Пример #1
 public function listContents($directory = null)
     $contents = $this->flysystem->listContents($directory);
     $collection = collect();
     foreach ($contents as $object) {
         $collection->push($this->getType($object['type'], $object));
     return $collection;
Пример #2
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $file = $input->getArgument("file");
     $list = array_filter($this->filesystem->listContents($file, true), function ($file) {
         return isset($file['type']) and ($file['type'] === "file" and isset($file['extension']) and $file['extension'] === "php");
     // If the file argument is not directory, the listContents will return empty array.
     // In this case the user has specified a file
     if (empty($list)) {
         $list = [["path" => $this->filesystem->get($file)->getPath()]];
     $dump = array_map(function ($file) use($output) {
         $output->writeln("Indexing " . $file['path'] . "...");
         return Indexer::index($this->filesystem->get($file['path']));
     }, $list);
     $table = new Table($output);
     $outputs = [];
     foreach ($dump as $a) {
         foreach ($a["functions"] as $val) {
             $outputs[] = [$val['file']->getPath(), $val['function'], implode(", ", array_map(function ($param) {
                 return implode('|', $param['type']) . " " . $param['name'];
             }, $val['arguments'])), implode(", ", $val['return']), (string) $val['scope']];
     $output->writeln("Indexing complete!");
     $output->writeln("Scanned " . count($list) . " files.");
     $output->writeln("Detected " . count($outputs) . " functions.");
     $output->writeln("Rendering Table...");
     $table->setHeaders(['File', 'Function', 'Arguments', 'Return', 'Scope'])->setRows($outputs);
Пример #3
  * Flush will flush all cached data.
 public function flush()
     $contents = $this->filesystem->listContents();
     foreach ($contents as $content) {
Пример #4
 public function getResourcesList()
     $resourcesToBackup = array();
     $filesystemContents = $this->filesystem->listContents('', true);
     foreach ($filesystemContents as $content) {
         $resourcesToBackup[] = new RemoteResource($content['path'], $content['type']);
     return $resourcesToBackup;
 public function posts() : Collection
     return collect($this->filesystem->listContents('posts'))->filter(function (array $item) {
         return $item['type'] === 'dir';
     })->flatMap(function (array $item) {
         return $this->filesystem->listContents($item['path']);
     })->map(function (array $item) {
         $contents = $this->getFile($item['path']);
         return $contents ? Article::create($this->frontMatterParser->parse($contents), url("{$item['dirname']}/{$item['filename']}")) : null;
     })->filter(function ($item) {
         return $item !== null;
     })->sort(function (Article $articleA, Article $articleB) {
         return $articleA->date->getTimeStamp() < $articleB->date->getTimeStamp();
 public function testListContents()
     $list = $this->filesystem->listContents('');
     $this->assertArraySubset([['type' => 'file', 'path' => '2.txt'], ['type' => 'file', 'path' => '3.txt'], ['type' => 'dir', 'path' => 'test']], $list);
     $list = $this->filesystem->listContents('', true);
     $this->assertArraySubset([['type' => 'file', 'path' => '2.txt'], ['type' => 'file', 'path' => '3.txt'], ['type' => 'dir', 'path' => 'test'], ['type' => 'file', 'path' => 'test/1.txt']], $list);
 public function testDeleteMockResourceExistsSizes()
     $resourceDO = $this->getResourceDOMock();
     $this->filesystem->put($resourceDO->getFilePath(), '');
     $resourceDOSize10x11 = $this->getResourceDOMock();
     $this->filesystem->put($resourceDOSize10x11->getFilePath(), '');
     $resourceDOSize20x21 = $this->getResourceDOMock();
     $this->filesystem->put($resourceDOSize20x21->getFilePath(), '');
     $yetAnotherWrongDO = clone $resourceDO;
     $this->wrongFiles->create($resourceDO, 'Wrong1');
     $this->wrongFiles->create($resourceDOSize10x11, 'Wrong2');
     $this->wrongFiles->create($resourceDOSize20x21, 'Wrong3');
