Пример #1
  * Creates or updates an array of custom setting<br/>
  * Required permissions:<br/>
  * <ul>
  * <li>IS_AUTH</li>
  * <li>MANAGE_SETTINGS</li>
  * </ul>
  * @param array $values An array of objects containing a name and a value string
  * @return array An array of custom settings
  * @throws \Exception
 public function setSettings($values)
     if (!$this->IS_AUTH) {
         throw $this->throwException(AuthenticationException::NO_USER_AUTH);
     if (!$this->MANAGE_SETTINGS) {
         throw $this->throwException(3002);
     foreach ($values as $val) {
         $oval = (object) $val;
         $this->setSetting($oval->name, $oval->value);
     $cache = new Cache();
     return $this->getSettings();
Пример #2
  * Removes a user from the given group
  * @since 1.5
  * @param int $userId the Id of the user
  * @param int $groupId the Id of the group
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function removeUserFromGroup($userId, $groupId)
     // No permissions required,
     // First we have to find a way to gracefully by-pass
     // the authentication system, to allow apps to manage
     // users.
     // 		if(!$this -> IS_AUTH)
     // 			throw $this -> throwException(Exceptions::NO_USER_AUTH);
     // 		if(!$this -> MANAGE_USER)
     // 			throw $this -> throwException(Exceptions::MISSING_PERMISSION_USER);
     if (!is_numeric($userId)) {
         throw $this->throwException(ParameterException::INTEGER_EXCEPTION);
     if (!is_numeric($groupId)) {
         throw $this->throwException(ParameterException::INTEGER_EXCEPTION);
     $c = new Cache();
     $sql = "DELETE FROM `userusergroups` WHERE `groupId`={$groupId} AND `userId`={$userId}";
     $res = $this->_conn->deleteRow($sql) == 1;
     $uc = new User();
     $au = $uc->getAuthUser();
     // Update session if necessary
     if ($au->userId == $userId) {
         $user = $uc->getUser($userId);
         $_SESSION['user'] = serialize($user);
     return $res;
Пример #3
  * Creates or updates a calendar event
  * @param OCalendarEvent $event event The event to create or update
  * @param boolean $executeHook
  * @param boolean $updateContent When false, oContent is left untouched
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return bool
 public function setEvent(OCalendarEvent $event, $executeHook = true, $updateContent = true)
     $ch = null;
     if (!isset($event->dates) || count($event->dates) == 0) {
         throw $this->throwException(EventException::NOT_ENOUGH_DATES);
     $c = new Cache();
     // Execute hook if present
     if (class_exists('CalendarHook') && $executeHook) {
         $ch = new \CalendarHook();
         if (method_exists($ch, 'preSetEvent')) {
             $event = $ch->preSetEvent($event);
     // Set modification values
     $aid = isset($_SESSION['administratorId']) ? $_SESSION['administratorId'] : 0;
     $event->createdby = $aid;
     $event->modifiedby = $aid;
     $event->label = $this->generateLabel($event->label, $event->calendarId);
     BrightUtils::forceInt($event, array('calendarId', 'itemType', 'createdby', 'locationId', 'modifiedby'));
     BrightUtils::escape($event, array('recur', 'label'));
     $event->enabled = $event->enabled === 1 || $event->enabled === true || $event->enabled === 'true' ? 1 : 0;
     $until = (double) $event->until;
     $event->until = date(BrightUtils::$SQLDateTime, $until);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO calendarnew (`calendarId`, `locationId`, `itemType`, `label`, `recur`, `until`, `enabled`, `deleted`, `creationdate`, `modificationdate`, `createdby`, `modifiedby`) VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t{$event->calendarId},\n\t\t\t\t{$event->locationId},\n\t\t\t\t{$event->itemType},\n\t\t\t\t'{$event->label}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$event->recur}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$event->until}',\n\t\t\t\t{$event->enabled},\n\t\t\t\tNULL, NOW(), NOW(),\n\t\t\t\t{$event->createdby},\n\t\t\t\t{$event->modifiedby})\n\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n\t\t\t\titemType = VALUES(`itemType`),\n\t\t\t\tlocationId = VALUES(`locationId`),\n\t\t\t\tlabel = VALUES(`label`),\n\t\t\t\trecur = VALUES(`recur`),\n\t\t\t\tenabled = VALUES(`enabled`),\n\t\t\t\tuntil = VALUES(`until`),\n\t\t\t\tmodificationdate = NOW(),\n\t\t\t\tmodifiedby = VALUES(`modifiedby`),\n\t\t\t\t`calendarId`=LAST_INSERT_ID(`calendarId`)";
     $event->calendarId = $this->_conn->insertRow($sql);
     $sql = 'UPDATE `calendardates` SET `deleted`=1 WHERE `calendarId`=' . $event->calendarId;
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO `calendardates` (`calendarId`,`starttime`, `endtime`,`allday`,`deleted`,`noend`) VALUES ';
     $sqla = array();
     // Store also for calendarevents
     $evdates = array();
     foreach ($event->dates as &$date) {
         $date = (object) $date;
         if ($date->endtime < $date->starttime) {
             // Quick fix, just add 1 day to the endtime
             // We could (or should) throw an exception here, since it's not a valid range...
