Пример #1
function copy_dir($to, $from)
    status('copy', path(rtrim($to, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), basename($from)));
    \IO\Dir::cpfiles($from, path($to, basename($from)), '*', TRUE);
Пример #2
$autoload = (require getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php');
require dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sauce.php';
require __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php';
\Sauce\Base::bind(function ($bootstrap) {
run(function () {
    $xargs = \Sauce\Shell\CLI::values();
    $command = array_shift($xargs);
    $paths = array();
    $paths[] = path(__DIR__, 'tasks');
    is_dir($app_tasks = path(APP_PATH, 'tasks')) && ($paths[] = $app_tasks);
    \IO\Dir::open($paths, function ($file) {
        if (is_dir($file)) {
            require path($file, 'initialize.php');
        } else {
            require $file;
    if (!$command) {
    } else {
        try {
            \Sauce\Shell\Task::exec($command, $xargs);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            \Sauce\Shell\CLI::error("\n  \\cred,black({$e->getMessage()})\\c\n");
Пример #3
 \IO\Dir::open(path($base_path, $type), function ($file) use($base_path, $static_dir, $type, $cache_dir, $cache) {
     if (is_file($file)) {
         $out = array();
         $tmp = \Sauce\App\Assets::parse($file);
         $test = array();
         isset($tmp['head']) && ($test = array_merge($test, $tmp['head']));
         isset($tmp['require']) && ($test = array_merge($test, $tmp['require']));
         // required scripts, stand-alone
         if ($test) {
             foreach ($test as $old) {
                 $key = str_replace($base_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $old);
                 $new = path($static_dir, $key);
                 if ($type === 'js' && !preg_match('/\\.(min|pack)\\.js$/', $key)) {
                     $min = path(TMP, md5($key));
                     write($min, js_min(read($old)));
                     $old = $min;
                 if (!isset($cache[$key])) {
                     if (s3_handle()) {
                         s3_upload_asset($old, $key);
                     } elseif (!is_file($new)) {
                         is_dir(dirname($new)) or mkdir(dirname($new), 0777, TRUE);
                         copy($old, $new);
                     $cache[$key] = 1;
                     status('prepare', $key);
         // asset mashup, grouped
         if (!empty($tmp['include'])) {
             foreach ($tmp['include'] as $test) {
                 $ext = \IO\File::ext($test);
                 $key = str_replace(APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $test);
                 $name = join('.', array_slice(explode('.', basename($test)), 0, 2));
                 $path = str_replace(path(APP_PATH, 'app', 'assets', $type), '__', dirname($test));
                 if ($ext != $type) {
                     $cache_file = path($cache_dir, strtr("{$path}/{$name}", '\\/', '__'));
                     if (is_file($cache_file)) {
                         $out[$key] = !empty($cache[$key]) ? $cache[$key] : ($cache[$key] = read($cache_file));
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($cache[$key])) {
                             $out[$key] = $cache[$key];
                         } else {
                             $out[$key] = \Tailor\Base::compile($test);
                             write($cache_file, $out[$key]);
                 } else {
                     $out[$key] = read($test);
                 if ($type === 'css') {
                     $out[$key] = css_min(solve_paths($out[$key]));
                 } else {
                     if (!preg_match('/\\.(min|pack)\\.js$/', $test)) {
                         $out[$key] = js_min($out[$key]);
                 status('prepare', "{$key}");
         // final integration
         if (!empty($out)) {
