protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // The 4 games from production that we'll be basing our test games off of.
     $gameData = [['secretKey' => '095611a0c2c735355e099c15c836f157', 'swfFile' => ''], ['secretKey' => '6529e08a1ded1e6da6e73421a4e75de7', 'swfFile' => ''], ['secretKey' => 'c6d117f7c54467adefc7a6fad4d1847c', 'swfFile' => ''], ['secretKey' => 'df8f22de661514c530d76e80b22d3d98', 'swfFile' => '']];
     $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
     $userManager = $this->getContainer()->get('fos_user.user_manager');
     $gsRepo = $em->getRepository('GotChosenSiteBundle:EGGameStats');
     // The usernames for the 10 users that we'll be basing our test games off of.
     foreach (range(11, 20) as $n) {
         $userData[] = $userManager->findUserByUsername("spattersontest{$n}");
     $start = date_create('first day of this month')->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     $end = date_create('last day of this month')->setTime(23, 59, 59);
     $newContest = new Scholarship();
     $newContest->setScholarshipName("Evolution Games Contest")->setScholarshipType(Scholarship::TYPE_EVOGAMES)->setStartDate($start)->setEndDate($end)->setDrawingComplete(false);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $thisGame = $gameData[$i % 4];
         $user = $userData[$i];
         $gameName = $user->getUsername() . ": Test Game " . $i + 1;
         $game = new EGGame();
         $game->setUser($user)->setSecretKey($thisGame['secretKey'])->setSwfFile($thisGame['swfFile'])->setGameName($gameName)->setGameSynopsis("Test Game Synopsis")->setStudioName("Test Studio")->setStudioProfile("Test Studio Profile")->setType(EGGame::TYPE_UNITY)->setStatus(EGGame::STATUS_ACTIVE);
         $mapping = EGGameScholarships::make($game, $newContest, EGGameScholarships::TYPE_CONTEST);
         // add game stats record if needed
         $gsRepo->getOrCreate($game, $start->format('Y-m'));
 public function getNumEntrants(Scholarship $scholarship)
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT COUNT(e) FROM GotChosenSiteBundle:ScholarshipEntry e ' . 'WHERE e.scholarship = ?1');
     $q->setParameter(1, $scholarship->getId());
     return $q->getSingleScalarResult();
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
      * Create a new EG Scholarship
      * Add Contest games based on the Top 10 by rank from qualifier games associated with statsMonth
      * Ensure new Contest games have EGGameStats entries for the contest
     $round = $input->getOption('round');
     $month = $input->getOption('month');
     // VALUE_REQUIRED only means that --round with no value is unacceptable.
     // it still allows --round to be left off entirely (hence why it's called an "option")
     if ($round === null || !is_numeric($round)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('round must be given and numeric');
     if ($month !== null && !preg_match('/^\\d{4}-\\d{2}$/', $month)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('month must be in yyyy-MM format');
     /** @var EntityManager $em */
     $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
     /** @var EGGameRepository $gameRepo */
     $gameRepo = $em->getRepository('GotChosenSiteBundle:EGGame');
     /** @var ScholarshipRepository $ssRepo */
     $ssRepo = $em->getRepository('GotChosenSiteBundle:Scholarship');
     /** @var EGGameStatsRepository $gsRepo */
     $gsRepo = $em->getRepository('GotChosenSiteBundle:EGGameStats');
     $prevContest = $ssRepo->getCurrentEvoGames();
     $title = "Evolution Games Contest: Round {$round}";
     $start = date_create('first day of this month')->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     $end = date_create('last day of this month')->setTime(23, 59, 59);
     $newContest = new Scholarship();
     $output->writeln('Created Scholarship:');
     $output->writeln('Start Date: ' . $start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $output->writeln('End Date:   ' . $end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $output->writeln('Adding Games:');
     // add games
     /** @var EGGame[] $games */
     $games = $gameRepo->findQualifierGamesByRank($prevContest, $month, 10);
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($games as $game) {
         $output->writeln("{$i}. " . $game->getGameName());
         // create scholarship mapping
         $mapping = EGGameScholarships::make($game, $newContest, EGGameScholarships::TYPE_CONTEST);
         // add game stats record if needed
         $gsRepo->getOrCreate($game, $start->format('Y-m'));
 private function flashAndRedirect(Scholarship $scholarship)
     $sname = $scholarship->getScholarshipName();
     if (strtolower(substr($sname, -strlen(' scholarship'))) != ' scholarship') {
         $sname .= ' Scholarship';
     if ($scholarship->isVideo()) {
         $this->flash('success', 'You are almost there.  To complete your application, please use the form below to submit your video entry.');
         return $this->redirectRoute('vs_submit');
     } else {
         $this->flash('success', 'You have successfully applied for the ' . $sname);
     return $this->redirectRoute('user_my_profile');
  * @param bool $defaultEmpty If true, instead of returning null, returns a fake Scholarship with ID 0
  * @return Scholarship|mixed
 public function getCurrentEvoGames($defaultEmpty = true)
     $s = $this->getCurrentOfType(Scholarship::TYPE_EVOGAMES);
     if ($s) {
         return $s;
     if (!$defaultEmpty) {
         return null;
     return Scholarship::createFake(Scholarship::TYPE_EVOGAMES);
 public function findChampionshipGames(Scholarship $scholarship)
     $q = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery('SELECT g FROM GotChosenSiteBundle:EGGame g ' . 'LEFT JOIN gs ' . 'WHERE gs.scholarship = :sship AND gs.scholarshipType = :scholarshipType');
     $q->setParameter('sship', $scholarship->getId());
     $q->setParameter('scholarshipType', EGGameScholarships::TYPE_CHAMPIONSHIP);
     return $q->execute();
 public function getChampionshipLeaders(Scholarship $scholarship, $month, $limit = 10)
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT s, u FROM GotChosenSiteBundle:EGPlayerStats s
          JOIN s.player u
          WHERE s.scholarship = :sship AND s.statsMonth = :month
          ORDER BY s.rank');
     $q->setParameter('sship', $scholarship->getId());
     $q->setParameter('month', $month);
     return $q->getResult();
Пример #8
 public function getScholarshipEntry(Scholarship $sship)
     /** @var ScholarshipEntry[] $entries */
     $entries = $this->getScholarshipEntries();
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         if ($entry->getScholarship()->getId() == $sship->getId()) {
             return $entry;
     return null;