Пример #1
  * @param array[] $endpointMap
  * @return BaseProviderConfig
 public function setEndpointMap($endpointMap)
     foreach (Option::clean($endpointMap) as $_type => $_endpoint) {
         $this->mapEndpoint($_type, $_endpoint);
     return $this;
Пример #2
  * @return array
 public function getPhoneNumber()
     return @current(Option::clean($this->_phoneNumbers));
Пример #3
  * @param array $options
  * @param bool  $fromCreate
  * @throws DreamFactory\Platform\Exceptions\BadRequestException
 public function actionUpdate($options = array(), $fromCreate = false)
     $_id = $_schema = $_errors = null;
     //	New provider
     if (false !== $fromCreate && null !== ($_resourceId = FilterInput::request('resource'))) {
         //	New request
         $_model = ResourceStore::model($_resourceId);
         $_displayName = Inflector::display($_resourceId);
         $_schema = $this->_loadConfigSchema($_resourceId, $_model->hasAttribute('config_text') ? $_model->config_text : array());
     } else {
         //	Requests will come in like: /admin/update/<resource>/<id>
         list($_resourceId, $_id) = $this->_parseRequest();
         $_displayName = Inflector::display($_resourceId);
         //	Load it up.
         /** @var $_model BasePlatformSystemModel */
         if (null !== ($_model = ResourceStore::model($_resourceId)->findByPk($_id))) {
             $_schema = $this->_loadConfigSchema($_resourceId, $_model->hasAttribute('config_text') ? $_model->config_text : array());
             if (Pii::postRequest()) {
                 //	On a post, update
                 if (null === ($_data = Option::get($_POST, $_displayName))) {
                     throw new BadRequestException('No payload received.');
                 /** @var Provider $_model */
                 if ($_model->hasAttribute('config_text')) {
                     $_len = strlen(static::SCHEMA_PREFIX);
                     $_config = Option::clean($_model->config_text);
                     foreach ($_data as $_key => $_value) {
                         if (static::SCHEMA_PREFIX == substr($_key, 0, $_len)) {
                             $_newKey = str_replace(static::SCHEMA_PREFIX, null, $_key);
                             if (isset($_config[$_newKey])) {
                                 $_config[$_newKey] = $_value;
                     $_model->config_text = $_config;
                 Pii::setState('status_message', 'Resource Updated Successfully');
                 $this->redirect('/admin/' . $_resourceId . '/update/' . $_id);
         if ($_model->hasAttribute('name')) {
             $_displayName = $_model->name;
         } else {
             if ($_model->hasAttribute('provider_name')) {
                 $_displayName = $_model->provider_name;
             } else {
                 if ($_model->hasAttribute('api_name')) {
                     $_displayName = $_model->api_name;
     $this->render('update', array('model' => $_model, 'schema' => $_schema, 'errors' => $_errors, 'resourceName' => $_resourceId, 'displayName' => $_displayName, 'update' => null !== $_id));
Пример #4
  * Construct a link to authorize the application
  * @param array $payload
  * @return string
 public function getAuthorizationUrl($payload = array())
     $_map = $this->_config->getEndpoint(EndpointTypes::AUTHORIZE);
     $_scope = $this->getConfig('scope');
     $_referrer = Option::get($this->_requestPayload, 'referrer', Option::server('HTTP_REFERER', Curl::currentUrl()), true);
     $_redirectUri = $this->getConfig('redirect_uri', $_referrer);
     $_origin = $this->getConfig('origin_uri', $_redirectUri);
     $_proxyUrl = $this->getConfig('redirect_proxy_url');
     $_state = array('request' => array('method' => Option::server('REQUEST_METHOD'), 'referrer' => $_referrer, 'query_string' => Option::server('QUERY_STRING'), 'remote_addr' => Option::server('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'time' => microtime(true), 'uri' => Option::server('REQUEST_URI'), 'payload' => $this->_requestPayload), 'origin' => $_origin, 'api_key' => sha1($_origin), 'redirect_uri' => $_redirectUri);
     Log::debug('Request state built: ' . print_r($_state, true));
     $_payload = array_merge(array('client_id' => $this->getConfig('client_id'), 'redirect_uri' => $_redirectUri, 'response_type' => 'code', 'scope' => is_array($_scope) ? implode(' ', $_scope) : $_scope, 'state' => Storage::freeze($_state)), Option::clean(Option::get($_map, 'parameters', array())));
     if (!empty($_proxyUrl)) {
         Log::info('Proxying request through: ' . $_proxyUrl);
         $_payload['redirect_uri'] = $_proxyUrl;
     $_qs = http_build_query($_payload);
     $this->setConfig('authorize_url', $_authorizeUrl = $_map['endpoint'] . Curl::urlSeparator($_map['endpoint']) . $_qs);
     Log::debug('Authorization URL created: ' . $_authorizeUrl);
     return $_authorizeUrl;
  * @param PackageInterface $package
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return string
 protected function _validatePackage(PackageInterface $package)
