Пример #1
 public function __construct(RendererInterface $renderer = null)
     $this->addExtension(new FencedCodeBlockExtension());
     $this->addExtension(new TaskListExtension());
     $this->addExtension(new InlineStyleExtension());
     $this->addExtension(new WhiteSpaceExtension());
     $this->addExtension(new TableExtension());
     $this->addExtension(new UrlAutoLinkExtension());
     $this->addExtension(new MentionExtension());
     $extension = new IssueExtension();
     $extension = new PullRequestExtension();
Пример #2
 public static function run(DiInterface $di, array $options = [])
     $memoryUsage = memory_get_usage();
     $currentTime = microtime(true);
      * The app path
     if (!defined('K_PATH')) {
         define('K_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
      * We will need the Utils class
     require_once K_PATH . '/library/Kitsune/Utils.php';
      * Utils class
     $utils = new Utils();
     $di->set('utils', $utils, true);
      * Check if this is a CLI app or not
     $cli = $utils->fetch($options, 'cli', false);
     if (!defined('K_CLI')) {
         define('K_CLI', $cli);
     $tests = $utils->fetch($options, 'tests', false);
     if (!defined('K_TESTS')) {
         define('K_TESTS', $tests);
      * The configuration is split into two different files. The first one
      * is the base configuration. The second one is machine/installation
      * specific.
     if (!file_exists(K_PATH . '/var/config/base.php')) {
         throw new \Exception('Base configuration files are missing');
     if (!file_exists(K_PATH . '/var/config/config.php')) {
         throw new \Exception('Configuration files are missing');
      * Get the config files and merge them
     $base = (require K_PATH . '/var/config/base.php');
     $specific = (require K_PATH . '/var/config/config.php');
     $combined = array_replace_recursive($base, $specific);
     $config = new Config($combined);
     $di->set('config', $config, true);
     $config = $di->get('config');
      * Check if we are in debug/dev mode
     if (!defined('K_DEBUG')) {
         $debugMode = boolval($utils->fetch($config, 'debugMode', false));
         define('K_DEBUG', $debugMode);
      * Access to the debug/dev helper functions
     if (K_DEBUG) {
         require_once K_PATH . '/library/Kitsune/Debug.php';
      * We're a registering a set of directories taken from the
      * configuration file
     $loader = new Loader();
     require K_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';
      * LOGGER
      * The essential logging service
     $format = '[%date%][%type%] %message%';
     $name = K_PATH . '/var/log/' . date('Y-m-d') . '-kitsune.log';
     $logger = new LoggerFile($name);
     $formatter = new LoggerFormatter($format);
     $di->set('logger', $logger, true);
     ini_set('display_errors', boolval(K_DEBUG));
     set_error_handler(function ($exception) use($logger) {
         if ($exception instanceof \Exception) {
         } else {
     set_exception_handler(function (\Exception $exception) use($logger) {
     register_shutdown_function(function () use($logger, $memoryUsage, $currentTime) {
         $memoryUsed = number_format((memory_get_usage() - $memoryUsage) / 1024, 3);
         $executionTime = number_format(microtime(true) - $currentTime, 4);
         if (K_DEBUG) {
             $logger->info('Shutdown completed [Memory: ' . $memoryUsed . 'Kb] ' . '[Execution: ' . $executionTime . ']');
     $timezone = $config->get('app_timezone', 'US/Eastern');
      * Routes
     if (!K_CLI) {
         $di->set('router', function () use($config) {
             $router = new Router(false);
             $routes = $config->routes->toArray();
             foreach ($routes as $pattern => $options) {
                 $router->add($pattern, $options);
             return $router;
         }, true);
      * We register the events manager
     $di->set('dispatcher', function () use($di) {
         $eventsManager = new EventsManager();
          * Handle exceptions and not-found exceptions using NotFoundPlugin
         $eventsManager->attach('dispatch:beforeException', new NotFoundPlugin());
         $dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
         return $dispatcher;
      * The URL component is used to generate all kind of urls in the application
     $di->set('url', function () use($config) {
         $url = new UrlProvider();
         return $url;
     $di->set('view', function () use($config) {
         $view = new View();
         $view->setViewsDir(K_PATH . '/app/views/');
         $view->registerEngines([".volt" => 'volt']);
         return $view;
      * Setting up volt
     $di->set('volt', function ($view, $di) {
         $volt = new VoltEngine($view, $di);
         $volt->setOptions(["compiledPath" => K_PATH . '/var/cache/volt/', 'stat' => K_DEBUG, 'compileAlways' => K_DEBUG]);
         return $volt;
     }, true);
      * Start the session the first time some component request the session
      * service
     $di->set('session', function () {
         $session = new SessionAdapter();
         return $session;
      * Cache
     $frontConfig = $config->cache_data->front->toArray();
     $backConfig = $config->cache_data->back->toArray();
     $class = '\\Phalcon\\Cache\\Frontend\\' . $frontConfig['adapter'];
     $frontCache = new $class($frontConfig['params']);
     $class = '\\Phalcon\\Cache\\Backend\\' . $backConfig['adapter'];
     $cache = new $class($frontCache, $backConfig['params']);
     $di->set('cache', $cache, true);
      * viewCache
     $di->set('viewCache', function () use($config) {
         $frontConfig = $config->cache_view->front->toArray();
         $backConfig = $config->cache_view->back->toArray();
         $class = '\\Phalcon\\Cache\\Frontend\\' . $frontConfig['adapter'];
         $frontCache = new $class($frontConfig['params']);
         $class = '\\Phalcon\\Cache\\Backend\\' . $backConfig['adapter'];
         $cache = new $class($frontCache, $backConfig['params']);
         return $cache;
      * Markdown renderer
     $di->set('markdown', function () {
         $ciconia = new Ciconia();
         $ciconia->addExtension(new FencedCodeBlockExtension());
         $ciconia->addExtension(new TaskListExtension());
         $ciconia->addExtension(new InlineStyleExtension());
         $ciconia->addExtension(new WhiteSpaceExtension());
         $ciconia->addExtension(new TableExtension());
         $ciconia->addExtension(new UrlAutoLinkExtension());
         $ciconia->addExtension(new MentionExtension());
         $extension = new IssueExtension();
         $extension = new PullRequestExtension();
         return $ciconia;
     }, true);
      * Posts Finder
     $di->set('finder', function () use($utils, $cache) {
         $key = 'post.finder.cache';
         $postFinder = $utils->cacheGet($key);
         if (null === $postFinder) {
             $postFinder = new PostFinder();
             $cache->save($key, $postFinder);
         return $postFinder;
     }, true);
      * For CLI I only need the dependency injector
     if (K_CLI) {
         return $di;
     } else {
         $application = new Application($di);
         if (K_TESTS) {
             return $application;
         } else {
             return $application->handle()->getContent();