Пример #1
 protected function storeFull($json)
     $categories = json_decode($json, true);
     // grab categories from the database
     $dbCategories = collect(DB::table('categories')->get(['cSlug']))->keyBy('cSlug')->toArray();
     // grab an array of columns in the categories table
     $columns = DB::select('select COLUMN_NAME as `column` from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = \'fmtc_categories\'');
     // set the counters for reporting
     $insertCount = 0;
     $removeCount = 0;
     // walk through the categories from a merchant feed
     $jsonCategoryIds = [];
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         // is the category missing from the database?
         if (!isset($dbCategories[$category['cSlug']])) {
             // insert it (this is faster than building an insert queue and bulk inserting)
             DB::table('categories')->insert($this->formatForInsertion($category, $columns));
         // collect an array of ids to aid in the remove	queue
         $jsonCategoryIds[] = $category['cSlug'];
     // remove old categories showing up in the database but not in the new merchant feed.
     $removeQueue = array_diff(array_keys($dbCategories), $jsonCategoryIds);
     $removeCount = count($removeQueue);
     foreach ($removeQueue as $categoryId) {
         DB::table('categories')->where('cSlug', $categoryId)->delete();
     //---- debugging
     // debug($removeCount . ' removed');
     // debug($insertCount . ' inserted');
     return true;
Пример #2
  * check database connection based on provided setting
 public function checkConnection()
     $success = false;
     $message = '';
     $config = $this->getPostConfiguration();
     try {
          * Just trying to show tables with current connection
         switch ($config['driver']) {
             case 'mysql':
                 $tables = Capsule::select('show tables');
             case 'sqlite':
                 $tables = Capsule::select("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'");
             case 'sqlsrv':
             case 'pgsql':
                 $tables = Capsule::select("SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables");
         $success = true;
         $message = 'Successfully connected!';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $success = false;
         $message = $e->getMessage();
     Response::headers()->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     Response::setBody(json_encode(array('success' => $success, 'message' => $message, 'config' => $config)));
Пример #3
 function getSectorEmpresas(Request $request, Response $response)
     $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
     $data = Parametros::select("*")->first();
     $km = $data["diametro_busqueda"];
     $idSector = $request->getAttribute("id");
     $lat = $request->getAttribute("latitud");
     $lng = $request->getAttribute("longitud");
     $query = "SELECT " . "(6371 * ACOS( SIN(RADIANS(su.latitud)) * SIN(RADIANS({$lat})) + COS(RADIANS(su.longitud - {$lng})) * " . "COS(RADIANS(su.latitud)) * COS(RADIANS({$lat})))) AS distancia, " . "em.id, " . "em.nit, " . "em.razonSocial, " . "em.logo, " . "'' as servicios " . "FROM sucursal su " . "INNER JOIN " . "empresa em ON (em.id = su.idEmpresa) " . "INNER JOIN " . "sectorempresa secemp ON (secemp.idEmpresa = em.id && secemp.idSector =  {$idSector}) " . "WHERE su.Estado = 'ACTIVO' AND em.estado = 'ACTIVO' " . "HAVING distancia < {$km} ORDER BY distancia ASC";
     $data = DB::select(DB::raw($query));
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
         $val = "";
         $ser = Servicio::select("nombre")->where("idEmpresa", "=", $data[$i]->id)->get();
         $tam = count($ser);
         for ($j = 0; $j < $tam; $j++) {
             $val .= $ser[$j]->nombre;
             if ($j + 1 < $tam) {
                 $val .= ",";
         $data[$i]->servicios = $val;
     return $response;
Пример #4
 function getData()
     $query = 'Select * from ' . $this->table;
     $data = Capsule::select($query);
     return json_encode($data);
     //return $data;
 public function index()
     $season = $_REQUEST['season'] ?: $this->season;
     $activity = $_REQUEST['activity'] ?: 'Poker';
     $venue_id = $_REQUEST['venue_id'] ?: League::where('season', $season)->where('activity', $activity)->value('venue_id');
     $league = League::where('season', $season)->where('activity', $activity)->where('venue_id', $venue_id)->first();
     if (!$league->id) {
