  * Method to get a list of options for a list input.
  * @return	array		An array of JHtml options.
  * @since   11.4
 protected function getOptions()
     $folder = $this->element['folder'];
     if (!empty($folder)) {
         // Get list of plugins
         $db = Factory::getDbo();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select('element AS value, name AS text');
         $query->where('folder = ' . $db->q($folder));
         $query->where('enabled = 1');
         $query->order('ordering, name');
         $options = $db->loadObjectList();
         $lang = Factory::getLanguage();
         foreach ($options as $i => $item) {
             $source = JPATH_PLUGINS . '/' . $folder . '/' . $item->value;
             $extension = 'plg_' . $folder . '_' . $item->value;
             $lang->load($extension . '.sys', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, false) || $lang->load($extension . '.sys', $source, null, false, false) || $lang->load($extension . '.sys', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $lang->getDefault(), false, false) || $lang->load($extension . '.sys', $source, $lang->getDefault(), false, false);
             $options[$i]->text = Text::_($item->text);
     } else {
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
  * Return the most recent error message for the database connector.
  * @param   boolean  $showSQL  True to display the SQL statement sent to the database as well as the error.
  * @return  string  The error message for the most recent query.
  * @since   11.1
  * @deprecated  13.3
 public function stderr($showSQL = false)
     Log::add('JDatabase::stderr() is deprecated.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     if ($this->errorNum != 0) {
         return Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg) . ($showSQL ? "<br />SQL = <pre>{$this->sql}</pre>" : '');
     } else {
         return Text::_('JLIB_DATABASE_FUNCTION_NOERROR');
  * Class constructor.
  * @param   resource  $handle  The image resource on which to apply the filter.
  * @since   11.3
  * @throws  InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($handle)
     // Verify that image filter support for PHP is available.
     if (!function_exists('imagefilter')) {
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
         Log::add('The imagefilter function for PHP is not available.', Log::ERROR);
         throw new RuntimeException('The imagefilter function for PHP is not available.');
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     // Make sure the file handle is valid.
     if (!is_resource($handle) || get_resource_type($handle) != 'gd') {
         Log::add('The image handle is invalid for the image filter.', Log::ERROR);
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The image handle is invalid for the image filter.');
     $this->handle = $handle;
  * Method to load a JUser object by user id number
  * @param   mixed  $id  The user id of the user to load
  * @return  boolean  True on success
  * @since   11.1
 public function load($id)
     // Create the user table object
     $table = $this->getTable();
     // Load the JUserModel object based on the user id or throw a warning.
     if (!$table->load($id)) {
         // Reset to guest user
         $this->guest = 1;
         Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_USER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_USER', $id), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         return false;
      * Set the user parameters using the default XML file.  We might want to
      * extend this in the future to allow for the ability to have custom
      * user parameters, but for right now we'll leave it how it is.
     // Assuming all is well at this point let's bind the data
     // The user is no longer a guest
     if ($this->id != 0) {
         $this->guest = 0;
     } else {
         $this->guest = 1;
     return true;
  * Determine if we are using a secure (SSL) connection.
  * @return  boolean  True if using SSL, false if not.
  * @since   11.1
  * @deprecated  13.3  Use the isSSLConnection method on the application object.
 public function isSSLConnection()
     Log::add('JBrowser::isSSLConnection() is deprecated. Use the isSSLConnection method on the application object instead.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     return isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || getenv('SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION');
Пример #6
  * Method to find the loggers to use based on priority and category values.
  * @param   integer  $priority  Message priority.
  * @param   string   $category  Type of entry
  * @return  array  The array of loggers to use for the given priority and category values.
  * @since   1.0
 public function findLoggers($priority, $category)
     return parent::findLoggers($priority, $category);
  * Static method to get an instance of a JTable class if it can be found in
  * the table include paths.  To add include paths for searching for JTable
  * classes @see JTable::addIncludePath().
