();
    // Again, some wrapping is necessary here...
    $newNode = $newDoc->documentElement->firstChild->firstChild;
    $length = $desiredLength;
    _collectNodesUpToLength($cleanedNode, $newNode, $length, $ellipseStr);
    // Convert spaces inside text nodes to &nbsp;
    // This will actually insert the unicode non-breaking space, so we'll have
    // to massage our output at the HTML byte-string level later.
    if ($nbsp) {
    // This is some terrible shotgun hacking; for some reason, the above code
    // will sometimes put our desired nodes two levels deep, but in other
    // cases, it'll descend one less level. The proper solution would be
    // to sort out why this is, but for now, just detecting which of the
    // two happened seems to work well enough.
    if (isset($newNode->firstChild->firstChild->childNodes)) {
        $nodes = $newNode->firstChild->firstChild->childNodes;
    } elseif (isset($newNode->firstChild->childNodes)) {
        $nodes = $newNode->firstChild->childNodes;
    } else {
        $nodes = array();
    // And now we convert our target nodes to HTML.
    // Because we don't want any of the wrapper nodes to appear in the
    // output, we'll have to convert them one by one and concatenate the
    // HTML.
    $result = '';
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        $result .= Maid::renderFragment($node);
    if ($nbsp) {
        $result = str_replace(html_entity_decode('&nbsp;'), '&nbsp;', $result);
    // Restore previous libxml settings
    return $result;