  * Register administrator view composers.
 protected function bootAdministratorViewComposer()
     view()->composer('administrator.widgets.*', function (View $view) {
         /** @var \Yajra\CMS\Themes\Repositories\Repository $themes */
         $themes = $this->app['themes'];
         $theme = $themes->current();
         $positions = $theme->positions;
         $data = [];
         foreach ($positions as $position) {
             $data[$position] = Str::title($position);
         $view->with('widget_positions', $data);
         $view->with('theme', $theme);
         /** @var \Yajra\CMS\Repositories\Extension\Repository $extensions */
         $extensions = $this->app['extensions'];
         $widgets = $extensions->allWidgets()->filter(function ($extension) {
             return $extension->enabled;
         $view->with('extensions', $widgets);
     view()->composer(['administrator.partials.permissions'], function (View $view) {
         $view->with('permissions', Permission::orderBy('resource')->get());
     view()->composer(['system.macro.image-browser'], function (View $view) {
         $view->with('mediaDirectories', $this->getFileDirectories());
Пример #2
  * Search for physicians.
  * @return JSON
 public function search(Request $request)
     $physicians = null;
     $searchDistance = $request->distance ? $request->distance : 0;
     $coords = $this->getCoordinates($request);
     $orderBy = $request->has('order_by') ? $request->order_by : 'distance';
     $sort = $request->has('sort') ? $request->sort : 'asc';
     $limit = $request->has('per_page') ? $request->per_page : '25';
     // if we don't have a requested distance, we'll cycle through
     // our fallback distances until we get at least 1 result;
     // if we don't have anything by our max distance, we'll return 0.
     if (!$request->has('distance')) {
         while (!$physicians || $physicians->count() == 0) {
             $searchDistance = $this->getNextDistance($searchDistance);
             $physicians = Physician::withinDistance($coords['lat'], $coords['lon'], $searchDistance)->alias($request->alias_id)->name($request->q)->gender($request->gender);
             if ($searchDistance == $this->maxDistance) {
     } else {
         $physicians = Physician::withinDistance($coords['lat'], $coords['lon'], $searchDistance)->alias($request->alias_id)->name($request->q)->gender($request->gender);
     $alias = Alias::find($request->alias_id);
     $queryMeta = ['city' => Str::title(urldecode($request->city)), 'state' => mb_strtoupper($request->state), 'zip' => $request->zip ? $request->zip : $this->getZip($request->city, $request->state), 'alias' => $alias ? $alias->alias : null, 'alias_id' => $alias ? $alias->id : null, 'aggregate' => AggregateReporter::report($physicians, $request->alias_id), 'q' => $request->q, 'gender' => $request->gender, 'count' => $physicians ? $physicians->count() : 0, 'radius' => $searchDistance, 'order_by' => $request->order_by, 'sort' => $request->sort, 'center' => ['lat' => $coords['lat'], 'lon' => $coords['lon']]];
     $physicians = $physicians->orderBy($orderBy, $sort)->paginate($limit)->appends($request->query());
     return $this->response->withPaginator($physicians, new PhysicianTransformer(), null, $queryMeta);
Пример #3
  * Display a listing the employees.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function emplist()
     $str = \Request()->getRequestUri();
     $id = substr($str, strrpos($str, '/') + 1, strlen($str));
     $params = array('View' => Str::title($id) . ' Employee List', 'Description' => 'Manage your <strong>' . Str::title($id) . '</strong> employee records here.');
     return view('employees.list', compact($params));
Пример #4
 protected function select($data, $show)
     $select = [];
     foreach ($data as $d) {
         if (is_array($show)) {
             $value = '';
             foreach ($show as $show_key) {
                 $value .= Str::title($show_key) . ': ' . $d[$show_key];
                 if (end($show) != $show_key) {
                     $value .= ' | ';
         } elseif (is_callable($show)) {
             $value = $show($d);
         } else {
             $value = $d[$show];
         $select[$d['id']] = $value;
     if (Request::has($this->name)) {
         $this->id = Request::get($this->name);
     } else {
         if (isset($this->value->id)) {
             $this->id = $this->value->id;
         } else {
             $this->id = $this->value;
     echo \Form::select($this->name, ['0' => Request::ajax() ? '(current)' : '(none)'] + $select, $this->id, $this->attributes);
Пример #5
  * Send the given notification.