         $_SESSION['ALERT'] = alert("No League Found!", "There were no leagues found matching the specified parameters.", "warning");
         return sizeof($_REQUEST) ? redirect("/rankings") : redirect("/");
     $rankings_query = ' select s.player_id as id, concat(p.lastname, ", ", p.forename) as name, concat(p.forename, " ", p.lastname) as fullname, count(*) as games, sum(s.points) as total ';
     $rankings_query .= ' from t_scores s ';
     $rankings_query .= ' join t_events e on e.id = s.event_id ';
     $rankings_query .= ' join t_players p on p.id = s.player_id ';
     $rankings_query .= ' where e.league_id=? ';
     $rankings_query .= ' group by s.player_id ';
     $rankings = DB::select($rankings_query, [$league->id]);
     $points_query = ' select points ';
     $points_query .= ' from t_scores ';
     $points_query .= ' where player_id=? ';
     $points_query .= ' and event_id in ( ';
     $points_query .= ' select id ';
     $points_query .= ' from t_events ';
     $points_query .= ' where league_id=? ';
     $points_query .= ' ) ';
     $points_query .= ' order by points desc ';
     $points_query .= ' limit ' . $league->ranked_at;
     array_walk($rankings, function (&$ranking) use($points_query, $league) {
         $ranking->points = DB::select($points_query, [$ranking->id, $league->id]);
         $ranking->points = array_map(function ($p) {
             return $p->points;
         }, $ranking->points);
         $ranking->value = $ranking->games >= $league->ranked_at ? $league->ranking == 'AVG' ? floor(array_sum($ranking->points) / $league->ranked_at) : array_sum($ranking->points) : -1;
     $ranked = array_filter($rankings, function ($ranking) {
         return $ranking->value !== -1;
     usort($ranked, function ($a, $b) {
         return $b->value - $a->value;
     $unranked = array_filter($rankings, function ($ranking) {
         return $ranking->value === -1;
     usort($unranked, function ($a, $b) {
         return $b->total - $a->total;
     $seasonPointsLeaders = array_filter($rankings, function ($ranking) {
         return $ranking->total > 0;
     usort($seasonPointsLeaders, function ($a, $b) {
         return $b->total - $a->total;
     $seasonPointsLeaders = array_slice($seasonPointsLeaders, 0, 1);
     $wildCardWinners = User::whereHas('scores', function ($query) use($league) {
         $query->where('finished', '1')->whereHas('event', function ($query) use($league) {
             $query->where('league_id', $league->id)->where('week_num', 'Wild Card');
     return view('pages.rankings', compact('league', 'ranked', 'unranked', 'seasonPointsLeaders', 'wildCardWinners'));
Пример #6
  * @return bool
 public function getSchema()
     if (!$this->hasTable()) {
         return false;
     $colums = Capsule::select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$this->tableName}");
     return $colums;
Пример #7
 function getNeighbourChurches()
     $neighbours = DB::select("SELECT d.distance tavolsag,t.nev,t.ismertnev,t.varos,t.id tid FROM distance as d\n            LEFT JOIN templomok as t ON (tid1 <> :tid1 AND tid1 = id ) OR (tid2 <> :tid2 AND tid2 = id )\n            WHERE ( tid1 = :tid3 OR tid2 = :tid4 ) AND distance <= 10000 \n            AND t.id IS NOT NULL \n            ORDER BY distance ", ['tid1' => $this->id, 'tid2' => $this->id, 'tid3' => $this->id, 'tid4' => $this->id]);
     $this->neigbourChurches = (array) $neighbours;
     if (!isset($this->neigbourChurches)) {
         $neighbours = DB::select("SELECT d.distance tavolsag,t.nev,t.ismertnev,t.varos,t.id tid FROM distance as d\n                LEFT JOIN templomok as t ON (tid1 <> :tid1 AND tid1 = id ) OR (tid2 <> :tid2 AND tid2 = id )\n                WHERE ( tid1 = :tid3 OR tid2 = :tid4 )\n                ORDER BY distance \n                LIMIT 1", ['tid1' => $this->id, 'tid2' => $this->id, 'tid3' => $this->id, 'tid4' => $this->id]);
         $this->neigbourChurches = (array) $neighbours;
 public function promedio(Request $request, Response $response)
     $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
     $idCliente = $request->getAttribute("idCliente");
     $query = "SELECT COALESCE(AVG(calificacion),0) as promedio FROM calificacioncliente WHERE idCliente = " . $idCliente;
     $data = DB::select(DB::raw($query));
     return $response;
Пример #9
 function contasector(Request $request, Response $response)
     $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
     //sum(ingresos.valor) as total,
     $id = $request->getAttribute("idSector");
     $fechainicial = $request->getAttribute("fechainicial");