     $this->wrongFiles->create($yetAnotherWrongDO, 'Wrong4');
     $modelFiles = $this->filesystem->listContents('/', true);
     // Make the expected model looks like filesystem after the command execution
     // With this model we will be sure that other files have not been deleted
     unset($modelFiles[56], $modelFiles[57]);
     $modelFiles[55] = ['type' => 'dir', 'path' => 'testBase/png/def/def/0/c9f/20x21', 'dirname' => 'testBase/png/def/def/0/c9f', 'basename' => '20x21', 'filename' => '20x21'];
     $command = $this->getCommand($resourceDO);
     $result = $command();
     $result = $this->filesystem->listContents('/', true);
     $this->assertEquals($modelFiles, $result);
Пример #8
 public function testListContents()
     $rawListing = [['path' => 'other_root/file.txt'], ['path' => 'valid/to_deep/file.txt'], ['path' => 'valid/file.txt']];
     $expected = [Util::pathinfo('valid/file.txt')];
     $this->prophecy->listContents('valid', false)->willReturn($rawListing);
     $output = $this->filesystem->listContents('valid', false);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
Пример #9
  * @inheritdoc
 protected function _scandir($path)
     $paths = array();
     foreach ($this->fs->listContents($path, false) as $object) {
         $paths[] = $object['path'];
     return $paths;
 public function file()
     $adapter = new Local('app');
     $filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
     $contents = $filesystem->listContents();
     echo '<pre>';
     echo '</pre>';
  * @return Collection
 private function getItemsToDelete()
     return collect($this->filesystem->listContents("/Api"))->filter(function ($content) {
         if ($content['filename'] === "Endpoint") {
             return false;
         return true;
Пример #12
  * Deploy files to the remote filesystem.
  * @return void
 public function deployToRemote()
     $local_path = $this->relativeDumpPath();
     $files = $this->localAdapter->listContents($local_path);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $contents = $this->localAdapter->readStream($local_path . $file['basename']);
         $file_size = $this->localAdapter->getSize($local_path . $file['basename']);
         $this->out($this->parseString('Uploading %s (%s)', [$file['basename'], $this->formatBytes($file_size)], 'light_green'));
         $this->remoteAdapter->writeStream($local_path . $file['basename'], $contents);
Пример #13
  * @param string $path
  * @return array
 public function foldersNames($path)
     $files = $this->filesystem->listContents($path);
     $names = [];
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file['type'] === 'dir') {
             $names[] = $file['filename'];
     return $names;
Пример #14
  * @param string $providerPrefix
  * @return bool
 public function invalidate($providerPrefix)
     $pattern = $this->prefix . strtolower($providerPrefix) . '_';
     $files = $this->filesystem->listContents();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (stripos($file['filename'], $pattern) === 0) {
     return true;
Пример #15
	 * {@inheritdoc}
	public function opendir($path) {
		try {
			$content = $this->flysystem->listContents($this->buildPath($path));
		} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
			return false;
		$names = array_map(function ($object) {
			return $object['basename'];
		}, $content);
		return IteratorDirectory::wrap($names);
Пример #16
  * Clean the cache dir.
  * @throws \DomainException
  * @return void
 public static function cleanCache()
     $filesystem = new Filesystem(new Local(self::$cacheDir));
     foreach ($filesystem->listContents() as $path) {
         if ('dir' == $path['type']) {
             if (false == $filesystem->deleteDir($path['path'])) {
                 throw new \DomainException('Can not clean the cache.');
Пример #17
  * Get an object from the filesystem based on its path.
  * Dependening on the adapter in the underlying flysystem, this might treat
  * empty directories as if they would not exist (e.g. for ZipArchiveAdapter).
  * @param   string  $path
  * @return  FSObject|null
 public function get($path)
     // TODO: This does not deal with ~ for home directory.