  * @param   string  $type    The type (name) of the JTable class to get an instance of.
  * @param   string  $prefix  An optional prefix for the table class name.
  * @param   array   $config  An optional array of configuration values for the JTable object.
  * @return  mixed    A JTable object if found or boolean false if one could not be found.
  * @link    http://docs.joomla.org/JTable/getInstance
  * @since   11.1
 public static function getInstance($type, $prefix = 'JTable', $config = array())
     // Sanitize and prepare the table class name.
     $type = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_\\.-]/i', '', $type);
     $tableClass = $prefix . ucfirst($type);
     // Only try to load the class if it doesn't already exist.
     if (!class_exists($tableClass)) {
         // Search for the class file in the JTable include paths.
         $path = Path::find(self::addIncludePath(), strtolower($type) . '.php');
         if ($path) {
             // Import the class file.
             include_once $path;
             // If we were unable to load the proper class, raise a warning and return false.
             if (!class_exists($tableClass)) {
                 Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND_IN_FILE', $tableClass), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
                 return false;
         } else {
             // If we were unable to find the class file in the JTable include paths, raise a warning and return false.
             Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FILE_NOT_FOUND', $type), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             return false;
     // If a database object was passed in the configuration array use it, otherwise get the global one from JFactory.
     $db = isset($config['dbo']) ? $config['dbo'] : Factory::getDbo();
     // Instantiate a new table class and return it.
     return new $tableClass($db);
  * Execute the SQL statement.
  * @return  mixed  A database cursor resource on success, boolean false on failure.
  * @since   12.1
  * @throws  RuntimeException
 public function execute()
     if (!is_resource($this->connection)) {
         Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'database');
         throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
     // Take a local copy so that we don't modify the original query and cause issues later
     $sql = $this->replacePrefix((string) $this->sql);
     if ($this->limit > 0 || $this->offset > 0) {
         $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $this->offset . ', ' . $this->limit;
     // Increment the query counter.
     // If debugging is enabled then let's log the query.
     if ($this->debug) {
         // Add the query to the object queue.
         $this->log[] = $sql;
         Log::add($sql, Log::DEBUG, 'databasequery');
     // Reset the error values.
     $this->errorNum = 0;
     $this->errorMsg = '';
     // Execute the query. Error suppression is used here to prevent warnings/notices that the connection has been lost.
     $this->cursor = @mysql_query($sql, $this->connection);
     // If an error occurred handle it.
     if (!$this->cursor) {
         // Check if the server was disconnected.
         if (!$this->connected()) {
             try {
                 // Attempt to reconnect.
                 $this->connection = null;
             } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
                 // Get the error number and message.
                 $this->errorNum = (int) mysql_errno($this->connection);
                 $this->errorMsg = (string) mysql_error($this->connection) . ' SQL=' . $sql;
                 // Throw the normal query exception.
                 Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'databasequery');
                 throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
             // Since we were able to reconnect, run the query again.
             return $this->execute();
         } else {
             // Get the error number and message.
             $this->errorNum = (int) mysql_errno($this->connection);
             $this->errorMsg = (string) mysql_error($this->connection) . ' SQL=' . $sql;
             // Throw the normal query exception.
             Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'databasequery');
             throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
     return $this->cursor;
  * Utility function to read the folders in a folder.
  * @param   string   $path           The path of the folder to read.
  * @param   string   $filter         A filter for folder names.
  * @param   mixed    $recurse        True to recursively search into sub-folders, or an integer to specify the maximum depth.
  * @param   boolean  $fullpath       True to return the full path to the folders.
  * @param   array    $exclude        Array with names of folders which should not be shown in the result.
  * @param   array    $excludefilter  Array with regular expressions matching folders which should not be shown in the result.
  * @return  array  Folders in the given folder.