     $fechafinal = $request->getAttribute("fechafinal");
     $data = DB::select(DB::raw("select sum(ingresos.valor) as total,ingresos.fecha,sectorempresa.id," . "empresa.razonSocial,sucursal.nombre" . " from sectorempresa " . "inner join empresa on empresa.id = sectorempresa.idEmpresa " . "inner join sucursal on sucursal.idEmpresa = empresa.id " . "inner join empleado on empleado.idSucursal = sucursal.id " . "inner join ingresos on ingresos.idEmpleado = empleado.id " . "where sectorempresa.idSector = " . $id . " and ingresos.fecha BETWEEN '" . $fechainicial . "' and " . "'" . $fechafinal . "' " . "GROUP BY empresa.razonSocial"));
     return $response;
 public function show($id)
     $category = $this->categories[$id - 1];
     $query = " select player_id as id, player_fullname as fullname, {{ query }} as value ";
     $query .= " from v_player_stats where activity = 'Poker' and total_games > 96 ";
     $query .= " order by {{ field }} desc limit 3 ";
     $query = str_replace('{{ query }}', $category->query, $query);
     $query = str_replace('{{ field }}', $category->field, $query);
     $players = DB::select($query);
     return sizeof($players) ? view('hall-of-fame.show', compact('players')) : '<div class="hof-loading"><em>No Scores Found...</em></div>';
 public function show($id = null)
     if (!$id) {
         $id = Auth::user()->id;
     if (!$id) {
     $user = User::findOrFail($id);
     $stats = DB::select('select * from v_player_stats where player_id = ?', [$user->id]);
     return view('users.show', compact('user', 'stats'));
Пример #12
 public function get()
     $user_id = isset($_GET['user_id']) ? (int) $_GET['user_id'] : 0;
     $depth = isset($_GET['depth']) ? (int) $_GET['depth'] : 1;
     if ($user_id == 0 or $depth == 0) {
         echo json_encode([]);
     $fields = ['level1.user_id AS user', 'level1.friend_id AS friend'];
     $joins = [];
     if ($depth > 1) {
         foreach (range(2, $depth) as $l) {
             $fields[] = 'level' . $l . '.friend_id AS mutual' . ($l - 1);
             $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN friends level' . $l . ' ON (level' . ($l - 1) . '.`friend_id` = level' . $l . '.`user_id` AND level' . $l . '.`friend_id` != level' . ($l - 1) . '.`user_id`)';
     $query = 'SELECT ';
     $query .= implode(',', $fields);
     $query .= ' FROM friends level1 ';
     $query .= implode(' ', $joins);
     $query .= ' WHERE level1.user_id = ' . $user_id;
     $user_ids = [];
     $records = json_decode(json_encode(DB::select($query)), true);
     foreach ($records as $r => $record) {
         foreach ($record as $key => $id) {
             $id = (int) $id;
             if (!($id > 0)) {
             if (in_array($id, $user_ids)) {
             $user_ids[] = $id;
     $Users = User::whereIn('id', $user_ids)->get();
     $users = [];
     foreach ($Users as $User) {
         $users[$User->id] = $User->toArray();
     foreach ($records as $r => $record) {
         foreach ($record as $key => $id) {
             $id = (int) $id;
             if (!($id > 0)) {
             $records[$r][$key] = $users[$id];
     echo json_encode($records);
Пример #13
 public function getRegisteredEventsAttribute()
     $schedule_query = ' select e.id, e.activity, v.fullname as venue, e.datetime ';
     $schedule_query .= ' from t_scores s ';
     $schedule_query .= ' left join t_events e on e.id = s.event_id ';
     $schedule_query .= ' left join t_venues v on v.id = e.venue_id ';
     $schedule_query .= ' where s.player_id = ? and e.datetime >= ? ';
     $schedule_query .= ' order by week_num, venue_id, datetime asc ';
     $events = DB::select($schedule_query, [$this->id, date('Y-m-d')]);
     return array_map(function ($event) {
         return Event::find($event->id);
     }, $events);
Пример #14
 protected function storeIncremental($json)
     $deals = json_decode($json, true);
     // grab deals from the database
     $dbDealsRows = DB::table('deals')->get(['nCouponID', 'cLastUpdated']);
     foreach ($dbDealsRows as $row) {
         $dbDeals[$row->nCouponID] = $row;
     // grab an array of columns in the deals table
     $columns = DB::select('select COLUMN_NAME as `column` from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = \'fmtc_deals\'');
     // set the counters for reporting
     $insertCount = 0;
     $updateCount = 0;
     $removeCount = 0;
     // walk through the deals from a deal feed
     foreach ($deals as $deal) {
         // is this deal in the database?
         if (isset($dbDeals[$deal['nCouponID']])) {
             // is it active?
