public function __construct($height, $backgroundColor = 'ffffff', $startOpacity = 30, $divLineHeight = 1)
     $this->height = Args::int($height, 'height')->required()->min(1)->value();
     $this->startOpacity = Args::int($startOpacity, 'Start Opacity')->required()->min(0)->max(100)->value();
     $this->backgroundColor = $backgroundColor instanceof Color ? $backgroundColor : new Color($backgroundColor);
     $this->divLineHeight = Args::int($divLineHeight, 'divLineHeight')->required()->min(0)->value();
  * @param number $aNumberOfBlocks The number of blocks
  * @param number $aBlockSize      The size of the blocks in pixels
  * @param string $aBlockColor     The color of the blocks
 public function __construct($numberOfBlocks = 100, $blockSize = 25, $blockColor = 'FFFFFF')
     $this->nrOfBlocks = Args::int($numberOfBlocks)->required()->min(1)->value();
     $this->blockSize = Args::int($blockSize)->required()->min(0)->value();
     // TODO blockcolor can be Object and string... add check to args
     $this->blockColor = $blockColor instanceof Color ? $blockColor : new Color($blockColor);
  * Generate a gradient image
  * @param int $width The new image width in pixels
  * @param int $height The new image height in pixels
  * @param int $start The start of the gradient in pixels
  * @param Color $src_color The start image color
  * @param Color $dest_color The end image color
  * @return \imagemanipulation\ImageResource
 public static function gradient($width, $height, $start, Color $src_color, Color $dest_color)
     Args::int($width, 'width')->required()->min(1);
     Args::int($height, 'height')->required()->min(1);
     $res = self::create($width, $height, $src_color);
     $img = $res->getResource();
     $srcA = $src_color->getAlpha();
     $srcR = $src_color->getRed();
     $srcG = $src_color->getGreen();
     $srcB = $src_color->getBlue();
     $destA = $dest_color->getAlpha();
     $destR = $dest_color->getRed();
     $destG = $dest_color->getGreen();
     $destB = $dest_color->getBlue();
     $incA = ($destA - $srcA) / ($width - $start);
     $incR = ($destR - $srcR) / ($width - $start);
     $incG = ($destG - $srcG) / ($width - $start);
     $incB = ($destB - $srcB) / ($width - $start);
     for ($i = $start; $i < $width; $i++) {
         $srcA += $incA;
         $srcB += $incB;
         $srcG += $incG;
         $srcR += $incR;
         imagefilledrectangle($img, $i, 0, $i, $height, imagecolorallocatealpha($img, $srcR, $srcG, $srcB, $srcA));
     return $res;
  * Creates a new overlay
  * @param ImageResource $aOverlay The overlay to apply
  * @param number $aOpacity The opacity between 0 and 100
  * @param number $startX start X pixel of the overlay
  * @param number $startY start Y pixel of the overlay
  * @param boolean $fill Fill the overlay using the height of the original image, or use the size of the overlay
 public function __construct(ImageResource $overlay, $opacity = 50, $startX = 0, $startY = 0, $fill = true)
     $this->startX = Args::int($startX, 'startX')->required()->min(0)->value();
     $this->startY = Args::int($startY, 'startY')->required()->min(0)->value();
     $this->opacity = Args::int($opacity, 'opacity')->required()->min(1)->max(100)->value();
     $this->fill = Args::bool($fill, 'fill')->required()->value();
     $this->overlay = $overlay;
Пример #5
 public static function createImage($width, $height)
     Args::int($width, 'width')->required()->min(0);
     Args::int($height, 'height')->required()->min(0);
     $imgRes = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
     imageantialias($imgRes, true);
     imagealphablending($imgRes, true);
     imagesavealpha($imgRes, true);
     return $imgRes;
  * Creates a new ImageFilterRotate
  * @param int $aAngle The degrees to rotate the image
  * @param String $aBgcolor The background color to apply
 public function __construct($angle = 90, $aBgcolor = null)
     $this->angle = Args::int($ange, 'angle')->required()->min(-360)->max(360)->value(function ($val) {
         return $val < 0 ? 360 - $val : $val;
     if ($aBgcolor === null) {
         $this->bgColor = ColorFactory::white();
     } else {
         $this->bgColor = $aBgcolor instanceof Color ? $aBgcolor : new Color($aBgcolor);
 public function __construct($width, $height, $isPercentage = false)
     if ($isPercentage) {
         Args::int($width, 'width')->min(1)->max(100)->required();
         Args::int($height, 'height')->min(1)->max(100)->required();
     } else {
         Args::int($width, 'width')->min(1)->required();
         Args::int($height, 'height')->min(1)->required();
     $this->width = $width;
     $this->height = $height;
     $this->isPercentage = $isPercentage;
Пример #8
  * Creates a transparent (PNG, JPG) image with a <code>aWidth</code> and <code>aHeight</code>.
