public function testPipeless() { $jade = new Jade(array('prettyprint' => false)); $actual = $jade->render("div\n span.\n Some indented text\n on many lines\n but the words\n must not\n be\n sticked.\n "); $expected = '<div><span>Some indented text on many lines but the words must not be sticked.</span></div>'; $actual = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $actual); $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); }
public function testEngineOptions() { $jade = new Jade(array('terse' => false, 'indentChar' => '@')); $compiler = new Compiler($jade); $jade->setCustomOption('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertFalse($compiler->getOption('terse')); $this->assertSame('@', $compiler->getOption('indentChar')); $this->assertSame('bar', $compiler->getOption('foo')); }
public function testResetSharedVariables() { $jade = new Jade(); $jade->share('answear', 42); $jade->share(array('foo' => 'Hello', 'bar' => 'world')); $jade->resetSharedVariables(); $error = null; try { $jade->render("p\n =foo\n=' '\n=bar\n | !"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } $this->assertSame('Undefined variable: foo', $error); }
public function testJsExpression() { $jade = new Jade(array('singleQuote' => false, 'expressionLanguage' => 'js')); $actual = trim($jade->render("- a = 2\n- b = 4\n- c = b * a\np=a * b\np=c")); $this->assertSame('<p>8</p><p>8</p>', $actual); $actual = trim($jade->render("- a = 2\n- b = 4\np=a + b")); $this->assertSame('<p>6</p>', $actual); $actual = trim($jade->render("- a = '2'\n- b = 4\np=a + b")); $this->assertSame('<p>24</p>', $actual); $compiler = new ExpressionCompilerTester(array('expressionLanguage' => 'js')); $actual = trim($compiler->callPhpizeExpression('addDollarIfNeeded', 'array(1)')); $this->assertSame('array(1)', $actual); $actual = trim($compiler->callPhpizeExpression('addDollarIfNeeded', 'a')); $this->assertSame('$a', $actual); }
/** * @param string $test_method * @param array $scope * @return string */ protected function render($test_method, $scope = array()) { $content = $this->jade->render($this->jadeFile($test_method), $scope, array('includes' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); $results_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/results/'; if (!file_exists($results_dir)) { mkdir($results_dir); } file_put_contents($results_dir . $test_method . ".php", $content); ob_start(); clearstatcache(); extract($scope); eval("?>" . $content); $rendered = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $rendered; }
protected function cacheTemplates(Jade $pug) { $success = 0; $errors = 0; $directories = array(); foreach ($pug->getOption('assetDirectory') as $assetDirectory) { $viewDirectory = $assetDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views'; if (!is_dir($viewDirectory)) { continue; } $directories[] = $viewDirectory; $data = $pug->cacheDirectory($viewDirectory); $success += $data[0]; $errors += $data[1]; } return array($directories, $success, $errors); }
/** * Get an option from the jade engine if set or from the options array else. * * @param string $option * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * * @return mixed */ public function getOption($option) { if (is_null($this->jade)) { if (!isset($this->options[$option])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("{$option} is not a valid option name.", 28); } return $this->options[$option]; } return $this->jade->getOption($option); }
/** * Remove the keywords. * * @return self $this */ public function unsetMinify() { $this->pug->removeKeyword('assets'); $this->pug->removeKeyword('concat'); $this->pug->removeKeyword('concat-to'); $this->pug->removeKeyword('minify'); $this->pug->removeKeyword('minify-to'); $this->minify = null; return $this; }
protected function getHtmlFromTemplate($template, array $vars = array()) { $jade = new Jade(array('singleQuote' => false, 'prettyprint' => false, 'restrictedScope' => true)); return trim($jade->render($this->getPerformanceTemplate($template), $vars)); }
function compile_php($file) { $jade = new Jade(array('singleQuote' => false, 'prettyprint' => true)); return $jade->compile(file_get_contents(TEMPLATES_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . '.jade')); }
/** * @expectedException EmulateBugException */ public function testExtendsWithFilterException() { $jade = new Jade(); $jade->filter('throw-exception', function () { throw new EmulateBugException("Bad filter", 1); }); $jade->render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/auxiliary/extends-exception-filter.jade'); }
public function testClassAttribute() { $jade = new Jade(array('singleQuote' => false, 'classAttribute' => 'className')); $actual = trim($jade->render(' Hello')); $expected = '<div className="foo bar">Hello</div>'; $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); }
/** * @{inheritDoc} */ public function partial($view, array $data = []) { return $this->jade->render("{$this->path}/{$view}", $data); }
public function testKeyWordArguments() { $jade = new Jade(array('singleQuote' => false, 'prettyprint' => false)); $foo = function ($args, $block, $keyWord) { return $keyWord; }; $jade->setKeyword('foo', $foo); $actual = trim($jade->render("foo\n")); $expected = 'foo'; $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); $jade->setKeyword('bar', $foo); $actual = trim($jade->render("bar\n")); $expected = 'bar'; $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); $jade->setKeyword('minify', function ($args, $block) { $names = array(); foreach ($block->nodes as $index => $tag) { if ($tag->name === 'link') { $href = $tag->getAttribute('href'); $names[] = substr($href['value'], 1, -5); unset($block->nodes[$index]); } } return '<link href="' . implode('-', $names) . '.min.css">'; }); $actual = trim($jade->render("minify\n" . " link(href='foo.css')\n" . " link(href='bar.css')\n")); $expected = '<link href="foo-bar.min.css">'; $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); $jade->setKeyword('concat-to', function ($args, $block) { $names = array(); foreach ($block->nodes as $index => $tag) { if ($tag->name === 'link') { unset($block->nodes[$index]); } } return '<link href="' . $args . '">'; }); $actual = trim($jade->render("concat-to app.css\n" . " link(href='foo.css')\n" . " link(href='bar.css')\n")); $expected = '<link href="app.css">'; $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); }
