Пример #1
 public function getAllEntries($tableName, $uploadId, $uploadTreeTableName, $type = null, $onlyCleared = false, $decisionType = null, $extrawhere = null)
     $statementName = __METHOD__ . $tableName . $uploadTreeTableName;
     $params = array();
     $whereClause = "";
     $distinctContent = "";
     $tableNameDecision = $tableName . "_decision";
     if ($uploadTreeTableName === "uploadtree_a") {
         $params[] = $uploadId;
         $whereClause .= " AND UT.upload_fk = \$" . count($params);
         $statementName .= ".withUI";
     if ($type == "skipcontent") {
         $distinctContent = "";
     } else {
         $distinctContent = ", C.content";
     if ($type !== null && $type != "skipcontent") {
         $params[] = $type;
         $whereClause .= " AND C.type = \$" . count($params);
         $statementName .= ".withType";
     $clearingTypeClause = null;
     if ($onlyCleared) {
         $joinType = "INNER";
         if ($decisionType !== null) {
             $params[] = $decisionType;
             $clearingTypeClause = "WHERE clearing_decision_type_fk = \$" . count($params);
             $statementName .= ".withDecisionType";
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("requested only cleared but no type given");
     } else {
         $joinType = "LEFT";
         if ($decisionType !== null) {
             $params[] = $decisionType;
             $clearingTypeClause = "WHERE clearing_decision_type_fk IS NULL OR clearing_decision_type_fk = \$" . count($params);
             $statementName .= ".withDecisionType";
     $statementName .= "." . $joinType . "Join";
     if ($extrawhere !== null) {
         $whereClause .= " AND " . $extrawhere;
         $statementName .= "._" . $extrawhere . "_";
     $latestInfo = "SELECT DISTINCT ON(CD.pfile_fk, UT.uploadtree_pk{$distinctContent})\n             CD.description as description, CD.textfinding as textfinding,\n             CD.comment as comments, UT.uploadtree_pk as uploadtree_pk,\n             CD.clearing_decision_type_fk AS clearing_decision_type_fk,\n             C.content AS content\n            FROM {$tableName} C\n            INNER JOIN {$uploadTreeTableName} UT\n            ON C.pfile_fk = UT.pfile_fk\n            {$joinType} JOIN {$tableNameDecision} CD\n            ON C.pfile_fk = CD.pfile_fk\n            WHERE C.content IS NOT NULL AND C.content!='' {$whereClause}  \n            ORDER BY CD.pfile_fk, UT.uploadtree_pk, C.content, CD.copyright_decision_pk DESC";
     if ($clearingTypeClause !== null) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM ({$latestInfo}) AS latestInfo {$clearingTypeClause}";
     } else {
         $sql = $latestInfo;
     $this->dbManager->prepare($statementName, $sql);
     $sqlResult = $this->dbManager->execute($statementName, $params);
     $result = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($sqlResult);
     return $result;
Пример #2
  * @param int $uploadId
  * @param int $groupId
  * @return int
 public function getReusedUpload($uploadId, $groupId)
     $statementName = __METHOD__;
     $this->dbManager->prepare($statementName, "SELECT reused_upload_fk, reused_group_fk, reuse_mode FROM upload_reuse WHERE upload_fk = \$1 AND group_fk=\$2");
     $res = $this->dbManager->execute($statementName, array($uploadId, $groupId));
     $reusedPairs = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($res);
     return $reusedPairs;
Пример #3
  * @param string $scannerName
  * @param int $uploadId
  * @return array[] with keys agent_id,agent_rev,agent_name
 public function getSuccessfulAgentEntries($scannerName, $uploadId)
     $stmt = __METHOD__ . ".getAgent.{$scannerName}";
     $this->dbManager->prepare($stmt, $sql = "SELECT agent_pk AS agent_id,agent_rev,agent_name " . "FROM agent LEFT JOIN {$scannerName}" . self::ARS_TABLE_SUFFIX . " ON agent_fk=agent_pk " . "WHERE agent_name=\$2 AND agent_enabled AND upload_fk=\$1 AND ars_success " . "ORDER BY agent_id DESC");
     $res = $this->dbManager->execute($stmt, array($uploadId, $scannerName));
     $agents = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($res);
     return $agents;
Пример #4
 public function getFolderChildUploads($parentId, $trustGroupId)
     $statementName = __METHOD__;
     $parameters = array($parentId, $trustGroupId);
     $this->dbManager->prepare($statementName, $sql = "\nSELECT u.*,uc.*,fc.foldercontents_pk FROM foldercontents fc\n  INNER JOIN upload u ON u.upload_pk = fc.child_id\n  INNER JOIN upload_clearing uc ON u.upload_pk=uc.upload_fk AND uc.group_fk=\$2\nWHERE fc.parent_fk = \$1 AND fc.foldercontents_mode = " . self::MODE_UPLOAD . " AND u.upload_mode = 104\n");
     $res = $this->dbManager->execute($statementName, $parameters);
     $results = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($res);
     return $results;
Пример #5
 public function getBulkMatches($bulkId, $groupId)
     $stmt = __METHOD__;
     $sql = "SELECT uploadtree_fk AS itemid\n            FROM clearing_event ce\n            INNER JOIN highlight_bulk h\n            ON ce.clearing_event_pk = h.clearing_event_fk\n            WHERE lrb_fk = \$1 AND group_fk = \$2";
     $this->dbManager->prepare($stmt, $sql);
     $res = $this->dbManager->execute($stmt, array($bulkId, $groupId));
     $result = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($res);
     return $result;
Пример #6
  * @brief Get job queue data from db.
