Пример #1
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Connection('connection', 'Connection', $this->connection, 'The RabbitMQ connection which should be used'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('queue', 'Queue', 'text', 'The name of the queue'));
     return $form;
Пример #2
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Connection('connection', 'Connection', $this->connection));
     $form->add(new Element\TextArea('sql', 'SQL', 'sql', 'The SELECT statment which gets executed. It is possible to access values from the environment with i.e. <code ng-non-bindable>{{ request.uriFragment("news_id")|prepare }}</code>. <b>Note you must use the prepare filter for each parameter in order to generate a safe SQL query which uses prepared statments.</b> Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/template.md\')">here</a> for more informations about the template syntax.'));
     return $form;
Пример #3
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Action('source', 'Source', $this->connection, 'Executes this action and uses the response as input for the destination action'));
     $form->add(new Element\Action('destination', 'Destination', $this->connection, 'The action which receives the response from the source action and returns the response'));
     return $form;
Пример #4
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Select('statusCode', 'Status-Code', Http::$codes, 'The returned status code'));
     $form->add(new Element\TextArea('response', 'Response', 'json', 'The response in JSON format. Inside the response it is possible to use a template syntax to add dynamic data. Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/template.md\')">here</a> for more informations about the template syntax.'));
     return $form;
Пример #5
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Action('action', 'Action', $this->connection, 'The response of this action gets cached'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('expire', 'Expire', 'text', 'Number of seconds when the cache expires'));
     return $form;
Пример #6
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Input('url', 'Url', 'text', 'Sends an HTTP POST request to the given url'));
     $form->add(new Element\TextArea('body', 'Body', 'text', 'The body for the POST request. Inside the body it is possible to use a template syntax to add dynamic data. Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/template.md\')">here</a> for more informations about the template syntax.'));
     return $form;
Пример #7
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Action('in', 'In', $this->connection, 'The request will be redirected to this action'));
     $form->add(new Element\Action('out', 'Out', $this->connection, 'The response of this action will be used as response'));
     return $form;
Пример #8
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Input('condition', 'Condition', 'text', 'The condition which gets evaluated. You can access parameters from the context with i.e. <code>parameters.get("foo") == "bar"</code>. Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/action/condition.md\')">here</a> for more informations about the syntax.'));
     $form->add(new Element\Action('true', 'True', $this->connection, 'Executed if the condition evaluates to true'));
     $form->add(new Element\Action('false', 'False', $this->connection, 'Executed if the condition evaluates to false'));
     return $form;
Пример #9
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Input('url', 'Url', 'text', 'The connection string for the database i.e. <code>mongodb://localhost:27017</code>. Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/connection/mongodb.md\')">here</a> for more informations.'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('options', 'Options', 'text', 'Optional options for the connection. Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/connection/mongodb.md\')">here</a> for more informations.'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('database', 'Database', 'text', 'The name of the database which is used upon connection'));
     return $form;
Пример #10
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Input('host', 'Host', 'text', 'The IP or hostname of the RabbitMQ server'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('port', 'Port', 'text', 'The port used to connect to the AMQP broker. The port default is 5672'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('user', 'User', 'text', 'The login string used to authenticate with the AMQP broker'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('password', 'Password', 'password', 'The password string used to authenticate with the AMQP broker'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('vhost', 'VHost', 'text', 'The virtual host to use on the AMQP broker'));
     return $form;
Пример #11
 public function getForm()
     $types = array('pdo_mysql' => 'MySQL', 'pdo_pgsql' => 'PostgreSQL', 'sqlsrv' => 'Microsoft SQL Server', 'oci8' => 'Oracle Database ', 'sqlanywhere' => 'SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere');
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Select('type', 'Type', $types, 'The driver which is used to connect to the database'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('host', 'Host', 'text', 'The IP or hostname of the database server'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('username', 'Username', 'text', 'The name of the database user'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('password', 'Password', 'password', 'The password of the database user'));
     $form->add(new Element\Input('database', 'Database', 'text', 'The name of the database which is used upon connection'));
     return $form;
Пример #12
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Input('host', 'Host', 'text', 'The IP or hostname of the Beanstalk server'));
     return $form;
Пример #13
 public function getForm()
     $form = new Form\Container();
     $form->add(new Element\Input('url', 'URL', 'text', 'Uses an specific URL which contains all database connection informations. Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/connection/dbal_advanced.md\')">here</a> for more informations.'));
     return $form;