  * @since   11.1
 protected function _folders($path, $filter = '.', $recurse = false, $fullpath = false, $exclude = array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'), $excludefilter = array('^\\..*'))
     $arr = array();
     // Check to make sure the path valid and clean
     $path = $this->_cleanPath($path);
     // Is the path a folder?
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         Log::add('\\Joomla\\Cache\\Storage\\File::_folders' . Text::sprintf('JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_PATH_IS_NOT_A_FOLDER', $path), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         return false;
     // Read the source directory
     if (!($handle = @opendir($path))) {
         return $arr;
     if (count($excludefilter)) {
         $excludefilter_string = '/(' . implode('|', $excludefilter) . ')/';
     } else {
         $excludefilter_string = '';
     while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
         if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !in_array($file, $exclude) && (empty($excludefilter_string) || !preg_match($excludefilter_string, $file))) {
             $dir = $path . '/' . $file;
             $isDir = is_dir($dir);
             if ($isDir) {
                 // Removes filtered directories
                 if (preg_match("/{$filter}/", $file)) {
                     if ($fullpath) {
                         $arr[] = $dir;
                     } else {
                         $arr[] = $file;
                 if ($recurse) {
                     if (is_int($recurse)) {
                         $arr2 = $this->_folders($dir, $filter, $recurse - 1, $fullpath, $exclude, $excludefilter);
                     } else {
                         $arr2 = $this->_folders($dir, $filter, $recurse, $fullpath, $exclude, $excludefilter);
                     $arr = array_merge($arr, $arr2);
     return $arr;
  * Set transfer mode
  * @param   integer  $mode  Integer representation of data transfer mode [1:Binary|0:Ascii]
  * Defined constants can also be used [FTP_BINARY|FTP_ASCII]
  * @return  boolean  True if successful
  * @since   12.1
 protected function _mode($mode)
     if ($mode == FTP_BINARY) {
         if (!$this->_putCmd("TYPE I", 200)) {
             Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MODE_BINARY', $this->_response), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             return false;
     } else {
         if (!$this->_putCmd("TYPE A", 200)) {
             Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MODE_ASCII', $this->_response), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #11
  * Utility function to read the folders in a folder.
  * @param   string   $path           The path of the folder to read.
  * @param   string   $filter         A filter for folder names.
  * @param   mixed    $recurse        True to recursively search into sub-folders, or an integer to specify the maximum depth.
  * @param   boolean  $full           True to return the full path to the folders.
  * @param   array    $exclude        Array with names of folders which should not be shown in the result.
  * @param   array    $excludefilter  Array with regular expressions matching folders which should not be shown in the result.
  * @return  array  Folders in the given folder.
  * @since   1.0
 public static function folders($path, $filter = '.', $recurse = false, $full = false, $exclude = array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'), $excludefilter = array('^\\..*'))
     // Check to make sure the path valid and clean
     $path = Path::clean($path);
     // Is the path a folder?
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         Log::add(sprintf('%1$s: Path is not a folder. Path: %2$s', __METHOD__, $path), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         return false;
     // Compute the excludefilter string
     if (count($excludefilter)) {
         $excludefilter_string = '/(' . implode('|', $excludefilter) . ')/';
     } else {
         $excludefilter_string = '';
     // Get the folders
     $arr = self::_items($path, $filter, $recurse, $full, $exclude, $excludefilter_string, false);
     // Sort the folders
     return array_values($arr);
  * Internal method to get a JavaScript object notation string from an array
  * @param   array  $array  The array to convert to JavaScript object notation
  * @return  string  JavaScript object notation representation of the array
  * @since   11.1
  * @deprecated  13.3 Use JHtml::getJSObject() instead.