             if ($deal['cStatus'] == 'active') {
                 // has it been updated
                 if ($dbDeals[$deal['nCouponID']]->cLastUpdated != $deal['cLastUpdated']) {
                     // update it
                     $this->updateDeal($deal, $columns);
             } else {
                 // if it's not active remove it
         } else {
             // make sure it's active
             if ($deal['cStatus'] == 'active') {
                 // insert it (this is faster than building an insert queue and bulk inserting)
                 $this->insertDeal($deal, $columns);
     //---- debugging
     // debug($removeCount . ' removed');
     // debug($insertCount . ' inserted');
     // debug($updateCount . ' updated');
     return true;
Пример #15
  * check database connection based on provided setting
 public function checkConnection()
     $success = false;
     $message = '';
     $config = $this->getPostConfiguration();
     try {
         $tables = Capsule::select('show tables');
         $success = true;
         $message = 'Successfully connected!';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $success = false;
         $message = $e->getMessage();
     Response::headers()->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     Response::setBody(json_encode(array('success' => $success, 'message' => $message, 'config' => $config)));
  * @inheritdoc
 public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
     $model = $constraint->getModel();
     $table = $model->getTable();
     $fields = $constraint->getFields();
     $q = sprintf('SELECT id FROM `%s` WHERE ', $table);
     $fieldsCodnditions = [];
     foreach ($fields as $f) {
         $fieldsCodnditions[] = $f . '=' . "'" . addslashes($model->{$f}) . "'";
     $q .= implode(' AND ', $fieldsCodnditions);
     $q .= ';';
     $ids = DB::select($q);
     if (0 !== count($ids)) {
         $this->context->addViolation($constraint->message, ['%field%' => implode(', ', $constraint->getFields())]);
Пример #17
 protected function storeIncremental($json)
     $merchants = json_decode($json, true);
     // grab merchants from the database
     $dbMerchants = collect(DB::table('merchants')->get(['nMerchantID', 'dtLastUpdated']))->keyBy('nMerchantID')->toArray();
     // grab an array of columns in the merchants table
     $columns = DB::select('select COLUMN_NAME as `column` from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = \'fmtc_merchants\'');
     // set the counters for reporting
     $insertCount = 0;
     $updateCount = 0;
     $removeCount = 0;
     // walk through the merchants from a merchant feed
     foreach ($merchants as $merchant) {
         // is this merchant in the database?
         if (isset($dbMerchants[$merchant['nMerchantID']])) {
             // is it active?
             if ($merchant['cStatus'] == 'active') {
                 // has it been updated
                 if ($dbMerchants[$merchant['nMerchantID']]->dtLastUpdated != $merchant['dtLastUpdated']) {
                     // update it
                     DB::table('merchants')->where('nMerchantID', $merchant['nMerchantID'])->update($this->formatForInsertion($merchant, $columns));
             } else {
                 // if it's not active remove it
                 DB::table('merchants')->where('nMerchantID', $merchant['nMerchantID'])->delete();
         } else {
             // make sure it's active
             if ($merchant['cStatus'] == 'active') {
                 // insert it (this is faster than building an insert queue and bulk inserting)
                 DB::table('merchants')->insert($this->formatForInsertion($merchant, $columns));
     //---- debugging
     // debug($removeCount . ' removed');
     // debug($insertCount . ' inserted');
     // debug($updateCount . ' updated');
     return true;
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //$products = Product::select(['id', 'description', 'price'])->get();
     $query = "\n            select\n                products.id as CODICE,\n                products.description as NOME,\n                products.price as PREZZO,\n                products.category as CATEGORIA,\n                count(menu_products.id) as NUMERO_PUBBLICAZIONI,\n                count(menu_orders_products.id) as NUMERO_VENDITE,\n                DATE_FORMAT(\n                    (select menu.start_date\n                    from menu_products left join menu on (menu.id = menu_products.menu_id)\n                    where menu_products.product_id = products.id\n                    order by menu.start_date desc\n                    limit 1),\n                \"%d %b %Y\") as ULTIMA_PUBBLICAZIONE\n\n            from products\n                left join menu_products on (products.id = menu_products.product_id)\n                left join menu_orders_products on (menu_products.id = menu_orders_products.menu_product_id)\n\n            GROUP BY products.id\n            order by\n                FIELD(CATEGORIA, 'Primi Piatti', 'Secondi di Carne', 'Secondi di Pesce', 'Verdure, ortaggi e contorni', 'Piatti Vegetariani', 'Contorni', 'Panini Imbottiti', 'Frutta e Dessert', 'Pane', 'Salumi', 'Formaggi', 'Bibite', 'Snack', 'Aggiunte', 'Condimenti'),\n                NOME ASC\n        ";
     //we create the CSV into memory
     $csv = Writer::createFromFileObject(new \SplTempFileObject());
     //object to array
     $data = array_map(function ($row) {
         return (array) $row;
     }, Capsule::select($query));
     //we insert the CSV header
     // The PDOStatement Object implements the Traversable Interface
     // that's why Writer::insertAll can directly insert
     // the data into the CSV
 public function testRawQueries()
     // Insert
     $inserted = Capsule::insert('INSERT INTO articles (title) VALUES (:title)', ['title' => static::ARTICLE_TITLE]);
     // Last Insert ID
     $id = Capsule::connection()->getPdo()->lastInsertId();
     $this->assertEquals(1, $id);
     // Select
     $articles = Capsule::select('SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = ?', [$id]);
     $this->assertCount(1, $articles);
     $this->assertEquals($articles[0]->title, static::ARTICLE_TITLE);
     // Delete
     $deleted = Capsule::delete('DELETE FROM articles WHERE id = ?', [$id]);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $deleted);
     // Count
     $count = Capsule::selectOne('SELECT COUNT(*) as nb FROM articles');
     $this->assertEquals(0, $count->nb);
Пример #20
  * Vérification de la connection sur base des informations fournies
 public function checkConnection()
     $success = false;
     $message = '';
     $config = $this->getPostConfiguration();
     try {
          * Essaie de montrer les tables !
