Пример #1
  * Postprocesses a selected backend layout
  * @param integer $pageUid Starting page UID in the rootline (this current page)
  * @param array $backendLayout The backend layout which was detected from page id
  * @return NULL|void
 public function postProcessBackendLayout(&$pageUid, &$backendLayout)
     try {
         $record = $this->workspacesAwareRecordService->getSingle('pages', '*', $pageUid);
         // Stop processing if no fluidpages template configured in rootline
         if (NULL === $record) {
             return NULL;
         $provider = $this->configurationService->resolvePrimaryConfigurationProvider('pages', 'tx_fed_page_flexform', $record);
         $action = $provider->getControllerActionFromRecord($record);
         if (TRUE === empty($action)) {
             $this->configurationService->message('No template selected - backend layout will not be rendered', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_INFO);
             return NULL;
         $grid = $provider->getGrid($record)->build();
         if (FALSE === is_array($grid) || 0 === count($grid['rows'])) {
             // no grid is defined; we use the "raw" BE layout as a default behavior
             $this->configurationService->message('The selected page template does not contain a grid but the template is itself valid.');
             return NULL;
     } catch (\RuntimeException $error) {
         return NULL;
     $config = array('backend_layout.' => array('colCount' => 0, 'rowCount' => 0, 'rows.' => array()));
     $colPosList = array();
     $items = array();
     $rowIndex = 0;
     foreach ($grid['rows'] as $row) {
         $index = 0;
         $colCount = 0;
         $rowKey = $rowIndex + 1 . '.';
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($row['columns'] as $column) {
             $key = $index + 1 . '.';
             $columns[$key] = array('name' => $column['label'], 'colPos' => $column['colPos'] >= 0 ? $column['colPos'] : $config['backend_layout.']['colCount']);
             if ($column['colspan']) {
                 $columns[$key]['colspan'] = $column['colspan'];
             if ($column['rowspan']) {
                 $columns[$key]['rowspan'] = $column['rowspan'];
             array_push($colPosList, $columns[$key]['colPos']);
             array_push($items, array($columns[$key]['name'], $columns[$key]['colPos'], NULL));
             $colCount += $column['colspan'] ? $column['colspan'] : 1;
         $config['backend_layout.']['colCount'] = max($config['backend_layout.']['colCount'], $colCount);
         $config['backend_layout.']['rows.'][$rowKey] = array('columns.' => $columns);
     $backendLayout['__config'] = $config;
     $backendLayout['__colPosList'] = $colPosList;
     $backendLayout['__items'] = $items;
  * @param integer $pageUid Starting page UID in the rootline (this current page)
  * @return array
 protected function getBackendLayoutConfiguration($pageUid)
     try {
         $record = $this->recordService->getSingle('pages', '*', $pageUid);
         // Stop processing if no fluidpages template configured in rootline
         if (NULL === $record) {
             return array();
         $provider = $this->configurationService->resolvePrimaryConfigurationProvider('pages', 'tx_fed_page_flexform', $record);
         $action = $provider->getControllerActionFromRecord($record);
         if (TRUE === empty($action)) {
             $this->configurationService->message('No template selected - backend layout will not be rendered', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_INFO);
             return array();
         $paths = $provider->getTemplatePaths($record);
         if (0 === count($paths)) {
             $this->configurationService->message('Unable to detect a configuration. If it is not intentional, check that you ' . 'have included the TypoScript for the desired template collection.', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_NOTICE);
             return array();
         $grid = $provider->getGrid($record)->build();
         if (FALSE === is_array($grid) || 0 === count($grid['rows'])) {
             // no grid is defined; we use the "raw" BE layout as a default behavior
             $this->configurationService->message('The selected page template does not contain a grid but the template is itself valid.');
             return array();
     } catch (\Exception $error) {
         return array();
     $config = array('colCount' => 0, 'rowCount' => 0, 'rows.' => array());
     $rowIndex = 0;
     foreach ($grid['rows'] as $row) {
         $index = 0;
         $colCount = 0;
         $rowKey = $rowIndex + 1 . '.';