/** * test the Pug alias */ public function testPugAlias() { $jade = new Jade(); $pug = new Pug(); $this->assertSame($jade->getOption('stream'), ''); $this->assertSame($pug->getOption('stream'), ''); $this->assertSame($pug->render('p Hello'), '<p>Hello</p>'); $this->assertSame($pug->getExtension(), '.pug'); $this->assertTrue(in_array('.pug', $pug->getExtensions())); $jade = new Jade(array('extension' => '.foo')); $this->assertSame($jade->getExtension(), '.foo'); $this->assertFalse(in_array('.pug', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertTrue(in_array('.foo', $jade->getExtensions())); $jade->setOption('extension', array('.jade', '.pug')); $this->assertSame($jade->getExtension(), '.jade'); $this->assertFalse(in_array('.foo', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertTrue(in_array('.jade', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertTrue(in_array('.pug', $jade->getExtensions())); $jade->setOption('extension', array()); $this->assertSame($jade->getExtension(), ''); $this->assertFalse(in_array('', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertFalse(in_array('.foo', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertFalse(in_array('.jade', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertFalse(in_array('.pug', $jade->getExtensions())); $jade->setOption('extension', '.pug'); $this->assertSame($jade->getExtension(), '.pug'); $this->assertFalse(in_array('', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertFalse(in_array('.foo', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertFalse(in_array('.jade', $jade->getExtensions())); $this->assertTrue(in_array('.pug', $jade->getExtensions())); }
/** * Test cacheDirectory method */ public function testCacheDirectory() { $cacheDirectory = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/pug-test'; $this->emptyDirectory($cacheDirectory); if (!is_dir($cacheDirectory)) { mkdir($cacheDirectory, 0777, true); } $templatesDirectory = __DIR__ . '/../templates'; $jade = new Jade(array('basedir' => $templatesDirectory, 'cache' => $cacheDirectory)); list($success, $errors) = $jade->cacheDirectory($templatesDirectory); $filesCount = count(array_filter(scandir($cacheDirectory), function ($file) { return $file !== '.' && $file !== '..'; })); $expectedCount = count(array_filter(array_merge(scandir($templatesDirectory), scandir($templatesDirectory . '/auxiliary'), scandir($templatesDirectory . '/auxiliary/subdirectory/subsubdirectory')), function ($file) { return in_array(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array('pug', 'jade')); })); $this->emptyDirectory($cacheDirectory); $templatesDirectory = __DIR__ . '/../templates/subdirectory/subsubdirectory'; $jade = new Jade(array('basedir' => $templatesDirectory, 'cache' => $cacheDirectory)); $this->emptyDirectory($cacheDirectory); rmdir($cacheDirectory); $this->assertSame($expectedCount, $success + $errors, 'Each .jade file in the directory to cache should generate a success or an error.'); $this->assertSame($success, $filesCount, 'Each file successfully cached should be in the cache directory.'); }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Jade\Jade; $jade = new Jade(); echo $jade->render(__DIR__ . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.jade');
/** * Compile the given Jade template contents. * * @param string $value * @return string */ public function compileString($value) { return $this->jade->compile($value); }
/** * @group php-filter-prettyprint */ public function testPhpFilterWithPrettyprint() { $jade = new Jade(array('prettyprint' => true)); $actual = trim($jade->render(' h1 :php | BAR- echo 6 * 7 | -BAR ')); $expected = '/^<h1>\\n BAR-42\\s+-BAR\\s*\\n<\\/h1>$/'; $this->assertRegExp($expected, $actual, 'Block filter'); $actual = trim($jade->render(' h1 span BAR- :php echo 6 * 7 span -BAR ')); $expected = '/^<h1>\\s+<span>BAR-<\\/span>\\s+42\\s+<span>-BAR<\\/span><\\/h1>$/'; $this->assertRegExp($expected, $actual, 'Block filter and span'); $actual = trim($jade->render(' h1 | BAR- :php echo 6 * 7 | -BAR ')); $expected = '/^<h1>\\s+BAR-\\s+42\\s+-BAR\\s*<\\/h1>$/'; $this->assertRegExp($expected, $actual, 'One-line filter'); $actual = $jade->render('h1 BAR-#[:php echo 6 * 7]-BAR'); $expected = '/^<h1>\\s+BAR-\\s+42\\s+-BAR\\s*<\\/h1>$/'; $this->assertRegExp($expected, $actual, 'In-line filter'); }
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; require_once 'pub/lib/function.php'; use Jade\Jade; $jade = new Jade(); $tpl_dir = __DIR__ . '\\pub\\tpls'; $jext = '.jade'; echo "<br><br><br><br>"; // var_dump($_POST); $depList = getDepartmentList(); $mode = $_GET['mode'] ? $_GET['mode'] : 'bd'; $currDep = $_POST['rep_dept'] ? $_POST['rep_dept'] : "000000000"; $tpl = getTemplate($mode); if ($_POST['go']) { switch ($mode) { case 'bd': $content = get_bd_content($currDep); break; case 'mv': $content = get_mv_content($currDep, $_POST); break; case 'ls': $content = get_list_employee($currDep); break; case 'vc': $content = get_vacations($currDep); break; case 'fr': $content = get_fired_list($currDep, $_POST); break;