     $_packageName = $package->getPrettyName();
     $_parts = explode('/', $_packageName, 2);
     $this->_extra = Option::clean($package->getExtra());
     $this->_config = Option::get($this->_extra, 'config', array());
     $this->_plugIn = static::DSP_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_TYPE == $package->getType();
     //	Only install DreamFactory packages if not a plug-in
     if (static::PACKAGE_PREFIX != ($_vendor = @current($_parts)) && !$this->_plugIn) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('This package is not a DreamFactory package and cannot be installed by this installer.' . PHP_EOL . '  * Name: ' . $_packageName . PHP_EOL . '  * Parts: ' . implode(' / ', $_parts) . PHP_EOL);
     //	Effectively /docRoot/shared/[vendor]/[namespace]/[package]
     Log::debug('Package "' . $_packageName . '" installation type: ' . ($this->_plugIn ? 'Plug-in' : 'Package'));
     $this->_packageName = $_packageName;
     $this->_installPath = $this->_buildInstallPath($_vendor, @end($_parts));
     //	Link path for plug-ins
     $_extra = Option::clean($package->getExtra());
     $this->_linkName = Option::get($_extra, 'link_name', $_parts[1]);
     //	Relative to composer.json... i.e. web/[link_name]
     $this->_linkPath = trim(static::PLUG_IN_LINK_PATH . '/' . $this->_linkName, '/');
     Log::info('Platform Installer Debug > ' . $_packageName . ' > Version ' . $package->getVersion());
     Log::debug('  * Install path: ' . $this->_installPath);
     if ($this->_plugIn) {
         Log::debug('  *    Link name: ' . $this->_linkName);
         Log::debug('  *    Link path: ' . $this->_linkPath);
     return true;
Пример #6
  * @param array|\stdClass $data
  * @return bool|void
 protected function _processReceivedToken($data)
     $_data = $data;
     if (!is_array($data) && !$data instanceof \stdClass && !$data instanceof \Traversable) {
         $_data = Option::clean($data);
         if (!empty($_data)) {
             $_data = current($_data);
     foreach ($_data as $_key => $_value) {
         switch ($_key) {
             case 'instance_url':
                 $this->_instanceName = trim(str_ireplace(array('https://', 'http://', '/'), null, $_value));
                 $_endpoint = $this->getConfig()->getEndpoint(EndpointTypes::SERVICE);
                 $_endpoint['endpoint'] = str_ireplace('{{instance_name}}', $this->_instanceName, static::SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PATTERN);
                 $this->getConfig()->mapEndpoint(EndpointTypes::SERVICE, $_endpoint);
             case 'id':
                 $this->_identityUrl = $_value;
     return parent::_processReceivedToken($data);
Пример #7
 * @var string                  $resourceName The name of this resource (i.e. App, AppGroup, etc.) Essentially the model name
 * @var string                  $displayName
 * @var string                  $statusMessage
use DreamFactory\Common\Enums\PageLocation;
use DreamFactory\Platform\Yii\Models\BasePlatformSystemModel;
use DreamFactory\Yii\Utility\BootstrapForm;
use DreamFactory\Yii\Utility\Pii;
use Kisma\Core\Utility\Bootstrap;
use Kisma\Core\Utility\Option;
Pii::scriptFile('//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/x-editable/1.4.5/bootstrap-editable/js/bootstrap-editable.min.js', PageLocation::End);
$_css .= '<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />';
echo '<script src=""></script>';
//@TODO error handling from resource request
$_errors = isset($errors) ? Option::clean($errors) : array();
$_update = !$model->isNewRecord;
$_prefix = @end(@explode('\\', $this->getModelClass()));
$_resourcePath = $resourceName;
if ($_update) {
    $_resourcePath .= '/' . $model->id;
if (!empty($_errors)) {
    $_headline = isset($alertMessage) ? $alertMessage : 'Sorry pal...';
    $_messages = null;
    foreach ($_errors as $_error) {
        foreach ($_error as $_message) {
            $_messages .= '<p>' . $_message . '</p>';
    echo <<<HTML
Пример #8
  * Takes a KVP traversable and converts to a ' key="value" ' string suitable for framing.
  * @param array|object $array
  * @param bool         $uppercaseKeys If TRUE, the "key" portion will be uppercased
  * @param int          $trueConvert   The value to substitute for boolean true
  * @param int          $falseConvert  The value to substitute for boolean false
  * @return string
 public static function kvpToString($array, $uppercaseKeys = false, $trueConvert = 1, $falseConvert = 0)
     $_result = array();
     foreach (Option::clean($array) as $_key => $_value) {
         if (null !== $_value) {
             if (false === $_value) {
                 $_value = $falseConvert;
             } else {
                 if (true === $_value) {
                     $_value = $trueConvert;
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($_value)) {
                         $_value = trim(implode(' ', $_value));
             $_result[] = (false !== $uppercaseKeys ? strtoupper($_key) : strtolower($_key)) . '="' . $_value . '"';
     return trim(implode(' ', $_result));