public function onBidData($event) { $row = $event->row; \Yii::info('[' . __METHOD__ . '] $row' . PHP_EOL . VarDumper::dumpAsString($row), 'kwater'); $this->stdout(Console::renderColoredString("[KWATER] %g{$row['notinum']}%n [{$row['bidtype']}] {$row['constnm']} \n")); try { $bidkey = BidKey::find()->where(['whereis' => \kwater\Module::WHEREIS, 'notinum' => $row['notinum']])->orderBy('bidid desc')->limit(1)->one(); if ($bidkey === null) { //------------------------------------ // bid data save //------------------------------------ $bidkey = new BidKey(); $bidkey->bidid = date('ymd') . 'K' . str_replace('-', '', $row['notinum']) . '-00-00-01'; $bidkey->notinum = $row['notinum']; $bidkey->whereis = \kwater\Module::WHEREIS; $bidkey->bidtype = $row['bidtype']; $bidkey->bidview = $row['bidview']; $bidkey->constnm = $row['constnm']; $bidkey->succls = $row['succls']; $bidkey->noticedt = $row['noticedt']; $bidkey->basic = $row['basic']; $bidkey->contract = $row['contract']; $bidkey->registdt = $row['registdt']; $bidkey->opendt = $row['opendt']; $bidkey->closedt = $row['closedt']; $bidkey->constdt = $row['constdt']; $bidkey->pqdt = $row['pqdt']; $bidkey->convention = $row['convention']; $bidkey->state = 'N'; $bidkey->bidproc = 'B'; $bidkey->writedt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $bidkey->editdt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $bidkey->org_i = $row['org_i']; $codeorg = CodeOrgI::findByOrgname($bidkey->org_i); if ($codeorg !== null) { $bidkey->orgcode_i = $codeorg->org_Scode; } $bidkey->save(); $bidvalue = new BidValue(); $bidvalue->bidid = $bidkey->bidid; $bidvalue->yegatype = '25'; $bidvalue->yegarng = '-2.5|2.5'; $bidvalue->charger = $row['charger']; $bidvalue->multispare = $row['multispare']; $bidvalue->save(); $bidcontent = new BidContent(); $bidcontent->bidid = $bidkey->bidid; $bidcontent->orign_lnk = '' . $row['notinum']; $bidcontent->attchd_lnk = $row['attchd_lnk']; $bidcontent->bidcomment = $row['bidcomment']; $bidcontent->save(); } //------------------------------- // check bid modified //------------------------------- $bidcheck = BidModifyCheck::findOne($bidkey->bidid); if ($bidcheck === null) { $bidcheck = new BidModifyCheck(['bidid' => $bidkey->bidid]); } $bid_hash = md5(join('', $row)); $noticeDoc = BidFile::findNoticeDoc($row['attchd_lnk']); if ($noticeDoc !== null && $noticeDoc->download()) { $file_hash = md5_file($noticeDoc->saveDir . '/' . $noticeDoc->savedName); $noticeDoc->remove(); } if (!empty($bidcheck->bid_hash) and $bidcheck->bid_hash != $bid_hash) { $this->stdout(" > check : bid_hash diff\n", Console::FG_RED); $this->sendMessage("수자원공사 공고정보 확인필요! [{$row['notinum']}]"); } else { if (!empty($bidcheck->file_hash) and $bidcheck->file_hash != $file_hash) { $this->stdout(" > check : file_hash diff\n", Console::FG_RED); $this->sendMessage("수자원공사 공고원문 확인필요! [{$row['notinum']}]"); } } $bidcheck->bid_hash = $bid_hash; $bidcheck->file_hash = $file_hash; $bidcheck->check_at = time(); $bidcheck->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->stdout("{$e}\n", Console::FG_RED); \Yii::error($e, 'kwater'); } }
public function onRow($event) { $row = $event->row; $out[] = "[KWATER] [{$row['bidtype']}] %g{$row['notinum']}%n {$row['constnm']} ({$row['contract']},{$row['status']})"; $bidkey = BidKey::find()->where(['whereis' => \kwater\Module::WHEREIS, 'notinum' => $row['notinum']])->orderBy('bidid desc')->limit(1)->one(); if ($bidkey === null) { if (!ArrayHelper::isIn($row['status'], ['입찰완료', '적격신청', '결과발표']) and !ArrayHelper::isIn($row['contract'], ['지명경쟁', '수의계약(시담)'])) { $out[] = "%rNEW%n"; $this->gman_client->doBackground('kwater_work_bid', Json::encode($row)); $sleep = 1; } } else { $out[] = "({$bidkey->bidproc})"; if ($bidkey->bidproc === 'B' and $bidkey->state === 'Y') { $bidcheck = BidModifyCheck::findOne($bidkey->bidid); if ($bidcheck === null) { $out[] = "%yCHECK%n"; $this->gman_client->doBackground('kwater_work_bid', Json::encode($row)); } else { $diff = time() - $bidcheck->check_at; if ($diff >= 60 * 60 * 1) { $out[] = "%yCHECK%n"; $this->gman_client->doBackground('kwater_work_bid', Json::encode($row)); $bidcheck->check_at = time(); $bidcheck->save(); $sleep = 1; } } } } $this->stdout(Console::renderColoredString(join(' ', $out)) . PHP_EOL); if (isset($sleep)) { sleep(3); } }