 protected static function _getJSObject($array = array())
     Log::add('JHtmlBehavior::_getJSObject() is deprecated. JHtml::getJSObject() instead..', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
  * Count the modules based on the given condition
  * @param   string  $condition  The condition to use
  * @return  integer  Number of modules found
  * @since   11.1
 public function countModules($condition)
     $operators = '(\\+|\\-|\\*|\\/|==|\\!=|\\<\\>|\\<|\\>|\\<=|\\>=|and|or|xor)';
     $words = preg_split('# ' . $operators . ' #', $condition, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
     if (count($words) === 1) {
         $name = strtolower($words[0]);
         $result = isset(parent::$_buffer['modules'][$name]) && parent::$_buffer['modules'][$name] === false ? 0 : count(\JModuleHelper::getModules($name));
         return $result;
     Log::add('Using an expression in JDocumentHtml::countModules() is deprecated.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     for ($i = 0, $n = count($words); $i < $n; $i += 2) {
         // Odd parts (modules)
         $name = strtolower($words[$i]);
         $words[$i] = isset(parent::$_buffer['modules'][$name]) && parent::$_buffer['modules'][$name] === false ? 0 : count(\JModuleHelper::getModules($name));
     $str = 'return ' . implode(' ', $words) . ';';
     return eval($str);
  * Finds out if a set of login credentials are valid by asking all observing
  * objects to run their respective authentication routines.
  * @param   array  $credentials  Array holding the user credentials.
  * @param   array  $options      Array holding user options.
  * @return  AuthenticationResponse  Response object with status variable filled in for last plugin or first successful plugin.
  * @see     AuthenticationResponse
  * @since   11.1
 public function authenticate($credentials, $options = array())
     // Get plugins
     $plugins = Helper::getPlugin('authentication');
     // Create authentication response
     $response = new AuthenticationResponse();
      * Loop through the plugins and check of the credentials can be used to authenticate
      * the user
      * Any errors raised in the plugin should be returned via the AuthenticationResponse
      * and handled appropriately.
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         $className = 'plg' . $plugin->type . $plugin->name;
         if (class_exists($className)) {
             $plugin = new $className($this, (array) $plugin);
         } else {
             // Bail here if the plugin can't be created
             Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_USER_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_LOAD_PLUGIN', $className), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         // Try to authenticate
         $plugin->onUserAuthenticate($credentials, $options, $response);
         // If authentication is successful break out of the loop
         if ($response->status === self::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
             if (empty($response->type)) {
                 $response->type = isset($plugin->_name) ? $plugin->_name : $plugin->name;
     if (empty($response->username)) {
         $response->username = $credentials['username'];
     if (empty($response->fullname)) {
         $response->fullname = $credentials['username'];
     if (empty($response->password)) {
         $response->password = $credentials['password'];
     return $response;
  * Execute the SQL statement.
  * @return  mixed  A database cursor resource on success, boolean false on failure.
  * @since   12.1
  * @throws  RuntimeException
  * @throws  Exception
 public function execute()
     if (!is_object($this->connection)) {
         Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'database');
         throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
     // Take a local copy so that we don't modify the original query and cause issues later
     $sql = $this->replacePrefix((string) $this->sql);
     if ($this->limit > 0 || $this->offset > 0) {
         // @TODO
         $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $this->offset . ', ' . $this->limit;
     // Increment the query counter.
     // If debugging is enabled then let's log the query.
     if ($this->debug) {
         // Add the query to the object queue.
         $this->log[] = $sql;
         Log::add($sql, Log::DEBUG, 'databasequery');
     // Reset the error values.
     $this->errorNum = 0;
     $this->errorMsg = '';
     // Execute the query.
     $this->executed = false;
     if ($this->prepared instanceof PDOStatement) {
         // Bind the variables:
         if ($this->sql instanceof Preparable) {
             $bounded =& $this->sql->getBounded();
             foreach ($bounded as $key => $obj) {
                 $this->prepared->bindParam($key, $obj->value, $obj->dataType, $obj->length, $obj->driverOptions);
         $this->executed = $this->prepared->execute();
     // If an error occurred handle it.
     if (!$this->executed) {
         // Get the error number and message before we execute any more queries.
