Наследование: extends Token
Пример #1
  * compile {{with}} token
  * @param array<string,array|string|integer> $context current compile context
  * @param array<boolean|integer|string|array> $vars parsed arguments list
  * @return string|null Return compiled code segment for the token
 protected static function with(&$context, $vars)
     $v = isset($vars[1]) ? static::getVariableNameOrSubExpression($context, $vars[1]) : array(null, array());
     $bp = Parser::getBlockParams($vars);
     $bs = $bp ? 'array(' . Expression::listString($bp) . ')' : 'null';
     $be = $bp ? " as |{$bp['0']}|" : '';
     return $context['ops']['seperator'] . static::getFuncName($context, 'wi', 'with ' . $v[1] . $be) . "\$cx, {$v[0]}, {$bs}, \$in, function(\$cx, \$in) {{$context['ops']['f_start']}";
Пример #2
  * validate partial
  * @param array<string,array|string|integer> $context current compile context
  * @param array<boolean|integer|string|array> $vars parsed arguments list
  * @return integer|boolean Return 1 or larger number for runtime partial, return true for other case
 protected static function partial(&$context, $vars)
     if (Parser::isSubExp($vars[0])) {
         if ($context['flags']['runpart']) {
             return $context['usedFeature']['dynpartial']++;
         } else {
             $context['error'][] = "You use dynamic partial name as '{$vars[0][2]}', this only works with option FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL enabled";
             return true;
     } else {
         if ($context['currentToken'][Token::POS_OP] !== '#>') {
             Partial::read($context, $vars[0][0]);
     if (!$context['flags']['runpart']) {
         $named = count(array_diff_key($vars, array_keys(array_keys($vars)))) > 0;
         if ($named || count($vars) > 1) {
             $context['error'][] = "Do not support {{>{$context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG]}}}, you should do compile with LightnCandy::FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL flag";
     return true;