protected function _resize_animated_gif($max_w, $max_h, $crop = true) { include_once 'gdenhancer/GDEnhancer.php'; //path of your GDEnhancer.php $image = new GDEnhancer($this->file); $image->backgroundResize($max_w, $max_h, 'shrink'); //option shrink return $image->save(); }
function resize($filename, $resize_width, $resize_height, $texttype = false, $filename_src) { global $config, $_POST, $error; $ext = strtolower(strrchr(basename($filename), ".")); // Получаем формат уменьшаемого изображения $info = getimagesize($filename); // Возвращает ширину и высоту картинки $width = $info['0']; $height = $info['1']; if ($resize_height > $height or $resize_width > $width) { $error[] = "Нельзя уменьшать изображение в большую сторону"; } else { list($resize_width, $resize_height) = get_resize_proportions($height, $width, $resize_height, $resize_width); $type = ''; if (!$info['mime']) { switch ($ext) { case '.gif': $type = 'gif'; break; case '.png': $type = 'png'; break; case '.jpg': $type = 'jpg'; break; case '.jpeg': $type = 'jpg'; break; //case '.bmp' : $type='bmp'; break; - здесь уже не должно быть BMP } } else { switch ($info['mime']) { case 'image/gif': $type = 'gif'; break; case 'image/pjpeg': $type = 'jpg'; break; case 'image/jpeg': $type = 'jpg'; break; case 'image/x-png': $type = 'png'; break; case 'image/png': $type = 'png'; break; //case 'image/bmp' : $type='bmp'; break; - здесь уже не должно быть BMP //case 'image/x-ms-bmp' : $type='bmp'; break; } } if ($type != '') { include_once 'gdenhancer/GDEnhancer.php'; //path of GDEnhancer.php $image = new GDEnhancer($filename); $image->backgroundResize($resize_width, $resize_height, 'shrink'); //option shrink //текст на превью if (isset($texttype) and $texttype and $texttype != "nothing") { $filesize = formatfilesize(filesize($filename)); if ($texttype == 'dimensions') { $text = $width . 'x' . $height . '(' . $filesize . ')'; } else { $text = $_POST['text']; } $DARKNESS = 70; //FIXME: вынести в конфиг! //"полупрозрачный" слой подложки под текст $imglayer = imagecreatetruecolor($width, 15); imagesavealpha($imglayer, true); $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($imglayer, 0, 0, 0, $DARKNESS); imagefill($imglayer, 0, 0, $color); ob_start(); imagepng($imglayer); $image_data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); imagedestroy($imglayer); $image->layerImage($image_data); $image->layerMove(0, "top", 0, $resize_height - 15); $save = $image->save(); unset($image); //сам текст $image = new GDEnhancer($save['contents']); $image->layerText($text, $config['site_dir'] . "/K1FS.ttf", '10', '#FFFFFF', 0, 1); $image->layerMove(0, "top", 2, $resize_height - 14); } $save = $image->save(); file_put_contents($filename, $save['contents']); unset($image); } } //else resize_height>height }
private function addImage($old_path, $new_path, $image_path, $position) { if (!isset($this->database, $old_path, $new_path, $image_path, $position)) { return 'Missing parameters'; } $image = new GDEnhancer($old_path); $image->layerImage($image_path); $image->layerMove(0, $position['align'], $position['x'], $position['y']); $save = $image->save(); file_put_contents($new_path, $save['contents']); return true; }