from() публичный статический Метод

This is the recommended way for getting a new Linq instance.
public static from ( array | Iterator | IteratorAggregat\IteratorAggregate $dataSource ) : Linq
$dataSource array | Iterator | IteratorAggregat\IteratorAggregate A Traversable sequence as data source.
Результат Linq
Пример #1
 public function testChunk_ReturnsChunkedElementsAccordingToChunksize()
     $groups = Linq::from([])->chunk(2);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $groups->count());
     $groups = Linq::from(["a"])->chunk(2);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $groups->count());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $groups->ElementAt(0)->count());
     $this->assertEquals("a", $groups->ElementAt(0)->ElementAt(0));
     $groups = Linq::from(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])->chunk(2);
     $this->assertEquals(3, $groups->count());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $groups->ElementAt(0)->count());
     $this->assertEquals("a", $groups->ElementAt(0)->ElementAt(0));
     $this->assertEquals("b", $groups->ElementAt(0)->ElementAt(1));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $groups->ElementAt(1)->count());
     $this->assertEquals("c", $groups->ElementAt(1)->ElementAt(0));
     $this->assertEquals("d", $groups->ElementAt(1)->ElementAt(1));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $groups->ElementAt(2)->count());
     $this->assertEquals("e", $groups->ElementAt(2)->ElementAt(0));
     $groups = Linq::from(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])->chunk(3);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $groups->count());
     $groups = Linq::from(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])->chunk(4);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $groups->count());
     $groups = Linq::from(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])->chunk(5);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $groups->count());
     $groups = Linq::from(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])->chunk(117);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $groups->count());
Пример #2
 public function testGroupBy()
     $a1 = new stdClass();
     $a1->id = 1;
     $a1->value = "a";
     $a2 = new stdClass();
     $a2->id = 2;
     $a2->value = "a";
     $b1 = new stdClass();
     $b1->id = 3;
     $b1->value = "b";
     $items = [$a1, $a2, $b1];
     $grouped = Linq::from($items)->groupBy(function ($x) {
         return $x->value;
     $this->assertTrue($grouped instanceof Linq);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $grouped->count());
     $aGroup = $grouped->elementAt(0);
     $this->assertTrue($aGroup instanceof Fusonic\Linq\GroupedLinq);
     $this->assertEquals("a", $aGroup->key());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $aGroup->count());
     $this->assertSame($a1, $aGroup->elementAt(0));
     $this->assertSame($a2, $aGroup->elementAt(1));
     $bGroup = $grouped->elementAt(1);
     $this->assertEquals("b", $bGroup->key());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $bGroup->count());
     $this->assertSame($b1, $bGroup->elementAt(0));
Пример #3
 public function testWhere_EmptySequence_ReturnsEmptySequence()
     $items = [];
     $matching = Linq::from($items)->where(function ($v) {
         return true;
     $this->assertEquals(0, $matching->count());
     $array = $matching->toArray();
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($array));
Пример #4
 public function testWhereOrderBy_returnsFilteredValuesInCorrectOrder()
     $source = [1, 4, 5, 2, 3];
     $result = Linq::from($source)->where(function ($x) {
         return $x > 2;
     })->orderBy(function ($x) {
         return $x;
     $this->assertEquals([3, 4, 5], $result->toArray());
     // Check multiple evaluations are working as well:
     $this->assertEquals([3, 4, 5], $result->toArray());
Пример #5
 public function testMethodsWithSequencesAsArguments_WorkWith_Arrays_Iterators_And_IteratorAggregates()
     $first = Linq::from(["a", "b"]);
     $secondArray = ["c", "d"];
     $secondLinq = Linq::from(["c", "d"]);
     $secondIterator = $secondLinq->getIterator();
     $res = $first->concat($secondLinq)->toArray();
