public function __construct(ResponseInterface $response, AbstractObject $object_prototype, Api $api = null) { $this->response = $response; $this->objectPrototype = $object_prototype; $this->api = $api !== null ? $api : Api::instance(); $this->appendResponse($response); }
/** * @return \Facebook\FacebookSession */ public function getSession() { $conf = json_decode(file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.json')); Api::init($conf->applicationId, $conf->applicationSecret, $conf->accessToken); FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication($conf->applicationId, $conf->applicationSecret); return new FacebookSession($conf->accessToken); }
/** * @return \Facebook\Facebook */ public function getFacebook() { $conf = json_decode(file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.json')); Api::init($conf->applicationId, $conf->applicationSecret, $conf->accessToken); $facebook = new \Facebook\Facebook(['app_id' => $conf->applicationId, 'app_secret' => $conf->applicationSecret, 'default_access_token' => $conf->accessToken, 'default_graph_version' => 'v2.4']); return $facebook; }
/** * Register the application services. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->app->bind('FacebookAdsAPI', function () { $config = config('facebook'); Api::init($config['app_id'], $config['app_secret'], $config['access_token']); return Api::instance(); }); }
/** * Create an instance of Facebook session */ private function set_fb_request_session() { $settings = array('app_id' => APP_ID_FOR_ADS_MANAGER, 'app_secret' => APP_SECRET_FOR_ADS_MANAGER, 'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5'); $fb = new Facebook\Facebook($settings); $fb->setDefaultAccessToken(self::$fbToken); self::$fbSession = $fb; Api::init(APP_ID_FOR_ADS_MANAGER, APP_SECRET_FOR_ADS_MANAGER, self::$fbToken); }
/** * @param string $query * @param string $type * @param string $class * @param array $params * @param Api $api * @return Cursor * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public static function search($type, $class = null, $query = null, array $params = array(), Api $api = null) { $api = $api ?: Api::instance(); if (!$api) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An Api instance must be provided as argument or ' . 'set as instance in the \\FacebookAds\\Api'); } $params = array_merge($params, array('type' => $type, 'class' => $class, 'q' => $query)); $response = $api->call('/search', RequestInterface::METHOD_GET, $params); return new Cursor($response, new TargetingSearch()); }
/** * @param string $appId Facebook app ID * @param string $appSecret Facebook app Secret * @param string $fbToken Facebook token * @param object $appSettings Application configuration settings * @param array $availability Array with current doctor availability * @throws Exception */ public function __construct($appId, $appSecret, $fbToken, $appSettings, $availability) { if (empty($appId) || empty($appSecret) || empty($fbToken) || !is_object($appSettings)) { throw new Exception('All params are required'); } self::$appId = $appId; self::$appSecret = $appSecret; self::$fbToken = $fbToken; self::$settings = $appSettings; self::$availability = $availability; $this->set_account_id(); $this->set_fb_request_session(); Api::init($appId, $appSecret, $fbToken); $this->CI =& get_instance(); }
public function __construct($accessToken, $appId, $appSecret, $accountId) { if (!is_string($accessToken) || !is_string($appId) || !is_string($appSecret) || !is_string($accountId)) { throw new Exception("Missing parameter(s)"); } $this->accessToken = $accessToken; $this->appId = $appId; $this->appSecret = $appSecret; $this->accountId = $accountId; date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); Api::init($this->appId, $this->appSecret, $this->accessToken); $this->account = (new AdAccount($this->accountId))->read([AdAccountFields::ID, AdAccountFields::ACCOUNT_STATUS]); if ($this->account->{AdAccountFields::ACCOUNT_STATUS} !== 1) { throw new \Exception('This account is not active'); } }
/** * @param string $query * @param string $type * @param string $class * @param array $params * @param Api $api * @return Cursor * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public static function search($type, $class = null, $query = null, array $params = array(), Api $api = null) { $api = $api ?: Api::instance(); if (!$api) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An Api instance must be provided as argument or ' . 'set as instance in the \\FacebookAds\\Api'); } $params = array_merge($params, array('type' => $type, 'class' => $class, 'q' => $query)); $response = $api->call('/search', Api::HTTP_METHOD_GET, $params); $result = array(); foreach ($response->getResponse()->{'data'} as $data) { /** @var $object AbstractObject */ $object = new static(); if (is_object($data)) { $data = get_object_vars($data); } $object->setData($data); $result[] = $object; } return new Cursor($result, $response); }