         switch ($config['driver']) {
             case 'mysql':
                 $tables = Capsule::select('show tables');
         $success = true;
         $message = 'Connexion établie avec succés !';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $success = false;
         $message = $e->getMessage();
     Response::headers()->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     Response::setBody(json_encode(array('success' => $success, 'message' => $message, 'config' => $config)));
Пример #21
 function getServiciosByEmpleado(Request $request, Response $response)
     $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
     $idEmpleado = $request->getAttribute("idEmpleado");
     $data = Servicio::select('servicio.*')->join("serviciosempleado", "serviciosempleado.idServicio", "=", "servicio.id")->where('serviciosempleado.idEmpleado', '=', $idEmpleado)->where('servicio.estado', '=', 'ACTIVO')->get();
     if (count($data) == 0) {
         $response = $response->withStatus(404);
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
             $query = "SELECT " . "Count(tu.turno) as numeroTurno " . "FROM " . "turno as tu " . "WHERE tu.idEmpleado = " . $idEmpleado . " AND " . "tu.idServicio = " . $data[$i]->id . " AND " . "(tu.estadoTurno <> 'TERMINADO' AND tu.estadoTurno <> 'CANCELADO')";
             $dataNumeroTurno = DB::select(DB::raw($query));
             $data[$i]['numeroTurno'] = $dataNumeroTurno[0]->numeroTurno;
             $data[$i]['turnoActual'] = 0;
     return $response;
Пример #22
 function empleadosDisponibles(Request $request, Response $response)
     $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
     $idServicio = $request->getAttribute("idServicio");
     $idSucursal = $request->getAttribute("idSucursal");
     $fecha = $request->getAttribute("fecha");
     $hora = $request->getAttribute("hora");
     $cupos = $request->getAttribute("cupos");
     $dataMitiempo = ServiciosSucursal::select("minutos")->where("idServicio", "=", $idServicio)->where("idSucursal", "=", $idSucursal)->first();
     $minutos = 60;
     if ($data != null) {
         $minutos = $dataMitiempo->minutos;
     $empleado = Empleado::select("*")->where("idSucursal", "=", $idSucursal)->where("idPerfil", "=", 2)->get();
     //$horaFinal = "(sec_to_time(time_to_sec('$hora') + (time_to_sec('$hora') * $cupos)))";
     $tiempo = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cupos; $i++) {
         $tiempo += $minutos;
     $horaFinal = "ADDTIME('{$hora}', SEC_TO_TIME({$tiempo}*60))";
     $data = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($empleado); $i++) {
         $query = "SELECT " . "tur.id " . "FROM " . "turno tur " . "WHERE " . "tur.idServicio = {$idServicio} AND " . "tur.idSucursal = {$idSucursal} AND " . "tur.idEmpleado = " . $empleado[$i]->id . " AND " . "tur.fechaReserva = '{$fecha}' AND " . "tur.reserva = 'A' AND " . "(tur.estadoTurno <> 'TERMINADO' AND tur.estadoTurno <> 'CANCELADO') AND (" . "(TIMESTAMP('{$fecha}','{$hora}') >= tur.horaReserva AND TIMESTAMP('{$fecha}','{$hora}') < tur.horaFinalReserva) OR " . "(TIMESTAMP('{$fecha}',{$horaFinal}) > tur.horaReserva AND TIMESTAMP('{$fecha}',{$horaFinal}) <= tur.horaFinalReserva))";
         //. "(TIMESTAMP('$fecha','$hora') < tur.horaReserva AND TIMESTAMP('$fecha',$horaFinal) > tur.horaReserva))";
         $disp = DB::select(DB::raw($query));
         if (count($disp) == 0) {
             $data[] = $empleado[$i];
     return $response;
Пример #23
     return $app->json(['count' => $count]);
  * Student by id
 $rest->get('/students/{id}', function ($id) use($app, $modelToArray) {
     $model = Student::findOrFail($id);
     return $app->json($modelToArray($model, ['level']));
 })->assert('id', '\\d+');
  * Search students
 $rest->get('/students/search', function () use($app) {
     $q = addslashes($app['request']->get('query'));
     $search = strtolower($q) . '%';
     $result = DB::select("SELECT `id`\n          FROM `students`\n          WHERE `name` LIKE '{$search}';\n        ");
     $result = array_map(function ($itm) {
         return $itm['id'];
     }, $result);
     $students = Student::whereIn('id', $result)->get();
     return $app->json($students);
  * Student creation
 $rest->post('/students', function (Request $req) use($app) {
     $data = $req->request->all();
     $s = new Student($data);
     try {
Пример #24
  * Adds a new Database Server to the system.
