Пример #1
     * Test on \Includes\Utils\Converter::removeCRLF
     * @return void
     * @see    ____func_see____
     * @since  1.0.3
    public function testRemoveCRLF()
        $url = $etalonURL = 'admin.php?target=main';
        $this->assertEquals($etalonURL, \Includes\Utils\Converter::removeCRLF($url), 'removeCRLF() test #1 failed');
        $url = '   admin.php?target=main   ';
        $this->assertEquals($etalonURL, \Includes\Utils\Converter::removeCRLF($url), 'removeCRLF() test #2 failed');
        $url = <<<OUT
        $this->assertEquals($etalonURL, \Includes\Utils\Converter::removeCRLF($url), 'removeCRLF() test #3 failed');
        $this->assertEquals('', \Includes\Utils\Converter::removeCRLF(null), 'removeCRLF() test #4 failed');
        $this->assertEquals('0', \Includes\Utils\Converter::removeCRLF(0), 'removeCRLF() test #5 failed');
        $this->assertEquals('5', \Includes\Utils\Converter::removeCRLF(5), 'removeCRLF() test #6 failed');
Пример #2
  * Returns repository class for model class of current node
  * @param \Includes\Decorator\DataStructure\Graph\Classes $node Current node
  * @return string
 protected function getRepositoryClass(\Includes\Decorator\DataStructure\Graph\Classes $node)
     $repositoryClass = null;
     if (!($node->isLowLevelNode() || $node->isTopLevelNode() || !$node->isDecorator())) {
         $children = $node->getChildren();
         $repositoryClass = isset($children[0]) ? $this->getRepositoryClass($children[0]) : $this->getDefaultRepositoryClass('');
     } else {
         $repositoryClass = \Includes\Utils\Converter::getPureClassName($node->getClass());
         $repositoryClass = \Includes\Utils\Converter::prepareClassName(str_replace('\\Model\\', '\\Model\\Repo\\', $repositoryClass), false);
         if (!\XLite\Core\Operator::isClassExists($repositoryClass)) {
             $repositoryClass = $this->getDefaultRepositoryClass($repositoryClass);
     return $repositoryClass;
Пример #3
  * Return specific data for address entry. Helper.
  * @param \XLite\Model\Address $address   Address
  * @param boolean              $showEmpty Show empty fields OPTIONAL
  * @return array
 protected function getAddressSectionData(\XLite\Model\Address $address, $showEmpty = false)
     $result = array();
     $hasStates = $address->getCountry() ? $address->getCountry()->hasStates() : false;
     foreach (\XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('XLite\\Model\\AddressField')->findAllEnabled() as $field) {
         $method = 'get' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToCamelCase($field->getViewGetterName() ?: $field->getServiceName());
         $addressFieldValue = $address->{$method}();
         $cssFieldName = $field->getCSSFieldName();
         switch ($field->getServiceName()) {
             case 'state_id':
                 $addressFieldValue = $hasStates ? $addressFieldValue : null;
                 if (null === $addressFieldValue && $hasStates) {
                     $addressFieldValue = $address->getCustomState();
             case 'custom_state':
                 $addressFieldValue = $hasStates ? null : $address->getCustomState();
                 $cssFieldName = $hasStates ? $cssFieldName : 'address-state';
         if ($addressFieldValue || $showEmpty) {
             $result[$field->getServiceName()] = array('css_class' => $cssFieldName, 'title' => $field->getName(), 'value' => $addressFieldValue);
     return $result;
Пример #4
  * Add code to replace
  * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $data        Class metadata
  * @param string                              $template    Template to use
  * @param array                               $substitutes List of entries to substitude
  * @return void
 protected function addReplacement(\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $data, $template, array $substitutes)
     if (!empty($substitutes)) {
         $file = \Includes\Utils\Converter::getClassFile($data->reflClass->getName());
         if (!isset($this->replacements[$file])) {
             $this->replacements[$file] = '';
         $this->replacements[$file] .= $this->substituteTemplate($template, $substitutes) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
Пример #5
  * Constructor
  * @param string  $majorVersion Core major version
  * @param string  $minorVersion Core minor version
  * @param integer $revisionDate Core revison date
  * @param integer $size         Pack size