     // For ZipArchiveAdapter this is required to get the directories correctly,
     // as Filesystem::get will raise.
     if ($this->filesystem->listContents($path)) {
         return new Directory($this, $path);
     try {
         $info = $this->filesystem->getMetadata($path);
         if ($info) {
             if ($info["type"] == "file") {
                 return new File($this, $path);
             return new Directory($this, $path);
     } catch (\League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException $e) {
         return null;
     return null;
Пример #18
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function flush()
     $files = $this->filesystem->listContents();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         try {
         } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
             // don't care if we failed to unlink something, might have
             // been deleted by other process in the meantime...
     return true;
Пример #19
  * List the files and directories in the given directory path.
  * @param string   $path      The subdirectory path within this directory
  * @param bool     $recursive Find files and directories recursively
  * @param string[] $types     Entry types to return ('file' and/or 'dir')
  * @return Collection<File|Directory>
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 protected function getEntries($path = '', $recursive = true, $types = ['file', 'dir'])
     $contents = $this->fs->listContents($this->getInternalPath($path), $recursive);
     if (!$contents) {
         $contents = [];
     $contents = array_filter($contents, function ($metadata) use($types) {
         return in_array($metadata['type'], $types);
     return Collection\InMemory::fromArray(array_map(function ($metadata) {
         if ($metadata['type'] === 'file') {
             return new File($this, $metadata['path']);
         return new self($this->fs, $this->local_path, $metadata['path']);
     }, $contents));
Пример #20
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $dir = $input->getOption("dir");
     $dir = realpath(getcwd() . "/" . ($dir ?: ""));
     if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writeable($dir)) {
         $output->writeln("<error>Given directory does not exists or is not writeable</error>");
     $fs = new Filesystem(new Adapter($dir));
     $files = $fs->listContents("", true);
     $updates = [];
     $errors = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file['type'] === 'dir') {
         $content = $fs->read($file['path']);
         $content = preg_replace_callback(static::SEMVER_REGEX, function ($matches) use(&$updates, &$errors, $input) {
             list($prefix, $ver) = array_slice($matches, 1);
             try {
                 $semver = new version($ver);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 return $prefix . $ver;
             if ($input->getOption("major")) {
             } elseif ($input->getOption("minor")) {
             } elseif ($input->getOption("patch")) {
             } else {
             if (!isset($updates[$ver])) {
                 $updates[$ver] = ["count" => 0, "ver" => $semver->getVersion()];
             return $prefix . $semver->getVersion();
         }, $content);
         $fs->update($file['path'], $content);
     foreach ($updates as $update => $count) {
         $output->writeln("<info>{$count['count']} files have been updated from {$update} to {$count['ver']}</info>");
 public function testDeleteResourceButLeaveOther()
     $resourceDO = $this->getResourceDOMock();
     $this->filesystem->put($resourceDO->getFilePath(), '');
     $model = $this->filesystem->listContents('/', true);
     $model[30] = ['type' => 'dir', 'path' => 'testBase/testType/def/def/1', 'dirname' => 'testBase/testType/def/def', 'basename' => '1', 'filename' => '1'];
     $model[31] = ['type' => 'dir', 'path' => 'testBase/testType/def/def/1/c9f', 'dirname' => 'testBase/testType/def/def/1', 'basename' => 'c9f', 'filename' => 'c9f'];
     $model[32] = ['type' => 'file', 'visibility' => 'public', 'size' => 0, 'path' => 'testBase/testType/def/def/1/c9f/c9f7e81bafc626421e04b573022e6203.testType', 'dirname' => 'testBase/testType/def/def/1/c9f', 'basename' => 'c9f7e81bafc626421e04b573022e6203.testType', 'extension' => 'testType', 'filename' => 'c9f7e81bafc626421e04b573022e6203'];
     $command = $this->getCommand($resourceDO);
     $result = $command();
     $this->assertEquals($resourceDO, $result);
     $result = $this->filesystem->listContents('/', true);
     $this->assertEquals($model, $result);
Пример #22
  * Rename lessons, adding 0 padding to the number.