         $errorNum = (int) $this->connection->errorCode();
         $errorMsg = (string) 'SQL: ' . implode(", ", $this->connection->errorInfo());
         // Check if the server was disconnected.
         if (!$this->connected()) {
             try {
                 // Attempt to reconnect.
                 $this->connection = null;
             } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
                 // Get the error number and message.
                 $this->errorNum = (int) $this->connection->errorCode();
                 $this->errorMsg = (string) 'SQL: ' . implode(", ", $this->connection->errorInfo());
                 // Throw the normal query exception.
                 Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'databasequery');
                 throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
             // Since we were able to reconnect, run the query again.
             return $this->execute();
         } else {
             // Get the error number and message from before we tried to reconnect.
             $this->errorNum = $errorNum;
             $this->errorMsg = $errorMsg;
             // Throw the normal query exception.
             Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'databasequery');
             throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
     return $this->prepared;
Пример #16
  * Moves an uploaded file to a destination folder
  * @param   string   $src          The name of the php (temporary) uploaded file
  * @param   string   $dest         The path (including filename) to move the uploaded file to
  * @param   boolean  $use_streams  True to use streams
  * @return  boolean  True on success
  * @since   1.0
 public static function upload($src, $dest, $use_streams = false)
     // Ensure that the path is valid and clean
     $dest = Path::clean($dest);
     // Create the destination directory if it does not exist
     $baseDir = dirname($dest);
     if (!file_exists($baseDir)) {
     if ($use_streams) {
         $stream = Stream::getStream();
         if (!$stream->upload($src, $dest)) {
             Log::add(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $stream->getError(), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         if (is_writeable($baseDir) && move_uploaded_file($src, $dest)) {
             // Short circuit to prevent file permission errors
             if (Path::setPermissions($dest)) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 Log::add(__METHOD__ . ': Failed to change file permissions.', Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         } else {
             Log::add(__METHOD__ . ': Failed to move file.', Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         return false;
  * Return a reference to the {@link JURI} object
  * @param   string  $uri  Uri name.
  * @return  Uri object
  * @see     JURI
  * @since   11.1
  * @deprecated  13.3 Use JURI directly.
 public static function getURI($uri = 'SERVER')
     Log::add(__METHOD__ . ' is deprecated. Use JURI directly.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     return Uri::getInstance($uri);
  * Returns the global JRouter object, only creating it if it
  * doesn't already exist.
  * @param   string  $client   The name of the client
  * @param   array   $options  An associative array of options
  * @return  JRouter A JRouter object.
  * @since   11.1
  * @throws  RuntimeException
 public static function getInstance($client, $options = array())
     if (empty(self::$instances[$client])) {
         // Create a JRouter object
         $classname = '\\Joomla\\Router\\' . ucfirst($client);
         if (!class_exists($classname)) {
             Log::add('Non-autoloadable JRouter subclasses are deprecated.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
             // Load the router object
             $info = Helper::getClientInfo($client, true);
             if (is_object($info)) {
                 $path = $info->path . '/includes/router.php';
                 if (file_exists($path)) {
                     include_once $path;
         if (class_exists($classname)) {
             self::$instances[$client] = new $classname($options);
         } else {
             throw new RuntimeException('Unable to load router: ' . $client, 500);
     return self::$instances[$client];
  * Method to activate a user
  * @param   string  $activation  Activation string
  * @return  boolean  True on success
  * @since   11.1
 public static function activateUser($activation)
     // Initialize some variables.
     $db = Factory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     // Let's get the id of the user we want to activate
     $query->where($db->quoteName('activation') . ' = ' . $db->quote($activation));
     $query->where($db->quoteName('block') . ' = 1');
     $query->where($db->quoteName('lastvisitDate') . ' = ' . $db->quote('0000-00-00 00:00:00'));
     $id = (int) $db->loadResult();
     // Is it a valid user to activate?
     if ($id) {
         $user = User::getInstance((int) $id);
         $user->set('block', '0');
         $user->set('activation', '');
         // Time to take care of business.... store the user.
         if (!$user->save()) {
             Log::add($user->getError(), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             return false;
     } else {
         Log::add(Text::_('JLIB_USER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_USER'), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         return false;
     return true;
  * Returns the name, without any path.