  * @param  mixed  $notifiable
  * @param  \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification  $notification
  * @return void
 public function send($notifiable, Notification $notification)
     if (!$notifiable->routeNotificationFor('mail')) {
     $message = $notification->toMail($notifiable);
     if ($message instanceof Mailable) {
         return $message->send($this->mailer);
     $this->mailer->send($message->view, $message->data(), function ($m) use($notifiable, $notification, $message) {
         $recipients = empty($message->to) ? $notifiable->routeNotificationFor('mail') : $message->to;
         if (!empty($message->from)) {
             $m->from($message->from[0], isset($message->from[1]) ? $message->from[1] : null);
         if (is_array($recipients)) {
         } else {
         $m->subject($message->subject ?: Str::title(Str::snake(class_basename($notification), ' ')));
         foreach ($message->attachments as $attachment) {
             $m->attach($attachment['file'], $attachment['options']);
         foreach ($message->rawAttachments as $attachment) {
             $m->attachData($attachment['data'], $attachment['name'], $attachment['options']);
 private function generateIndex()
     $templateData = $this->commandData->templatesHelper->getTemplate("index.blade", $this->viewsPath);
     if ($this->commandData->useSearch) {
         $searchLayout = $this->commandData->templatesHelper->getTemplate("search.blade", $this->viewsPath);
         $templateData = str_replace('$SEARCH$', $searchLayout, $templateData);
         $fieldTemplate = $this->commandData->templatesHelper->getTemplate("field.blade", $this->viewsPath);
         $fieldsStr = "";
         foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
             $singleFieldStr = str_replace('$FIELD_NAME_TITLE$', Str::title(str_replace("_", " ", $field['fieldName'])), $fieldTemplate);
             $singleFieldStr = str_replace('$FIELD_NAME$', $field['fieldName'], $singleFieldStr);
             $fieldsStr .= "\n\n" . $singleFieldStr . "\n\n";
         $templateData = str_replace('$FIELDS$', $fieldsStr, $templateData);
     } else {
         $templateData = str_replace('$SEARCH$', '', $templateData);
     $templateData = $this->fillTemplate($templateData);
     $fileName = "index.blade.php";
     $headerFields = "";
     foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
         $headerFields .= "<th>" . Str::title(str_replace("_", " ", $field['fieldName'])) . "</th>\n\t\t\t";
     $headerFields = trim($headerFields);
     $templateData = str_replace('$FIELD_HEADERS$', $headerFields, $templateData);
     $tableBodyFields = "";
     foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
         $tableBodyFields .= "<td>{!! \$" . $this->commandData->modelNameCamel . "->" . $field['fieldName'] . " !!}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t";
     $tableBodyFields = trim($tableBodyFields);
     $templateData = str_replace('$FIELD_BODY$', $tableBodyFields, $templateData);
     $path = $this->path . $fileName;
     $this->commandData->fileHelper->writeFile($path, $templateData);
     $this->commandData->commandObj->info("index.blade.php created");
 private static function compileSchema()
     $upSchema = "";
     $downSchema = "";
     $schema = "";
     $newSchema = "";
     $count = 1;
     foreach (self::$schema as $name => $values) {
         if (in_array($name, self::$ignore)) {
         $upSchema .= "\n//\n// NOTE -- {$name}\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n{$values['up']}";
         $downSchema .= "\n{$values['down']}";
         //        }
         $schema = "<?php\n\n//\n// NOTE Migration Created: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\nuse Illuminate\\Database\\Schema\\Blueprint;\nuse Illuminate\\Database\\Migrations\\Migration;\n\nclass Create" . str_replace('_', '', Str::title($name)) . "Table extends Migration {\n//\n// NOTE - Make changes to the database.\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\npublic function up()\n{\n" . $upSchema . "\n" . self::$up . "\n}\n\n//\n// NOTE - Revert the changes to the database.\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\npublic function down()\n{\n" . $downSchema . "\n" . self::$down . "\n}\n}";
         $date = new \DateTime($values['create']);
         //$filename = date('Y_m_d_His') . "_create_" . $name . "_table.php";
         $filename = $date->format('Y_m_d_His') . $count . "_create_" . $name . "_table.php";
         file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../database/migrations/{$filename}", $schema);
         $schema = "";
         $upSchema = "";
         $downSchema = "";
     return $schema;
Пример #8
  * Generate path from argument
  * @param string $argument
  * @return string
 public static function path($argument)
     $directories = explode('/', $argument);
     $directories = array_map(function ($dir) {
         return Str::title($dir);
     }, $directories);
     return implode('/', $directories);
Пример #9
  * @return array
 public static function CKEDITORS()
     $result = [];
     foreach (['none', 'basic', 'standard', 'full', 'TinyMCE'] as $editor) {
         $result[$editor] = Str::title($editor);
     return $result;
Пример #10
 public function statuses()
     $allStatuses = [static::STATUS_DRAFT, static::STATUS_PUBLISHED, static::STATUS_REMOVED];
     $captions = array_map(function ($item) {
         return Str::title($item);
     }, $allStatuses);
     return array_combine($allStatuses, $captions);
Пример #11
 public function make($tag, $name = '')
     $role = new $this->class();
     $role->tag = $tag;
     $role->name = $name ?: Str::title($tag);
     return $role;
Пример #12
 public function make($tag, $name = '', $description = '')
     $permission = new $this->class();
     $permission->tag = $tag;
     $permission->name = $name ?: Str::title($tag);
     $permission->description = $description;
     return $permission;
Пример #13
  * Display nested categories of the article.
