Пример #1
 public function addTransaction()
     $accounts = array();
     foreach (Auth::user()->accounts()->get() as $account) {
         $accounts[$account->id] = Crypt::decrypt($account->name);
     $budgets = array();
     $budgets[0] = '(no budget)';
     foreach (Auth::user()->budgets()->orderBy('date', 'DESC')->take(20)->get() as $budget) {
         $date = new Carbon($budget->date);
         $budgets[$budget->id] = Crypt::decrypt($budget->name) . ' (' . $date->format('F Y') . ')';
     $categories = array();
     foreach (Auth::user()->categories()->get() as $cat) {
         $categories[] = Crypt::decrypt($cat->name);
     $beneficiaries = array();
     foreach (Auth::user()->beneficiaries()->get() as $ben) {
         $beneficiaries[] = Crypt::decrypt($ben->name);
     if (Holmes::isMobile()) {
         return View::make('mobile.transactions.add')->with('accounts', $accounts)->with('budgets', $budgets)->with('categories', $categories)->with('beneficiaries', $beneficiaries);
     } else {
         return View::make('transactions.add')->with('accounts', $accounts)->with('budgets', $budgets)->with('categories', $categories)->with('beneficiaries', $beneficiaries);
Пример #2
 public function getHome()
     $key = cacheKey('home', Session::get('period'));
     if (Cache::has($key)) {
         $data = Cache::get($key);
     } else {
         $max = 0;
         $min = 1000000;
         $data = array('accounts' => array(), 'budgets' => array(), 'targets' => array());
         // we need this list:
         $accounts = Auth::user()->accounts()->get();
         foreach ($accounts as $a) {
             $account = array('id' => intval($a->id), 'name' => Crypt::decrypt($a->name), 'currentbalance' => $a->balance());
             $account['header'] = $account['currentbalance'] < 0 ? array('style' => 'color:red;', 'class' => 'tt', 'title' => $account['name'] . ' has a balance below zero. Try to fix this.') : array();
             $min = $account['currentbalance'] < $min ? $account['currentbalance'] : $min;
             $max = $account['currentbalance'] > $max ? $account['currentbalance'] : $max;
             $data['accounts'][] = $account;
         $min = $min > 0 ? 0 : $min;
         $max = $max < 0 ? 0 : $max;
         $min = floor($min / 1000) * 1000;
         $max = ceil($max / 1000) * 1000;
         $sum = 0;
         foreach ($data['accounts'] as $index => $account) {
             $sum += $account['currentbalance'];
         $data['acc_data']['sum'] = $sum;
         // now everything for budgets:
         $data['budgets'] = Budget::getHomeOverview();
         // some extra budget data:
         $monthlyAmount = Setting::getSetting('monthlyAmount', Session::get('period')->format('Y-m-') . '01');
         if (is_null($monthlyAmount)) {
             $monthlyAmount = intval(Setting::getSetting('defaultAmount'));
         $data['budget_data']['amount'] = $monthlyAmount;
         $data['budget_data']['spent_outside'] = floatval(Auth::user()->transactions()->where('amount', '<', 0)->whereNull('budget_id')->where(DB::Raw('DATE_FORMAT(`date`,"%m-%Y")'), '=', Session::get('period')->format('m-Y'))->sum('amount')) * -1;
         // targets, cant make it better im afraid.
         $data['targets'] = Target::getHomeOverview();
         Cache::put($key, $data, 2440);
     // flash some warnings:
     if (Auth::user()->transactions()->count() == 0) {
         Session::flash('warning', 'There are no transactions saved yet. Create some to make this overview less boring (Create &rarr; New transaction).');
     if (count($data['budgets']) == 0) {
         Session::flash('warning', 'You don\'t have any budgets defined.');
     if (count($data['accounts']) == 0) {
         Session::flash('warning', 'You do not have any accounts added. You should do this first (Create &rarr; New account)');
     if (Holmes::isMobile()) {
         return View::make('mobile.home.home')->with('data', $data);
     } else {
         return View::make('home.home')->with('data', $data);