             $set = array_keys($out);
             write($tmp = path(TMP, md5($file)), join("\n", $out));
             $hash = md5(md5_file($tmp) . filesize($tmp));
             $name = str_replace($base_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $file);
             $min_file = path($static_dir, \IO\File::extn($name) . "{$hash}.{$type}");
             if (s3_handle()) {
                 s3_upload_asset($tmp, str_replace($static_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $min_file));
             } else {
                 is_dir(dirname($min_file)) or mkdir(dirname($min_file), 0777, TRUE);
                 rename($tmp, $min_file);
             \Sauce\App\Assets::assign($path = str_replace(path($base_path, $type) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $file), $hash);
             status('hashing', "{$path} [{$hash}]");
Пример #4

$path = array_shift($params);
if (!$path) {
    error("\n  Missing model path\n");
} elseif (is_file($path)) {
} else {
    $mod_path = path(APP_PATH, $path);
    if (!is_dir($mod_path)) {
        error("\n  Model path '{$path}' does not exists\n");
    } else {
        $crawl = function ($file) {
        if (arg('R recursive')) {
            \IO\Dir::each($mod_path, '*.php', $crawl);
        } else {
            \IO\Dir::open($mod_path, $crawl);
Пример #5
    $set = array('font' => arg('f fonts all'), 'img' => arg('i images all'), 'css' => arg('c styles all'), 'js' => arg('j scripts all'));
    if (s3_handle()) {
    } else {
        $static_dir = path(APP_PATH, 'static');
        is_dir($static_dir) or mkdir($static_dir, 0777);
        foreach ($set as $type => $ok) {
            $files_dir = path($static_dir, $type);
            if (is_dir($files_dir) && $ok) {
                status('remove', "static/{$type}");
                \IO\Dir::unfile($files_dir, '*', TRUE);
            is_dir($files_dir) or mkdir($files_dir, 0777);
    if (arg('v views all')) {
        status('remove', 'cache');
        $cache_dir = path(APP_PATH, 'app', 'cache');
        is_dir($cache_dir) && \IO\Dir::unfile($cache_dir, '*.*', TRUE);
        is_dir($cache_dir) or mkdir($cache_dir);
        chmod($cache_dir, 0777);
    // TODO: unset from cache?
    if (arg('r reset all')) {
        $res_file = path(APP_PATH, 'config', 'resources.php');
        write($res_file, "<?php return array();\n");
        status('update', 'config/resources.php');
} else {
    error("\n  Nothing to do\n");
Пример #6

$out = array();
$tmp_dir = path(dirname(__DIR__), 'assets');
$base_dir = path($tmp_dir, 'static');
\IO\Dir::each($base_dir, '*', function ($file) use($target_dir, $base_dir) {
    $new = str_replace($base_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $file);
    $out = path($target_dir, $new);
    if (!is_dir($file)) {
        $path = dirname($out);
        if (!is_dir($path)) {
            status('create', $path);
            mkdir($path, 0755, TRUE);
        status('copy', $out);
        copy($file, $out);
copy_file(path($target_dir, 'assets', 'css'), path($tmp_dir, 'sauce.less'));
copy_file(path($target_dir, 'assets', 'css'), path($tmp_dir, 'base.less'));
copy_file(path($target_dir, 'assets', 'css'), path($tmp_dir, 'media.less'));
copy_file(path($target_dir, 'assets', 'css'), path($tmp_dir, 'styles.css.less'));
copy_file(path($target_dir, 'assets', 'js', 'lib'), path($tmp_dir, 'console.js'));
copy_file(path($target_dir, 'assets', 'js', 'lib'), path($tmp_dir, 'jquery.min.js'));
copy_file(path($target_dir, 'assets', 'js', 'lib'), path($tmp_dir, 'modernizr.min.js'));
copy_file(path($target_dir, 'assets', 'js'), path($tmp_dir, 'script.js.coffee'));
$name = camelcase(basename($target_dir));
create_file(path($target_dir, '.gitignore'), ".cache\nstatic/*");
create_file(path($target_dir, 'config.php'), '<' . "?php\n\n\$config['title'] = '{$name}';\n\$config['base_url'] = '';\n");
Пример #7