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($row['columns'] as $column) {
             $key = $index + 1 . '.';
             $columnName = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($column['label']);
             if (TRUE === empty($columnName)) {
                 $columnName = $column['name'];
             $columns[$key] = array('name' => $columnName, 'colPos' => $column['colPos'] >= 0 ? $column['colPos'] : $config['colCount']);
             if ($column['colspan']) {
                 $columns[$key]['colspan'] = $column['colspan'];
             if ($column['rowspan']) {
                 $columns[$key]['rowspan'] = $column['rowspan'];
             $colCount += $column['colspan'] ? $column['colspan'] : 1;
         $config['colCount'] = max($config['colCount'], $colCount);
         $config['rows.'][$rowKey] = array('columns.' => $columns);
     return $config;
Пример #3
  * Post-process the TCEforms DataStructure for a record associated
  * with this ConfigurationProvider
  * @param array $row
  * @param mixed $dataStructure
  * @param array $conf
  * @return NULL
 public function postProcessDataStructure(array &$row, &$dataStructure, array $conf)
     $action = $this->getControllerActionReferenceFromRecord($row);
     if (TRUE === empty($action)) {
         if (FALSE === $this->isUsingSubFieldName()) {
             $this->configurationService->message('No controller action was found for this page.', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
         return NULL;
     parent::postProcessDataStructure($row, $dataStructure, $conf);
  * @param integer $pageUid Starting page UID in the rootline (this current page)
  * @return array
 protected function getBackendLayoutConfiguration($pageUid)
     try {
         $record = $this->recordService->getSingle('pages', '*', $pageUid);
         // Stop processing if no fluidpages template configured in rootline
         if (null === $record) {
             return [];
         $provider = $this->configurationService->resolvePageProvider($record);
         $action = $provider->getControllerActionFromRecord($record);
         if (true === empty($action)) {
             $this->configurationService->message('No template selected - backend layout will not be rendered', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_INFO);
             return [];
         $grid = $provider->getGrid($record)->build();
         if (false === is_array($grid) || 0 === count($grid['rows'])) {
             // no grid is defined; we use the "raw" BE layout as a default behavior
             $this->configurationService->message('The selected page template does not contain a grid but the template is itself valid.');
             return [];
     } catch (\Exception $error) {
         return [];
     $config = ['colCount' => 0, 'rowCount' => 0, 'rows.' => []];
     $rowIndex = 0;
     foreach ($grid['rows'] as $row) {
         $index = 0;
         $colCount = 0;
         $rowKey = $rowIndex + 1 . '.';
         $columns = [];
         foreach ($row['columns'] as $column) {
             $key = $index + 1 . '.';
             $columns[$key] = ['name' => $column['label'], 'colPos' => $column['colPos'] >= 0 ? $column['colPos'] : null];
             if ($column['colspan']) {
                 $columns[$key]['colspan'] = $column['colspan'];
             if ($column['rowspan']) {
                 $columns[$key]['rowspan'] = $column['rowspan'];
             $colCount += $column['colspan'] ? $column['colspan'] : 1;
         $config['colCount'] = max($config['colCount'], $colCount);
         $config['rows.'][$rowKey] = ['columns.' => $columns];
     if (false === $this->isPageModuleLanguageView()) {
         $config['rows.'][$rowIndex + 1 . '.'] = ['columns.' => ['1.' => ['name' => LocalizationUtility::translate('fluidContentArea', 'fluidpages'), 'colPos' => ContentService::COLPOS_FLUXCONTENT]]];
     return $config;
Пример #5
  * @param array $row
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 public function getControllerActionFromRecord(array $row)
     if (PageControllerInterface::DOKTYPE_RAW === (int) $row['doktype']) {
         return 'raw';
     $action = $this->getControllerActionReferenceFromRecord($row);
     if (true === empty($action)) {
         $this->pageConfigurationService->message('No page template selected and no template was inherited from parent page(s)');
         return 'default';
     $controllerActionName = array_pop(explode('->', $action));
     $controllerActionName[0] = strtolower($controllerActionName[0]);
     return $controllerActionName;
Пример #6
  * Gets a list of usable Page Templates from defined page template TypoScript.