  * @param array $data
 public function add(array $data)
     $validator = Validator::make($data, ['name' => 'required|string|max:255', 'host' => 'required|ip|unique:database_servers,host', 'port' => 'required|numeric|between:1,65535', 'username' => 'required|string|max:32', 'password' => 'required|string', 'linked_node' => 'sometimes']);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         throw new DisplayValidationException($validator->errors());
     try {
         $capsule = new Capsule();
         $capsule->addConnection(['driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => $data['host'], 'port' => $data['port'], 'database' => 'mysql', 'username' => $data['username'], 'password' => $data['password'], 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci', 'prefix' => '', 'options' => [\PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 3]]);
         // Allows us to check that we can connect to things.
         Capsule::select('SELECT 1 FROM dual');
         $dbh = new Models\DatabaseServer();
         $dbh->fill(['name' => $data['name'], 'host' => $data['host'], 'port' => $data['port'], 'username' => $data['username'], 'password' => Crypt::encrypt($data['password']), 'max_databases' => NULL, 'linked_node' => !empty($data['linked_node']) && $data['linked_node'] > 0 ? $data['linked_node'] : NULL]);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
Пример #25
    if (!$f) {
        $tehranOther[] = $oth;
foreach ($otherOther as $odd) {
    $address = explode('،', $odd->address, 3);
    $query = "insert into `location` (`location_type`, `name`,`location_trace`,`latitude`,`longitude`)\n                                  values ('RESTAURANT','{$odd->name}' ,'<city>{$address['0']}</city><region></region><section>{$address['1']}</section><additional>{$address['2']}</additional>',{$odd->latitude},{$odd->longitude})";
    $model = new \geo\src\model\location();
    try {
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
$polygons = \Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager::select("SELECT *, AsText(polygon) AS poly FROM geoLocation WHERE geoLocation.detail = '' ");
foreach ($polygons as $pol) {
    $geo = geoPHP::load($pol->poly);
    $multipoint_points = $geo->getComponents();
    $geoJson = json_decode($multipoint_points[0]->out('json'));
    $polygon = new \League\Geotools\Polygon\Polygon($geoJson->coordinates);
    foreach ($tehranOther as $json) {
        if ($json->latitude != '') {
            $point = new \geo\src\model\Point();
            $json = (object) $json;
            $address = explode('،', $odd->address, 2);
            $result = $polygon->pointInPolygon(new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([$point->getLangtiude(), $point->getLattitude()]));
            if ($result) {
                $existIn[] = $json;
Пример #26
  * @return SearchView
 public function searchx()
     // Get post data
     $data = $this->_getRequest()->query->all();
     $data['types'] = Arrays::value($data, 'types', '');
     $data['tags'] = Arrays::value($data, 'tags', '');
     $data['search'] = Arrays::value($data, 'search', '');
     $data['authors'] = Arrays::value($data, 'authors', '');
     $data['order'] = Arrays::value($data, 'order', 'downloads_m');
     $data['page'] = Arrays::value($data, 'page', 1);
     // Cache
     $memcache = new \Memcached();
     $key = 'search-' . md5(json_encode(array_values($data)));
     $search = $memcache->get($key);
     if ($search === false) {
         // Start search
         $packages = Package::select('author', 'name', 'description', 'type', 'downloads_m')->where('name', '!=', '')->where('author', '!=', '');
         // Types
         if ($data['types']) {
             $types = explode(',', $data['types']);
             $packages->whereIn('type', $types);
         // Tags
         if ($data['tags']) {
             $tags = explode(',', $data['tags']);
             $tags = array_map('trim', $tags);
             $tags = array_filter($tags, 'is_numeric');
             $tags = implode(',', $tags);
             $tags = DB::select('SELECT package_id FROM package_tag WHERE tag_id IN(' . $tags . ') GROUP BY package_id');
             $packageIds = ipull($tags, 'package_id');
             $packages->whereIn('id', $packageIds);
         // Search
         if ($data['search']) {
             $packages->where(function ($query) use($data) {
                 $query->where('author', 'LIKE', '%' . $data['search'] . '%')->orWhere('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $data['search'] . '%')->orWhere('description', 'LIKE', '%' . $data['search'] . '%');
         // Authors
         if ($data['authors']) {
