Автор: Vojtěch Kohout
Наследование: extends ReflectionClass
Пример #1
  * @param EntityReflection $entityReflection
  * @param string $tableAlias
  * @param string $prefix
  * @internal param string $entityClass
  * @return array
 public function formatSelect(EntityReflection $entityReflection, $tableAlias, $prefix = null)
     isset($prefix) or $prefix = $tableAlias;
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($entityReflection->getEntityProperties() as $property) {
         if (($column = $property->getColumn()) === null) {
         $fields["{$tableAlias}.{$column}"] = $prefix . self::PREFIX_SEPARATOR . $column;
     return $fields;
Пример #2
  * @param string $definition
  * @param EntityReflection $reflection
  * @throws InvalidAnnotationException
 public function __construct($definition, EntityReflection $reflection)
     $matches = [];
     preg_match('#^((?:\\\\?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*)+|self|static|parent)::([a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]+)\\*$#', $definition, $matches);
     if (empty($matches)) {
         throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Invalid enumeration definition given: '{$definition}'.");
     list(, $class, $prefix) = $matches;
     if ($class === 'self' or $class === 'static') {
         $constants = $reflection->getConstants();
     } elseif ($class === 'parent') {
         $constants = $reflection->getParentClass()->getConstants();
     } else {
         $aliases = $reflection->getAliases();
         $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($aliases->translate($class));
         $constants = $reflectionClass->getConstants();
     foreach ($constants as $name => $value) {
         if (substr($name, 0, strlen($prefix)) === $prefix) {
             $this->values[$name] = $value;
             $this->index[$value] = true;
Пример #3
     * Creates new Property instance from given annotation
     * @param string $annotationType
     * @param string $annotation
     * @param EntityReflection $entityReflection
     * @param IMapper|null $mapper
     * @return Property
     * @throws InvalidAnnotationException
    public static function createFromAnnotation($annotationType, $annotation, EntityReflection $entityReflection, IMapper $mapper = null)
        $aliases = $entityReflection->getAliases();
        $matches = [];
        $matched = preg_match('~
				"((?:\\\\"|[^"])+)" |  # double quoted string
				\'((?:\\\\\'|[^\'])+)\' |  # single quoted string
				([^ ]*))  # unquoted value
		~xi', $annotation, $matches);
        if (!$matched) {
            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Invalid property definition given: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
        $propertyType = new PropertyType($matches[2], $aliases);
        $isWritable = $annotationType === 'property';
        $containsCollection = $matches[3] !== '';
        if ($propertyType->isBasicType() and $containsCollection) {
            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Invalid property type definition given: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}. Lean Mapper doesn't support <type>[] notation for basic types.");
        $isNullable = ($matches[1] !== '' or $matches[4] !== '');
        $name = substr($matches[5], 1);
        $hasDefaultValue = false;
        $defaultValue = null;
        if (isset($matches[6]) and $matches[6] !== '') {
            $defaultValue = str_replace('\\"', '"', $matches[6]);
        } elseif (isset($matches[7]) and $matches[7] !== '') {
            $defaultValue = str_replace("\\'", "'", $matches[7]);
        } elseif (isset($matches[8]) and $matches[8] !== '') {
            $defaultValue = $matches[8];
        if ($defaultValue !== null) {
            $hasDefaultValue = true;
            try {
                $defaultValue = self::fixDefaultValue($defaultValue, $propertyType, $isNullable);
            } catch (InvalidAnnotationException $e) {
                throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Invalid property definition given: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}, " . lcfirst($e->getMessage()));
        $column = $mapper !== null ? $mapper->getColumn($entityReflection->getName(), $name) : $name;
        if (isset($matches[9]) and $matches[9] !== '') {
            $column = $matches[9];
        $relationship = null;
        $propertyMethods = null;
        $propertyFilters = null;
        $propertyPasses = null;
        $propertyValuesEnum = null;
        $customFlags = [];
        $customColumn = null;
        $customDefault = null;
        if (isset($matches[10])) {
            $flagMatches = [];
            preg_match_all('~m:([a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*)\\s*(?:\\(([^)]*)\\))?~', $matches[10], $flagMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            foreach ($flagMatches as $match) {
                $flag = $match[1];
                $flagArgument = (isset($match[2]) and $match[2] !== '') ? $match[2] : null;
                switch ($flag) {
                    case 'hasOne':
                    case 'hasMany':
                    case 'belongsToOne':
                    case 'belongsToMany':
                        if ($relationship !== null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("It doesn't make sense to have multiple relationship definitions in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        $relationship = self::createRelationship($entityReflection->getName(), $propertyType, $flag, $flagArgument, $mapper);
                        $column = null;
                        if ($relationship instanceof Relationship\HasOne) {
                            $column = $relationship->getColumnReferencingTargetTable();
                    case 'useMethods':
                        if ($propertyMethods !== null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Multiple m:useMethods flags found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        $propertyMethods = new PropertyMethods($name, $isWritable, $flagArgument);
                    case 'filter':
                        if ($propertyFilters !== null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Multiple m:filter flags found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        $propertyFilters = new PropertyFilters($flagArgument);
                    case 'passThru':
                        if ($propertyPasses !== null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Multiple m:passThru flags found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        $propertyPasses = new PropertyPasses($flagArgument);
                    case 'enum':
                        if ($propertyValuesEnum !== null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Multiple values enumerations found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        if ($flagArgument === null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Parameter of m:enum flag was not found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        $propertyValuesEnum = new PropertyValuesEnum($flagArgument, $entityReflection);
                    case 'column':
                        if ($customColumn !== null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Multiple column name settings found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        if ($flagArgument === null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Parameter of m:column flag was not found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        $customColumn = $flagArgument;
                    case 'default':
                        if ($customDefault !== null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Multiple default value settings found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        if ($flagArgument === null) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Parameter of m:default flag was not found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        $matched = preg_match('~
								"((?:\\\\"|[^"])+)" |      # double quoted string
								\'((?:\\\\\'|[^\'])+)\' |  # single quoted string
								([^ ]*)                    # unquoted value
						~xi', $flagArgument, $matches);
                        if (!$matched) {
                            throw new \Exception();
                        if (isset($matches[1]) and $matches[1] !== '') {
                            $customDefault = str_replace('\\"', '"', $matches[1]);
                        } elseif (isset($matches[2]) and $matches[2] !== '') {
                            $customDefault = str_replace("\\'", "'", $matches[2]);
                        } elseif (isset($matches[3]) and $matches[3] !== '') {
                            $customDefault = $matches[3];
                        if (array_key_exists($flag, $customFlags)) {
                            throw new InvalidAnnotationException("Multiple m:{$flag} flags found in property definition: @{$annotationType} {$annotation} in entity {$entityReflection->getName()}.");
                        $customFlags[$flag] = $flagArgument;
        $column = $customColumn ?: $column;
        $defaultValue = $customDefault ?: $defaultValue;
        return new Property($name, $entityReflection, $column, $propertyType, $isWritable, $isNullable, $containsCollection, $hasDefaultValue, $defaultValue, $relationship, $propertyMethods, $propertyFilters, $propertyPasses, $propertyValuesEnum, $customFlags);
Пример #4
  * @throws InvalidMethodCallException
 private function checkContainsEnumeration()
     if (!$this->containsEnumeration()) {
         throw new InvalidMethodCallException("It doesn't make sense to call enumeration related method on property '{$this->name}' in entity {$this->entityReflection->getName()} since it doesn't contain enumeration.");