function _update_check() { $product_info = new \Leeflets\Product_Info($this->config, $this->hook, $this->router, $this->filesystem); $msg = ''; $problem = 'There was a problem (#%s) checking for a core update. You might want to check <a href=""></a> to see if there\'s a new version.'; $result = $product_info->refresh(); if (\Leeflets\Error::is_a($result)) { $msg = sprintf($problem, '1'); } elseif (!($core = $product_info->get('core'))) { $msg = sprintf($problem, '2'); } elseif (empty($core['version'])) { $msg = sprintf($problem, '3'); } elseif (version_compare($this->config->version, $core['version'], '<')) { $msg = 'There is a new version of Leeflets available. You are currently on version ' . htmlspecialchars($this->config->version) . '. Visit <a href=""></a> to download version ' . htmlspecialchars($core['version']) . '.'; } if ($msg) { $this->view->partial('core-update-msg', compact('msg')); } }
function addon($slug, $switch) { $addons_path = $this->config->addons_path . '/' . $slug; if (!is_dir($addons_path)) { echo "The addon '{$slug}' could not be found."; exit; } $result = $this->addon->toggle($slug, 'on' == $switch); if (\Leeflets\Error::is_a($result)) { echo $result->get_error_message(); exit; } exit; }