private function init_ads_api_instance($fbToken) { Api::init(APP_ID_FOR_ADS_MANAGER, APP_SECRET_FOR_ADS_MANAGER, $fbToken); }
private function initFacebookApi($accessToken) { $fbApi = FacebookAds\Api::init(self::APP_ID, self::APP_SECRET, $accessToken); $fbApi->setLogger(new FacebookLoggerWrapper($this->get('logger'))); $me = new AdUser('me'); $adAccount = $me->getAdAccounts()->current(); $adAccountId = $adAccount->getData()[AdFields::ACCOUNT_ID]; $client = $this->createHttpClient(); return new AdApi($adAccountId, self::PAGE_ID, $accessToken, $client); }
/** * @param Api|null $instance * @return Api * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ protected static function assureApi(Api $instance = null) { $instance = $instance ?: Api::instance(); if (!$instance) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An Api instance must be provided as argument or ' . 'set as instance in the \\FacebookAds\\Api'); } return $instance; }
protected function setupApi() { $this->api = new Api($this->getHttpClient(), $this->getSession()); $this->api->setLogger($this->getLogger()); Api::setInstance($this->api); }
// _DOC close [CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_DELETE] $api = Api::instance(); $response = $api->call('/me/accounts'); $data = $response->getContent(); $page_token = ''; foreach ($data['data'] as $page) { if ($page['id'] == $page_id) { $page_token = $page['access_token']; break; } } if ($page_token === '') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Page access token for the page id ' . $page_id . ' cannot be found.'); } $page_session = new Session($config->appId, $config->appSecret, $page_token); $page_api = new Api($api->getHttpClient(), $page_session); $page_api->setLogger($api->getLogger()); $request = $page_api->prepareRequest('/' . $page_id . '/videos', RequestInterface::METHOD_POST); $request->setLastLevelDomain('graph-video'); $request->getFileParams()->offsetSet('source', $video_path); $response = $page_api->executeRequest($request); $data = $response->getContent(); $video_id = is_string($data) ? $data : (string) $data['id']; // _DOC open [CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_CREATE_VIDEO_VIEWS_RETARGET] // _DOC vars [ad_account_id:s, video_id] // use FacebookAds\Object\CustomAudience; // use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\CustomAudienceFields; // use FacebookAds\Object\Values\CustomAudienceSubtypes; $lookalike = new CustomAudience(null, $ad_account_id); $lookalike->setData(array(CustomAudienceFields::SUBTYPE => CustomAudienceSubtypes::LOOKALIKE, CustomAudienceFields::LOOKALIKE_SPEC => array('ratio' => 0.01, 'country' => 'US', 'engagement_specs' => array(array('action.type' => 'video_view', 'post' => $video_id)), 'conversion_type' => 'dynamic_rule'))); $lookalike->create();
public function testBase64UrlEncode() { $this->assertEquals('MTIzNDU', Api::base64UrlEncode('12345')); }
// Logged in! $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'] = (string) $accessToken; $short_access_token = (string) $accessToken; // OAuth 2.0 client handler $oAuth2Client = $fb->getOAuth2Client(); // Exchanges a short-lived access token for a long-lived one $longLivedAccessToken = $oAuth2Client->getLongLivedAccessToken($short_access_token); // Sets the default fallback access token so we don't have to pass it to each request $fb->setDefaultAccessToken($longLivedAccessToken); try { $response = $fb->get('/me'); $userNode = $response->getGraphUser(); // Add to header of your file // Add after echo "You are logged in " // Initialize a new Session and instantiate an Api object Api::init($CLIENT_ID, $APP_SECRET, $longLivedAccessToken); // Add after Api::init() $me = new AdUser('me'); $my_adaccount = $me->getAdAccounts()->current(); print_r($my_adaccount->getData()); // $page_token = $fb -> get("/$PAGE_ID") ->getAccessToken() ; // $albums = $fb -> get("/$PAGE_ID/albums") -> getGraphEdge(); // $photo = $fb -> post("$ALBUM_ID/photos", array( 'source' => $fb ->fileToUpload("Monkey.D..Luffy.full.476449.jpg"), "message" => 'New photo hello' ), $page_token); // $total_post = $fb -> get("/$PAGE_ID/feed") -> getGraphEdge() ->asJson(); // echo $total_post; /* PHP SDK v5.0.0 */ /* make the API call */ } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) { // When Graph returns an error echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage(); exit;