  * @param int $aWidth The width of the image
  * @param int $aHeight The height of the image
  * @return resource
 public static function createTransparentImage($width, $height)
     Args::int($width, 'width')->required()->min(0);
     Args::int($height, 'height')->required()->min(0);
     $color = ColorFactory::white(127);
     $imgRes = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
     imageantialias($imgRes, true);
     imagealphablending($imgRes, true);
     imagesavealpha($imgRes, true);
     $transparent = self::allocateColor($imgRes, $color);
     imagefill($imgRes, 0, 0, $transparent);
     return $imgRes;
 public function __construct($noise = 20)
     $this->noise = Args::int($noise)->required()->min(0)->value();
  * Creates a new ImageFilterDuotone
  * @param int $red The amount of red to add max = 255
  * @param int $green The amount of green to add max = 255
  * @param int $bleu The amount of blue to add max = 255
 public function __construct($red = 0, $green = 0, $blue = 0)
     $this->red = Args::int($red)->required()->min(0)->max(255)->value();
     $this->green = Args::int($green)->required()->min(0)->max(255)->value();
     $this->blue = Args::int($blue)->required()->min(0)->max(255)->value();
Пример #11
 public function __construct(ImageResource $aResource, $width, $height)
     $this->resource = $aResource;
     $this->width = Args::int($width, 'width')->required()->min(0)->value();
     $this->height = Args::int($height, 'height')->required()->min(0)->value();
 public function __construct($input = 1.0, $output = 1.537)
     $this->input = Args::float($input, 'input')->required()->min(0)->value();
     $this->output = Args::float($output, 'output')->required()->min(0)->value();
  * Creates a new ImageFilterSepia
  * @param int $aDarken
 public function __construct($darken = 15)
     $this->opacity = Args::int($darken, 'darken')->required()->min(0)->value(function ($opacity) {
         return 127 - min(array($opacity + 30, 127));
 public function __construct($percentage = 100)
     $this->percentage = Args::int($percentage, 'percentage')->required()->min(0)->max(100)->value();
  * @param number $aOffset
 public function __construct($degrees = 90)
     $this->degrees = Args::int($degrees)->required()->min(0)->value(function ($degrees) {
         return $degrees > 360 ? $degrees % 360 : $degrees;
  * Creates a new filter for watermarking an image
  * @param \SplFileInfo $aWatermark The full path to a watermark image
  * @param string $aPosition The position where to place the watermark. Use the POS_* constants
  * @param string $aWatermarkOpacity [optional] The opacity of the watermark image.
