Пример #1
  * @param array $treeNodes
  * @return OTreeNode|int
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getView($treeNodes)
     $bright = new Bright();
     $tree = new Tree();
     $cal = new Calendar();
     $maps = new Maps();
     $user = new User();
     $root = $bright->getRoot();
     $numTreeNodes = count($treeNodes);
     $groups = array();
     if ($numTreeNodes > 0) {
         $child = $root;
         //new OTreeNode();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numTreeNodes; $i++) {
             // Check if an alternative parser is required
             if ($child && isset($child->parser) && (int) $child->parser > 1) {
                 $child->parser = (int) $child->parser;
                 switch ($child->parser) {
                     case Router::$CALENDAR_PARSER:
                         // Must be last item
                         if ($i < $numTreeNodes - 1) {
                             return 404;
                         $event = $cal->getEventByLabel($treeNodes[$i]);
                         if (!$event) {
                             return 404;
                         $c = new OTreeNode();
                         $c->treeId = $child->treeId;
                         $c->page = $event;
                         $c->path = join('/', $treeNodes);
                         return $c;
                     case Router::$MARKER_PARSER:
                         // Must be last item
                         if ($i < $numTreeNodes - 1) {
                             return 404;
                         $marker = $maps->getMarkerByLabel($treeNodes[$i]);
                         if (!$marker) {
                             return 404;
                         $result = new OTreeNode();
                         $result->parentId = $child->treeId;
                         $result->page = $marker;
                         $result->path = join('/', $treeNodes);
                         return $result;
                     case Router::$USER_PARSER:
                         $userPage = $user->getUserByLabel($treeNodes[$i]);
                         if (!$userPage) {
                             return 404;
                         $child = new OTreeNode();
                         $child->page = $userPage;
                         $child->path = join('/', $treeNodes);
                         return $child;
             } else {
                 $child = $tree->getChildByLabel($child->treeId, $treeNodes[$i]);
             if (!$child) {
                 return 404;
             if ($child->loginrequired) {
                 $groups = array_merge($groups, $child->requiredgroups);
         // Check if we're member of the required groups
         $hasAccess = true;
         if (count($groups) > 0) {
             $authenticatedUser = $user->getAuthUser();
             if ($authenticatedUser) {
                 $missing = array_diff($groups, $authenticatedUser->usergroups);
                 if (count($missing) > 0) {
                     //insufficient rights
                     $hasAccess = false;
             } else {
                 $hasAccess = false;
         if ($hasAccess === false) {
             // Redirect to login
             $path = BASEURL;
             $path .= USEPREFIX ? $_SESSION['prefix'] : '';
             $path .= LOGINPAGE;
             // Include treeId, so we can redirect back when login successful
             header('Location:' . $path . '?tid=' . $child->treeId);
         // Build path (no need to get it from the db, we just checked it, it exists :D)
         $child = $bright->getChild($child->treeId);
         $child->path = join('/', $treeNodes);
         return $child;
     return $root;
Пример #2
  * Removes a user from the given group
  * @since 1.5
  * @param int $userId the Id of the user
  * @param int $groupId the Id of the group
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function removeUserFromGroup($userId, $groupId)
     // No permissions required,
     // First we have to find a way to gracefully by-pass
     // the authentication system, to allow apps to manage
     // users.
     // 		if(!$this -> IS_AUTH)
     // 			throw $this -> throwException(Exceptions::NO_USER_AUTH);
     // 		if(!$this -> MANAGE_USER)
     // 			throw $this -> throwException(Exceptions::MISSING_PERMISSION_USER);
     if (!is_numeric($userId)) {
         throw $this->throwException(ParameterException::INTEGER_EXCEPTION);
     if (!is_numeric($groupId)) {
         throw $this->throwException(ParameterException::INTEGER_EXCEPTION);
     $c = new Cache();
     $sql = "DELETE FROM `userusergroups` WHERE `groupId`={$groupId} AND `userId`={$userId}";
     $res = $this->_conn->deleteRow($sql) == 1;
     $uc = new User();
     $au = $uc->getAuthUser();
     // Update session if necessary
     if ($au->userId == $userId) {
         $user = $uc->getUser($userId);
         $_SESSION['user'] = serialize($user);
     return $res;
Пример #3
     * Returns the full navigation, both as array and as tree
     * @param boolean $includeAll Pages with showinnavigation set to false are also returned (default = false)
     * @param boolean $onlyPublished When true, unpublished pages are also returned (default = false)
     * @return \stdClass An object containing 'arr' (a plain array of OTreeNodes) & 'tree' (Multidimensional array)
    public function getFullNavigation($includeAll = false, $onlyPublished = false)
        $cl = new User();
        $where = '';
        $where .= $includeAll ? '' : 'AND p.showinnavigation = 1';
        $where .= !$onlyPublished ? '' : ' AND ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.publicationdate) <= ' . time() . '
				AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.expirationdate) >= ' . time() . ')
				OR p.alwayspublished = 1) ';
        $sql = 'SELECT t.*, p.label, it.label AS `itemLabel`, it.icon AS `itemicon`,
					(SELECT COUNT(`treeId`)
					FROM tree
					WHERE parentId=t.treeId) AS numChildren
				FROM itemtypes it, tree t
				JOIN page p on t.pageId = p.pageId
				WHERE p.itemType = it.itemId
				' . $where . '
				ORDER BY t.parentId, t.index ASC';
        // DEBUG SPEED UP!:
        //$sql .= ' LIMIT 0,1';
        $result = $this->_conn->getRows($sql);
        $page = new Page();
        $root = $this->getRoot();
        $rootid = $root->treeId;
        $root = new OTreeNode();
        $treearr = array();
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $to = new OTreeNode();
            $to->treeId = (double) $row->treeId;
            $to->parentId = (double) $row->parentId;
            $to->locked = $row->locked == 1;
            $to->page = $page->getPageById($row->pageId);
            $to->path = $this->getPath($to->treeId, $rootid);
            $to->shortcut = (double) $row->shortcut;
            $to->numChildren = (double) $row->numChildren;
            if ($to->numChildren > 0) {
                $to->children = array();
            $treearr[$to->treeId] = $to;
            if ($to->parentId == 0) {
                $root = $to;
        foreach ($treearr as $treenode) {
            if (array_key_exists((int) $treenode->parentId, $treearr)) {
                $node = $treearr[$treenode->parentId];
                if (!$node->loginrequired || $cl->isLoggedIn()) {
                    $node->children[] = $treenode;
            } else {
        $retObj = new \stdClass();
        $retObj->arr = $treearr;
        $retObj->tree = $root;
        return $retObj;