<?php require './vendor/autoload.php'; use FacebookAds\Api; use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount; use FacebookAds\Object\Values\InsightsPresets; use FacebookAds\Object\Values\InsightsLevels; function requireEnv($key) { $value = getenv($key); if (!$value) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Environment variable %s must be set', $key)); } return $value; } Api::init(requireEnv('FACEBOOK_APP_ID'), requireEnv('FACEBOOK_APPSECRET'), requireEnv('FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN')); function waitForJobToComplete($job) { sleep(2); $job->read(); while (!$job->isComplete()) { sleep(5); $job->read(); } $cursor = $job->getResult(); $cursor->setUseImplicitFetch(true); return $cursor; } function queryTotal(array $dimensions, $column, \DateTime $date) { $account = new AdAccount(requireEnv('FACEBOOK_ACCOUNT_ID'));
<?php // Add to header of your file require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use FacebookAds\Api; use FacebookAds\Object\AdUser; use FacebookAds\Logger\CurlLogger; session_start(); $cwd = getcwd(); $conf = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$cwd}/conf/conf.json"), true); $access_token = isset($_SESSION['facebook_access_token']) ? $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'] : $conf['access_token']; print_r("<PRE>"); Api::init($conf['app_id'], $conf['app_secret'], $_SESSION['facebook_access_token']); $me = new AdUser('me'); $my_adaccount = $me->getAdAccounts()->current(); print_r($my_adaccount->getData()); print_r("</PRE>");
/** * Authenticate & initiate * * @param string $appId * @param string $appSecret * @param string $token * @return Api|null */ public function instanceWithAuth($appId, $appSecret, $token) { Api::init($appId, $appSecret, $token); return Api::instance(); }
$access_token = null; $app_id = null; $app_secret = null; // should begin with "act_" (eg: $account_id = 'act_1234567890';) $account_id = null; define('SDK_DIR', __DIR__ . '/..'); // Path to the SDK directory $loader = (include SDK_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configurations - End if (is_null($access_token) || is_null($app_id) || is_null($app_secret)) { throw new \Exception('You must set your access token, app id and app secret before executing'); } if (is_null($account_id)) { throw new \Exception('You must set your account id before executing'); } use FacebookAds\Api; use FacebookAds\Logger\CurlLogger; Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token); // Create the CurlLogger $logger = new CurlLogger(); // To write to a file pass in a file handler // $logger = new CurlLogger(fopen('test','w')); // If you need to escape double quotes, use the following - useful for docs $logger->setEscapeLevels(1); // Hide target ids and tokens $logger->setShowSensitiveData(false); // Attach the logger to the Api instance Api::instance()->setLogger($logger); use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount; use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdAccountFields; $account = (new AdAccount($account_id))->read(array(AdAccountFields::ID, AdAccountFields::NAME, AdAccountFields::ACCOUNT_STATUS));
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount; use FacebookAds\Logger\CurlLogger; use FacebookAdsTest\Bootstrap; $relative_path = getcwd(); chdir(__DIR__); if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) { ini_set('date.timezone', 'UTC'); } $loader = (require __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php'); require_once __DIR__ . '/../../test/FacebookAdsTest/Bootstrap.php'; // Setup the same env as our tests Bootstrap::initAutoloader(); $config = Bootstrap::initIntegrationConfig(); Api::init($config->appId, $config->appSecret, $config->accessToken); if (in_array('--dump', $_SERVER['argv'])) { Api::instance()->setLogger(new CurlLogger(STDERR)); } $get_class_name = function ($object) { return (new ReflectionClass($object))->getShortName(); }; $delete_object = function (AbstractCrudObject $object) use($get_class_name) { echo sprintf(' > Deleting %s %d', $get_class_name($object), $object->{AbstractCrudObject::FIELD_ID}) . PHP_EOL; $object->delete(); }; $clean_edge = function ($cursor_provider) use($get_class_name, $delete_object) { try { $cursor = call_user_func($cursor_provider); if (!$cursor instanceof Cursor) { throw new ErrorException(sprintf("Provider returned instance of %s", $get_class_name($cursor))); } $cursor->setUseImplicitFetch(true);