 public function renameLessonsWithRightPadding()
     $list = $this->system->listContents(LESSONS_FOLDER);
     foreach ($list as $entry) {
         if ($entry['type'] != 'file') {
         $originalName = $entry['basename'];
         $oldNumber = substr($originalName, 0, strpos($originalName, '-'));
         if (strlen($oldNumber) == 4) {
         // already correct
         $newNumber = sprintf("%04d", $oldNumber);
         $nameWithoutNumber = substr($originalName, strpos($originalName, '-') + 1);
         $newName = $newNumber . '-' . $nameWithoutNumber;
         $this->system->rename(LESSONS_FOLDER . '/' . $originalName, LESSONS_FOLDER . '/' . $newName);
Пример #23
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $version = $input->getArgument("version");
     try {
         $semver = new version($version);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $output->writeln("<error>Given version is not valid. Please provide a semver version</error>");
     $version = $semver->getVersion();
     $dir = $input->getOption("dir");
     $dir = realpath(getcwd() . "/" . ($dir ?: ""));
     if (!is_dir($dir) || is_writeable($dir)) {
         $output->writeln("Given directory does not exists or is not writeable");
     $fs = new Filesystem(new Adapter($dir));
     $files = $fs->listContents("", true);
     $updates = [];
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file['type'] === 'dir') {
         $content = $fs->read($file['path']);
         $content = preg_replace_callback(static::SEMVER_REGEX, function ($matches) use($version, &$updates) {
             list($prefix, $ver) = array_slice($matches, 1);
             if (!isset($updates[$ver])) {
                 $updates[$ver] = 0;
             return $prefix . $version;
         }, $content);
         $fs->update($file['path'], $content);
     foreach ($updates as $update => $count) {
         $output->writeln("<info>{$count} files have been updated from {$update} to {$version}</info>");
Пример #24
  * @param Filesystem $source      The source file system to archive
  * @param string     $archiveFile The name of the archive/zip file. Extension is optional, allowing me to decide
  * @return bool|string If successful, the actual file name (without a path) is return. False otherwise
 protected static function archiveTree(Filesystem $source, $archiveFile)
     //  Add file extension if missing
     $archiveFile = static::ensureFileSuffix('.zip', $archiveFile);
     //  Create our zip container
     $_archive = new Filesystem(new ZipArchiveAdapter($archiveFile));
     try {
         foreach ($source->listContents('', true) as $_file) {
             if ('dir' == $_file['type']) {
             } elseif ('link' == $_file['type']) {
                 $_archive->put($_file['path'], $_file['target']);
             } elseif ('file' == $_file['type']) {
                 file_exists($_file['path']) && static::writeStream($_archive, $_file['path'], $_file['path']);
     } catch (\Exception $_ex) {
         \Log::error('Exception exporting instance storage: ' . $_ex->getMessage());
         return false;
     //  Force-close the zip
     return basename($archiveFile);
Пример #25
 public function testNoop()
     $filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter\Local(__DIR__ . '/files'), new Cache\Noop());
     $filesystem->write('test.txt', 'contents');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $filesystem->listContents());
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $filesystem->listContents('', true));
     $cache = $filesystem->getCache();
     $cache->setComplete('', false);
     $this->assertFalse($cache->isComplete('', false));
     $this->assertFalse($cache->listContents('', false));
     $this->assertFalse($cache->rename('', ''));
     $this->assertFalse($cache->copy('', ''));
     $this->assertEquals(array(), $cache->storeContents('unknwon', array(array('path' => 'some/file.txt')), false));
Пример #26
 public function isActive($identifier)
     $exists = false;
     $adapter = new Local('/var/www/crm_container');
     $filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
     $contents = $filesystem->listContents('/');
     foreach ($contents as $directory) {
         if ($directory['basename'] == $identifier) {
             $exists = true;
             return $exists;
     return $exists;
Пример #27
$auth_token = '{"access_token":"ya29.IQD9DFJHv7U1kBgAAAAJSdBBwvJq8lmEj8f9RBsXbK5uX82vXlvlQAbn_pL2Rg","token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":3600,"refresh_token":"1\\/_RAFGmxs0bQBSCCI3hJYnntuGiyXq28UGCdsW8E1cb4","created":1401030654}';
// This URL should be the landing page after authorising the site access to your Google Drive.