     $res = $first->intersect($secondLinq)->toArray();
     $res = $first->except($secondLinq)->toArray();
     $res = $first->concat($secondArray)->toArray();
     $res = $first->intersect($secondArray)->toArray();
     $res = $first->except($secondArray)->toArray();
     $res = $first->concat($secondIterator)->toArray();
     $res = $first->intersect($secondIterator)->toArray();
     $res = $first->except($secondIterator)->toArray();
Пример #6
 public function getIterator()
     $chunk = [];
     $current = 0;
     foreach ($this->iterator as $d) {
         $chunk[] = $d;
         if ($current >= $this->chunkSize) {
             (yield Linq::from($chunk));
             $chunk = [];
             $current = 0;
     if (count($chunk) > 0) {
         (yield Linq::from($chunk));
Пример #7
 public function testContains_defaultComparison()
     $items = ["2", 2];
     $linq = Linq::from($items);
     $a = new stdClass();
     $b = new stdClass();
     $c = new stdClass();
     $linq = Linq::from([$a, $b]);
Пример #8
 private function extractOpenGraphData($content)
     $crawler = new Crawler($content);
     // Get all meta-tags starting with "og:"
     $ogMetaTags = $crawler->filter("meta[property^='og:']");
     // Create clean property array
     $properties = Linq::from($ogMetaTags)->select(function (\DOMElement $tag) {
         $name = strtolower(trim($tag->getAttribute("property")));
         $value = trim($tag->getAttribute("content"));
         return new Property($name, $value);
     // Create new object of the correct type
     $typeProperty = Linq::from($properties)->firstOrNull(function (Property $property) {
         return $property->key === Property::TYPE;
     switch ($typeProperty !== null ? $typeProperty->value : null) {
             $object = new Website();
     // Assign all properties to the object
     $object->assignProperties($properties, $this->debug);
     // Fallback for title
     if ($this->useFallbackMode && !$object->title) {
         $titleElement = $crawler->filter("title")->first();
         if ($titleElement) {
             $object->title = trim($titleElement->text());
     // Fallback for description
     if ($this->useFallbackMode && !$object->description) {
         $descriptionElement = $crawler->filter("meta[property='description']")->first();
         if ($descriptionElement) {
             $object->description = trim($descriptionElement->attr("content"));
     return $object;
Пример #9
  * @test
 public function when_ofType_is_called_with_double_as_type()
     /** @var int[] $expectedResult */
     $expectedResult = array(2.5, 10.0, 0.3);
     $result = Linq::from(array(0, 'string', 2.5, 10.0, NULL, 11, 'false', 0.3))->ofType('double')->toArray();
     $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
Пример #10
 public function testSelectMany_DoesLazyEvaluation()
     $a1 = new stdClass();
     $a1->value = ["a", "b"];
     $a2 = new stdClass();
     $a2->value = ["c", "d"];
     $items = [$a1, $a2];
     $eval = false;
     $flattened = Linq::from($items)->selectMany(function ($x) use(&$eval) {
         $eval = true;
         return $x->value;
     $this->assertFalse($eval, "SelectMany did execute before iterating!");
     $result = $flattened->toArray();
Пример #11
 public function testIssue3_emtpyCollectionOrdering()
     Linq::from([])->orderBy(function (array $x) {
         return $x["name"];
Пример #12
 public function testSkip_WithIteratorAggregate()
     $items = new TestIteratorAggregate(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]);
     $matching = Linq::from($items)->skip(2);
     $this->assertTrue($matching instanceof Linq);
     $this->assertEquals(4, $matching->count());
Пример #13

 * One important design goal was the principle of the least surprise.
 * As PHP is a fully dynamic language with nearly no type-safety, it is common to shoot yourself into the foot because of accidentally mixing up incompatible types.
 * We protect you from these programing errors by asserting that every callback functions you supply to the library must return a correctly typed value.
 * In addition, every supported aggregate function will throw an exception if you are accidentally mixing up incompatible types.