  * Returns a list of Form instances indexed by the path ot the template file.
  * @param string $format
  * @return Form[]
  * @api
 public function getAvailablePageTemplateFiles($format = 'html')
     $typoScript = $this->configurationService->getPageConfiguration();
     $output = [];
     foreach ((array) $typoScript as $extensionName => $group) {
         if (true === isset($group['enable']) && 1 > $group['enable']) {
         $output[$extensionName] = [];
         $templatePaths = new TemplatePaths($group);
         $templateRootPaths = $templatePaths->getTemplateRootPaths();
         foreach ($templateRootPaths as $templateRootPath) {
             $configuredPath = $templateRootPath . 'Page/';
             if (false === is_dir($configuredPath)) {
                 $this->configurationService->message(sprintf('The template group "%s" has been configured to use the templateRootPath "' . '%s" but this directory does not exist.', $extensionName, $configuredPath), GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_FATAL);
             $files = scandir($configuredPath);
             foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
                 $pathinfo = pathinfo($file);
                 $extension = $pathinfo['extension'];
                 if ('.' === substr($file, 0, 1)) {
                 } elseif (strtolower($extension) !== strtolower($format)) {
                 $filename = $pathinfo['filename'];
                 if (isset($output[$extensionName][$filename])) {
                 $viewContext = new ViewContext($configuredPath . $file, $extensionName, 'Page');
                 $form = $this->configurationService->getFormFromTemplateFile($viewContext);
                 $templatePathAndFilename = $form->getOption(Form::OPTION_TEMPLATEFILE);
                 if (false === $form instanceof Form) {
                     $this->configurationService->message('Template file ' . $viewContext . ' contains an unparsable Form definition', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_FATAL);
                 if (false === $form->getEnabled()) {
                     $this->configurationService->message('Template file ' . $templatePathAndFilename . ' is disabled by configuration', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_NOTICE);
                 $form->setOption(Form::OPTION_TEMPLATEFILE, $configuredPath . $file);
                 $output[$extensionName][$filename] = $form;
     return $output;
Пример #7
  * Gets a list of usable Page Templates from defined page template TypoScript
  * @param string $format
  * @return array
  * @api
 public function getAvailablePageTemplateFiles($format = 'html')
     $typoScript = $this->configurationService->getPageConfiguration();
     $output = array();
     if (FALSE === is_array($typoScript)) {
         return $output;
     foreach ($typoScript as $extensionName => $group) {
         if (TRUE === isset($group['enable']) && 1 > $group['enable']) {
         if (FALSE === isset($group['templateRootPath'])) {
             $this->configurationService->message('The template group "' . $extensionName . '" does not define a set of template containing at least a templateRootPath' . 'paths. This indicates a problem with your TypoScript configuration - most likely a static template is not loaded', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
         $configuredPath = rtrim($group['templateRootPath'], '/') . '/Page/';
         $path = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($configuredPath);
         if (FALSE === is_dir($path)) {
             $this->configurationService->message('The template group "' . $extensionName . '" has been configured to use the templateRootPath "' . $configuredPath . '" but this directory does not exist.', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_FATAL);
         $files = scandir($path);
         $output[$extensionName] = array();
         foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
             $pathinfo = pathinfo($path . $file);
             $extension = $pathinfo['extension'];
             if ('.' === substr($file, 0, 1)) {
             } else {
                 if (strtolower($extension) != strtolower($format)) {
                 } else {
                     try {
                         $this->getPageTemplateLabel($extensionName, $path . $file);
