Пример #1
  * Generates HTML with drop-down roles menu
  * and a Shred button if current Viewer has necessary
  * permissions
  * @param Registry $Registry
  * @param User $User user whose profile is being viewed now
  * @return string html fragment with Form and button
 public static function getHtml(Registry $Registry, User $User)
     $oACL = $Registry->Acl;
     $options = '';
     $shredButton = '';
     $token = '';
     $uid = $User->getUid();
     $role = $Registry->Viewer->getRoleId();
     d('role: ' . $role);
     if ($oACL->isAllowed($role, null, 'change_user_role')) {
         d('change_user_role is allowed');
         $userRole = $User->getRoleId();
         $roles = $oACL->getRegisteredRoles();
         $token = Form::generateToken();
         foreach ($roles as $roleName => $val) {
             $selected = $roleName === $userRole ? ' selected' : '';
             $options .= "\n" . vsprintf('<option value="%1$s"%2$s>%1$s</option>', array($roleName, $selected));
     if ($oACL->isAllowed($role, null, 'shred_user')) {
         d('getting shred button');
         $shredButton = '<div class="fl cb"><input type="button" class="ajax btn_shred rounded4" value="@@Shred User@@" id="shred' . $uid . '"></div>';
     if (empty($options) && empty($shredButton)) {
         return '';
     return \tplSelectrole::parse(array($token, $uid, $options, $shredButton), false);
Пример #2
  * Parse the avatar file in $tempPath,
  * by creating small square image from it,
  * save into file system and then add path to new avatar
  * in User object as 'avatar' element
  * @param User $User
  * @param unknown_type $tempPath
  * @throws \Lampcms\Exception
  * @return object $this
 public function addAvatar(User $User, $tempPath)
     d('$tempPath: ' . $tempPath);
     if (empty($tempPath)) {
         d('no avatar to add');
         return $this;
     $size = $this->Registry->Ini->AVATAR_SQUARE_SIZE;
     $avatarDir = LAMPCMS_DATA_DIR . 'img' . DS . 'avatar' . DS . 'sqr' . DS;
     d('$avatarDir: ' . $avatarDir);
     $savePath = Path::prepare($User->getUid(), $avatarDir);
     d('$savePath: ' . $savePath);
      * Create avatar and save it
      * with compression level of 80% (small compression)
     $ImgParser = \Lampcms\Image\Editor::factory($this->Registry)->loadImage($tempPath)->makeSquare($size);
     $savePath .= $ImgParser->getExtension();
     $ImgParser->save($avatarDir . $savePath, null, 80);
     d('avatar saved to ' . $savePath);
     //} catch(\Lampcms\ImageException $e){
     //e('ImageException caught in: '.$e->getFile().' on line: '.$e->getLine().' error: '.$e->getMessage());
     //throw new \Lampcms\Exception('Unable to process your avatar image at this time');
      * Now remove tempPath file
      * Now add the path to avatar
      * to user object
      * save() is not invoked on User object here!