             $date->endtime = strtotime('+1 day', $date->endtime);
         $starttime = date(BrightUtils::$SQLDateTime, $date->starttime);
         $endtime = date(BrightUtils::$SQLDateTime, $date->endtime);
         $date->allday = $date->allday == true ? 1 : 0;
         $date->noend = $date->noend == true ? 1 : 0;
         $sqla[] = "({$event->calendarId}, '{$starttime}','{$endtime}', {$date->allday},0, {$date->noend})";
         $evdates[] = "({$event->calendarId}, '{$starttime}','{$endtime}', {$date->allday}, 0, {$date->noend})";
     $sql .= implode(",\r\n", $sqla);
     $sql .= ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `allday`=VALUES(`allday`),  `noend`=VALUES(`noend`), `deleted`=0';
     $sql = "DELETE FROM calendardates WHERE deleted=1";
     // Delete stored dates
     // 		$sql = 'DELETE FROM calendarevents WHERE eventId=' . (int) $event -> calendarId;
     // 		$this -> _conn -> deleteRow($sql);
     $sql = 'UPDATE calendareventsnew SET `deleted`=1 WHERE `calendarId`=' . (int) $event->calendarId;
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO `calendareventsnew` (`calendarId`, `starttime`, `endtime`, `allday`, `deleted`,`noend`) VALUES ';
     $sqla = array();
     $earr = array();
     if ($event->recur && $event->recur != '') {
         $recur = $event->recur;
         // Recurring event, process it and add if needed
         $recarr = explode(';', $recur);
         $freq = '';
         $interval = 0;
         // If recur has trailing ;, pop last item
         if ($recarr[count($recarr) - 1] == '') {
         foreach ($recarr as $recitem) {
             $recitemarr = explode('=', $recitem);
             $key = $recitemarr[0];
             $val = $recitemarr[1];
             $dayarr = null;
             $monthrepeat = 'dom';
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'FREQ':
                     // Frequency, valid values are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY
                     $freq = $val;
                 case 'INTERVAL':
                     $interval = (int) $val;
                 case 'BYDAY':
                     // Difference between monthly and weekly
                     switch ($freq) {
                         case 'WEEKLY':
                             $days = explode(',', $val);
                             $dayarr = array();
                             // Find out which days are checked
                             foreach ($days as $day) {
                                 switch ($day) {
                                     case 'SU':
                                         $dayarr[0] = 1;
                                     case 'MO':
                                         $dayarr[1] = 1;
                                     case 'TU':
                                         $dayarr[2] = 1;
                                     case 'WE':
                                         $dayarr[3] = 1;
                                     case 'TH':
                                         $dayarr[4] = 1;
                                     case 'FR':
                                         $dayarr[5] = 1;
                                     case 'SA':
                                         $dayarr[6] = 1;
                         case 'MONTHLY':
                             $monthrepeat = 'dow';
                 case 'BYMONTHDAY':
                     // Difference between monthly and yearly
                      * @todo implement Is more implementation really needed, or is this switch just useless an could it be
                      * replaced with an if statement.