                         $output[$extensionName][] = $pathinfo['filename'];
                     } catch (\Exception $error) {
     return $output;
Пример #8
  * @param string $extension
  * @param string $template
  * @param array $parameters
  * @return string
 protected function renderOption($extension, $template, array $parameters)
     $name = $parameters['itemFormElName'];
     $value = $parameters['itemFormElValue'];
     $onChange = 'onclick="if (confirm(TBE_EDITOR.labels.onChangeAlert) && TBE_EDITOR.checkSubmit(-1)){ TBE_EDITOR.submitForm() };"';
     $selector = '';
     try {
         $extensionName = ExtensionNamingUtility::getExtensionKey($extension);
         $paths = $this->configurationService->getPageConfiguration($extensionName);
         $templatePaths = new TemplatePaths($paths);
         $templatePathAndFilename = $templatePaths->resolveTemplateFileForControllerAndActionAndFormat('Page', $template);
         if (FALSE === file_exists($templatePathAndFilename)) {
             $this->configurationService->message('Missing template file: ' . $templatePathAndFilename, GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
             return '';
         $viewContext = new ViewContext($templatePathAndFilename, $extensionName);
         $form = $this->configurationService->getFormFromTemplateFile($viewContext);
         if (FALSE === $form instanceof Form) {
             $this->configurationService->message('Template file ' . $templatePathAndFilename . ' contains an unparsable Form definition', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_FATAL);
             return '';
         if (FALSE === $form->getEnabled()) {
             $this->configurationService->message('Template file ' . $templatePathAndFilename . ' is disabled by configuration', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_NOTICE);
             return '';
         $thumbnail = MiscellaneousUtility::getIconForTemplate($form);
         $label = $form->getLabel();
         $optionValue = $extension . '->' . $template;
         $selected = $optionValue == $value ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
         $option = '<label style="padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid #CCC; display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; cursor: pointer; ' . ($selected ? 'background-color: #DDD;' : '') . '">';
         $option .= '<img src="' . $thumbnail . '" alt="' . $label . '" style="margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em 0; max-width: 196px; max-height: 128px;"/><br />';
         $option .= '<input type="radio" value="' . $optionValue . '"' . $selected . ' name="' . $name . '" ' . $onChange . ' /> ' . $label;
         $option .= '</label>';
         $selector .= $option . LF;
     } catch (\RuntimeException $error) {
     return $selector;
Пример #9
  * Gets a list of usable Page Templates from defined page template TypoScript
  * @param string $format
  * @return array
  * @api
 public function getAvailablePageTemplateFiles($format = 'html')
     $typoScript = $this->configurationService->getPageConfiguration();
     $output = array();
     if (FALSE === is_array($typoScript)) {
         return $output;
     foreach ($typoScript as $extensionName => $group) {
         if (TRUE === isset($group['enable']) && 1 > $group['enable']) {
         $output[$extensionName] = array();
         $templatePaths = new TemplatePaths($group);
         $templateRootPaths = $templatePaths->getTemplateRootPaths();
         foreach ($templateRootPaths as $templateRootPath) {
             $configuredPath = $templateRootPath . 'Page/';
             if (FALSE === is_dir($configuredPath)) {
                 $this->configurationService->message('The template group "' . $extensionName . '" has been configured to use the templateRootPath "' . $configuredPath . '" but this directory does not exist.', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_FATAL);
             $files = scandir($configuredPath);
             foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
                 $pathinfo = pathinfo($file);
                 $extension = $pathinfo['extension'];
                 $filename = $pathinfo['filename'];
                 if ('.' === substr($file, 0, 1)) {
                 } else {
                     if (strtolower($extension) !== strtolower($format)) {
