Пример #1
  * @return string
 public function NewTradeTokenEvent()
     /* This event causes a random tradegood_token to appear in a mapzone where
        there are currently fewer than three tradegoods. Note that this event will
        fail sometimes because it drew a mapzone with three tokens already present. */
     $mz = $this->map->getRandomPassableMapZone();
     $tradegood = $this->trade->searchZoneForTradegoodTokens($mz);
     if (count($tradegood) <= 2) {
         $tg = $this->trade->getARandomTradegoodPlatonic();
         $this->trade->insertANewTradegoodToken($mz, $tg);
         $this->news->createSomeNews(ucwords($tg->getNamed()) . ' will now be produced in ' . $mz->getX() . ', ' . $mz->getY() . '', $mz->getX(), $mz->getY());
         return ucwords($tg->getNamed()) . ' will now be produced in ' . $mz->getX() . ', ' . $mz->getY();
Пример #2
  * @param IMappable $issuer
  * @param $x2
  * @param $y2
  * @return array
 public function travel(IMappable $issuer, $x2, $y2)
     // Get the issuer's current location
     $x1 = $issuer->getX();
     $y1 = $issuer->getY();
     if ($this->map->checkLegalMove($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)) {
         $result = $this->map->mapTravel($issuer, $x2, $y2);
         return $this->getResult('Success', $result);
     } else {
         return $this->getResult('Illegal move', $x2 . ', ' . $y2 . ' is too far or is not passable');
Пример #3
  * @param int $clanid
  * @return string
 public function TakeAction($clanid)
     $clan = new Clan($clanid);
     $depot = new Depot($clan->getDepot());
     $action = [];
     // Consume food or starve
     // Clans periodically process their food-type tokens for personal consumption
     if (rand(1, 10) == 10) {
         $yield = $clan->getFood() + $depot->fillLarder();
     // Clans periodically reconsider and revise their current activity
     // according exigencies, leader ptype, etc.
     if (rand(1, 20) == 20) {
         $activity = $this->Consider($clan);
         return 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' reconsidered and ' . $activity;
     // ... finally, we have the behavior state-machine itself where the current
     // clan->activity is processed once per ActionRound
     switch ($clan->getActivity()) {
         case 'wandering':
             $action['Action'] = 'travel';
             $action['Issuer'] = $clan;
             $mz = $this->map->GetARandomMove($clan);
             $action['Args'] = $mz->getX() . ',' . $mz->getY();
             $result = $this->rules->submit($action);
             if ($result['Type'] == 'Success') {
                 if (rand(1, 3) == 3) {
                     $result['Description'] .= ' and began exploring';
             return $result['Description'];
         case 'exploring':
             // Check my local zone and see if there are any trade
             // tokens to produce
             $mz = $this->map->getMapzoneFromAbstract($clan->getX(), $clan->getY());
             $producing = $this->trade->exploreForTrade($mz);
             if (is_null($producing)) {
             } else {
             return 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' explored ' . $clan->getX() . ', ' . $clan->getY();
         case 'working':
             // If I am producing anything, produce one and deposit it
             // into my depot. If I am full up, change activity to
             // 'trading'
             $tgp = new TradegoodPlatonic($clan->getProducing());
             if (rand(1, 15) < 15) {
                 $result = 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' produced ' . $tgp->getNamed() . ' in ' . $clan->getX() . ', ' . $clan->getY();
             } else {
                 $result = 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' labored without producing sufficient ' . $tgp->getNamed();
             if ($depot->check(strtolower($tgp->getNamed())) >= 10) {
                 $result = 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' completed work and is seeking to trade';
             return $result;
         case 'trading':
             // If I'm in a city now, do buy and sell behavior. If I'm in teleport
             // range of a city, teleport there. If I'm truly in the wild, revert
             // behavior to wandering.
             $city = $this->map->findNearestCity($clan->getX(), $clan->getY());
             if (isset($city)) {
                 if ($city->getX() == $clan->getX() && $city->getY() == $clan->getY()) {
                     $result = '';
                     $this->clans->setClanCurrentCity($clan, $city);
                     $result .= $this->clanSellBehavior($clan, $depot, $city);
                     if ($clan->getCoin() > 65) {
                         $result .= $this->clanBuyBehavior($clan, $city);
                     return $result;
                 } else {
                     $this->map->teleportCity($clan, $city);
                     return 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' traveled to ' . $city->getNamed();
             } else {
                 return 'Clan ' . $clan->getId() . ' wanted to trade but was not near a market.';
         case 'holiday':
             // If we can afford to, let's party
             if ($clan->getFood() >= 150) {
                 $clan->setFood($clan->getFood() - 100);
                 if ($clan->getPopulation() >= 200 && rand(0, $clan->getPopulation()) > 265) {
                     $clan->setPopulation($clan->getPopulation() - 100);
                     $this->news->createSomeNews('A family of clan' . $clan->Id() . ' went to seek new pastures', $clan->getY(), $clan->getY());
                 } else {
                     $clan->setPopulation($clan->getPopulation() + (25 + rand(1, 7)));
                 return 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' celebrated a holy day';
             } else {
                 return 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' reconsidered and ' . $this->Consider($clan);
             return 'Clan' . $clan->getId() . ' did inscrutable things on a hill';
Пример #4
  * INSERT INTO game.clan
  * Must have a valid tribeId to create a clan
  * @param $tribeId
 private function createClan($tribeId)
     $depotId = $this->createDepot();
     $query = "SELECT named FROM tribe WHERE id=" . $tribeId . ";";
     $tribeName = $this->db->loadResult();
     $MapService = new MapService();
     $mz = $MapService->getRandomPassableMapZone();
     $x = $mz->getX();
     $y = $mz->getY();
     $query = "INSERT INTO clan(named, tribe, x, y, depot, population, fighters, morale, food, coin, activity) VALUES('" . $tribeName . "', " . $tribeId . ", " . $x . ', ' . $y . ', ' . $depotId . ", 100, 60, 100, 35, 0, 'wandering');";