  * @return \Illuminate\Support\HtmlString
 public function slugList()
     $categories = explode('/', $this->alias());
     $html = [];
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $html[] = new HtmlString('<span class="label label-info">' . e(Str::title($category)) . '</span>&nbsp;');
     return new HtmlString(implode('', $html));
Пример #14
  * Build the mail message.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Mail\Message  $mailMessage
  * @param  mixed  $notifiable
  * @param  \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification  $notification
  * @param  \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage  $message
  * @return void
 protected function buildMessage($mailMessage, $notifiable, $notification, $message)
     $this->addressMessage($mailMessage, $notifiable, $message);
     $mailMessage->subject($message->subject ?: Str::title(Str::snake(class_basename($notification), ' ')));
     $this->addAttachments($mailMessage, $message);
     if (!is_null($message->priority)) {
Пример #15
  * Send the given notification.
  * @param  mixed  $notifiable
  * @param  \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification  $notification
  * @return void
 public function send($notifiable, Notification $notification)
     if (!$notifiable->routeNotificationFor('mail')) {
     $message = $notification->toMail($notifiable);
     $this->mailer->send($message->view, $message->toArray(), function ($m) use($notifiable, $notification, $message) {
         $m->subject($message->subject ?: Str::title(Str::snake(class_basename($notification), ' ')));
Пример #16
 protected function seedTables()
     foreach ($this->tables as $tableName) {
         $tableNameFormatted = strpos($tableName, '_') !== false ? Str::title($tableName) : ucfirst(Str::camel($tableName));
         $tableSeeder = $tableNameFormatted . 'TableSeeder';
 public static function processFieldInput($fieldInput, $htmlType, $validations, $searchable = false, $fillable = true)
     $fieldInputs = explode(':', $fieldInput);
     $fieldName = array_shift($fieldInputs);
     $databaseInputs = implode(":", $fieldInputs);
     $fieldType = explode(",", $fieldInputs[0])[0];
     $htmlTypeInputs = explode(':', $htmlType);
     $htmlType = array_shift($htmlTypeInputs);
     if (count($htmlTypeInputs) > 0) {
         $htmlTypeInputs = array_shift($htmlTypeInputs);
     return ['fieldInput' => $fieldInput, 'fieldTitle' => Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $fieldName)), 'fieldType' => $fieldType, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'databaseInputs' => $databaseInputs, 'htmlType' => $htmlType, 'htmlTypeInputs' => $htmlTypeInputs, 'validations' => $validations, 'searchable' => $searchable, 'fillable' => $fillable];
 public static function processFieldInput($fieldInput, $htmlType, $validations, $fieldSettings = [])
     $fieldInputs = explode(':', $fieldInput);
     $fieldName = array_shift($fieldInputs);
     $databaseInputs = implode(':', $fieldInputs);
     $fieldType = explode(',', $fieldInputs[0])[0];
     $htmlTypeInputs = explode(':', $htmlType);
     $htmlType = array_shift($htmlTypeInputs);
     if (count($htmlTypeInputs) > 0) {
         $htmlTypeInputs = array_shift($htmlTypeInputs);
     return ['fieldInput' => $fieldInput, 'fieldTitle' => Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $fieldName)), 'fieldType' => $fieldType, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'databaseInputs' => $databaseInputs, 'htmlType' => $htmlType, 'htmlTypeInputs' => $htmlTypeInputs, 'validations' => $validations, 'searchable' => isset($fieldSettings['searchable']) ? $fieldSettings['searchable'] : false, 'fillable' => isset($fieldSettings['fillable']) ? $fieldSettings['fillable'] : true, 'primary' => isset($fieldSettings['primary']) ? $fieldSettings['primary'] : false, 'inForm' => isset($fieldSettings['inForm']) ? $fieldSettings['inForm'] : true, 'inIndex' => isset($fieldSettings['inIndex']) ? $fieldSettings['inIndex'] : true];
Пример #19
 public static function make($name, $model = null)