  * @param   string  $file  File path
  * @return  string  filename
  * @since   11.1
  * @deprecated  13.3 Use basename() instead.
 public static function getName($file)
     Log::add(__METHOD__ . ' is deprecated. Use native basename() syntax.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     // Convert back slashes to forward slashes
     $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file);
     $slash = strrpos($file, '/');
     if ($slash !== false) {
         return substr($file, $slash + 1);
     } else {
         return $file;
  * Execute the SQL statement.
  * @return  mixed  A database cursor resource on success, boolean false on failure.
  * @since   12.1
  * @throws  RuntimeException
  * @throws  Exception
 public function execute()
     if (!is_resource($this->connection)) {
         Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'database');
         throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
     // Take a local copy so that we don't modify the original query and cause issues later
     $sql = $this->replacePrefix((string) $this->sql);
     if ($this->limit > 0 || $this->offset > 0) {
         $sql = $this->limit($sql, $this->limit, $this->offset);
     // Increment the query counter.
     // If debugging is enabled then let's log the query.
     if ($this->debug) {
         // Add the query to the object queue.
         $this->log[] = $sql;
         Log::add($sql, Log::DEBUG, 'databasequery');
     // Reset the error values.
     $this->errorNum = 0;
     $this->errorMsg = '';
     // SQLSrv_num_rows requires a static or keyset cursor.
     if (strncmp(ltrim(strtoupper($sql)), 'SELECT', strlen('SELECT')) == 0) {
         $array = array('Scrollable' => SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET);
     } else {
         $array = array();
     // Execute the query. Error suppression is used here to prevent warnings/notices that the connection has been lost.
     $this->cursor = @sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $sql, array(), $array);
     // If an error occurred handle it.
     if (!$this->cursor) {
         // Check if the server was disconnected.
         if (!$this->connected()) {
             try {
                 // Attempt to reconnect.
                 $this->connection = null;
             } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
                 // Get the error number and message.
                 $errors = sqlsrv_errors();
                 $this->errorNum = $errors[0]['SQLSTATE'];
                 $this->errorMsg = $errors[0]['message'] . 'SQL=' . $sql;
                 // Throw the normal query exception.
                 Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'databasequery');
                 throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
             // Since we were able to reconnect, run the query again.
             return $this->execute();
         } else {
             // Get the error number and message.
             $errors = sqlsrv_errors();
             $this->errorNum = $errors[0]['SQLSTATE'];
             $this->errorMsg = $errors[0]['message'] . 'SQL=' . $sql;
             // Throw the normal query exception.
             Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED', $this->errorNum, $this->errorMsg), Log::ERROR, 'databasequery');
             throw new RuntimeException($this->errorMsg, $this->errorNum);
     return $this->cursor;
  * Method to get the next row in the result set from the database query as an array.
  * @return  mixed  The result of the query as an array, false if there are no more rows.
  * @since   11.1
  * @throws  RuntimeException
 public function loadNextRow()
     Log::add('JDatabase::loadNextRow() is deprecated. Use JDatabase::getIterator() instead.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     static $cursor = null;
     // Execute the query and get the result set cursor.
     if (is_null($cursor)) {
         if (!($cursor = $this->execute())) {
             return $this->errorNum ? null : false;
     // Get the next row from the result set as an object of type $class.
     if ($row = $this->fetchArray($cursor)) {
         return $row;
     // Free up system resources and return.
     $cursor = null;
     return false;
  * Create a placeholder for an option group.
