public function run() { $users = User::getUserArrayByExpire(); $notificationMail = Option::get('mail_stop_expire_notification'); $mailContentTemplate = Option::get('custom_mail_stop_expire_content'); if (!$notificationMail) { Option::set('mail_stop_expire_notification', 0); // 设置邮件提醒的系统参数 } $mailer = Mailer::getInstance(); $mailer->toQueue(true); foreach ($users as $user) { $user->stop(); Logger::getInstance()->info('user [' . $user->email . '] 未续费或流量超用已被暂停服务'); if ($notificationMail) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->to = $user->email; $mail->subject = '[' . SITE_NAME . '] ' . "用户 {$user->nickname},您的账户由于未续费或流量超用已被暂停服务"; $params = ['nickname' => $user->nickname, 'email' => $user->email, 'useTraffic' => Utils::flowAutoShow($user->flow_up + $user->flow_down), 'transfer' => Utils::flowAutoShow($user->transfer), 'expireTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $user->expireTime)]; $mailContent = Utils::placeholderReplace($mailContentTemplate, $params); $mailContent .= "<p style=\"padding: 1.5em 1em 0; color: #999; font-size: 12px;\">—— 本邮件由 " . SITE_NAME . " (<a href=\"" . BASE_URL . "\">" . BASE_URL . "</a>) 账户管控系统发送</p>"; $mail->content = $mailContent; $mailer->send($mail); } } // 避免频繁更新 Option 单例对象,循环结束后再执行 if ($notificationMail) { Option::set('mail_queue', 1); } // 2016-04-26 15:00 - by @Sendya Fixed issue #62 // User::enableUsersByExpireTime(); // 启用已续费且流量未超过的用户 }
/** * 淘宝自动发货API * 创建卡号 * * @JSON */ public function createCard() { $CURR_KEY = $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']; if (!$CURR_KEY) { header("HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed"); exit; } $KEY = Option::get('SYSTEM_API_KEY'); if ($KEY == null) { $KEY = password_hash(Utils::randomChar(12) . time(), PASSWORD_BCRYPT); Option::set('SYSTEM_API_KEY', $KEY); } $CURR_KEY = str_replace('Basic ', '', $CURR_KEY); $CURR_KEY = md5($CURR_KEY . ENCRYPT_KEY); $KEY = md5($KEY . ENCRYPT_KEY); if (strtoupper($KEY) == strtoupper($CURR_KEY)) { $card = new Card(); $card->card = substr(hash("sha256", time() . Utils::randomChar(10)) . time(), 1, 26); $card->add_time = time(); $card->type = intval(trim($_POST['type'])); $card->info = trim($_POST['info']); $card->status = 1; $card->save(); return array('error' => 0, 'message' => 'success', 'card' => $card); } else { return array('error' => 1, 'message' => 'Bad Request'); } }
public function toQueue($bool, $flag = false) { $this->queued = $bool; if (!$flag) { Option::set('mail_queue', $bool === true ? 1 : 0); } else { Option::set('mail_queue', 1); } }
public function isAvailable() { $className = Utils::getShortName($this); $config = Option::get('MAIL_' . $className); if (!$config) { $_config = array('region' => 'cn-hangzhou', 'accessKey' => 'yourAccessKey', 'accessSecret' => 'yourAccessSecret', 'accountName' => '*****@*****.**', 'tagName' => 'yourTagName', 'alias' => 'SS Cat'); Option::set('MAIL_' . $className, json_encode($_config)); // 设定默认配置 return false; } return true; }
public function isAvailable() { $className = Utils::getShortName($this); $config = Option::get('MAIL_' . $className); if (!$config) { $_config = array('from' => '某科学的H本 <*****@*****.**>'); Option::set('MAIL_' . $className, json_encode($_config)); // 设定默认配置 return false; } return true; }
public function isAvailable() { $className = Utils::getShortName($this); $config = Option::get('MAIL_' . $className); if (!$config) { $_config = array("mailgun_key" => "key-********************", 'mailgun_domain' => '', 'from' => '某科学的H本 <*****@*****.**>'); Option::set('MAIL_' . $className, json_encode($_config)); // 设定默认配置 return false; } return true; }
public function run() { if (!Option::get('mail_queue')) { return; } Logger::getInstance()->info('mail queue running..'); $mailer = Mailer::getInstance(); $mailer->toQueue(false, true); // set to queue. $mailQueue = MMail::getQueueList(); if (count($mailQueue) > 0) { foreach ($mailQueue as $mail) { $mail->delete(); $mail->content = htmlspecialchars_decode($mail->content); Logger::getInstance()->info('send mail to ' . $mail->to); $mailer->send($mail); } } else { Option::set('mail_queue', 0); } }
public function isAvailable() { $className = Utils::getShortName($this); $config = Option::get('MAIL_' . $className); if (!$config) { $_config = array("server" => "", 'from' => '发件人名 <*****@*****.**>', "address" => "*****@*****.**", "smtp_name" => "*****@*****.**", "smtp_pass" => "请填写密码", "smtp_ssl" => "ssl"); Option::set('MAIL_' . $className, json_encode($_config)); // 设定默认配置 return false; } return true; }
public static function fileCheck() { $channel = Option::get('channel') == 'dev' ?: 'stable'; $current_version = Option::get("version"); $data = self::doGet(self::UPDATE_SERVER . "file.json?channel={$channel}&ver={$current_version}"); if (!$data) { return -1; } // 请求更新服务器失败 $data = json_decode($data, true); $file_list = $data['list']; if (!$file_list) { return -2; } // 更新服务器文件列表为空 $err_file = $list = array(); foreach ($file_list as $file) { $path = $file['path']; $hash = $file['hash']; $file_hash = md5_file(ROOT_PATH . "{$path}"); if ($file_hash != $hash) { $err_file[] = array($path, $hash); $list[] = $path; } } if (!$list) { return 0; } // 无文件更新 Option::set('new_version', 1); sort($list); sort($err_file); Downloader::save('kk_updater', $err_file); Downloader::save('need_download', $err_file); return $list; }
/** * @JSON * @return array * @throws Error */ public function saveCustomMailContent() { $type = $_POST['custom_type']; // 获得修改类型 if (strpos($type, 'custom_mail_') !== false) { $content = $_POST['content']; // 取得修改的内容 if (!$content) { throw new Error('Parameter error', 405); } Option::set('$type', $content); return array('error' => 0, 'message' => '保存完毕'); } else { throw new Error('Parameter error', 405); } }
/** * 获取下一个端口号 * @return mixed */ public static function getNewPort() { $current_port = Option::get('current_port'); Option::set('current_port', intval($current_port) + 1); return $current_port; }
/** * 更新 邮件系统设置 * * @JSON */ public function update() { $result['error'] = 0; $result['message'] = '保存完成'; foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (!empty($val) && strpos($key, 'mail_') !== false) { if (strpos($key, 'mailer') === false) { // 判断是否为 mail_mailer <- 这个字段是用于是被当前设定的邮件类名,此配置无需存入数据库 $k = str_replace('mail_', '', $key); $data[$k] = trim($val); } } } if (!empty($_POST['mail_mailer'])) { $config = json_encode($data); $mailer = trim($_POST['mail_mailer']); Option::set('MAIL_' . $mailer, $config); Option::set('MAIL_AVAILABLE', $mailer); } else { $result['error'] = 1; $result['message'] = '保存失败,参数不完整'; } Option::init(); return $result; }