  * Handle the event when journal is saved.
  * @param  JournalCreated $event
  * @return boolean
 public function handle(JournalCreated $event)
     /** @var TransactionJournal $journal */
     $journal = $event->journal;
     $piggyBankId = $event->piggyBankId;
     /** @var PiggyBank $piggyBank */
     $piggyBank = Auth::user()->piggybanks()->where('piggy_banks.id', $piggyBankId)->first(['piggy_banks.*']);
     if (is_null($piggyBank)) {
         return false;
     // update piggy bank rep for date of transaction journal.
     $repetition = $piggyBank->piggyBankRepetitions()->relevantOnDate($journal->date)->first();
     if (is_null($repetition)) {
         return false;
     $amount = $journal->amount_positive;
     // if piggy account matches source account, the amount is positive
     if ($piggyBank->account_id == $journal->source_account->id) {
         $amount = $amount * -1;
     $repetition->currentamount = bcadd($repetition->currentamount, $amount);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $piggyBank->id, 'transaction_journal_id' => $journal->id, 'date' => $journal->date, 'amount' => $amount]);
     return true;
  * Connect a new transaction journal to any related piggy banks.
  * @param  TransactionStored $event
  * @return bool
 public function handle(TransactionStored $event) : bool
     /** @var PiggyBankRepositoryInterface $repository */
     $repository = app(PiggyBankRepositoryInterface::class);
     $transaction = $event->transaction;
     $piggyBank = $repository->find($transaction['piggy_bank_id']);
     // valid piggy:
     if (is_null($piggyBank->id)) {
         return true;
     $amount = strval($transaction['amount']);
     // piggy bank account something with amount:
     if ($transaction['source_account_id'] == $piggyBank->account_id) {
         // if the source of this transaction is the same as the piggy bank,
         // the money is being removed from the piggy bank. So the
         // amount must be negative:
         $amount = bcmul($amount, '-1');
     $repetition = $piggyBank->currentRelevantRep();
     // add or remove the money from the piggy bank:
     $newAmount = bcadd(strval($repetition->currentamount), $amount);
     $repetition->currentamount = $newAmount;
     // now generate a piggy bank event:
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $piggyBank->id, 'date' => $transaction['date'], 'amount' => $newAmount]);
     return true;
Пример #3
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
  * @param User $user
 public static function createPiggybanks(User $user)
     $account = self::findAccount($user, 'TestData Savings');
     $camera = PiggyBank::create(['account_id' => $account->id, 'name' => 'New camera', 'targetamount' => 1000, 'startdate' => '2015-04-01', 'reminder_skip' => 0, 'remind_me' => 0, 'order' => 1]);
     $repetition = $camera->piggyBankRepetitions()->first();
     $repetition->currentamount = 735;
     // events:
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $camera->id, 'date' => '2015-05-01', 'amount' => '245']);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $camera->id, 'date' => '2015-06-01', 'amount' => '245']);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $camera->id, 'date' => '2015-07-01', 'amount' => '245']);
     $phone = PiggyBank::create(['account_id' => $account->id, 'name' => 'New phone', 'targetamount' => 600, 'startdate' => '2015-04-01', 'reminder_skip' => 0, 'remind_me' => 0, 'order' => 2]);
     $repetition = $phone->piggyBankRepetitions()->first();
     $repetition->currentamount = 333;
     // events:
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $phone->id, 'date' => '2015-05-01', 'amount' => '111']);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $phone->id, 'date' => '2015-06-01', 'amount' => '111']);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $phone->id, 'date' => '2015-07-01', 'amount' => '111']);
     $couch = PiggyBank::create(['account_id' => $account->id, 'name' => 'New couch', 'targetamount' => 500, 'startdate' => '2015-04-01', 'reminder_skip' => 0, 'remind_me' => 0, 'order' => 3]);
     $repetition = $couch->piggyBankRepetitions()->first();
     $repetition->currentamount = 120;
     // events:
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $couch->id, 'date' => '2015-05-01', 'amount' => '40']);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $couch->id, 'date' => '2015-06-01', 'amount' => '40']);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $couch->id, 'date' => '2015-07-01', 'amount' => '40']);
     // empty one.
     PiggyBank::create(['account_id' => $account->id, 'name' => 'New head set', 'targetamount' => 500, 'startdate' => '2015-04-01', 'reminder_skip' => 0, 'remind_me' => 0, 'order' => 4]);
  * Connect a new transaction journal to any related piggy banks.
  * @param  TransactionJournalStored $event
  * @return bool
 public function handle(TransactionJournalStored $event) : bool
     /** @var TransactionJournal $journal */
     $journal = $event->journal;
     $piggyBankId = $event->piggyBankId;
     /** @var PiggyBank $piggyBank */
     $piggyBank = auth()->user()->piggyBanks()->where('piggy_banks.id', $piggyBankId)->first(['piggy_banks.*']);
     if (is_null($piggyBank)) {
         return true;
     // update piggy bank rep for date of transaction journal.
     $repetition = $piggyBank->piggyBankRepetitions()->relevantOnDate($journal->date)->first();
     if (is_null($repetition)) {
         return true;
     $amount = TransactionJournal::amountPositive($journal);
     // if piggy account matches source account, the amount is positive
     $sources = TransactionJournal::sourceAccountList($journal)->pluck('id')->toArray();
     if (in_array($piggyBank->account_id, $sources)) {
         $amount = bcmul($amount, '-1');
     $repetition->currentamount = bcadd($repetition->currentamount, $amount);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $piggyBank->id, 'transaction_journal_id' => $journal->id, 'date' => $journal->date, 'amount' => $amount]);
     return true;
Пример #5
 protected function createPiggyBankEvent()
     // piggy bank event
     // add money to this piggy bank
     // create a piggy bank event to match:
     $checking = $this->findAccount('Checking account');
     $savings = $this->findAccount('Savings account');
     $transfer = TransactionType::whereType('Transfer')->first();
     $euro = TransactionCurrency::whereCode('EUR')->first();
     $groceries = $this->findBudget('Groceries');
     $house = $this->findCategory('House');
     $piggyBank = $this->findPiggyBank('New camera');
     $intoPiggy = $this->createJournal(['from' => $checking, 'to' => $savings, 'amount' => 100, 'transactionType' => $transfer, 'description' => 'Money for piggy', 'date' => $this->yaeom, 'transactionCurrency' => $euro, 'category' => $house, 'budget' => $groceries]);
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['piggy_bank_id' => $piggyBank->id, 'transaction_journal_id' => $intoPiggy->id, 'date' => $this->yaeom, 'amount' => 100]);
  * @param PiggyBank $piggyBank
  * @param string    $amount
  * @return PiggyBankEvent
 public function createEvent(PiggyBank $piggyBank, string $amount) : PiggyBankEvent
     $event = PiggyBankEvent::create(['date' => Carbon::now(), 'amount' => $amount, 'piggy_bank_id' => $piggyBank->id]);
     return $event;
Пример #7
  * @param PiggyBank $piggyBank
  * @param           $amount
  * @return bool
 public function createEvent(PiggyBank $piggyBank, $amount)
     PiggyBankEvent::create(['date' => Carbon::now(), 'amount' => $amount, 'piggy_bank_id' => $piggyBank->id]);
     return true;