 * This means that we made this library totally predictable in what it does, and verified that every function has its defined exceptions
 * which are thrown when certain operations fail, or if certain types are not correct.
echo "<pre>";
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Autoload files using Composer autoload
use Fusonic\Linq\Linq;
/* Throws an UnexpectedValueException if the
provided callback function does not return a boolean */
Linq::from(["1", "1"])->where(function ($x) {
    return "NOT A BOOLEAN";
/* Throws an UnexpectedValueException if one of the values
is not convertible to a numeric value:*/
Linq::from([1, 2, "Not a numeric value"])->sum();
Пример #14
// Calculate the average filesize of all files greater than 1024 bytes in a directory
// but skip the very first 2 files and then take only 4 files.
### Plain PHP: ###
$sum = 0;
$i = 0;
$y = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
    $currentSize = filesize($file);
    if ($currentSize > 1024) {
        if ($y < 2) {
        } else {
            if ($y > 5) {
        $sum += $currentSize;
$avg = $sum / $i;
echo "Average: " . $avg;
### Linq: ###
$avgL = Linq::from($files)->select(function ($x) {
    return filesize($x);
})->where(function ($x) {
    return $x > 1024;
echo "<br/><br>Average Linq: " . $avgL;
Пример #15
 public function testTake_TakeValuesByAmount()
     $items = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];
     $matching = Linq::from($items)->take(4);
     $this->assertTrue($matching instanceof Linq);
     $this->assertEquals(4, $matching->count());
     $matching = $matching->toArray();
     $this->assertTrue(in_array("a", $matching));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array("b", $matching));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array("c", $matching));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array("d", $matching));
     $matching = Linq::from($items)->take(0);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $matching->count());
Пример #16

 * One important design goal was the principle of the least surprise.
 * As PHP is a fully dynamic language with nearly no type-safety, it is common to shoot yourself into the foot because of accidentally mixing up incompatible types.
 * We protect you from these programing errors by asserting that every callback functions you supply to the library must return a correctly typed value.
 * In addition, every supported aggregate function will throw an exception if you are accidentally mixing up incompatible types.
 * This means that we made this library totally predictable in what it does, and verified that every function has its defined exceptions
 * which are thrown when certain operations fail, or if certain types are not correct.
echo "<pre>";
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Autoload files using Composer autoload
use Fusonic\Linq\Linq;
/* Throws an UnexpectedValueException if the
provided callback function does not return a boolean */
Linq::from(array("1", "1"))->where(function ($x) {
    return "NOT A BOOLEAN";
/* Throws an UnexpectedValueException if one of the values
is not convertible to a numeric value:*/
Linq::from(array(1, 2, "Not a numeric value"))->sum();
Пример #17
  * Splits the sequence in chunks according to $chunksize.
  * @param int $chunksize Specifies how many elements are grouped together per chunk.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return Linq
 public function chunk($chunksize)
     if ($chunksize < 1) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("'{$chunksize}' is not a valid chunk size.");
     return Linq::from(new ChunkIterator($this->iterator, $chunksize));
Пример #18
 public function testAggregate_withSeedValue_returnsCorrectResult()
     $this->assertEquals(9999, Linq::from([])->aggregate(function () {
     }, 9999));
     $this->assertEquals(104, Linq::from([2])->aggregate(function ($a, $b) {
         return $a + $b;
     }, 102));
     $this->assertEquals(137, Linq::from([2, 2, 20, 11])->aggregate(function ($a, $b) {
         return $a + $b;
     }, 102));
     $this->assertEquals("begin_abcde", Linq::from(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])->aggregate(function ($a, $b) {
         return $a . $b;
     }, "begin_"));
Пример #19
 public function testDistinct_DoesLazyEvaluation()
     $eval = false;
     $a1 = new stdClass();
     $a1->id = 1;
     $a1->value = "a";
     $a2 = new stdClass();
     $a2->id = 2;
     $a2->value = "a";
     $items = [$a1, $a2];
     $distinct = Linq::from($items)->distinct(function ($v) use(&$eval) {
         $eval = true;
         return $v->value;
     $this->assertFalse($eval, "SelectMany did execute before iterating!");