  * @param $job_pks Array of $job_pk's to display.
  * @param $page Get data for this display page. Starts with zero.
  * @return array of job data
  * \code
  * JobData [job_pk] Array of job records (JobRec)
  * JobRec['jobqueue'][jq_pk] = array of JobQueue records
  * JobRec['jobqueue'][jq_pk]['depends'] = array of jq_pk's for dependencies
  * JobRec['upload'] = array for upload record
  * JobRec['job'] = array for job record
  * JobRec['uploadtree'] = array for parent uploadtree record
  * JobQueue ['jq_pk'] = jq_pk
  * JobQueue ['jq_type'] = jq_type
  * JobQueue ['jq_itemsprocessed'] = jq_itemsprocessed
  * JobQueue ['jq_starttime'] = jq_starttime
  * JobQueue ['jq_endtime'] = jq_endtime
  * JobQueue ['jq_log'] = jq_log
  * JobQueue ['jq_endtext'] = jq_endtext
  * JobQueue ['jq_end_bits'] = jq_end_bits
  * \endcode
 public function getJobInfo($job_pks, $page = 0)
     /* Output data array */
     $jobData = array();
     foreach ($job_pks as $job_pk) {
         /* Get job table data */
         $statementName = __METHOD__ . "JobRec";
         $jobRec = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow("SELECT * FROM job WHERE job_pk= \$1", array($job_pk), $statementName);
         $jobData[$job_pk]["job"] = $jobRec;
         if (!empty($jobRec["job_upload_fk"])) {
             $upload_pk = $jobRec["job_upload_fk"];
             /* Get Upload record for job */
             $statementName = __METHOD__ . "UploadRec";
             $uploadRec = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow("SELECT * FROM upload WHERE upload_pk= \$1", array($upload_pk), $statementName);
             if (!empty($uploadRec)) {
                 $jobData[$job_pk]["upload"] = $uploadRec;
                 /* Get Upload record for uploadtree */
                 $uploadtree_tablename = $uploadRec["uploadtree_tablename"];
                 $statementName = __METHOD__ . "uploadtreeRec";
                 $uploadtreeRec = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow("SELECT * FROM {$uploadtree_tablename} where upload_fk = \$1 and parent is null", array($upload_pk), $statementName);
                 $jobData[$job_pk]["uploadtree"] = $uploadtreeRec;
             } else {
                 $statementName = __METHOD__ . "uploadRecord";
                 $uploadRec = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow("SELECT * FROM upload right join job on upload_pk = job_upload_fk where job_upload_fk = \$1", array($upload_pk), $statementName);
                 /* upload has been deleted so try to get the job name from the original upload job record */
                 $jobName = $this->getJobName($uploadRec["job_upload_fk"]);
                 $uploadRec["upload_filename"] = "Deleted Upload: " . $uploadRec["job_upload_fk"] . "(" . $jobName . ")";
                 $uploadRec["upload_pk"] = $uploadRec["job_upload_fk"];
                 $jobData[$job_pk]["upload"] = $uploadRec;
         /* Get jobqueue table data */
         $statementName = __METHOD__ . "job_pkforjob";
         $this->dbManager->prepare($statementName, "SELECT jq.*,jd.jdep_jq_depends_fk FROM jobqueue jq LEFT OUTER JOIN jobdepends jd ON jq.jq_pk=jd.jdep_jq_fk WHERE jq.jq_job_fk=\$1 ORDER BY jq_pk ASC");
         $result = $this->dbManager->execute($statementName, array($job_pk));
         $rows = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($result);
         if (!empty($rows)) {
             foreach ($rows as $jobQueueRec) {
                 $jq_pk = $jobQueueRec["jq_pk"];
                 if (array_key_exists($job_pk, $jobData) && array_key_exists('jobqueue', $jobData[$job_pk]) && array_key_exists($jq_pk, $jobData[$job_pk]['jobqueue'])) {
                     $jobData[$job_pk]['jobqueue'][$jq_pk]["depends"][] = $jobQueueRec["jdep_jq_depends_fk"];
                 } else {
                     $jobQueueRec["depends"] = array($jobQueueRec["jdep_jq_depends_fk"]);