// It should store your $auth_token or display it for manual entry.
$redirect_url = 'http://localhost/flysystem/GoogleDriveSetup.php';
$client = new Google_Client();
$token = $client->getAccessToken();
if (isset($auth_token)) {
    $refreshToken = json_decode($token);
    $refreshToken = $refreshToken->refresh_token;
    if ($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
        echo "Your access token for Google Drive is:<br /><br />\n\n";
        echo $client->getAccessToken();
        echo "\n\n<br /><br />This is your \$auth_token value. Set it in the configuration file.";
    } else {
        $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
        die("You must first authorise the plugin. Make sure your client ID and secret are set then <a href='{$authUrl}'>click here</a> to do so.");
$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter($client));
echo nl2br(print_r($filesystem->listContents("/"), true));
Пример #28
  * Get all of the directories within a given directory.
  * @param  string|null  $directory
  * @param  bool  $recursive
  * @return array
 public function directories($directory = null, $recursive = false)
     $contents = parent::listContents($directory, $recursive);
     return $this->filterContentsByType($contents, 'dir');
  * Returns an iterable {@see Generator} of all files / variants for the given $fileID in the given $filesystem
  * This includes the empty (no) variant.
  * @param string $fileID ID of original file to compare with.
  * @param Filesystem $filesystem
  * @return Generator
 protected function findVariants($fileID, Filesystem $filesystem)
     $dirname = ltrim(dirname($fileID), '.');
     foreach ($filesystem->listContents($dirname) as $next) {
         if ($next['type'] !== 'file') {
         $nextID = $next['path'];
         // Compare given file to target, omitting variant
         if ($fileID === $this->removeVariant($nextID)) {
             (yield $nextID);
Пример #30
  * Display an error "page" if no options have been found for a given command.
  * @param   string  $dir  The base directory for the commands.
  * @return  $this
  * @since   1.0
 public function displayMissingOption($dir)
     $command = strtolower(join('', array_slice(explode('\\', get_class($this)), -1)));
     $this->getApplication()->outputTitle(sprintf(g11n3t('Command: %s'), ucfirst($command)));
     $errorTitle1 = g11n3t(sprintf('Missing option for command: %s', $command));
     $errorTitle2 = g11n3t('Please use one of the following :');
     $maxLen = strlen($errorTitle1) > strlen($errorTitle2) ? strlen($errorTitle1) : strlen($errorTitle2);
     $filesystem = new Filesystem(new Local($dir));
     $this->out('<error>  ' . str_repeat(' ', $maxLen) . '  </error>');
     $this->out('<error>  ' . $errorTitle1 . str_repeat(' ', $maxLen - strlen($errorTitle1)) . '  </error>');
     $this->out('<error>  ' . $errorTitle2 . str_repeat(' ', $maxLen - strlen($errorTitle2)) . '  </error>');
     $this->out('<error>  ' . str_repeat(' ', $maxLen) . '  </error>');
     $files = $filesystem->listContents();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $cmd = strtolower($file['filename']);
         if ('file' != $file['type'] || $command == $cmd) {
             // Exclude the base class
         $this->out('<error>  ' . $command . ' ' . $cmd . str_repeat(' ', $maxLen - strlen($cmd) - strlen($command) + 1) . '</error>');
     $this->out('<error>  ' . str_repeat(' ', $maxLen) . '  </error>');