 public function __construct(\SplFileInfo $aWatermark, $aPosition = 'bottom-right', $watermarkOpacity = null)
     $this->watermark = $aWatermark;
     $this->position = $aPosition;
     $this->watermarkOpacity = Args::int($watermarkOpacity, 'watermark opacity')->min(0)->max(127)->value();
 public function __construct($radius = 20, Color $color = null)
     $this->radius = Args::int($radius, 'radius')->required()->min(0)->max(360)->value();
     $this->color = $color ? $color : new Color('ffffff');
  * Create a new ImageFilterDarken
  * @param int $aRate -255 = min brightness, 0 = no change, +255 = max brightness
 public function __construct($rate = 20)
     $this->rate = Args::int($rate)->required()->min(-255)->max(255)->value() * -1;
  * Creates a new CenteredPixelStrategy
  * @param $aNewWidth int
  * @param $aNewHeight int
  * @param $aRespectSmallerImage boolean
 public function __construct($newWidth, $newHeight, $respectSmallerImage = true)
     $this->newWidth = Args::int($newWidth, 'newWidth')->required()->min(0)->value();
     $this->newHeight = Args::int($newHeight, 'newHeight')->required()->min(0)->value();
     $this->respectSmallerImage = Args::bool($respectSmallerImage, 'respect smaller image')->required()->value();
  * Creates a new ImageFilterFlip
  * @param boolean $aHorizontal Flip horizontal
  * @param boolean $aVertical Flip vertical
 public function __construct($horizontal = true, $vertical = false)
     $this->horizontal = Args::bool($horizontal)->required()->value();
     $this->vertical = Args::bool($vertical)->required()->value();
  * Creates a new ImageFilterContrast
  * @param int $aLevel -100 to +100, defaults to 5, where -100 = min contrast, 0 = no change, +100 = max contrast
 public function __construct($level = 5)
     $this->level = Args::int($level, 'level')->required()->min(-100)->max(100)->value() * -1;
  * @param number $aOffset
 public function __construct($offset = 4)
     $this->offset = Args::int($offset, 'offset')->required()->min(1)->value();
  * Creates a new ImageFilterSmooth
  * @param int $aRate Smoothness level.
 public function __construct($rate = 5)
     $this->rate = Args::int($rate, 'rate')->required()->min(0)->value();
  * Creates a new MaxPixelStrategy. 
  * @param int $aMaxWidth 
  * @param int $aMaxHeight
 public function __construct($maxWidth, $maxHeight)
     $this->maxWidth = Args::int($maxWidth, 'maxWidth')->required()->min(0)->value();
     $this->maxHeight = Args::int($maxHeight, 'maxHeight')->required()->min(0)->value();
  * Constructor
  * @param number $aOpacity A value between 0 and 127. 0 indicates completely opaque while 127 indicates completely transparent.
 public function __construct($opacity = 80)
     $this->opacity = Args::int($opacity)->required()->min(0)->max(127)->value();
  * Constructor
  * @param number $aOpacity from 0 to 100
 public function __construct($opacity = 40)
     $this->opacity = Args::int($opacity, 'opacity')->required()->min(0)->max(100)->value();
  * Creates a new Pixelate filter
  * @param int $aBlocksize the blocksize in pixels
 public function __construct($blocksize = 20)
     $this->blocksize = Args::int($blocksize, 'blocksize')->required()->min(1)->value();
Пример #28
  * Outputs an image to browser or file.
  * @param string path to save the image to on disk, null to output to the browser
  * @param string image type to render
  * @param int quality of the image
  * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
  * @deprecated use either ImageResource::render() or ImageResource::save()
 public final function imageoutput($path = null, $type = ImageType::PNG, $quality = 80)
     Args::int($quality, 'quality')->min(1)->max(100)->required();
     if (!is_resource($this->getResource())) {
         throw new ImageResourceException('This is not a resource');
     $result = false;
     switch ($type) {
         case ImageType::PNG:
             imagesavealpha($this->getResource(), true);
             // quality for png must be 0 - 9
             $result = imagepng($this->getResource(), $path, $quality / 10 - 1, PNG_ALL_FILTERS);
         case ImageType::GIF:
             $result = imagegif($this->getResource(), $path);
             // gif does not have quality
             // default = jpg
         // default = jpg
             $result = imagejpeg($this->getResource(), $path, $quality);
             $type = ImageType::JPG;
     $size = ob_get_length();
     if (!headers_sent()) {
         header('Content-Type: image/' . $type);
         header("Content-Length: " . $size);
     return $result;
Пример #29
  * Creates a new ImageFilterSepia
  * @param int $aDarken
 public function __construct($darken = 15)
     $this->darken = Args::int($darken, 'darken')->required()->min(0)->value();