Пример #1
  * Runs a recognize request as an operation. Ideal when working with audio
  * longer than approximately one minute. Requires polling of the returned
  * operation in order to fetch results.
  * The Google Cloud Client Library will attempt to infer the sample rate
  * and encoding used by the provided audio file for you. This feature is
  * recommended only if you are unsure of what the values may be and is
  * currently limited to .flac, .amr, and .awb file types. The sample rate
  * cannot be inferred from audio provided from a Google Storage object.
  * For longer audio, up to approximately 80 minutes, you must use Google
  * Cloud Storage objects as input. In addition to this restriction, only
  * LINEAR16 audio encoding can be used for long audio inputs.
  * Example:
  * ```
  * $operation = $speech->beginRecognizeOperation(
  *     fopen(__DIR__  . '/audio.flac', 'r')
  * );
  * $isComplete = $operation->isComplete();
  * while (!$isComplete) {
  *     sleep(1); // let's wait for a moment...
  *     $operation->reload();
  *     $isComplete = $operation->isComplete();
  * }
  * print_r($operation->results());
  * ```
  * ```
  * // Run with speech context, sample rate, and encoding provided
  * $operation = $speech->beginRecognizeOperation(
  *     fopen(__DIR__  . '/audio.flac', 'r'), [
  *     'encoding' => 'FLAC',
  *     'sampleRate' => 16000,
  *     'speechContext' => [
  *         'phrases' => [
  *             'The Google Cloud Platform',
  *             'Speech API'
  *         ]
  *     ]
  * ]);
  * $isComplete = $operation->isComplete();
  * while (!$isComplete) {
  *     sleep(1); // let's wait for a moment...
  *     $operation->reload();
  *     $isComplete = $operation->isComplete();
  * }
  * print_r($operation->results());
  * ```
  * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
  * @see https://cloud.google.com/speech/reference/rest/v1beta1/operations Operations
  * @see https://cloud.google.com/speech/reference/rest/v1beta1/speech/asyncrecognize AsyncRecognize API documentation
  * @see https://cloud.google.com/speech/reference/rest/v1beta1/RecognitionConfig#AudioEncoding AudioEncoding types
  * @see https://cloud.google.com/speech/docs/best-practices Speech API best practices
  * @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
  * @param resource|string|StorageObject $audio The audio to recognize. May
  *        be a resource, string of bytes, or Google Cloud Storage object.
  * @param array $options [optional] {
  *     Configuration options.
  *     @type int $sampleRate Sample rate in Hertz of the provided audio.
  *           Valid values are: 8000-48000. 16000 is optimal. For best
  *           results, set the sampling rate of the audio source to 16000 Hz.
  *           If that's not possible, use the native sample rate of the audio
  *           source (instead of re-sampling). **Defaults to** `8000` with .amr
  *           files and `16000` with .awb files. If the getID3 library has
  *           been installed this value will default to the value read from
  *           the file's headers (if it exists).
  *     @type string $encoding Encoding of the provided audio. May be one of
  *           `"LINEAR16"`, `"FLAC"`, `"MULAW"`, `"AMR"`, `"AMR_WB"`.
  *           **Defaults to** `"FLAC"` with .flac files, `"AMR"` with .amr
  *           files and `"AMR_WB"` with .awb files.
  *     @type int $maxAlternatives Maximum number of alternatives to be
  *           returned. Valid values are 1-30. **Defaults to** `1`.
  *     @type string $languageCode The language of the content. BCP-47
  *           (e.g., `"en-US"`, `"es-ES"`) language codes are accepted.
  *           **Defaults to** `"en"` (English).
  *     @type bool $profanityFilter If set to `true`, the server will attempt
  *           to filter out profanities, replacing all but the initial
  *           character in each filtered word with asterisks, e.g. \"f***\".
  *           **Defaults to** `false`.
  *     @type array $speechContext Must contain a key `phrases` which is to
  *           be an array of strings which provide "hints" to the speech
  *           recognizer to favor specific words and phrases in the results.
  *           Please see
  *           [SpeechContext](https://cloud.google.com/speech/reference/rest/v1beta1/RecognitionConfig#SpeechContext)
  *           for more information.
  * }
  * @return Operation
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function beginRecognizeOperation($audio, array $options = [])
     $response = $this->connection->asyncRecognize($this->formatRequest($audio, $options));
     return new Operation($this->connection, $response['name'], $response);
Пример #2
  * Triggers a network request to reload the operation's details.
  * Example:
  * ```
  * $operation->reload();
  * $info = $operation->info();
  * print_r($info['response']);
  * ```
  * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
  * @see https://cloud.google.com/speech/reference/rest/v1beta1/operations/get Operations get API documentation.
  * @see https://cloud.google.com/speech/reference/rest/v1beta1/operations#Operation Operation resource documentation.
  * @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
  * @param array $options [optional] Configuration Options.
  * @return array
 public function reload(array $options = [])
     return $this->info = $this->connection->getOperation($options + ['name' => $this->name]);