  * @return void
 public function __construct($majorVersion, $minorVersion, $revisionDate, $size)
     if (!$this->checkMajorVersion($majorVersion) || !$this->checkMinorVersion($majorVersion, $minorVersion)) {
         $version = \Includes\Utils\Converter::composeVersion($majorVersion, $minorVersion);
         \Includes\ErrorHandler::fireError('Unallowed core version for upgrade: ' . $version);
     if ($revisionDate >= \XLite\Core\Converter::time()) {
         \Includes\ErrorHandler::fireError('Invalid core revision date: "' . date(DATE_RFC822, $revisionDate) . '"');
     $this->majorVersion = $majorVersion;
     $this->minorVersion = $minorVersion;
     $this->revisionDate = $revisionDate;
     $this->size = $size;
Пример #6
  * Get application version
  * @return string
 public final function getVersion()
     return \Includes\Utils\Converter::composeVersion($this->getMajorVersion(), $this->getMinorVersion());
Пример #7
  * Call controller action
  * @return void
 protected function callAction()
     $action = $this->getAction();
     $method = 'doAction' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToPascalCase($action);
     if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
         // Call method doAction<action-name-in-camel-case>
     } else {
         \XLite\Logger::getInstance()->log('Handler for the action "' . $action . '" is not defined for the "' . get_class($this) . '" class');
Пример #8
  * Check if we need to forbid current action
  * @return boolean
 protected function checkForDemoController()
     $class = \Includes\Utils\Converter::trimLeadingChars(get_class($this), '\\');
     return in_array($class, $this->demoControllers) ? !$this->isDemoActionPermitted($class) : $this->isDemoActionForbidden($class);
Пример #9
  * Get enpoint URL for certain action
  * @param string $action Action name
  * @return string
 protected function getMarketplaceActionURL($action)
     return \Includes\Utils\Converter::trimTrailingChars($this->getMarketplaceURL(), '/') . '/' . $action;
Пример #10
$targetSkinDir = $target = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])([a-z0-9])/Ss', '$1_$2$3', $target));
$targetShort = ucfirst(\Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToCamelCase($target));
$targetClass = macro_assemble_class_name('Controller\\Admin\\' . $targetShort, $moduleAuthor, $moduleName);
$targetControllerPath = macro_convert_class_name_to_path($targetClass);
$list = array_merge((array) @glob(LC_DIR_CLASSES . 'XLite/Controller/Admin/' . $targetShort . '.php'), (array) @glob(LC_DIR_CLASSES . 'XLite/Module/*/*/Controller/Admin/' . $targetShort . '.php'));
$list = array_map('trim', $list);
$list = array_filter($list, function ($var) use($targetControllerPath) {
    return !empty($var) && realpath($var) != $targetControllerPath;
if ($list) {
    macro_error('Controller class \'' . $targetShort . '\' already exists (' . implode('; ', $list) . ')');
$targetOne = isset($targetOne) ? $targetOne : substr($target, 0, -1);
$targetOneSkinDir = $targetOne = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])([a-z0-9])/Ss', '$1_$2$3', $targetOne));
$targetOneShort = ucfirst(\Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToCamelCase($targetOne));
$targetOneClass = macro_assemble_class_name('Controller\\Admin\\' . $targetOneShort, $moduleAuthor, $moduleName);
$targetOneControllerPath = macro_convert_class_name_to_path($targetOneClass);
$list = array_merge((array) @glob(LC_DIR_CLASSES . 'XLite/Controller/Admin/' . $targetOneShort . '.php'), (array) @glob(LC_DIR_CLASSES . 'XLite/Module/*/*/Controller/Admin/' . $targetOneShort . '.php'));
$list = array_map('trim', $list);
$list = array_filter($list, function ($var) use($targetOneControllerPath) {
    return !empty($var) && realpath($var) != $targetOneControllerPath;
if ($list) {
    macro_error('Controller class \'' . $targetOneShort . '\' already exists (' . implode('; ', $list) . ')');
// --search
$searchFields = $searchFields ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $searchFields)) : array();
foreach ($searchFields as $field) {
    if (!in_array($field, $keys)) {
        macro_error('Field \'' . $field . '\' marked as searchable and it not ofund');
Пример #11
  * Update quick flags for a category
  * @param \XLite\Model\Category $entity Category
  * @param array                 $flags  Flags to set
  * @return void
 protected function updateQuickFlags(\XLite\Model\Category $entity, array $flags)