     $attributes = is_array($name) ? $name : ['name' => $name];
     if (!is_null($model)) {
         $model = $model instanceof Model ? $model : new $model();
         $attributes['entity_type'] = $model->getMorphClass();
         $attributes['entity_id'] = $model->exists ? $model->getKey() : null;
     if (!isset($attributes['label'])) {
         $attributes['label'] = Str::title(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $name) . ($model ? ' ' . $model->getTable() : ''));
     return new static($attributes);
Пример #20
  * Function to get the minimum template variables
  * @return array
 public function getTemplateVars()
     $entity = $this->getEntityName();
     $fieldData = $this->getFieldData();
     $form_rows = [];
     foreach ($fieldData as $property => $meta) {
         $display = Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $property));
         $result['label'] = "{{ Form::label('{$property}', '{$display}:') }}";
         $elementType = $this->getElementType($meta['type']);
         $result['element'] = "{{ Form::{$elementType}('{$property}') }}";
         $form_rows[] = $result;
     return ['Entity' => Str::studly($entity), 'Entities' => Str::plural(Str::studly($entity)), 'collection' => Str::plural(Str::snake($entity)), 'instance' => Str::singular(Str::snake($entity)), 'fields' => $fieldData, 'form_rows' => $form_rows];
 private static function compileSchema()
     $upSchema = "";
     $downSchema = "";
     $newSchema = "";
     foreach (self::$schema as $name => $values) {
         if (in_array($name, self::$ignore)) {
         $upSchema .= "\n//\n// NOTE -- {$name}\n// --------------------------------------------------\n \n{$values['up']}";
         $downSchema .= "\n{$values['down']}";
     $schema = "<?php\n \n//\n// NOTE Migration Created: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n// --------------------------------------------------\n \nclass Create" . str_replace('_', '', Str::title(self::$database)) . "Database {\n//\n// NOTE - Make changes to the database.\n// --------------------------------------------------\n \npublic function up()\n{\n" . $upSchema . "\n" . self::$up . "\n}\n \n//\n// NOTE - Revert the changes to the database.\n// --------------------------------------------------\n \npublic function down()\n{\n" . $downSchema . "\n" . self::$down . "\n}\n}";
     return $schema;
Пример #22
 protected function processDatatables($datatables)
     return $datatables->editColumn('title', function ($data) {
         return '<a target="_blank" href="' . $data->url_preview . '">' . $data->title . '</a>';
     })->editColumn('content', function ($data) {
         return str_limit(strip_tags($data->content), 300);
     })->editColumn('author_id', function ($data) {
         return $data->author->name;
     })->editColumn('picture', function ($data) {
         $imgUrl = $data->picture_small_cover;
         return $imgUrl ? '<a target="_blank"  href="' . $imgUrl . '"><img src="' . $imgUrl . '" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 50px;"></a>' : '-';
     })->editColumn('published_at', function ($data) {
         return $data->published_at ? $data->published_at->diffForHumans() : '';
     })->editColumn('status', function ($data) {
         return Str::title($data->status);
 public static function radio($templateData, $field)
     $textField = self::generateLabel($field);
     if (count($field['typeOptions']) > 0) {
         $arr = explode(',', $field['typeOptions']);
         foreach ($arr as $item) {
             $label = Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $item));
             $textField .= "\n\t<div class=\"radio-inline\">";
             $textField .= "\n\t\t<label>";
             $textField .= "\n\t\t\t{!! Form::radio('\$FIELD_NAME\$', '" . $item . "', null) !!} {$label}";
             $textField .= "\n\t\t</label>";
             $textField .= "\n\t</div>";
     $templateData = str_replace('$FIELD_INPUT$', $textField, $templateData);
     $templateData = self::replaceFieldVars($templateData, $field);
     return $templateData;
Пример #24
  * Writes the form language file.