/** * @param $userId * * @return FacebookAdsAuthContainer */ public function getAuthContainer($userId) { $oauthTokens = $this->MediaPlatformUser->getOauthTokens($userId); if (empty($oauthTokens)) { throw new NotFoundException('Could not find the oauth tokens for MediaPlatformUser #' . $userId . '.'); } $facebookAuthContainer = new FacebookAdsAuthContainer(); $this->_facebook->setDefaultAccessToken($oauthTokens['OauthToken']['access_token']); $facebookAuthContainer->facebookSdk = $this->_facebook; $facebookAuthContainer->facebookAds = Api::init(Configure::read('FacebookAds.app_id'), Configure::read('FacebookAds.app_secret'), $oauthTokens['OauthToken']['access_token']); $this->_sendEventIfTokenExpiresInTwoWeeks($userId, $oauthTokens['OauthToken']['token_expires']); return $facebookAuthContainer; }
/** * @param string $retailer_id * @param int $catalog_id * @return string */ public static function buildCatalogUrlForRetailerId($retailer_id, $catalog_id) { return '/catalog:' . $catalog_id . ':' . Api::base64UrlEncode($retailer_id); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function init($accessToken) { Api::init(config('facebook-ads.app_id'), config('facebook-ads.app_secret'), $accessToken); return Api::instance(); }
* You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to * use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary * form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by * Facebook. * * As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use * of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and * Policies []. This copyright notice * shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ use FacebookAds\Bootstrap; use FacebookAds\Api; chdir(__DIR__); if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) { ini_set('date.timezone', 'UTC'); } // FIXME - @pruno // Untill we will run in full CI mode, composer won't be here, autoload manually require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/SplClassLoader.php'; (new SplClassLoader('FacebookAds', __DIR__ . '/../../src/'))->register(); echo sprintf('v%s', Api::init('', '', '')->getDefaultGraphVersion()) . PHP_EOL;
public function testNullableLogger() { $api = new Api($this->getSession(), null); $this->assertTrue($api->getLogger() instanceof NullLogger); }
$app_id = null; $app_secret = null; // should begin with "act_" (eg: $account_id = 'act_1234567890';) $account_id = null; // Configurations - End if (is_null($access_token) || is_null($app_id) || is_null($app_secret)) { throw new \Exception('You must set your access token, app id and app secret before executing'); } if (is_null($account_id)) { throw new \Exception('You must set your account id before executing'); } define('SDK_DIR', __DIR__ . '/..'); // Path to the SDK directory $loader = (include SDK_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php'); use FacebookAds\Api; Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token); // use the namespace for Custom Audiences and Fields use FacebookAds\Object\CustomAudience; use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\CustomAudienceFields; use FacebookAds\Object\Values\CustomAudienceTypes; // Create a custom audience object, setting the parent to be the account id $audience = new CustomAudience(null, $account_id); $audience->setData(array(CustomAudienceFields::NAME => 'My Custom Audiece', CustomAudienceFields::DESCRIPTION => 'Lots of people')); // Create the audience $audience->create(); echo "Audience ID: " . $audience->id . "\n"; // Assuming you have an array of emails: // NOTE: The SDK will hash (SHA-2) your data before submitting // it to Facebook servers $emails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'); $audience->addUsers($emails, CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL);
$business_id = $config->businessId; $api = Api::instance(); $response = $api->call('/me/accounts'); $data = $response->getContent(); $page_token = ''; foreach ($data['data'] as $page) { if ($page['id'] == $page_id) { $page_token = $page['access_token']; break; } } if ($page_token === '') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Page access token for the page id ' . $page_id . ' cannot be found.'); } $page_session = new Session($config->appId, $config->appSecret, $page_token); $page_api = new Api($api->getHttpClient(), $page_session); $page_api->setLogger($api->getLogger()); $data = $page_api->call('/' . $page_id . '/promotable_posts', RequestInterface::METHOD_GET)->getContent(); if (is_null($data) || !is_array($data['data']) || count($data['data']) === 0) { throw new \RuntimeException("no promotable posts available for page " . $page_id); } $post_id = $data['data'][0]['id']; // create Ad Image $zip_path = $config->testZippedImagesPath; $images = AdImage::createFromZip($zip_path, $ad_account_id); $image_1_hash = $images[0]->{AdImageFields::HASH}; $image_2_hash = $images[1]->{AdImageFields::HASH}; $image_3_hash = $images[1]->{AdImageFields::HASH}; // create Ad Video $retry_delay = 3; $max_retry = 4;