                     } else {
                         $output[$extensionName][$filename] = $filename;
     return $output;
  * Renders a Fluid Page Layout file selector
  * @param array $parameters
  * @param mixed $pObj
  * @return string
 public function renderField(&$parameters, &$pObj)
     $name = $parameters['itemFormElName'];
     $value = $parameters['itemFormElValue'];
     $availableTemplates = $this->pageService->getAvailablePageTemplateFiles();
     if (FALSE === strpos($name, 'tx_fed_controller_action_sub')) {
         $onChange = 'onclick="if (confirm(TBE_EDITOR.labels.onChangeAlert) && TBE_EDITOR.checkSubmit(-1)){ TBE_EDITOR.submitForm() };"';
     $selector = '<div>';
     $typoScript = $this->configurationManager->getTypoScriptSetup();
     $hideInheritFieldSiteRoot = (bool) (TRUE === isset($typoScript['plugin.']['tx_fluidpages.']['siteRootInheritance']) ? 1 > $typoScript['plugin.']['tx_fluidpages.']['siteRootInheritance'] : FALSE);
     $pageIsSiteRoot = (bool) $parameters['row']['is_siteroot'];
     $forceDisplayInheritSiteRoot = (bool) ('tx_fed_page_controller_action_sub' === $parameters['field']);
     $forceHideInherit = (bool) (0 === intval($parameters['row']['pid']));
     if (FALSE === $pageIsSiteRoot || TRUE === $forceDisplayInheritSiteRoot || FALSE === $hideInheritFieldSiteRoot) {
         if (FALSE === $forceHideInherit) {
             $emptyLabel = LocalizationUtility::translate('pages.tx_fed_page_controller_action.default', 'Fluidpages');
             $selected = TRUE === empty($value) ? ' checked="checked" ' : NULL;
             $selector .= '<label>';
             $selector .= '<input type="radio" name="' . $name . '" ' . $onChange . '" value="" ' . $selected . '/> ' . $emptyLabel . LF;
             $selector .= '</label>' . LF;
     foreach ($availableTemplates as $extension => $group) {
         $extensionKey = ExtensionNamingUtility::getExtensionKey($extension);
         if (FALSE === ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded($extensionKey)) {
             $groupTitle = ucfirst($extension);
         } else {
             $emConfigFile = ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath($extensionKey, 'ext_emconf.php');
             require $emConfigFile;
             $groupTitle = $EM_CONF['']['title'];
         $packageLabel = LocalizationUtility::translate('pages.tx_fed_page_package', 'Fluidpages');
         $selector .= '<h4 style="clear: both; margin-top: 1em;">' . $packageLabel . ': ' . $groupTitle . '</h4>' . LF;
         foreach ($group as $template) {
             try {
                 $paths = $this->configurationService->getPageConfiguration($extension);
                 $extensionName = ExtensionNamingUtility::getExtensionName($extension);
                 $templatePathAndFilename = $this->pageService->expandPathsAndTemplateFileToTemplatePathAndFilename($paths, $template);
                 if (FALSE === file_exists($templatePathAndFilename)) {
                     $this->configurationService->message('Missing template file: ' . $templatePathAndFilename, GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
                 $form = $this->configurationService->getFormFromTemplateFile($templatePathAndFilename, 'Configuration', 'form', $paths, $extensionName);
                 if (FALSE === $form instanceof Form) {
                     $this->configurationService->message('Template file ' . $templatePathAndFilename . ' contains an unparsable Form definition', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_FATAL);
                 if (FALSE === $form->getEnabled()) {
                 $thumbnail = $form->getIcon();
                 $label = $form->getLabel();
                 $translatedLabel = LocalizationUtility::translate($label, $extensionName);
                 if (NULL !== $translatedLabel) {
                     $label = $translatedLabel;
                 $optionValue = $extension . '->' . $template;
                 $selected = $optionValue == $value ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
                 $option = '<label style="padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid #CCC; display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; cursor: pointer; ' . ($selected ? 'background-color: #DDD;' : '') . '">';