                     switch ($freq) {
                         case 'MONTHLY':
                             $monthrepeat = 'dom';
         // Add dates, if event recurs, calculate all dates
         $sqla[] = $evdates[0];
         $evstart = $event->dates[0]->starttime;
         $evend = $event->dates[0]->endtime;
         $startenddiff = $evend - $evstart;
         switch ($freq) {
             case 'DAILY':
                 // Easy!
                 while ($evstart < $until) {
                     $evstart += 86400 * $interval;
                     $evend += 86400 * $interval;
                     $ev = new \stdClass();
                     $ev->starttime = $evstart;
                     $ev->endtime = $evend;
                     $ev->calendarId = $event->calendarId;
                     $earr[] = $ev;
             case 'WEEKLY':
                 // Get timestamp of the first day of the week
                 $fdow = date('w', $evstart);
                 $edow = date('w', $evend);
                 $startweek = mktime(date('H', $evstart), date('i', $evstart), date('s', $evstart), date('n', $evstart), date('j', $evstart) - $fdow, date('Y', $evstart));
                 $ddow = $edow - $fdow;
                 if ($ddow < 0) {
                     $ddow += 7;
                 $first = true;
                 while ($startweek < $until) {
                     // On the first week, skip the sunday, because,
                     // if the sunday is checked, it is already added before
                     $dow = $first ? $fdow + 1 : 0;
                     $first = false;
                     while ($dow < 7) {
                         if (array_key_exists($dow, $dayarr)) {
                             $ev = new \stdClass();
                             $ev->starttime = mktime(date('H', $evstart), date('i', $evstart), date('s', $evstart), date('n', $startweek), date('j', $startweek) + $dow, date('Y', $startweek));
                             // 								$edow = $dow + $ddow;
                             // 								if($edow < 0)
                             // 									$edow +=7;
                             $ev->endtime = mktime(date('H', $evend), date('i', $evend), date('s', $evend), date('n', $startweek), date('j', $startweek) + $dow + $ddow, date('Y', $startweek));
                             $ev->calendarId = $event->calendarId;
                             if ($ev->starttime < $until) {
                                 $earr[] = $ev;
                     $startweek += $interval * 604800;
                 // Now add 1 * $interval weeks and start with the first available day of dayarr
             case 'MONTHLY':
                 if ($monthrepeat == 'dom') {
                     // Day Of Month
                     while ($evstart < $until) {
                         $evstart = mktime(date('H', $evstart), date('i', $evstart), date('s', $evstart), date('n', $evstart) + $interval, date('j', $evstart), date('Y', $evstart));
                         $evend = mktime(date('H', $evend), date('i', $evend), date('s', $evend), date('n', $evend) + $interval, date('j', $evend), date('Y', $evend));
                         $ev = new \stdClass();
                         $ev->starttime = $evstart;
                         $ev->endtime = $evend;
                         $ev->calendarId = $event->calendarId;
                         $earr[] = $ev;
                 } else {
                     // Day of Week
                     // Get the day of the week (sun - sat)
                     $dow = date('w', $evstart);
                     // Calculate how often that day has occured in the month (eg. the 2nd monday)
                     $nd = ceil(date('j', $evstart) / 7);
                     $mon = date('n', $evstart);
                     while ($evstart < $until) {
                         // Add the interval of months
                         $a = $evstart = strtotime("+{$interval} month", $evstart);
                         // Check the 'new' day of the week
                         $newdow = date('w', $evstart);
                         $delta = $dow - $newdow;
                         if ($delta < 0) {
                             $delta += 7;
                         // And correct it to the old dow
                         $evstart += $delta * 86400;
                         // We've accidently moved to the next month, correct date
                         // by removing 1 week;
                         if (date('m', $evstart) > date('m', $a)) {
                             $evstart -= 7 * 86400;