  * @param   string  $text     The text for the option
  * @param   string  $optKey   The returned object property name for the value
  * @param   string  $optText  The returned object property name for the text
  * @return  object
  * @deprecated  12.1  Use JHtmlSelect::groupedList()
  * @see     JHtmlSelect::groupedList()
  * @since   11.1
 public static function optgroup($text, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text')
     Log::add('JHtmlSelect::optgroup is deprecated.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     // Set initial state
     static $state = 'open';
     // Toggle between open and close states:
     switch ($state) {
         case 'open':
             $obj = new stdClass();
             $obj->{$optKey} = '<OPTGROUP>';
             $obj->{$optText} = $text;
             $state = 'close';
         case 'close':
             $obj = new stdClass();
             $obj->{$optKey} = '</OPTGROUP>';
             $obj->{$optText} = $text;
             $state = 'open';
     return $obj;
  * Method to get an image filter instance of a specified type.
  * @param   string  $type  The image filter type to get.
  * @return  Filter
  * @since   11.3
  * @throws  RuntimeException
 protected function getFilterInstance($type)
     // Sanitize the filter type.
     $type = strtolower(preg_replace('#[^A-Z0-9_]#i', '', $type));
     // Verify that the filter type exists.
     $className = '\\Joomla\\Image\\Filter\\' . ucfirst($type);
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
         Log::add('The ' . ucfirst($type) . ' image filter is not available.', Log::ERROR);
         throw new RuntimeException('The ' . ucfirst($type) . ' image filter is not available.');
     // Instantiate the filter object.
     $instance = new $className($this->handle);
     // Verify that the filter type is valid.
     if (!$instance instanceof Filter) {
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
         Log::add('The ' . ucfirst($type) . ' image filter is not valid.', Log::ERROR);
         throw new RuntimeException('The ' . ucfirst($type) . ' image filter is not valid.');
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     return $instance;
  * Method to add an entry to the log.
  * @param   mixed    $entry     The JLogEntry object to add to the log or the message for a new JLogEntry object.
  * @param   integer  $priority  Message priority.
  * @param   string   $category  Type of entry
  * @param   string   $date      Date of entry (defaults to now if not specified or blank)
  * @return  void
  * @since   11.1
 public static function add($entry, $priority = self::INFO, $category = '', $date = null)
     // Automatically instantiate the singleton object if not already done.
     if (empty(self::$instance)) {
         self::setInstance(new self());
     // If the entry object isn't a JLogEntry object let's make one.
     if (!$entry instanceof Entry) {
         $entry = new Entry((string) $entry, $priority, $category, $date);
  * Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set.
  * @param   string  $property  The name of the property.
  * @param   mixed   $default   The default value.
  * @return  mixed    The value of the property.
  * @since   12.2
  * @deprecated  13.3  Access the properties directly.
 public function get($property, $default = null)
     Log::add('JPagination::get() is deprecated. Access the properties directly.', Log::WARNING, 'deprecated');
     if (strpos($property, '.')) {
         $prop = explode('.', $property);
         $prop[1] = ucfirst($prop[1]);
         $property = implode($prop);
     if (isset($this->{$property})) {
         return $this->{$property};
     return $default;
Пример #27
  * Test the Joomla\Log\Log::setInstance method to make sure that if we set a logger instance Joomla\Log\Log is actually going
  * to use it.  We accomplish this by setting an instance of LogInspector and then performing some
  * operations using Joomla\Log\Log::addLogger() to alter the state of the internal instance.  We then check that the
  * LogInspector instance we created (and set) has the same values we would expect for lookup and configuration
  * so we can assert that the operations we performed using Joomla\Log\Log::addLogger() were actually performed on our
  * instance of LogInspector that was set.
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.0
 public function testSetInstance()
     $log = new LogInspector();
     // Add a logger to the Log object.
     Log::addLogger(array('logger' => 'w3c'));
     // Get the expected configurations array after adding the single logger.