  * @param  array  $columns
  * @param  string  $model
  * @return void
 protected function writeLangFiles($columns, $model)
     $stub = $this->getStub('lang/en/model.stub');
     $values = [];
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         $values[$column['field']] = Str::title($column['field']);
         $values[$column['field'] . '_help'] = 'Enter the ' . Str::title($column['field']) . ' here';
     $filePath = $this->path . '/lang/en/' . strtolower(Str::plural($model)) . '/';
     $filePath .= 'model.php';
     if ($this->files->exists($filePath)) {
         $trans = $this->files->getRequire($filePath);
         $values = array_merge($values, array_get($trans, 'general'));
     $trans = $this->wrapArray($values, "\t");
     $content = $this->prepare($stub, ['fields' => trim($trans)]);
     $this->files->put($filePath, $content);
Пример #25
 private function generateIndex()
     $templateData = $this->commandData->templatesHelper->getTemplate("index.blade", "Scaffold");
     $templateData = $this->fillTemplate($templateData);
     $fileName = "index.blade.php";
     $headerFields = "";
     foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
         $headerFields .= "<th>" . Str::title($field['fieldName']) . "</th>\n\t\t\t";
     $headerFields = trim($headerFields);
     $templateData = str_replace('$FIELD_HEADERS$', $headerFields, $templateData);
     $tableBodyFields = "";
     foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
         $tableBodyFields .= "<td>{!! \$" . $this->commandData->modelNameCamel . "->" . $field['fieldName'] . " !!}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t";
     $tableBodyFields = trim($tableBodyFields);
     $templateData = str_replace('$FIELD_BODY$', $tableBodyFields, $templateData);
     $path = $this->path . $fileName;
     $this->commandData->fileHelper->writeFile($path, $templateData);
     $this->commandData->commandObj->info("index.blade.php created");
Пример #26
 private function generateIndex()
     $templateData = $this->commandData->templatesHelper->getTemplate("index.blade", $this->viewsPath);
     if ($this->commandData->useSearch) {
         $searchLayout = $this->commandData->templatesHelper->getTemplate("search.blade", $this->viewsPath);
         $templateData = str_replace('$SEARCH$', $searchLayout, $templateData);
         $fieldTemplate = $this->commandData->templatesHelper->getTemplate("field.blade", $this->viewsPath);
         $fieldsStr = "";
         foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
             $singleFieldStr = str_replace('$FIELD_NAME_TITLE$', Str::title(str_replace("_", " ", $field['fieldName'])), $fieldTemplate);
             $singleFieldStr = str_replace('$FIELD_NAME$', $field['fieldName'], $singleFieldStr);
             $fieldsStr .= "\n\n" . $singleFieldStr . "\n\n";
         $templateData = str_replace('$FIELDS$', $fieldsStr, $templateData);
     } else {
         $templateData = str_replace('$SEARCH$', '', $templateData);
     $templateData = $this->fillTemplate($templateData);
     $fileName = "index.blade.php";
     $headerFields = "";
     foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
         // Custom By @merma158 at www.innodite.com
         // Last TH
         // $headerFields .= "<th>". Str::title(str_replace("_", " ", $field['fieldName'])) . "</th>\n\t\t\t";
         $headerFields .= "<th class='text-center'> {{ trans('application.model." . strtolower($this->commandData->modelName) . ".attributes." . $field['fieldName'] . "') }} </th>\n\t\t\t";
     $headerFields = trim($headerFields);
     $templateData = str_replace('$FIELD_HEADERS$', $headerFields, $templateData);
     $tableBodyFields = "";
     foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
         $tableBodyFields .= "<td class='text-center'>{!! \$" . $this->commandData->modelNameCamel . "->" . $field['fieldName'] . " !!}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t";
     $tableBodyFields = trim($tableBodyFields);
     $templateData = str_replace('$FIELD_BODY$', $tableBodyFields, $templateData);
     $path = $this->path . $fileName;
     $this->commandData->fileHelper->writeFile($path, $templateData);
     $this->commandData->commandObj->info("index.blade.php created");
 public function generate()
     $templateData = $this->commandData->templatesHelper->getTemplate('Controller', 'scaffold');
     $templateData = GeneratorUtils::fillTemplate($this->commandData->dynamicVars, $templateData);
     if ($this->commandData->paginate) {
         $templateData = str_replace('$RENDER_TYPE$', 'paginate(' . $this->commandData->paginate . ')', $templateData);
     } else {