             $authors = explode(',', $data['authors']);
             $authors = array_map('trim', $authors);
             $authors = array_filter($authors, 'is_numeric');
             $authors = implode(',', $authors);
             $authors = DB::select('SELECT package_id FROM author_package WHERE author_id IN(' . $authors . ') GROUP BY package_id');
             $packageIds = ipull($authors, 'package_id');
             $packages->whereIn('id', $packageIds);
         // Maintainers
         if (isset($data['maintainers']) && $data['maintainers']) {
             $maintainers = explode(',', $data['maintainers']);
             $maintainers = array_map('trim', $maintainers);
             $maintainers = array_filter($maintainers, 'is_numeric');
             $maintainers = implode(',', $maintainers);
             $maintainers = DB::select('SELECT package_id FROM maintainer_package WHERE maintainer_id IN(' . $maintainers . ') GROUP BY package_id');
             $packageIds = ipull($maintainers, 'package_id');
             $packages->whereIn('id', $packageIds);
         // Order
         switch ($data['order']) {
             case 'downloads_t':
                 $packages->orderBy('downloads', 'desc');
             case 'downloads_m':
                 $packages->orderBy('downloads_m', 'desc');
             case 'downloads_d':
                 $packages->orderBy('downloads_d', 'desc');
             case 'stars':
                 $packages->orderBy('stars', 'desc');
             case 'author':
                 $packages->orderBy('author', 'asc');
             case 'name':
                 $packages->orderBy('name', 'asc');
         $packages->orderBy('downloads_m', 'desc');
         // Pagination
         $count = $packages->count();
         $skip = ($data['page'] - 1) * self::PER_PAGE;
         $pages = (int) ceil($count / self::PER_PAGE);
         // Make into an array as you can not serialize PDO objects
         $packages = $packages->get()->toArray();
         // Cache
         $memcache->set($key, [$pages, $packages], self::WEEK);
     } else {
         list($pages, $packages) = $search;
     return new SearchView($packages, $data, $pages);
Пример #27
  * Execute the command.
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param username       $username
  * @param password       $password
  * @param collation      $collation
  * @return $rows mixed
 protected function getDatabases($input, $username, $password, $collation)
     $tables = 'SCHEMA_NAME';
     if ($collation) {
         $tables .= ', DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME';
     $query = '
         SELECT ' . $tables . '
     $dbs = Capsule::select($query);
     $rows = [];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($dbs); ++$i) {
         $rows[$i][] = $dbs[$i]->SCHEMA_NAME;
         if ($collation) {
             $rows[$i][] = $dbs[$i]->DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME;
     return $rows;
Пример #28
 function contaempleadosucursal(Request $request, Response $response)
     $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
     $id = $request->getAttribute("idsucursal");
     $fechainicial = $request->getAttribute("fechainicial");
     $fechafinal = $request->getAttribute("fechafinal");
     $data = DB::select(DB::raw("select CONCAT(empleado.nombres,' ',empleado.apellidos) as empleado," . "empleado.identificacion,sucursal.nombre,ingresos.idEmpleado,sum(ingresos.valor) as total," . "empleado.email,empleado.telefono,empleado.estado " . "from sucursal " . "inner join empleado on empleado.idSucursal = sucursal.id " . "inner join ingresos on ingresos.idEmpleado = empleado.id " . "where sucursal.id = " . $id . " and ingresos.fecha BETWEEN '" . $fechainicial . "' and " . "'" . $fechafinal . "'" . "GROUP BY ingresos.idEmpleado"));
     return $response;
Пример #29
        case 'DOUBLE':
        case 'DECIMAL':
            $type = 'DOUBLE';
        case 'DATE':
            $type = 'DATE';
    return $type;
$dbName = Capsule::connection()->getDatabaseName();
$db = new DB($dbName);
$query = "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . Capsule::connection()->getDatabaseName() . "'";
$tb_objs = Capsule::select($query);
foreach ($tb_objs as $tb_obj) {
    $table = new Table($tb_obj);
    $columns = Capsule::select("select * from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_name = '" . $table->name . "' and TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . $dbName . "'");
    foreach ($columns as $column_obj) {
        $column = new Column($column_obj);
        $table->columns[] = $column;