                         // Check how often that day has occured
                         $newnd = ceil(date('j', $evstart) / 7);
                         // And correct it to the original occurence
                         while ($newnd < $nd) {
                             $evstart += 604800;
                         while ($newnd > $nd) {
                             $evstart -= 604800;
                         $evend = $evstart + $startenddiff;
                         $ev = new \stdClass();
                         $ev->starttime = $evstart;
                         $ev->endtime = $evend;
                         $ev->calendarId = $event->calendarId;
                         $earr[] = $ev;
             case 'YEARLY':
                 while ($evstart < $until) {
                     $evstart = mktime(date('H', $evstart), date('i', $evstart), date('s', $evstart), date('n', $evstart), date('j', $evstart), date('Y', $evstart) + $interval);
                     $evend = mktime(date('H', $evend), date('i', $evend), date('s', $evend), date('n', $evend), date('j', $evend), date('Y', $evend) + $interval);
                     $ev = new \stdClass();
                     $ev->starttime = $evstart;
                     $ev->endtime = $evend;
                     $ev->calendarId = $event->calendarId;
                     $earr[] = $ev;
         $ad = $event->dates[0]->allday;
         $ne = $event->dates[0]->noend;
         foreach ($earr as $ev) {
             if ($ev->endtime < $ev->starttime) {
                 // Quick fix, just add 1 day to the endtime
                 $ev->endtime = strtotime('+1 day', $ev->endtime);
             $sqla[] = "({$event->calendarId},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . date(BrightUtils::$SQLDateTime, $ev->starttime) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . date(BrightUtils::$SQLDateTime, $ev->endtime) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$ad},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$ne})";
     } else {
         $sqla = $evdates;
     // Add dates to db
     $sql .= join(',', $sqla);
     $sql .= ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE starttime=VALUES(starttime), endtime=VALUES(endtime), `deleted`=0, allday=VALUES(`allday`), noend=VALUES(`noend`)';
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM calendareventsnew WHERE `deleted`=1 AND `calendarId`=' . (int) $event->calendarId;
     if ($updateContent) {
         $this->setContent($event, 'calendarcontent');
         $search = BrightUtils::createSearchString($event);
         if ((int) $event->locationId > 0) {
             $search .= $this->conn->getField("SELECT search FROM gm_markers WHERE pageId={$event->locationId}");
         $search = Connection::getInstance()->escape_string($search);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO calendarindex (calendarId, search) VALUES ({$event->calendarId}, '{$search}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE search='{$search}' ";
     if (isset($ch) && method_exists($ch, 'postSetEvent')) {
     return true;
Пример #4
 private function _getMarker($id, $full, $enabledOnly, $byPage = false)
     $id = (int) $id;
     $cname = 'marker_' . $id;
     $cname .= $full ? 1 : 0;
     $cname .= $enabledOnly ? 1 : 0;
     $cname .= $byPage ? 1 : 0;
     $cache = new Cache();
     $result = $cache->getCache($cname);
     if ($result) {
         return $result;
     $esql = $enabledOnly ? ' AND `enabled`=1' : '';
     if ($byPage) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `gm_markers` WHERE `deleted`=0 {$esql} AND pageId={$id}";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `gm_markers` WHERE `deleted`=0 {$esql} AND markerId={$id}";
     $marker = $this->_conn->getRow($sql, 'OMarker');
     if (!$marker) {
         return null;
     if (!$full) {
         $cache->setCache($marker, $cname, strtotime('+1 year'));
         return $marker;
     $page = new Page();
     $contents = $page->getPageById($marker->pageId, false, false);
     if ($contents) {
         foreach ($contents as $key => $value) {
             $marker->{$key} = $value;
         $marker->_explicitType = 'OMarker';
     $cache->setCache($marker, $cname, strtotime('+1 year'));
     return $marker;
Пример #5
  * Updates a page
  * @param OPage page The page to update
  * @return OPage The updated page
 private function _updatePage($page)
     $ap = $page->alwayspublished ? 1 : 0;
     $sn = $page->showinnavigation ? 1 : 0;
     $cachebleChanged = $this->_cachebleChanged($page);
     $page->label = Connection::getInstance()->escape_string($this->generateLabel($page->label, $page->pageId));
