public function testNotifyUntil() { $d = new EventDispatcher(); $o = new \stdClass(); $n = new Notifier($d, $o); $n->notifyUntil('foo'); $l = new TestListener(); $d->addListener($l); $e = $l->getLastReceivedEvent(); $this->assertEquals($o, $e->getSender()); $this->assertEquals('foo', $e->getName()); }
public function testProxy() { $o = new TestClass(); $d = new EventDispatcher(); $l = new TestListener(); $d->addListener($l); $p = new EventProxy($o, $d); $p->foo = 'bar'; $p->foo; isset($p->foo); unset($p->foo); $p->foobar(); $e = $l->getReceivedEvents(); $this->assertCount(5, $e); $this->assertEquals('proxy.set', $e[0]->getName()); $this->assertEquals($o, $e[0]->getSender()); $this->assertEquals('proxy.get', $e[1]->getName()); $this->assertEquals('proxy.isset', $e[2]->getName()); $this->assertEquals('proxy.unset', $e[3]->getName()); $this->assertEquals('', $e[4]->getName()); }
$this->notifier = new Notifier($dispatcher, $this, 'car.'); } public function forward($time = 1) { $this->notifier->notify('forward', array('time' => $time)); } public function turnLeft($degree = 90) { $this->notifier->notify('turn.left', array('degree' => $degree)); } public function turnRight($degree = 90) { $this->notifier->notify('turn.right', array('degree' => $degree)); } } $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $dispatcher->on('car.forward', function ($e) { echo "The car went forward for {$e->time} sec\n"; }); $dispatcher->on('car.turn.left', function ($e) { echo "The car turned left of {$e->degree} degrees\n"; }); $dispatcher->on('car.turn.right', function ($e) { echo "The car turned right of {$e->degree} degrees\n"; }); $dispatcher->on('/^car\\.turn\\.(left|right)$/', function ($e) { echo "The car turned\n"; }); $dispatcher->on('car.*', function ($e) { echo "Something happened to the car!\n"; });
public function testEventDispatcherAsListener() { $dispatcherListener = new EventDispatcher(); $listener = new TestListener(); $dispatcherListener->addListener($listener); $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $dispatcher->addListener($dispatcherListener); $event = new Event(null, 'test'); $dispatcher->notify($event); $this->assertEquals($event, $listener->getLastReceivedEvent()); }