      * Either rely on auto-save (may not work in case User is
      * actually the Viewer object) or call save()
      * from a function that invoked this method
     $User['avatar'] = $savePath;
     return $this;
Пример #3
  * Approve pending resource
  * @param User $Moderator User object of user who approved this Question
  * @return mixed true if status was changed|int status code of question
 public function setApprovedStatus(\Lampcms\User $Moderator)
     $status = $this->offsetGet(Schema::RESOURCE_STATUS_ID);
     if ($status === Schema::PENDING) {
         $this->offsetSet(Schema::RESOURCE_STATUS_ID, Schema::POSTED);
         $this->offsetSet(Schema::APPROVED_BY_ID, $Moderator->getUid());
         $this->offsetSet(Schema::APPROVED_BY_USERNAME, $Moderator->getDisplayName());
         $this->offsetSet(Schema::APPROVED_TIMESTAMP, time());
         return true;
     return $status;
Пример #4
  * Adds a_edited array of data to Question
  * @param User   $user
  * @param string $reason reason for editing
  * @return object $this
 public function setEdited(User $user, $reason = '')
     if (!empty($reason)) {
         $reason = \strip_tags((string) $reason);
     $aEdited = $this->offsetGet('a_edited');
     if (empty($aEdited) || !is_array($aEdited)) {
         $aEdited = array();
     $aEdited[] = array('username' => $user->getDisplayName(), 'i_uid' => $user->getUid(), 'av' => $user->getAvatarSrc(), 'reason' => $reason, 'i_ts' => time(), 'hts' => date('F j, Y g:i a T'));
     parent::offsetSet('a_edited', $aEdited);
     return $this;
Пример #5
  * Process follow user request
  * @param \Lampcms\User|Object $User   object of type User user who follows
  * @param int                  $userid id user being followed (followee)
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return object $this
 public function followUser(User $User, $userid)
     if (!is_int($userid)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$userid must be an integer');
     $aFollowed = $User['a_f_u'];
     d('$aFollowed: ' . print_r($aFollowed, 1));
     if (in_array($userid, $aFollowed)) {
         e('User ' . $User->getUid() . ' is already following $userid ' . $userid);
         return $this;
     $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($User, 'onBeforeUserFollow', array('uid' => $userid));
     $aFollowed[] = $userid;
     $User['a_f_u'] = $aFollowed;
     $User['i_f_u'] = count($aFollowed);
     $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($User, 'onUserFollow', array('uid' => $userid));
     $this->Registry->Mongo->USERS->update(array('_id' => $userid), array('$inc' => array('i_flwrs' => 1)));
     return $this;
Пример #6
  * Logic: For guests dont check question owner id
  * For others: insert into QUESTION_VIEWS first as a way
  * to test for duplicates.
  * Duplicates are: same uid and same qid
  * If no duplicate then also increase count of views for this
  * question
  * @todo try to run this as post-echo method via runLater
  * callback. This is not really resource intensive, but still...
  * it checks for duplicate, checks viewer ID, etc...
  * This also runs on every page view, and also since we use fsync when
  * updating via MongoDoc object, it does require disk write.
  * @return object $this
 public function increaseViews(\Lampcms\User $Viewer, $inc = 1)
     if (!\is_int($inc)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Param $inc must be an integer. was: ' . gettype($inc));
      * @todo Don't count question owner view
      * For this we must be able to get Viewer from Registry
      * Filter out duplicate views
     $viewerId = $Viewer->getUid();
      * If guest, then there
      * will be a problem if we at least don't check
      * for same session_id
     $viewerId = 0 === $viewerId ? session_id() : $viewerId;
     $ownerID = $this->offsetGet('i_uid');
     d('$viewerId: ' . $viewerId . ' $ownerID: ' . $ownerID);
     if ($viewerId === $ownerID) {
         d('viewing own question');
         return $this;
     $iViews = $this->offsetGet('i_views');
      * If this is the first view, we will cheat a little
      * and set the views to 2
      * There will never be just 1 view, and this way we don't
      * have to worry about the plural suffix
     if (0 === $iViews && 1 === $inc) {
         $inc = 2;
     $collViews = $this->getRegistry()->Mongo->QUESTION_VIEWS;
     $collViews->ensureIndex(array('uid' => 1, 'qid' => 1), array('unique' => true));
     $qid = (int) $this->offsetGet('_id');
     try {
         $collViews->insert(array('qid' => $qid, 'uid' => $viewerId, 'i_ts' => time()), array('safe' => true));
         parent::offsetSet('i_views', $iViews + (int) $inc);
          * If new value is NOT 1 then set
          * vw_s (plural suffix) to 's' otherwise
          * must set to empty string because
          * by default it's already set to 's'
         $this->offsetSet('vw_s', 's');
     } catch (\MongoException $e) {
         d('duplicate view for qid ' . $qid . ' uid: ' . $viewerId);
     return $this;
Пример #7
  * Check if this user has same userID
  * as user object passed to this method
  * @param \Lampcms\User $User
  * @internal param \Lampcms\User $user another User object
  * @return bool true if User object passed here has the same user id
 public function equals(User $User)
     return $User->getUid() === $this->getUid();