                     $jobData[$job_pk]['jobqueue'][$jq_pk] = $jobQueueRec;
         } else {
     return $jobData;
Пример #7
 protected function getCopyrights($upload_pk, $item, $uploadTreeTableName, $agentId, $type, $filter)
     $offset = GetParm('iDisplayStart', PARM_INTEGER);
     $limit = GetParm('iDisplayLength', PARM_INTEGER);
     $tableName = $this->getTableName($type);
     $orderString = $this->getOrderString();
     list($left, $right) = $this->uploadDao->getLeftAndRight($item, $uploadTreeTableName);
     if ($filter == "") {
         $filter = "none";
     $sql_upload = "";
     if ('uploadtree_a' == $uploadTreeTableName) {
         $sql_upload = " AND UT.upload_fk={$upload_pk} ";
     $join = "";
     $filterQuery = "";
     if ($type == 'statement' && $filter == "nolic") {
         $noLicStr = "No_license_found";
         $voidLicStr = "Void";
         $join = " INNER JOIN license_file AS LF on cp.pfile_fk=LF.pfile_fk ";
         $filterQuery = " AND LF.rf_fk IN (SELECT rf_pk FROM license_ref WHERE rf_shortname IN ('{$noLicStr}','{$voidLicStr}')) ";
     } else {
         // No filter, nothing to do
     $params = array($left, $right, $type, $agentId);
     $filterParms = $params;
     $searchFilter = $this->addSearchFilter($filterParms);
     $unorderedQuery = "FROM {$tableName} AS cp " . "INNER JOIN {$uploadTreeTableName} AS UT ON cp.pfile_fk = UT.pfile_fk " . $join . "WHERE cp.content!='' " . "AND ( UT.lft  BETWEEN  \$1 AND  \$2 ) " . "AND cp.type = \$3 " . "AND cp.agent_fk= \$4 " . $sql_upload;
     $totalFilter = $filterQuery . " " . $searchFilter;
     $grouping = " GROUP BY content ";
     $countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT content, count(*) {$unorderedQuery} {$totalFilter} {$grouping}) as K";
     $iTotalDisplayRecordsRow = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow($countQuery, $filterParms, __METHOD__ . $tableName . ".count");
     $iTotalDisplayRecords = $iTotalDisplayRecordsRow['count'];
     $countAllQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT content, count(*) {$unorderedQuery}{$grouping}) as K";
     $iTotalRecordsRow = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow($countAllQuery, $params, __METHOD__, $tableName . "count.all");
     $iTotalRecords = $iTotalRecordsRow['count'];
     $range = "";
     $filterParms[] = $offset;
     $range .= ' OFFSET $' . count($filterParms);
     $filterParms[] = $limit;
     $range .= ' LIMIT $' . count($filterParms);
     $sql = "SELECT content, hash, count(*) as copyright_count  " . $unorderedQuery . $totalFilter . " GROUP BY content, hash " . $orderString . $range;
     $statement = __METHOD__ . $filter . $tableName . $uploadTreeTableName;
     $this->dbManager->prepare($statement, $sql);
     $result = $this->dbManager->execute($statement, $filterParms);
     $rows = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($result);
     return array($rows, $iTotalDisplayRecords, $iTotalRecords);
Пример #8
  * @return array
 public function getLicenseArray($groupId = null)
     $statementName = __METHOD__;
     $rfTable = 'license_all';
     $options = array('columns' => array('rf_pk', 'rf_shortname', 'rf_fullname'), 'candidatePrefix' => $this->candidatePrefix);
     if ($groupId === null) {
         $groupId = isset($_SESSION) && array_key_exists('GroupId', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['GroupId'] : 0;
     $licenseViewDao = new LicenseViewProxy($groupId, $options, $rfTable);
     $withCte = $licenseViewDao->asCTE();
     $this->dbManager->prepare($statementName, $withCte . " select rf_pk id,rf_shortname shortname,rf_fullname fullname from {$rfTable} order by LOWER(rf_shortname)");
     $result = $this->dbManager->execute($statementName);
     $licenseRefs = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($result);
     return $licenseRefs;
Пример #9
  * \return return rows to process, and $upload_pk
