isRegex() публичный Метод

is this state a regex type of state? formats: "regex:" "not-regex:"
public isRegex ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean
  * Add a state. without a transition.
  * Normally, you would not use this method directly but instead use
  * addTransition to add the transitions with the states in one go.
  * This method makes sense if you would want to load the statemachine with states
  * and not transitions, and then add the transitions with regex states.
  * This saves you the hassle of adding transitions before you add the
  * regex transitions (just so the states are already known on the machine).
  * in case a State is not used in a Transition, it will be orphaned and not 
  * reachable via other states.
  * @param State $state 
  * @return boolean true if the state was not know to the machine or wasn't added, false otherwise.           
 public function addState(State $state)
     //no regex states
     if ($state->isRegex()) {
         return false;
     //check for duplicates
     if (isset($this->states[$state->getName()])) {
         return false;
     $this->states[$state->getName()] = $state;
     return true;
  * get all states that match a possible regex state from the set of states
  * provided
  * @param State $regex
  *            a possible regex state.
  * @param State[] $targets
  *            all target State instances that we check the regex against.
  * @return State[] an array of State instances from the $targets State
  *         instances that matched the (negated) regex, or the $regex State if it was
  *         not a regex State after all.
  * @link
  * @link for trying out regular expressions
 public static function getAllRegexMatchingStates(State $regex, $targets)
     $all = array();
     if ($regex->isRegex()) {
         // lookup all from states that conform to this rgex
         foreach ($targets as $target) {
             if (!$target->isRegex() && self::matchesRegex($regex, $target)) {
                 $all[] = $target;
     } else {
         $all[] = $regex;
     return $all;
  * @test
  * @group regex
 public function shouldNotReturnRegexState()
     $name = 'rege:.*';
     $regex = new State($name);
Пример #4
  * @test
  * @group regex
 public function shouldReturnArrayOfMatchedStates()
     $a = new State('a');
     $b = new State('ab');
     $c = new State('ba');
     $d = new State('abracadabra');
     $e = new State('action-hero');
     $f = new State('action-bad-guy');
     $g = new State('ac');
     $targets = array($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g);
     $regex = new State('regex:/.*/');
     $this->assertEquals($targets, Utils::getAllRegexMatchingStates($regex, $targets));
     $regex = new State('regex:/^a.*/');
     $this->assertEquals(array($a, $b, $d, $e, $f, $g), Utils::getAllRegexMatchingStates($regex, $targets));
     $regex = new State('regex:/^a.+/');
     $this->assertEquals(array($b, $d, $e, $f, $g), Utils::getAllRegexMatchingStates($regex, $targets));
     $regex = new State('regex:/^a.*a.+$/');
     $this->assertEquals(array($d, $f), Utils::getAllRegexMatchingStates($regex, $targets));
     $regex = new State('regex:/^ac.*-.+$/');
     $this->assertEquals(array($e, $f), Utils::getAllRegexMatchingStates($regex, $targets));
     $regex = new State('ac');
     $this->assertEquals(array($g), Utils::getAllRegexMatchingStates($regex, $targets), 'non regex state');
  * @param State $state_from
  * @param State $state_to
  * @param string $event
  *            optional: an event name by which this transition can be
  *            triggered
  * @param string $rule
  *            optional: one or more fully qualified Rule (sub)class name(s)
  *            to check to see if we are allowed to transition.
  *            This can actually be a ',' seperated string of multiple rules
  *            that will be applied as a chained 'and' rule.
  * @param string $command
  *            optional: one or more fully qualified Command (sub)class
  *            name(s) to execute for a transition.
  *            This can actually be a ',' seperated string of multiple
  *            commands that will be executed as a composite.
  * @param callable $callable_guard
  *            optional: a php callable to call. eg: "function(){echo 'closure called';};"
  * @param callable $callable_transition
  *            optional: a php callable to call. eg: "izzum\MyClass::myStaticMethod"
 public function __construct(State $state_from, State $state_to, $event = null, $rule = self::RULE_EMPTY, $command = self::COMMAND_EMPTY, $callable_guard = self::CALLABLE_NULL, $callable_transition = self::CALLABLE_NULL)
     $this->state_from = $state_from;
     $this->state_to = $state_to;
     // setup bidirectional relationship with state this transition
     // originates from. only if it's not a regex or final state type
     if (!$state_from->isRegex() && !$state_from->isFinal()) {
     // set and sanitize event name