 \IO\Dir::each($from, '*', function ($file) use(&$cache, $source_dir, $assets_dir, $output_dir) {
     $key = md5_file($file);
     $key .= filemtime($file);
     if (in_array($key, $cache)) {
     $cache[] = $key;
     $path = trim(dirname(str_replace(array($source_dir, $assets_dir), '', $file)), '.\\/');
     if (preg_match('/\\.((?:ht|x)ml|rss|txt|php|css|js)(?:\\.\\w+)*?$/', $file, $match)) {
         $type = $match[1];
         @(list($name) = explode(".{$type}", basename($file)));
         $base = str_replace("{$name}.{$type}", '', basename($file)) ?: FALSE;
         $out = path($output_dir, $path, "{$name}.{$type}");
         $dir = dirname($out);
         is_dir($dir) or mkdir($dir, 0777, TRUE);
         if (!is_file($out) or filemtime($file) > filemtime($out)) {
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'html':
                     $uri = $path ? "/{$path}" : '';
                     $uri .= $name != 'index' ? "/{$name}.{$type}" : '/';
                     assign('current_url', $uri);
                     if ($base) {
                         $view = \Tailor\Base::compile($file);
                     } else {
                         $view = read($file);
                     $layout = fetch('layout') ?: 'default';
                     $layout = \Tailor\Helpers::resolve("layouts/{$layout}", 'views_dir');
                     $hash = "{$layout}@";
                     $hash .= md5_file($file);
                     $hash .= filemtime($file);
                     if (is_file($layout)) {
                         $view = adjust_tags($view, \Tailor\Base::compile($layout));
                     status('partial', $out);
                     write($out, $view);
                 case 'css':
                 case 'js':
                     if ($base) {
                         $view = \Tailor\Base::compile($file);
                         status('partial', $out);
                         write($out, $view);
                     } else {
                         status('copy', $out);
                         copy($file, $out);
         // TODO: more formats or better check-up?
     } elseif (preg_match('/\\.(?:jpe?g|png|gif|woff|eot|ttf|svg|ico|xml|rss|txt|webm|mp[34]|og[gv])$/', $file)) {
         $out = path($output_dir, $path, basename($file));
         $dir = dirname($out);
         is_dir($dir) or mkdir($dir, 0777, TRUE);
         status('copy', $out);
         copy($file, $out);
Пример #8
 private static function extract($from, $on)
     $out = array();
     is_file($from) or $from = \Tailor\Helpers::resolve($from, $on);
     if (!is_file($from)) {
         throw new \Exception("The file '{$from}' does not exists");
     $ext = static::extension($on);
     $dir = \Tailor\Config::get($on);
     $url = \Tailor\Config::get(str_replace('_dir', '_url', $on));
     // TODO: accept other formats?
     if (preg_match_all('/\\s+\\*=\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(\\S+)/m', read($from), $match)) {
         foreach ($match[1] as $i => $key) {
             $tmp = path($dir, $match[2][$i]);
             $old = \Tailor\Helpers::findfile("{$tmp}*", 0);
             if (is_dir($old)) {
                 \IO\Dir::open($old, function ($file) use(&$out, $key) {
                     $out[$key][] = $file;
             } else {
                 if (!is_file($old)) {
                     $old = "{$url}/{$match[2][$i]}";
                     substr($old, -strlen($ext)) != $ext && ($old .= ".{$ext}");
                 $out[$key][] = $old;
     return $out;
Пример #9
\Tailor\Config::set('styles_dir', path($assets_dir, 'css'));
\Tailor\Config::set('scripts_dir', path($assets_dir, 'js'));
if (arg('b build')) {
    say("\n  \\cwhite,blue(**COMPILING**)\\c");
} else {
    say("\n  \\cwhite,magenta(**WATCHING**)\\c\n  Press \\bwhite(CTRL+C)\\b to exit");
say("\n  *From*: {$source_dir}\n    *To*: {$output_dir}\n");