  * @param $Uploadtree_pk
  * @param $Agent_pk
  * @param $upload_pk
  * @param $hash
  * @param $type
  * @param $tableName
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
 function GetRows($Uploadtree_pk, $Agent_pk, &$upload_pk, $hash, $type, $tableName)
     global $PG_CONN;
     /*******  Get license names and counts  ******/
     /* Find lft and rgt bounds for this $Uploadtree_pk  */
     $sql = "SELECT lft,rgt,upload_fk FROM uploadtree\n              WHERE uploadtree_pk = {$Uploadtree_pk}";
     $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql);
     DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
     $lft = $row["lft"];
     $rgt = $row["rgt"];
     $upload_pk = $row["upload_fk"];
     /* get all the copyright records for this uploadtree.  */
     $sql = "SELECT content, type, uploadtree_pk, ufile_name, PF\n              from {$tableName},\n              (SELECT uploadtree_pk, pfile_fk as PF, ufile_name from uploadtree \n                 where upload_fk=\$1\n                   and uploadtree.lft BETWEEN \$2 and \$3) as SS\n              where PF=pfile_fk and agent_fk=\$4 and hash=\$5 and type=\$6 order by uploadtree_pk";
     $statement = __METHOD__ . $tableName;
     $this->dbManager->prepare($statement, $sql);
     $result = $this->dbManager->execute($statement, array($upload_pk, $lft, $rgt, $Agent_pk, $hash, $type));
     $rows = $this->dbManager->fetchAll($result);
     return $rows;
Пример #10
 function addConstraints()
     $sql = "SELECT c.conname AS constraint_name,\n        CASE c.contype\n          WHEN 'c' THEN 'CHECK'\n          WHEN 'f' THEN 'FOREIGN KEY'\n          WHEN 'p' THEN 'PRIMARY KEY'\n          WHEN 'u' THEN 'UNIQUE'\n        END AS type,\n        CASE WHEN c.condeferrable = 'f' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS is_deferrable,\n        CASE WHEN c.condeferred = 'f' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS is_deferred,\n        t.relname AS table_name, array_to_string(c.conkey, ' ') AS constraint_key,\n        CASE confupdtype\n          WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION'\n          WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT'\n          WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE'\n          WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL'\n          WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT'\n        END AS on_update,\n        CASE confdeltype\n          WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION'\n          WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT'\n          WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE'\n          WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL'\n          WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' END AS on_delete,\n        CASE confmatchtype\n          WHEN 'u' THEN 'UNSPECIFIED'\n          WHEN 'f' THEN 'FULL'\n          WHEN 'p' THEN 'PARTIAL'\n        END AS match_type,\n        t2.relname AS references_table,\n        array_to_string(c.confkey, ' ') AS fk_constraint_key\n      FROM pg_constraint AS c\n      LEFT JOIN pg_class AS t ON c.conrelid = t.oid\n      INNER JOIN information_schema.tables AS tab ON t.relname = tab.table_name\n      LEFT JOIN pg_class AS t2 ON c.confrelid = t2.oid\n      ORDER BY constraint_name,table_name\n    ";
     $stmt = __METHOD__;
     $this->dbman->prepare($stmt, $sql);
     $result = $this->dbman->execute($stmt);
     $Results = $this->dbman->fetchAll($result);
     /* Constraints use indexes into columns.  Covert those to column names. */
     for ($i = 0; !empty($Results[$i]['constraint_name']); $i++) {
         $Key = "";
         $Keys = explode(" ", $Results[$i]['constraint_key']);
         foreach ($Keys as $K) {
             if (empty($K)) {
             if (!empty($Key)) {
                 $Key .= ",";