         $templateData = str_replace('$RENDER_TYPE$', 'all()', $templateData);
     $DataFields = "";
     foreach ($this->commandData->inputFields as $field) {
         //    if (!is_null($field['typeOptions']))
         //    {
         //        $SelectSource .= "$" . Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $field['typeOptions'])) . " = ".Config::get('generator.path_model', app_path('Models/')) . Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $field['typeOptions'])) . "::lists('description','id');\n\t";
         //        $SelectOptions .= "->with('" . Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $field['typeOptions'])) . "', $" . Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $field['typeOptions'])) . ")\n\t";
         //    }
         $DataFields .= "'" . $this->commandData->modelNameCamel . "." . Str::title(str_replace('_', ' ', $field['fieldName'])) . "',";
     //$SelectOptions = trim($SelectOptions);
     //$SelectSource = trim($SelectSource);
     $DataFields = trim($DataFields);
     $templateData = str_replace('$DATA_FIELDS$', $DataFields, $templateData);
     $templateData = str_replace('$SELECTS_INPUTS$', "", $templateData);
     $templateData = str_replace('$SELECTS_SOURCE$', "", $templateData);
     $fileName = $this->commandData->modelName . 'Controller.php';
     $path = $this->path . $fileName;
     $this->commandData->fileHelper->writeFile($path, $templateData);
     $this->commandData->commandObj->comment("\nController created: ");
Пример #28
 public static function getTranslate($word, $from, $to)
     //Create path to languages models
     $fromModel = "App\\" . ucfirst($from) . '_Word';
     $toModel = "App\\" . ucfirst($to) . '_Word';
     //Create languages models objects
     $sWord = new $fromModel();
     $tWord = new $toModel();
     if (!isset($sWord)) {
         echo 'Not support sourse language';
     } elseif (!isset($tWord)) {
         echo 'Not support target language';
     } else {
         //Get  sourse language id
         $sourseLang = Languages::where('name', $from)->get();
         //Get  target language id
         $targetLang = Languages::where('name', $to)->get();
         //Get sourse word id
         $sWord = $sWord->where('word', $word)->get();
         //Get id's from objects
         $sLangId = $sourseLang[0]['id'];
         $tLangId = $targetLang[0]['id'];
         $sWordId = $sWord[0]['id'];
         //Get result word
         $tWordId = Translations::where('sLangId', $sLangId)->where('tLangId', $tLangId)->where('sWordId', $sWordId)->get();
         if (count($tWordId) === 0) {
             $tWordId = Translations::where('sLangId', $tLangId)->where('tLangId', $sLangId)->where('tWordId', $sWordId)->get();
             $tWordId = $tWordId[0]['sWordId'];
         } else {
             $tWordId = $tWordId[0]['tWordId'];
         $tWord = $tWord->where('id', $tWordId)->get();
         $tWord = $tWord[0]['word'];
         mb_strtolower($word) === $word ? $result = $tWord : ($result = Str::title($tWord));
         $data = array('word' => $word, 'sourse' => $from, 'target' => $to, 'result' => $result);
         return $data;
Пример #29
 public function postCustomerEdit(NewCustomerRequest $request, Customer $customer, CustomerProfile $profile, Payment $payment)
     $id = $request->input('customer_id');
     $this->customer = $customer->whereId((int) $id)->update(['firstname' => Str::title($request->input('firstname')), 'lastname' => Str::title($request->input('lastname')), 'email' => Str::lower($request->input('email')), 'phone' => $request->input('phone')]);
     $dob = explode('/', $request->input('dob'));
     $dob_piece = [$dob[2], $dob[1], $dob[0]];
     $this->profile = $profile->where('customer_id', (int) $id)->update(['dob' => implode('-', $dob_piece), 'gender_id' => $request->input('gender'), 'state_id' => $request->input('state_of_origin'), 'hostel_address' => $request->input('hostel_address'), 'guardian_name' => Str::words($request->input('guardian_name')), 'guardian_phone' => $request->input('guardian_phone'), 'guardian_address' => $request->input('guardian_address')]);
     $this->payment = $payment->where('customer_id', (int) $id)->update(['account_balance' => $request->input('account_balance')]);
     if (!$this->customer && !$this->profile) {
         flash()->error('An error occurred, try updating the Customer again!');
     } else {
         flash()->success('Customer Updated Successfully!');
     return redirect()->route('customer.list');
Пример #30
  * Convert a value to title case.
  * @param  string $value
  * @return string
 function title_case($value)
     return Str::title($value);