$cache_file = path($target_dir, '.cache');
$cache = explode("\n", read($cache_file)) ?: array();
$timeout = (int) arg('t to') ?: 3;
if ($recreate) {
    require path(__DIR__, 'create_skeleton.php');
} elseif (arg('r reset')) {
    $cache = array();
    \IO\Dir::unfile($output_dir, '*', TRUE);
    is_dir($output_dir) or mkdir($output_dir, 0755, TRUE);
if (arg('b build')) {
    $a = microtime(TRUE);
    $cache = array();
    $timeout = 0;
    require path(__DIR__, 'do_compile.php');
    $diff = round(microtime(TRUE) - $a, 4);
    say("\n  *Done*: {$diff}s\n");
} else {
    \Sauce\Shell\CLI::main(function () use(&$cache, $target_dir, $assets_dir, $source_dir, $output_dir, $timeout) {
        require path(__DIR__, 'do_compile.php');
Пример #10

$name = array_shift($params);
$test = realpath(dirname($name));
if (!$name) {
    error("\n  Missing application name\n");
} elseif (!is_dir($test)) {
    error("\n  Can't create the directory\n");
} else {
    $app_path = path($test, basename($name));
    if (!arg('f force') && is_dir($app_path)) {
        error("\n  Directory '{$name}' already exists\n");
    } else {
        arg('D delete-all') && \IO\Dir::unfile($app_path, '*', TRUE);
        require path(__DIR__, 'create_application.php');
Пример #11
 public static function initialize(\Closure $lambda)
     if (static::$loaded) {
         throw new \Exception("Application already loaded");
     // request vars
     // configuration
     config(path(APP_PATH, 'config.php'));
     config(path(APP_PATH, 'config', 'application.php'));
     config(path(APP_PATH, 'config', 'environments', APP_ENV . '.php'));
     // timezone
     date_default_timezone_set(option('timezone', 'UTC'));
     // setup
     $test = strtoupper(PHP_SAPI);
     if (strpos($test, 'CLI') === FALSE or $test === 'CLI-SERVER') {
         define('INDEX', basename(APP_LOADER));
         // root+uri
         $url = array();
         $url['ORIG_PATH_INFO'] = FALSE;
         $url['REQUEST_URI'] = FALSE;
         $url['SCRIPT_URL'] = TRUE;
         $url['PATH_INFO'] = FALSE;
         $url['PHP_SELF'] = TRUE;
         foreach ($url as $key => $val) {
             if (!isset($_SERVER[$key])) {
             if (strpos($_SERVER[$key], INDEX) && $val === FALSE) {
             $url = $_SERVER[$key];
         $base = array();
         $base['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'] = TRUE;
         #$base['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = TRUE;
         $base['SCRIPT_NAME'] = TRUE;
         $base['PHP_SELF'] = FALSE;
         foreach ($base as $key => $val) {
             if (!isset($_SERVER[$key])) {
             if (strpos($_SERVER[$key], INDEX) && $val === FALSE) {
             $base = $_SERVER[$key];
         // site root
         $base = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote(INDEX) . '.*$/', '', $base);
         if (($root = server('DOCUMENT_ROOT')) != '/') {
             $base = str_replace($root, '.', $base);
         define('ROOT', ltrim(str_replace(INDEX, '', $base), '.'));
         // URL cleanup
         $root = preg_quote(ROOT, '/');
         $index = preg_quote(INDEX, '/');
         $parts = explode('?', $url);
         $parts = preg_replace("/^(?:{$root}(?:{$index})?)?\$/", '', array_shift($parts));
         define('URI', '/' . trim($parts, '/'));
         if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
             $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = server('SCRIPT_NAME', server('PHP_SELF'));
             $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= $query = server('QUERY_STRING') ? "?{$query}" : '';
         $base_url = \Postman\Request::host();
     } else {
         $parts = explode('/', option('base_url'));
         $root = '/' . join('/', array_slice($parts, 3));
         $base_url = join('/', array_slice($parts, 0, 3));
         // TODO: set URI/REQUEST_METHOD from CLI arguments...