     $quickFlags = $entity->getQuickFlags();
     if (!isset($quickFlags)) {
         $quickFlags = new \XLite\Model\Category\QuickFlags();
     foreach ($flags as $name => $delta) {
         $name = \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToPascalCase($name);
         $quickFlags->{'set' . $name}($quickFlags->{'get' . $name}() + $delta);
Пример #12
  * Get entity unique identifier value
  * @return integer
 public function getUniqueIdentifier()
     return $this->{'get' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToPascalCase($this->getUniqueIdentifierName())}();
Пример #13
  * Build Drupal path string
  * @param string $target Target OPTIONAL
  * @param string $action Action OPTIONAL
  * @param array  $params Parameters list OPTIONAL
  * @param string $node   Node OPTIONAL
  * @return string
 public static function buildDrupalPath($target = '', $action = '', array $params = array(), $node = self::DRUPAL_ROOT_NODE)
     if (empty($action) && $params) {
         $action = static::EMPTY_ACTION;
     $url = implode('/', array($node, $target, $action));
     if ($params) {
         $url .= '/' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::buildQuery($params, '-', '/');
     return $url;
Пример #14
  * setHeaderLocation
  * @param string  $location URL
  * @param integer $code     Operation code OPTIONAL
  * @return void
 protected static function setHeaderLocation($location, $code = 302)
     $location = \Includes\Utils\Converter::removeCRLF($location);
     if (headers_sent()) {
         // HTML meta tags-based redirect
         echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . '<!--' . "\n" . 'self.location=\'' . $location . '\';' . "\n" . '-->' . "\n" . '</script>' . "\n" . '<noscript><a href="' . $location . '">Click here to redirect</a></noscript><br /><br />';
     } elseif (\XLite\Core\Request::getInstance()->isAJAX() && 200 == $code) {
         // AJAX-based redirct
         header('AJAX-Location: ' . $location, true, $code);
     } else {
         // HTTP-based redirect
         header('Location: ' . $location, true, $code);
Пример #15
  * Compares two values
  * @param mixed $val1 Value 1
  * @param mixed $val2 Value 2
  * @param mixed $val3 Value 3 OPTIONAL
  * @return boolean
 protected function isSelected($val1, $val2, $val3 = null)
     if (isset($val1) && isset($val3)) {
         $method = 'get';
         if ($val1 instanceof \XLite\Model\AEntity) {
             $method .= \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToPascalCase($val2);
         // Get value with get() method and compare it with third value
         $result = $val1->{$method}() == $val3;
     } else {
         $result = $val1 == $val2;
     return $result;
Пример #16
  * Prepare class name
  * @param string $class Class name to prepare
  * @return string
 protected function prepareClassName($class)
     return \Includes\Utils\Converter::trimLeadingChars($class, '\\');
Пример #17
  * Uninstall module
  * @param \XLite\Model\Module $module    Module object
  * @param array               &$messages Messages list
  * @return boolean
 public function uninstallModule(\XLite\Model\Module $module, &$messages)
     $result = false;
     // Get module pack
     $pack = new \XLite\Core\Pack\Module($module);
     $dirs = $pack->getDirs();
     $nonWritableDirs = array();
     // Check module directories permissions
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         if (\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isExists($dir) && !\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isDirWriteable($dir)) {
             $nonWritableDirs[] = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::getRelativePath($dir, LC_DIR_ROOT);
     $params = array('name' => sprintf('%s v%s (%s)', $module->getModuleName(), $module->getVersion(), $module->getAuthorName()));
     if (empty($nonWritableDirs)) {
         $yamlData = array();
         $yamlFiles = \Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::getModuleYAMLFiles($module->getAuthor(), $module->getName());
         foreach ($yamlFiles as $yamlFile) {
             $yamlData[] = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($yamlFile);
         if (!$module->checkModuleMainClass()) {
             $classFile = LC_DIR_CLASSES . \Includes\Utils\Converter::getClassFile($module->getMainClass());
             if (\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isFileReadable($classFile)) {