                 $option .= '<img src="' . $thumbnail . '" alt="' . $label . '" style="margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em 0; max-width: 196px; max-height: 128px;"/><br />';
                 $option .= '<input type="radio" value="' . $optionValue . '"' . $selected . ' name="' . $name . '" ' . $onChange . ' /> ' . $label;
                 $option .= '</label>';
                 $selector .= $option . LF;
             } catch (\Exception $error) {
     $selector .= '</div>' . LF;
     return $selector;
Пример #11
  * Postprocesses a selected backend layout
  * @param integer $pageUid Starting page UID in the rootline (this current page)
  * @param array $backendLayout The backend layout which was detected from page id
  * @return NULL|void
 public function postProcessBackendLayout(&$pageUid, &$backendLayout)
     try {
         $record = $this->pageService->getPage($pageUid);
         // Stop processing if no fluidpages template configured in rootline
         if (NULL === $record) {
             return NULL;
         $provider = $this->configurationService->resolvePrimaryConfigurationProvider('pages', 'tx_fed_page_flexform', $record);
         $action = $provider->getControllerActionFromRecord($record);
         if (TRUE === empty($action)) {
             $this->configurationService->message('No template selected - backend layout will not be rendered', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_INFO);
             return NULL;
         $paths = $provider->getTemplatePaths($record);
         if (0 === count($paths)) {
             if (VersionUtility::assertCoreVersionIsAtLeastSixPointZero()) {
                 if (FALSE === (bool) GeneralUtility::_GET('redirected')) {
                     // BUG: TYPO3 6.0 exhibits an odd behavior in some circumstances; reloading the page seems to completely avoid problems
                     $get = GeneralUtility::_GET();
                     $get['redirected'] = 1;
                     $params = GeneralUtility::implodeArrayForUrl('', $get);
                     header('Location: ?id=' . $pageUid . $params);
                 return NULL;
             $this->configurationService->message('Unable to detect a configuration. If it is not intentional, check that you ' . 'have included the TypoScript for the desired template collection.', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_NOTICE);
             return NULL;
         $grid = $provider->getGrid($record)->build();
         if (FALSE === is_array($grid) || 0 === count($grid['rows'])) {
             // no grid is defined; we use the "raw" BE layout as a default behavior
             $this->configurationService->message('The selected page template does not contain a grid but the template is itself valid.');
             return NULL;
     } catch (\Exception $error) {
         return NULL;
     $config = array('backend_layout.' => array('colCount' => 0, 'rowCount' => 0, 'rows.' => array()));
     $colPosList = array();
     $items = array();
     $rowIndex = 0;
     foreach ($grid['rows'] as $row) {
         $index = 0;
         $colCount = 0;
         $rowKey = $rowIndex + 1 . '.';
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($row['columns'] as $column) {
             $key = $index + 1 . '.';
             $columnName = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($column['label']);
             if (TRUE === empty($columnName)) {
                 $columnName = $column['name'];
             $columns[$key] = array('name' => $columnName, 'colPos' => $column['colPos'] >= 0 ? $column['colPos'] : $config['backend_layout.']['colCount']);
             if ($column['colspan']) {
                 $columns[$key]['colspan'] = $column['colspan'];
             if ($column['rowspan']) {
                 $columns[$key]['rowspan'] = $column['rowspan'];
             array_push($colPosList, $columns[$key]['colPos']);
             array_push($items, array($columns[$key]['name'], $columns[$key]['colPos'], NULL));
             $colCount += $column['colspan'] ? $column['colspan'] : 1;
         $config['backend_layout.']['colCount'] = max($config['backend_layout.']['colCount'], $colCount);
         $config['backend_layout.']['rows.'][$rowKey] = array('columns.' => $columns);
     $backendLayout['__config'] = $config;
     $backendLayout['__colPosList'] = $colPosList;
     $backendLayout['__items'] = $items;