         define('INDEX', option('index_file') ?: 'index.php');
         define('ROOT', $root ?: '/');
         define('URI', '/');
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = URI;
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET';
     // assets
     if (APP_ENV != 'production') {
         $doc_root = $base_url . ROOT . '?@=';
     } elseif (!($doc_root = option('asset_host'))) {
         if ($doc_root = option('asset_subdomain')) {
             $doc_root = \Broil\Helpers::reduce($base_url, $doc_root);
         } else {
             $doc_root = $base_url . ROOT . 'static';
     \Tailor\Config::set('fonts_url', "{$doc_root}/font");
     \Tailor\Config::set('images_url', "{$doc_root}/img");
     \Tailor\Config::set('styles_url', "{$doc_root}/css");
     \Tailor\Config::set('scripts_url', "{$doc_root}/js");
     // templating
     \Tailor\Config::set('cache_dir', path(APP_PATH, 'app', 'cache'));
     \Tailor\Config::set('views_dir', path(APP_PATH, 'app', 'views'));
     \Tailor\Config::set('fonts_dir', path(APP_PATH, 'app', 'assets', 'font'));
     \Tailor\Config::set('images_dir', path(APP_PATH, 'app', 'assets', 'img'));
     \Tailor\Config::set('styles_dir', path(APP_PATH, 'app', 'assets', 'css'));
     \Tailor\Config::set('scripts_dir', path(APP_PATH, 'app', 'assets', 'js'));
     // web goodies
     \Labourer\Config::set('csrf_salt', '');
     \Labourer\Config::set('csrf_token', '');
     \Labourer\Config::set('csrf_expire', 300);
     \Labourer\Config::set('session_path', ROOT);
     \Labourer\Config::set('session_expire', 3600);
     \Labourer\Config::set('upload_path', path(APP_PATH, 'static', 'uploads'));
     \Labourer\Config::set('upload_type', 'image/*');
     \Labourer\Config::set('upload_min_size', 96);
     \Labourer\Config::set('upload_max_size', 2097152);
     \Labourer\Config::set('upload_extension', array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'ico'));
     \Labourer\Config::set('upload_skip_error', FALSE);
     \Labourer\Config::set('upload_multiple', TRUE);
     \Labourer\Config::set('upload_unique', TRUE);
     \Labourer\Config::set('s3_key', '');
     \Labourer\Config::set('s3_secret', '');
     \Labourer\Config::set('s3_bucket', '');
     \Labourer\Config::set('s3_location', FALSE);
     \Labourer\Config::set('s3_permission', 'public_read');
     // database
     \Grocery\Config::set('unserialize', APP_ENV === 'production' ? 'ignore' : 'reset');
     \Servant\Config::set('default', 'sqlite::memory:');
     // caching
     \Cashier\Config::set('cache_dir', TMP);
     \Cashier\Config::set('driver', option('cache', 'php'));
     // connections
     if ($test = option('database')) {
         foreach ($test as $key => $val) {
             \Servant\Config::set($key, $val, APP_ENV === 'production');
     // debug sql
     \Grocery\Config::set('logger', function ($sql, $ms) {
         $sql = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $sql);
         \Sauce\Logger::info("{$sql} ({$ms})");
     // start up
     // routing
     \Broil\Config::set('root', ROOT);
     \Broil\Config::set('index_file', INDEX);
     \Broil\Config::set('rewrite', option('rewrite'));
     \Broil\Config::set('request_uri', URI);
     \Broil\Config::set('request_method', method());
     \Broil\Config::set('server_base', $base_url);
     \Broil\Config::set('tld_size', option('tld_size'));
     // load routes
     $routes_file = path(APP_PATH, 'config', 'routes.php');
     is_file($routes_file) && (require $routes_file);
     // before any initializer?
     foreach (static::$middleware as $callback) {
         $lambda = $callback($lambda);
     // scripts
     $init_path = path(APP_PATH, 'config', 'initializers');
     if (is_dir($init_path)) {
         \IO\Dir::open($init_path, function ($path) {
             require is_dir($path) ? path($path, 'initialize.php') : $path;
     // go!
     static::$loaded = TRUE;
     static::$response = new \Postman\Response();
     return \Sauce\App\Bootstrap::initialize($lambda);