Пример #1
  * Get available ceil for download/upload
  * @package     las
  * @version     1.0
  * @param mixed $type type of ceil
  * @return int
 public static function ceil($type)
     $wans = Networks::find(['type=:type: AND status=:status:', 'bind' => ['type' => Networks::WAN, 'status' => Networks::ACTIVE]]);
     $ceil = 0;
     foreach ($wans as $wan) {
         $ceil += $wan->{$type};
     return $ceil;
Пример #2
  * Index action - display all networks
  * @package     las
  * @version     1.0
 public function indexAction()
     // Available sort to choose
     $this->filter->add('in_array', function ($value) {
         return in_array($value, ['interface', 'interface DESC', 'name', 'name DESC', 'subnetwork', 'subnetwork DESC', 'status', 'status DESC', 'type', 'type DESC']) ? $value : null;
     // Get networks and prepare pagination
     $paginator = new Paginator(["data" => Networks::find(['order' => $this->request->getQuery('order', 'in_array', 'id', true)]), "limit" => $this->request->getQuery('limit', 'int', 20, true), "page" => $this->request->getQuery('page', 'int', 1, true)]);
     $this->view->setVars(['pagination' => $paginator->getPaginate(), 'bitRate' => Settings::options('bitRate', $this->las['general']['bitRate'])]);
Пример #3
  * Display firewall code
  * @package     las
  * @version     1.0
 public static function display($path, $vars = [])
     $di = \Phalcon\DI::getDefault();
     if ($di->getShared('router')->getModuleName() == 'cli') {
         $view = $di->getShared('view');
     } else {
         $view = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View();
         $view->registerEngines(\Las\Library\Tool::registerEngines($view, $di));
     $settings = json_decode(json_encode(\Las\Library\Arr::from_model(Settings::find('status=' . Settings::ACTIVE), 'name', 'value')));
     $lans = Networks::find('status = ' . Networks::ACTIVE . ' AND type = ' . Networks::LAN);
     $wans = Networks::find('status = ' . Networks::ACTIVE . ' AND type = ' . Networks::WAN);
     $vars = ['clients' => Clients::find(), 'devices' => Devices::find('status=' . Devices::ACTIVE), 'messages' => Messages::find('status=' . Messages::ACTIVE), 'tariffs' => Tariffs::find('status=' . Tariffs::ACTIVE), 'settings' => $settings, 'redirects' => Redirects::find('status=' . Redirects::ACTIVE), 'services' => Services::find('status=' . Services::ACTIVE . ' AND client_id=0 AND device_id=0'), 'lans' => $lans, 'lan' => $lans->getFirst(), 'wans' => $wans, 'wan' => $wans->getFirst(), 'ipt' => $settings->iptables, 'tc' => $settings->tc, 'EOL' => PHP_EOL];
     $view->setViewsDir(ROOT_PATH . '/app/common/cache/volt/app/cli/views/');
     $view->partial($path, $vars);
     return preg_replace(['/^\\s+|^[\\t\\s]*\\n+/m', "/\r/"], '', ob_get_clean());
     //return preg_replace('/^\s+|^[\t\s]*\n+/m', "/\x0D/"], '', $view->partial($path, $vars, false));
Пример #4
  * Edit action - edit the device
  * @package     las
  * @version     1.0
 public function editAction()
     // Get id from url params and check if record exist
     $params = $this->router->getParams();
     if (isset($params[0]) && ($device = Devices::findFirst($params[0]))) {
         $clients = Clients::find(['status!=:status:', 'bind' => ['status' => Clients::UNACTIVE]]);
         $networks = Networks::find(['status=:status:', 'bind' => ['status' => Networks::ACTIVE]]);
         if (!count($clients)) {
             $this->flashSession->notice($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Notice') . '!</strong> ' . __("Please add the client first") . ': ' . $this->tag->linkTo('admin/clients/add', __('Add')));
         if (!count($networks)) {
             $this->flashSession->notice($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Notice') . '!</strong> ' . __("Please add the network first") . ': ' . $this->tag->linkTo('admin/networks/add', __('Add')));
         // Set title, pick view and send variables
         $this->tag->setTitle(__('Devices') . ' / ' . __('Edit'));
         $this->view->setVars(['clients' => $clients, 'networks' => $networks, 'type' => Devices::type(true), 'status' => Devices::status(true)]);
         // Check if the form has been sent
         if ($this->request->isPost() === true && $this->request->hasPost('submit')) {
             $device->__set('clients', $clients);
             $device->__set('networks', $networks);
             $valid = $device->write('update');
             // Check if data are valid
             if ($valid instanceof Devices) {
                 $this->flashSession->success($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Success') . '!</strong> ' . __("The data has been saved."));
             } else {
                 $this->view->setVar('errors', $valid);
                 $this->flashSession->warning($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Warning') . '!</strong> ' . __("Please correct the errors."));
         } else {
             // Values to fill out the form
             $this->tag->setDefaults(['name' => $device->name, 'network' => $device->network_id, 'client' => $device->client_id, 'type' => $device->type, 'IP' => long2ip($device->IP), 'MAC' => $device->MAC, 'description' => $device->description, 'status' => $device->status]);
     } else {
Пример #5
  * Edit action - edit the tariff
  * @package     las
  * @version     1.0
 public function editAction()
     // Get id from url params and check if record exist
     $params = $this->router->getParams();
     if (isset($params[0]) && ($tariff = Tariffs::findFirst($params[0]))) {
         $networks = Networks::find(['type=:type:', 'bind' => ['type' => Networks::WAN]]);
         if (!count($networks)) {
             $this->flashSession->notice($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Notice') . '!</strong> ' . __("Please add the network first") . ': ' . $this->tag->linkTo('admin/networks/add', __('Add')));
         // Set title, pick view and send variables
         $this->tag->setTitle(__('Tariffs') . ' / ' . __('Edit'));
         $this->view->setVars(['status' => Tariffs::status(true), 'bitRate' => \Las\Models\Settings::options('bitRate', $this->las['general']['bitRate'])]);
         // Check if the form has been sent
         if ($this->request->isPost() === true && $this->request->hasPost('submit')) {
             $valid = $tariff->write('update');
             // Check if data are valid
             if ($valid instanceof Tariffs) {
                 $this->flashSession->success($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Success') . '!</strong> ' . __("The data has been saved."));
             } else {
                 $this->view->setVar('errors', $valid);
                 $this->flashSession->warning($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Warning') . '!</strong> ' . __("Please correct the errors."));
         } else {
             // Values to fill out the form
     } else {