                 require_once $classFile;
         // Call uninstall event method
         $r = $module->callModuleMethod('callUninstallEvent', 111);
         if (111 == $r) {
             \XLite\Logger::getInstance()->log($module->getActualName() . ': Method callUninstallEvent() was not called');
         // Remove from FS
         foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         // Remove module from DB
         try {
             // Refresh module entity as it was changed by disableModule() method above
             $module = $this->find($module->getModuleID());
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $messages[] = $e->getMessage();
         if ($module->getModuleID()) {
             $messages[] = \XLite\Core\Translation::getInstance()->translate('A DB error occured while uninstalling the module X', $params);
         } else {
             if (!empty($yamlData)) {
                 foreach ($yamlData as $yaml) {
             $messages[] = \XLite\Core\Translation::getInstance()->translate('The module X has been uninstalled successfully', $params);
             $result = true;
     } else {
         $messages[] = \XLite\Core\Translation::getInstance()->translate('Unable to delete module X files: some dirs have no writable permissions: Y', $params + array('dirs' => implode(', ', $nonWritableDirs)));
     return $result;
Пример #18
  * showStepInfo
  * @return void
 public static function showStepInfo()
     $text = number_format(microtime(true) - static::$stepStart, 2) . 'sec, ';
     $memory = memory_get_usage();
     $text .= \Includes\Utils\Converter::formatFileSize($memory, '');
     $text .= ' (' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::formatFileSize(memory_get_usage() - static::$stepMemory, '') . ')';
     \Includes\Utils\Operator::showMessage(' [' . $text . ']');
Пример #19
  * Sanitize option new value
  * @param \XLite\Model\Config $option Config option
  * @param string              $value  New value
  * @return string
 protected function sanitizeOptionValue($option, $value)
     $category = $option->getCategory();
     $name = $option->getName();
     $validationMethod = 'sanitize' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToCamelCase($category) . \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToCamelCase($name);
     if (method_exists($this, $validationMethod)) {
         $value = $this->{$validationMethod}($value);
     $type = $option->getType();
     if ('checkbox' === $type) {
         $result = empty($value) ? 'N' : 'Y';
     } elseif ('serialized' === $type && null !== $value && is_array($value)) {
         $result = serialize($value);
     } elseif ('text' === $type) {
         $result = null !== $value ? trim($value) : '';
     } elseif ('XLite\\View\\FormField\\Input\\PasswordWithValue' === $type) {
         $result = null !== $value ? $value : null;
     } else {
         $result = null !== $value ? $value : '';
     return $result;
Пример #20
  * Populate model object properties by the passed data
  * @param array $data Data to set
  * @return void
 protected function setModelProperties(array $data)
     $optionsToUpdate = array();
     // Find changed options and store them in $optionsToUpdate
     foreach ($this->getEditableOptions() as $key => $option) {
         $name = $option->name;
         $type = $option->type;
         $value = $option->value;
         $category = $option->category;
         $validationMethod = 'sanitize' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToCamelCase($category) . \Includes\Utils\Converter::convertToCamelCase($name);
         if (method_exists($this, $validationMethod)) {
             $data[$name] = $this->{$validationMethod}($data[$name]);
         if ('checkbox' === $type) {
             $newValue = empty($data[$name]) ? 'N' : 'Y';
         } elseif ('serialized' === $type && isset($data[$name]) && is_array($data[$name])) {
             $newValue = serialize($data[$name]);
         } elseif ('text' === $type) {
             $newValue = array_key_exists($name, $data) ? null !== $data[$name] ? trim($data[$name]) : null : '';
         } else {
             $newValue = array_key_exists($name, $data) ? $data[$name] : '';
         if (null !== $newValue && $value != $newValue) {
             $option->value = $newValue;
             $optionsToUpdate[] = $option;
     // Save changed options to the database
     if (!empty($optionsToUpdate)) {
         foreach ($optionsToUpdate as $option) {