     $page->modifiedby = isset($_SESSION['administratorId']) ? $_SESSION['administratorId'] : 0;
     BrightUtils::forceInt($page, array('publicationdate', 'expirationdate', 'itemType', 'pageId'));
     $sql = "UPDATE page \n\t\t\t\tSET label='{$page->label}',\n\t\t\t\titemType='{$page->itemType}', \n\t\t\t\tpublicationdate=FROM_UNIXTIME({$page->publicationdate}),\n\t\t\t\texpirationdate=FROM_UNIXTIME({$page->expirationdate}), \n\t\t\t\talwayspublished={$ap},\n\t\t\t\tshowinnavigation={$sn},\n\t\t\t\tmodificationdate=NOW(),\n\t\t\t\tmodifiedby={$page->modifiedby}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE pageId={$page->pageId}";
     if ($cachebleChanged) {
         // Flush cache
         $cache = new Cache();
         $tree = new Tree();
     return $this->getPageById($page->pageId, true);
Пример #6
  * Moves an existing page in the tree<br/>
  * Required permissions:<br/>
  * <ul>
  * <li>IS_AUTH</li>
  * </ul>
  * @param int $treeId The id of the page to move
  * @param int $oldParentId The id of the current parent
  * @param int $newParentId The id of the new parent
  * @param int $oldIndex The old index
  * @param int $newIndex The new index
  * @return array The children of the new parent
  * @throws \Exception
 public function movePage($treeId, $oldParentId, $newParentId, $oldIndex, $newIndex)
     if (!$this->IS_AUTH) {
         throw $this->throwException(AuthenticationException::NO_USER_AUTH);
     if (!is_numeric($treeId) || !is_numeric($oldParentId) || !is_numeric($newParentId) || !is_numeric($oldIndex) || !is_numeric($newIndex)) {
         throw $this->throwException(ParameterException::INTEGER_EXCEPTION);
     // Check if the number of children doesn't exceed the maximum
     if ((int) $oldParentId != (int) $newParentId) {
         $sql = 'SELECT `maxchildren`, (SELECT COUNT(nct.`treeId`) ' . 'FROM `tree` nct ' . 'WHERE nct.parentId=' . $newParentId . ') ' . 'AS numchildren  ' . 'FROM `itemtypes` ' . 'WHERE `itemId`=(SELECT `itemType` ' . 'FROM `page` p ' . 'WHERE p.`pageId`=(SELECT t.`pageId` ' . 'FROM `tree` t ' . 'WHERE `treeId`=' . $newParentId . '))';
         $ncResult = $this->_conn->getRow($sql);
         if ((double) $ncResult->numchildren >= (double) $ncResult->maxchildren && (double) $ncResult->maxchildren > -1) {
             throw $this->throwException(6001, array($ncResult->maxchildren));
     $retObj = new \stdClass();
     $cache = new Cache();
     // Check if the page exists in the new parent,
     //only if the newparent is actually another parent
     if ((int) $oldParentId != (int) $newParentId) {
         $sql = 'SELECT pageId FROM tree WHERE treeId = ' . $treeId;
         $page = $this->_conn->getRow($sql);
         if ($this->_checkForPageExistance($page->pageId, $newParentId)) {
             $retObj->oldParent = $this->getChildren($oldParentId);
             $retObj->newParent = $this->getChildren($newParentId);
             return $retObj;
     $this->_updateIndexes($oldIndex, -1, $oldParentId);
     $this->_updateIndexes($newIndex, 1, $newParentId);
     $sql = 'UPDATE tree ' . 'SET `parentId`=' . $newParentId . ', ' . '`index`=' . $newIndex . ' ' . 'WHERE `treeId`=' . $treeId;
     $retObj->oldParent = $this->getChildren($oldParentId);
     $retObj->newParent = $this->getChildren($newParentId);
     return $retObj;
Пример #7
  * Saves a element
  * @param OPage $element The element to save
  * @param bool $returnall
  * @return \stdClass An object containing element, the just saved element and elements, an array of all elements
  * @throws \Exception
 public function setElement($element, $returnall = true)
     if (!$this->IS_AUTH) {
         throw $this->throwException(AuthenticationException::NO_USER_AUTH);
     if (method_exists($this->_hook, 'preSetElement')) {
         $element = $this->_hook->preSetElement($element);
     $element = $this->_page->setPage($element, false, false);
     if (method_exists($this->_hook, 'postSetElement')) {
     $c = new Cache();
     $search = BrightUtils::createSearchString($element);
     $search = Connection::getInstance()->escape_string($search);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO pageindex (pageId, search) VALUES ({$element->pageId}, '{$search}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE search='{$search}' ";
     if (!$returnall) {
         return $element;
     return $this->_page->getPages(4, null, true);
Пример #8
  * Deletes a user by it's e-mail and it's activationcode
  * @param string $email The e-mail address of the user
