Пример #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getUrl()
     $url = parent::getUrl();
     if (!$this->resolved && $url !== null) {
         $this->setUrl(Macro::resolveMacros($url->getAbsoluteUrl(), $this->getObject()));
         $this->resolved = true;
     return $url;
Пример #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function render()
     $url = Url::fromRequest();
     $activeLimit = (int) $url->getParam('limit', $this->getDefaultLimit());
     $navigation = new Navigation();
     foreach (static::$limits as $limit => $label) {
         $navigationItem = new NavigationItem($limit);
         $navigationItem->setActive($activeLimit === $limit)->setAttribute('title', sprintf(t('Show %u rows on this page'), $limit))->setLabel($label)->setUrl($url->with(array('limit' => $limit)));
     if ($activeLimit === 0) {
         $navigationItem = new NavigationItem(0);
         $navigationItem->setActive(true)->setAttribute('title', t('Show all items on this page'))->setLabel(t('all'));
     return $navigation->getRenderer()->setCssClass(static::CSS_CLASS_LIMITER)->setHeading(t('Limiter'))->render();
Пример #3
  * Return whether it's possible to merge this item with the given one
  * @param   NavigationItem  $item
  * @return  bool
 public function conflictsWith(NavigationItem $item)
     if (!$item instanceof $this) {
         return true;
     if ($this->getUrl() === null || $item->getUrl() === null) {
         return false;
     return !$this->getUrl()->matches($item->getUrl());
Пример #4
  * Return whether the first item is less than, more than or equal to the second one
  * @param   NavigationItem  $a
  * @param   NavigationItem  $b
  * @return  int
 protected function compareItems(NavigationItem $a, NavigationItem $b)
     if ($a->getPriority() === $b->getPriority()) {
         return strcasecmp($a->getLabel(), $b->getLabel());
     return $a->getPriority() > $b->getPriority() ? 1 : -1;
Пример #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function merge(NavigationItem $item)
     $this->setDashlets(array_merge($this->getDashlets(false), $item->getDashlets(false)));
  * Return the opening markup for the given navigation item
  * @param   NavigationItem  $item
  * @return  string
 public function beginItemMarkup(NavigationItem $item)
     $cssClass = array(static::CSS_CLASS_ITEM);
     if ($item->hasChildren() && $item->getChildren()->getLayout() === Navigation::LAYOUT_DROPDOWN) {
         $cssClass[] = static::CSS_CLASS_DROPDOWN;
         $item->setAttribute('class', static::CSS_CLASS_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE)->setIcon(static::DROPDOWN_TOGGLE_ICON)->setUrl('#');
     if ($item->getActive()) {
         $cssClass[] = static::CSS_CLASS_ACTIVE;
     $content = sprintf('<li id="%s" class="%s">', $this->view()->escape($item->getUniqueName()), join(' ', $cssClass));
     return $content;
Пример #7
  * Return the opening markup for the given navigation item
  * @param   NavigationItem  $item
  * @return  string
 public function beginItemMarkup(NavigationItem $item)
     $cssClasses = array(static::CSS_CLASS_ITEM);
     if ($item->hasChildren() && $item->getChildren()->getLayout() === Navigation::LAYOUT_DROPDOWN) {
         $cssClasses[] = static::CSS_CLASS_DROPDOWN;
         $item->setAttribute('class', static::CSS_CLASS_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE)->setIcon(static::DROPDOWN_TOGGLE_ICON)->setUrl('#');
     if ($item->getActive()) {
         $cssClasses[] = static::CSS_CLASS_ACTIVE;
     if ($item->getIcon() === null) {
         // @TODO(el): Add constant
         $cssClasses[] = 'no-icon';
     if ($cssClass = $item->getCssClass()) {
         $cssClasses[] = $cssClass;
     $content = sprintf('<li class="%s">', join(' ', $cssClasses));
     return $content;
Пример #8
  * Create a badge group
  * @param   array $states
  * @param   Navigation $badges
  * @return  $this
 public function createBadgeGroup(array $states, Navigation $badges)
     $group = array_intersect_key($this->badges, array_flip($states));
     if (!empty($group)) {
         $groupItem = new NavigationItem(uniqid(), array('label' => '', 'priority' => $this->priority++));
         $groupBadges = new Navigation();
         foreach (array_keys($group) as $state) {
             $this->createBadge($state, $groupBadges);
     return $this;