             if ($this->preprocessOption($option)) {
                 \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('\\XLite\\Model\\Config')->createOption(array('category' => $option->category, 'name' => $option->name, 'value' => $option->value));
Пример #21
  * Prepare MySQL connection string
  * @return string
 public static function getConnectionString()
     return 'mysql:' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::buildQuery(static::getConnectionParams(), '=', ';');
Пример #22
  * Get list of available minor versions for the helpers
  * @param string $majorVersion Current major version
  * @return array
 protected function getUpgradeHelperMinorVersions($majorVersion)
     $new = \Includes\Utils\Converter::composeVersion($this->getMajorVersionNew(), $this->getMinorVersionNew());
     $oldMajorVersion = $this->getMajorVersionOld();
     $oldMinorVersion = $this->getMinorVersionOld();
     $old = strlen($oldMajorVersion) && strlen($oldMinorVersion) ? \Includes\Utils\Converter::composeVersion($oldMajorVersion, $oldMinorVersion) : $new;
     return array_filter($this->getUpgradeHelperVersions($majorVersion . LC_DS), function ($var) use($majorVersion, $old, $new) {
         $version = \Includes\Utils\Converter::composeVersion($majorVersion, $var);
         return version_compare($old, $version, '<') && version_compare($new, $version, '>=');
Пример #23
  * Remove trailing slashes from URL
  * @param string $url URL to prepare
  * @return string
 public static function trimTrailingSlashes($url)
     return \Includes\Utils\Converter::trimTrailingChars($url, '/');
Пример #24
  * Get module version
  * @return string
 public static function getVersion()
     return \Includes\Utils\Converter::composeVersion(static::getMajorVersion(), static::getMinorVersion());
Пример #25
  * Check if module will be disabled after upgrade
  * :TRICKY: check if the "getMajorVersion" is not declared in the main module class
  * @param \XLite\Model\Module $module Module to check
  * @return boolean
 protected function isModuleToDisable(\XLite\Model\Module $module)
     $versionCore = \XLite\Upgrade\Cell::getInstance()->getCoreMajorVersion();
     $versionModule = $module->getMajorVersion();
     $classModule = \Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::getClassNameByModuleName($module->getActualName());
     $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($classModule, 'getMajorVersion');
     $classModule = \Includes\Utils\Converter::prepareClassName($classModule);
     $classActual = \Includes\Utils\Converter::prepareClassName($reflection->getDeclaringClass()->getName());
     return version_compare($versionModule, $versionCore, '<') || $classModule !== $classActual;
Пример #26
  * Get category clean URL by category id
  * @param integer $id     Category ID
  * @param array   $params URL params OPTIONAL
  * @return string|void
 protected function getCategoryCleanURL($id, array $params = array())
     $category = \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('\\XLite\\Model\\Category')->find($id);
     return isset($category) && $category->getCleanURL() ? \Includes\Utils\URLManager::trimTrailingSlashes($category->getCleanURL()) . '/' . \Includes\Utils\Converter::buildQuery($params, '-', '/') : null;
Пример #27
  * Prepare human-readable output for file size
  * @param integer $size Size in bytes
  * @return string
 public static function formatFileSize($size)
     list($size, $suffix) = \Includes\Utils\Converter::formatFileSize($size);
     return $size . ' ' . ($suffix ? static::t($suffix) : '');
Пример #28
  * Prepare file path
  * @param string  $dir   Dir to prepare
  * @param boolean $check Flag OPTIONAL
  * @return string
 public static function getCanonicalDir($dir, $check = true)
     if ($check) {
         $dir = static::getRealPath($dir);
     if (!$check || !empty($dir) && static::isDir($dir)) {
         $dir = \Includes\Utils\Converter::trimTrailingChars($dir, LC_DS) . LC_DS;
     return $dir ?: null;
Пример #29
  * Parse value of a phpDocumenter tag
  * @param string $value Value to parse
  * @return array
 protected static function parseTagValue($value)
     return \Includes\Utils\Converter::parseQuery($value, '=', ',', '"\'');
Пример #30
  * Save item state
  * @param \XLite\Model\Base\IOrderItem $item Item object
  * @return void
 protected function saveItemState(\XLite\Model\Base\IOrderItem $item)
     $price = $item->getPrice();