     $expectedConfigurations = array('55202c195e23298813df4292c827b241' => array('logger' => 'w3c'));
     // Get the expected lookup array after adding the single logger.
     $expectedLookup = array('55202c195e23298813df4292c827b241' => (object) array('priorities' => Log::ALL, 'categories' => array(), 'exclude' => false));
     // Get the expected loggers array after adding the single logger (hasn't been instantiated yet so null).
     $expectedLoggers = null;
     $this->assertThat($log->configurations, $this->equalTo($expectedConfigurations), 'Line: ' . __LINE__ . '.');
     $this->assertThat($log->lookup, $this->equalTo($expectedLookup), 'Line: ' . __LINE__ . '.');
     $this->assertThat($log->loggers, $this->equalTo($expectedLoggers), 'Line: ' . __LINE__ . '.');
     // Start over so we test that it actually sets the instance appropriately.
     $log = new LogInspector();
     // Add a logger to the Log object.
     Log::addLogger(array('logger' => 'database', 'db_type' => 'mysql', 'db_table' => '#__test_table'), Log::ERROR);
     // Get the expected configurations array after adding the single logger.
     $expectedConfigurations = array('b67483f5ba61450d173aae527fa4163f' => array('logger' => 'database', 'db_type' => 'mysql', 'db_table' => '#__test_table'));
     // Get the expected lookup array after adding the single logger.
     $expectedLookup = array('b67483f5ba61450d173aae527fa4163f' => (object) array('priorities' => Log::ERROR, 'categories' => array(), 'exclude' => false));
     // Get the expected loggers array after adding the single logger (hasn't been instantiated yet so null).
     $expectedLoggers = null;
     $this->assertThat($log->configurations, $this->equalTo($expectedConfigurations), 'Line: ' . __LINE__ . '.');
     $this->assertThat($log->lookup, $this->equalTo($expectedLookup), 'Line: ' . __LINE__ . '.');
     $this->assertThat($log->loggers, $this->equalTo($expectedLoggers), 'Line: ' . __LINE__ . '.');
  * Method to write the process id file out to disk.
  * @return  boolean
  * @since   11.1
 protected function writeProcessIdFile()
     // Verify the process id is valid.
     if ($this->processId < 1) {
         Log::add('The process id is invalid.', Log::EMERGENCY);
         return false;
     // Get the application process id file path.
     $file = $this->config->get('application_pid_file');
     if (empty($file)) {
         Log::add('The process id file path is empty.', Log::ERROR);
         return false;
     // Make sure that the folder where we are writing the process id file exists.
     $folder = dirname($file);
     if (!is_dir($folder) && !Folder::create($folder)) {
         Log::add('Unable to create directory: ' . $folder, Log::ERROR);
         return false;
     // Write the process id file out to disk.
     if (!file_put_contents($file, $this->processId)) {
         Log::add('Unable to write proccess id file: ' . $file, Log::ERROR);
         return false;
     // Make sure the permissions for the proccess id file are accurate.
     if (!chmod($file, 0644)) {
         Log::add('Unable to adjust permissions for the proccess id file: ' . $file, Log::ERROR);
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #29
  * Set transfer mode
  * @param   integer  $mode  Integer representation of data transfer mode [1:Binary|0:Ascii]
  * Defined constants can also be used [FTP_BINARY|FTP_ASCII]
  * @return  boolean  True if successful
  * @since   1.0
 protected function _mode($mode)
     if ($mode == FTP_BINARY) {
         if (!$this->_putCmd("TYPE I", 200)) {
             Log::add(sprintf('%1$s: Bad response. Server response: %2$s [Expected: 200]. Mode sent: Binary', __METHOD__, $this->response), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             return false;
     } else {
         if (!$this->_putCmd("TYPE A", 200)) {
             Log::add(sprintf('%1$s: Bad response. Server response: %2$s [Expected: 200]. Mode sent: ASCII', __METHOD__, $this->response), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             return false;
     return true;