             $Key .= '"' . $this->currSchema['TABLEID'][$Results[$i]['table_name']][$K] . '"';
         $Results[$i]['constraint_key'] = $Key;
         $Key = "";
         $Keys = explode(" ", $Results[$i]['fk_constraint_key']);
         foreach ($Keys as $K) {
             if (empty($K)) {
             if (!empty($Key)) {
                 $Key .= ",";
             $Key .= '"' . $this->currSchema['TABLEID'][$Results[$i]['references_table']][$K] . '"';
         $Results[$i]['fk_constraint_key'] = $Key;
     /* Save the constraint */
     /** There are different types of constraints that must be stored in order **/
     for ($i = 0; !empty($Results[$i]['constraint_name']); $i++) {
         if ($Results[$i]['type'] != 'PRIMARY KEY') {
         $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"" . $Results[$i]['table_name'] . "\"";
         $sql .= " ADD CONSTRAINT \"" . $Results[$i]['constraint_name'] . '"';
         $sql .= " " . $Results[$i]['type'];
         $sql .= " (" . $Results[$i]['constraint_key'] . ")";
         if (!empty($Results[$i]['references_table'])) {
             $sql .= " REFERENCES \"" . $Results[$i]['references_table'] . "\"";
             $sql .= " (" . $Results[$i]['fk_constraint_key'] . ")";
         $sql .= ";";
         $this->currSchema['CONSTRAINT'][$Results[$i]['constraint_name']] = $sql;
         $Results[$i]['processed'] = 1;
     for ($i = 0; !empty($Results[$i]['constraint_name']); $i++) {
         if ($Results[$i]['type'] != 'UNIQUE') {
         $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"" . $Results[$i]['table_name'] . "\"";
         $sql .= " ADD CONSTRAINT \"" . $Results[$i]['constraint_name'] . '"';
         $sql .= " " . $Results[$i]['type'];
         $sql .= " (" . $Results[$i]['constraint_key'] . ")";
         if (!empty($Results[$i]['references_table'])) {
             $sql .= " REFERENCES \"" . $Results[$i]['references_table'] . "\"";
             $sql .= " (" . $Results[$i]['fk_constraint_key'] . ")";
         $sql .= ";";
         $this->currSchema['CONSTRAINT'][$Results[$i]['constraint_name']] = $sql;
         $Results[$i]['processed'] = 1;
     for ($i = 0; !empty($Results[$i]['constraint_name']); $i++) {
         if ($Results[$i]['type'] != 'FOREIGN KEY') {
         $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"" . $Results[$i]['table_name'] . "\"";
         $sql .= " ADD CONSTRAINT \"" . $Results[$i]['constraint_name'] . '"';
         $sql .= " " . $Results[$i]['type'];
         $sql .= " (" . $Results[$i]['constraint_key'] . ")";
         if (!empty($Results[$i]['references_table'])) {
             $sql .= " REFERENCES \"" . $Results[$i]['references_table'] . "\"";
             $sql .= " (" . $Results[$i]['fk_constraint_key'] . ")";
         if (!empty($Results[$i]['on_update'])) {
             $sql .= " ON UPDATE " . $Results[$i]['on_update'];
         if (!empty($Results[$i]['on_delete'])) {
             $sql .= " ON DELETE " . $Results[$i]['on_delete'];
         $sql .= ";";
         $this->currSchema['CONSTRAINT'][$Results[$i]['constraint_name']] = $sql;
         $Results[$i]['processed'] = 1;
     for ($i = 0; !empty($Results[$i]['constraint_name']); $i++) {
         if (!empty($Results[$i]['processed']) && $Results[$i]['processed'] == 1) {
         $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"" . $Results[$i]['table_name'] . "\"";
         $sql .= " ADD CONSTRAINT \"" . $Results[$i]['constraint_name'] . '"';
         $sql .= " " . $Results[$i]['type'];
         $sql .= " (" . $Results[$i]['constraint_key'] . ")";
         if (!empty($Results[$i]['references_table'])) {
             $sql .= " REFERENCES \"" . $Results[$i]['references_table'] . "\"";
             $sql .= " (" . $Results[$i]['fk_constraint_key'] . ")";
         $sql .= ";";
         $this->currSchema['CONSTRAINT'][$Results[$i]['constraint_name']] = $sql;
         $Results[$i]['processed'] = 1;