  * @param string $activationCode The activation code of the user
  * @since 2.2 - 28 dec 2010
  * @return boolean True when successful
 public function deactivate($email, $activationCode)
     $c = new Cache();
     $sql = 'UPDATE user ' . 'SET deleted=NOW() ' . "WHERE activationcode='" . Connection::getInstance()->escape_string($activationCode) . "' " . "AND email='" . Connection::getInstance()->escape_string($email) . "'";
     return $this->conn->updateRow($sql);
Пример #9
  * Inserts content into the database
  * @param OPage $page
  * @param string $table
  * @return int
  * @throws ParameterException
 protected function setContent($page, $table = 'content')
     $pid = 'pageId';
     switch ($table) {
         case 'content':
             $pid = 'pageId';
         case 'userfields':
             $pid = 'userId';
         case 'calendarcontent':
             $pid = 'calendarId';
     $id = (int) $page->{$pid};
     $table = Connection::getInstance()->escape_string($table);
     $b = new Backup();
     $b->setBackup($page, $table);
     if (!isset($page->content) || $page->content == null) {
         throw new ParameterException(ParameterException::OBJECT_EXCEPTION);
     $sql = "UPDATE `{$table}` SET `deleted`=1 WHERE `{$pid}`={$id}";
     $it = new Template();
     $def = $it->getTemplateDefinition($page->itemType, true);
     $def->title = new \stdClass();
     $def->title->contenttype = 'string';
     $def->title->searchable = 1;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` (`{$pid}`, `lang`, `field`, `value`,`index`,`searchable`) VALUES ";
     $sqla = array();
     foreach ($page->content as $field => $langs) {
         $searchable = 0;
         if ($field == 'title') {
             $searchable = 1;
             if ($table == 'content' && $this->_titleChanged($langs, $page->{$pid})) {
                 $cache = new Cache();
         } else {
             $searchable = isset($def->{$field}) && $def->{$field}->searchable ? 1 : 0;
         foreach ($langs as $lang => $val) {
             // 20130725 Fix for unknown fields
             $contenttype = isset($def->{$field}) && isset($def->{$field}->contenttype) ? $def->{$field}->contenttype : 'string';
             switch ($contenttype) {
                 case 'array':
                     $index = 0;
                     if (!is_array($val)) {
                         $val = array($val);
                     foreach ($val as $listval) {
                         $lang = BrightUtils::escapeSingle($lang);
                         $field = BrightUtils::escapeSingle($field);
                         if (!is_string($listval)) {
                             //throw $this -> throwException(Exceptions::INCORRECT_PARAM_STRING, '$listval: ' . print_r($listval, true));
                             $listval = json_encode($listval);
                         $listval = BrightUtils::escapeHtml($listval);
                         $sqlid = $page->{$pid};
                         $sqla[] = "({$sqlid},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$lang}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$field}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$listval}', {$index}, {$searchable}) ";
                     $lang = BrightUtils::escapeSingle($lang);
                     $field = BrightUtils::escapeSingle($field);
                     if ($val !== null && $val !== false && !is_scalar($val)) {
                         $val = json_encode($val);
                         if ($val == '{}') {
                             $val = '';
                         //throw $this -> throwException(Exceptions::INCORRECT_PARAM_STRING, 'val: ' . print_r($val, true));
                     $val = BrightUtils::escapeHtml($val);
                     if ($val != '') {
                         $sqlid = $page->{$pid};
                         $sqla[] = "({$sqlid},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$lang}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$field}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$val}', 0, {$searchable}) ";
     if (count($sqla) > 0) {
         $sql .= implode(", \r\n", $sqla);
         $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value`=VALUES(`value`), `deleted`=0";
         $result = $this->conn->insertRow($sql);
     } else {
         // Delete old content? uncomment line
         // $result = 1;
     if ($result !== false && $result > 0) {
         // All is well, clean up old data
         $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$table}` WHERE `deleted`= 1 AND  `{$pid}`={$id}";
     return $result;