radioButtonGroup() публичный статический Метод

Example: ~~~ echo Html::radioButtonGroup('rdo', [1], [1 => 'Option 1', 2 => 'Option 2', 3 => 'Option 3']); ~~~
См. также:
public static radioButtonGroup ( string $name, string | array $selection = null, array $items = [], array $options = [] ) : string
$name string the name attribute of each radio.
$selection string | array the selected value(s).
$items array the data item used to generate the radios. The array keys are the radio values, while the array values are the corresponding labels.
$options array options (name => config) for the radio list container tag. The following options are specially handled: - `tag`: _string_, the tag name of the container element. - `unselect`: _string_, the value that should be submitted when none of the radio buttons is selected. By setting this option, a hidden input will be generated. - `encode`: boolean, whether to HTML-encode the radio button labels. Defaults to `true`. This option is ignored if `item` option is set. - `separator`: _string_, the HTML code that separates items. - `itemOptions`: _array_, the options for generating the radio button tag using [[radio()]]. - `item`: _Closure_, a callback that can be used to customize the generation of the HTML code corresponding to a single item in $items. The signature of this callback must be: ~~~ function ($index, $label, $name, $checked, $value) ~~~ where `$index` is the zero-based index of the radio button in the whole list; `$label` is the label for the radio button; and `$name`, `$value` and `$checked` represent the name, value and the checked status of the radio button input. See [[renderTagAttributes()]] for details on how attributes are being rendered.
Результат string the generated radio button group
}], 'updateOptions' => ['title' => Yii::t('app', 'View'), 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip'], 'deleteOptions' => ['title' => Yii::t('app', 'Delete'), 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip'], 'width' => '120px']];
<div class="email-index">
// Title
$actionTypes = Email::actionTypes();
if (!Yii::$app->getModule('email')->enableSent) {
echo Html::encode($this->title);
        : <?php 
echo Html::radioButtonGroup('actionType', Yii::$app->session->get('emails.actionType'), $actionTypes);

// Buttons
        <div class="navbar-right">
if (Yii::$app->getModule('email')->enableTemplates || Yii::$app->user->can('Superadmin')) {
    echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-file-text-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>', Url::toRoute(['/email/template']), ['class' => 'btn btn-default', 'data-pjax' => 0]);