Пример #1
  * Builds a results array (with results and pagination info)
  * @param \Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager 	$db
  * @param int									$page
  * @param array									$sort (with 'field' and 'direction' keys)
  * @param array									$filters
  * @return array
 public function prepareQuery(DB $db, $page = 1, $sort = null, $filters = null)
     //grab the model instance
     $model = $this->config->getDataModel();
     //update the sort options
     $sort = $this->getSort();
     //get things going by grouping the set
     $table = $model->getTable();
     $keyName = $model->getKeyName();
     //$query = $model->groupBy($table . '.' . $keyName);
     $query = $model->newQuery();
     //get the Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder instance and set up the count query
     $dbQuery = $query->getQuery();
     //$countQuery = $dbQuery->getConnection()->table($table)->groupBy($table . '.' . $keyName);
     $countQuery = $dbQuery->getConnection()->table($table);
     //run the supplied query filter for both queries if it was provided
     //set up initial array states for the selects
     $selects = array($table . '.*');
     //set the filters
     $this->setFilters($filters, $dbQuery, $countQuery, $selects);
     //set the selects
     //determines if the sort should have the table prefixed to it
     $sortOnTable = true;
     //get the columns
     $columns = $this->columnFactory->getColumns();
     //iterate over the columns to check if we need to join any values or add any extra columns
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         //if this is a related column, we'll need to add some selects
         //if this is a related field or
         if (($column->getOption('is_related') || $column->getOption('select')) && $column->getOption('column_name') === $sort['field']) {
             $sortOnTable = false;
     //if the sort is on the model's table, prefix the table name to it
     if ($sortOnTable) {
         $sort['field'] = $table . '.' . $sort['field'];
     //grab the query sql for later
     $querySql = $query->toSql();
     //order the set by the model table's id
     $query->orderBy($sort['field'], $sort['direction']);
     //then retrieve the rows
     //only select distinct rows
     //load the query bindings
     $queryBindings = $query->getBindings();
     return compact('query', 'querySql', 'queryBindings', 'countQuery', 'sort', 'selects');