$idx->local('cd ~/docs && git config user.name "ideatobot"'); $idx->local('cd ~/docs && git config user.email "*****@*****.**"'); // copy new phar & commit $idx->local('cp -f idephix.phar ~/docs'); $idx->local("cp -f .git/refs/heads/master ~/docs/version"); $idx->local('cd ~/docs && git status'); $idx->local('cd ~/docs && git add -A .'); $idx->local("cd ~/docs && git commit -m 'deploy phar version {$new_version}'"); $idx->local('cd ~/docs && git push -q origin gh-pages'); }; $createPhar = function () use($idx) { $idx->output->writeln('Creating phar...'); $idx->local('rm -rf /tmp/Idephix && mkdir -p /tmp/Idephix'); $idx->local("cp -R . /tmp/Idephix"); $idx->local("cd /tmp/Idephix && rm -rf vendor"); $idx->local("cd /tmp/Idephix && git checkout -- ."); $idx->local('cd /tmp/Idephix && composer install --prefer-source --no-dev -o'); $idx->local('bin/box build -c /tmp/Idephix/box.json '); $idx->output->writeln('Smoke testing...'); $out = $idx->local('php idephix.phar'); if (false === strpos($out, 'Idephix version')) { echo "Error!\n"; exit(-1); } $idx->output->writeln('All good!'); }; $idx->add('deployPhar', $deployPhar); $idx->add('createPhar', $createPhar); $idx->add('buildTravis', $buildTravis); $idx->add('build', $build); $idx->run();
$localBaseDir = __DIR__; $sshParams = array('user' => 'ideato'); $targets = array('prod' => array('hosts' => array(''), 'ssh_params' => $sshParams, 'deploy' => array('local_base_dir' => $localBaseDir, 'remote_base_dir' => "/var/www/myfantasticserver/", 'rsync_exclude_file' => 'rsync_exclude.txt')), 'stage' => array('hosts' => array(''), 'ssh_params' => $sshParams, 'deploy' => array('local_base_dir' => $localBaseDir, 'remote_base_dir' => "/var/www/myfantasticserver/", 'rsync_exclude_file' => 'rsync_exclude.txt')), 'dev' => array('hosts' => array(''), 'ssh_params' => array('user' => 'vagrant'), 'deploy' => array('local_base_dir' => $localBaseDir, 'remote_base_dir' => "/var/www/myfantasticserver/", 'rsync_exclude_file' => 'rsync_exclude.txt'))); $idx = new Idephix($targets); $idx->add('project:deploy', function ($go = false) use($idx) { $env = $idx->getCurrentTargetName(); if (!$go) { echo "\nDry Run\n"; } $idx->setDryRun(!$go); $idx->setUpEnvironment(); if (!$idx->isRemoteReady()) { $idx->bootstrap(); } $idx->remotePrepare(); $idx->getStrategy()->deploy(); $idx->remoteLinkSharedFolders(); if ($idx->hasToMigrate()) { $idx->doctrineMigrate(); } $idx->remote('cd ' . $idx->getNextReleaseFolder() . '/app/config && rm -f parameters.yml', !$go); $idx->remote('cd ' . $idx->getNextReleaseFolder() . '/app/config && ln -s parameters.' . $env . '.yml parameters.yml', !$go); $idx->cacheClear(); $idx->switchToTheNextRelease(); $idx->assetic(); $idx->deleteOldReleases(6); $idx->remote('cd ' . $idx->getNextReleaseFolder() . ' && rm -Rf app/cache/*', !$go); })->add('test:run', function ($filter = '') use($idx) { $idx->runTask('test:run-group', 'unit', $filter); $idx->runTask('test:run-group', 'integration', $filter); $idx->runTask('test:run-group', 'command', $filter); $idx->runTask('test:run-group', 'functional', $filter);
<?php use Idephix\Idephix; use Idephix\Extension\Deploy\Deploy; use Idephix\Extension\PHPUnit\PHPUnit; use Idephix\SSH\SshClient; $sshParams = array('user' => 'ideato'); $targets = array('prod' => array('hosts' => array('', ''), 'ssh_params' => $sshParams, 'deploy' => array('local_base_dir' => __DIR__, 'remote_base_dir' => "/var/www/my-project/", 'rsync_exclude_file' => 'rsync_exclude.txt', 'shared_folders' => array('app/logs', 'web/uploads'))), 'stage' => array('hosts' => array(''), 'ssh_params' => $sshParams, 'deploy' => array('local_base_dir' => __DIR__, 'remote_base_dir' => "/var/www/my-project.ideato.it/", 'rsync_exclude_file' => 'rsync_exclude.txt', 'shared_folders' => array('app/logs', 'web/uploads'))), 'test' => array('hosts' => array(''), 'ssh_params' => array('user' => 'kea'), 'deploy' => array('local_base_dir' => __DIR__, 'remote_base_dir' => "/tmp/my-project.test/", 'shared_folders' => array('app/logs', 'web/uploads')))); $idx = new Idephix($targets, new SshClient()); $idx->add('hello', function () { echo 'Output by custom idx file!'; })->add('idephix:test-params', function ($param1, $param2, $param3 = 'default') { echo "{$param1} {$param2} {$param3}"; }); $idx->addLibrary('deploy', new Deploy()); $idx->addLibrary('phpunit', new PHPUnit()); $idx->run();
/** * @dataProvider getTaskAndReturnCode */ public function testReturnCode($task, $expected) { $_SERVER['argv'] = array('idx', $task); $output = fopen("php://memory", 'r+'); $idx = new Idephix(array(), new SSH\SshClient(new SSH\FakeSsh2Proxy($this)), new StreamOutput($output)); $idx->getApplication()->setAutoExit(false); $idx->add('fooOk', function () use($idx) { $idx->local("echo 'God save the Queen'"); }); $idx->add('fooKo', function () use($idx) { $idx->local("God save the Queen but this command will fail!"); }); $this->assertEquals($expected, $idx->run()); }