    $fks = Capsule::select("select TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME,CONSTRAINT_NAME, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE where CONSTRAINT_NAME like 'fk_%' and table_name = '" . $table->name . "' and TABLE_SCHEMA ='" . Capsule::connection()->getDatabaseName() . "'");
    foreach ($fks as $fk) {
        $table->foreignKeys[] = $fk->REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME;
    $db->tables[] = $table;
    $db->tables[$table->name] = $table;
print $twig->render($params, ['db' => $db]);
print "\n";
 public function update($id)
     $event = Event::findOrFail($id);
     $event->load(['scores' => function ($query) {
         $query->orderByRaw('-finished desc');
         $query->orderByRaw('(select lastname from t_players where id=player_id)');
         $query->orderByRaw('(select forename from t_players where id=player_id)');
     $canEdit = Auth::user()->almighty || $event->league->season >= $this->season - 1 && $event->league->admins()->where('player_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
     // Unauthorized
     if (!$canEdit) {
         $_SESSION['ALERT'] = alert("Unauthorized!", "", "error");
         return redirect("/events/{$id}");
     // Update Players List
     if ($player_ids = $_REQUEST['player_ids']) {
         foreach ($player_ids as $player_id) {
             $score = new Score();
             $score->event_id = $event->id;
             $score->player_id = $player_id;
         $_SESSION['ALERT'] = alert("Players Added!", "Don't forget to update the players count.", "success");
         return redirect("/events/{$id}/edit");
     // Update Flash Message
     if (isset($_REQUEST['flash_message'])) {
         $event->flash_message = $_REQUEST['flash_message'];
         $_SESSION['ALERT'] = alert("Message Set!", "The flash message was set successfully and will be displayed to all players who register for this event.", "success");
         return redirect("/events/{$id}/edit");
     // Missing Data...
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['possible']) || !isset($_REQUEST['scores']) || !isset($_REQUEST['positions']) || $event->league->bonuses && !isset($_REQUEST['bonuses'])) {
         $_SESSION['ALERT'] = alert("Whoops!", "It looks like there was missing data in your request. Please try again.", "error");
         return redirect("/events/{$id}/edit");
     // Update Player Count
     $event->possible = max($_REQUEST['possible'] ?: 0, 0);
     // Update Players, Positions & Bonuses
     $scores = $_REQUEST['scores'];
     $positions = $_REQUEST['positions'];
     if ($event->league->bonuses) {
         $bonuses = $_REQUEST['bonuses'];
     if ($scores && $positions && (!$event->league->bonuses || $bonuses)) {
         foreach ($scores as $idx => $score) {
             $score = $event->scores[$score];
             $score->finished = $positions[$idx];
             if ($event->league->bonuses) {
                 $score->bonus = $bonuses[$idx];
             if ($score->finished == -1) {
             } else {
     // Reload the scores
     $event->load(['scores' => function ($query) {
         $query->orderByRaw('-finished desc');
         $query->orderByRaw('(select lastname from t_players where id=player_id)');
         $query->orderByRaw('(select forename from t_players where id=player_id)');
     $_SESSION['ALERT'] = alert("Scores Updated!", "The scores have been modified. Please double check your changes.", "success");
     /** Send Email **/
     $subject = "Event Updated";
     Mail::send('emails.events', compact('subject', 'event'), function ($m) use($subject, $event) {
         $m->subject("{$subject}: {$event->league->venue->name}, Season {$event->league->season}, Week {$event->week_num}, Game {$event->game_num}, " . ($event->possible ?: 0) . " Players");
     // Position conflicts
     $position = DB::select('select count(finished) as `total`, count(distinct(finished)) as `unique` from t_scores where event_id=? and finished>0', [$event->id])[0];
     if ($position->total > $position->unique) {
         // Alert will be added in `edit` handler
         return redirect("/events/{$id}/edit");
     // Bonuse conflicts
     if ($event->league->bonuses) {
         $bonusQuery = " select b.label, b.per_event ";
         $bonusQuery .= " from t_bonuses b ";
         $bonusQuery .= " left join t_event_bonuses eb on eb.bonus_id = b.id ";
         $bonusQuery .= " where eb.event_id=? ";
         $bonusQuery .= " group by b.id ";
         $bonusQuery .= " having count(*) > b.per_event ";
         if (sizeof(DB::select($bonusQuery, [$event->id]))) {
             // Alert will be added in `edit` handler
             return redirect("/events/{$id}/edit");
     return redirect("/events/{$id}");