Пример #1
 public function indexAction()
     $form = new \DF\Form($this->current_module_config->forms->settings->form);
     $existing_settings = Settings::fetchArray(FALSE);
     if (!empty($_POST) && $form->isValid($_POST)) {
         $data = $form->getValues();
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             Settings::setSetting($key, $value);
         $this->alert('Settings updated!');
         return $this->redirectHere();
     $this->renderForm($form, 'edit', 'Site Settings');
Пример #2
 public static function syncLong($force = false)
     // Sync analytical and statistical data (long running).
     Debug::runTimer('Run analytics manager', function () {
     // Update convention archives.
     Debug::runTimer('Run convention archives manager', function () {
     // Clean up old API calls.
     Debug::runTimer('Run API call cleanup', function() {
     // Clean up old song history entries.
     Debug::runTimer('Run song history cleanup', function () {
     // Sync the BronyTunes library.
     Debug::runTimer('Run BronyTunes sync', function () {
     // Sync the Pony.fm library.
     Debug::runTimer('Run Pony.fm sync', function () {
     // Sync the EqBeats library.
     Debug::runTimer('Run EqBeats sync', function () {
     Settings::setSetting('sync_slow_last_run', time());
Пример #3
 public static function run($force_run = false)
     $di = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault();
     $em = $di->get('em');
     $config = $di->get('config');
     // Set up Google Client.
     $gclient_api_key = $config->apis->google_apis_key;
     $gclient_app_name = $config->application->name;
     if (empty($gclient_api_key)) {
         return null;
     $gclient = new \Google_Client();
     $gcal = new \Google_Service_Calendar($gclient);
     // Prevent running repeatedly in too short of a time (avoid API limits).
     $last_run = Settings::getSetting('schedule_manager_last_run', 0);
     if ($last_run > time() - 60 && !$force_run) {
         return null;
     $schedule_items = array();
     $schedule_records = array();
     $stations = $em->createQuery('SELECT s FROM Entity\\Station s WHERE (s.gcal_url IS NOT NULL AND s.gcal_url != \'\') AND s.is_active = 1')->getArrayResult();
     $active_stations = Utilities::ipull($stations, 'id');
     // Clear all invalid station records.
     $em->createQuery('DELETE FROM Entity\\Schedule s WHERE (s.station_id IS NOT NULL) AND (s.station_id NOT IN (:station_ids))')->setParameter('station_ids', $active_stations)->execute();
     foreach ($stations as $station) {
         if ($station['gcal_url']) {
             $schedule_items[] = array('name' => $station['name'], 'url' => $station['gcal_url'], 'type' => 'station', 'station_id' => $station['id'], 'image_url' => \DF\Url::content($station['image_url']));
     Debug::startTimer('Get Calendar Records');
     // Time boundaries for calendar entries.
     $threshold_start = date(\DateTime::RFC3339, strtotime('-1 week'));
     $threshold_end = date(\DateTime::RFC3339, strtotime('+1 year'));
     foreach ($schedule_items as $item) {
         // Get the "calendar_id" from the URL provided by the user.
         $orig_url_parts = parse_url($item['url']);
         $url_path_parts = explode('/', $orig_url_parts['path']);
         $calendar_id = urldecode($url_path_parts[3]);
         if (empty($calendar_id)) {
         // Call the external Google Calendar client.
         try {
             $all_events = $gcal->events->listEvents($calendar_id, array('timeMin' => $threshold_start, 'timeMax' => $threshold_end, 'singleEvents' => 'true', 'orderBy' => 'startTime', 'maxResults' => '300'));
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // Process each individual event.
         foreach ($all_events as $event_orig) {
             $title = $event_orig->summary;
             $body = $event_orig->description;
             $location = $event_orig->location;
             $web_url = $event_orig->htmlLink;
             $banner_url = null;
             $is_all_day = false;
             $start_time_obj = $event_orig->start;
             if ($start_time_obj->date) {
                 $is_all_day = true;
                 $start_time = strtotime($start_time_obj->date . ' 00:00:00');
             } else {
                 $start_time = strtotime($start_time_obj->dateTime);
             $end_time_obj = $event_orig->end;
             if ($end_time_obj->date) {
                 $is_all_day = true;
                 $end_time = strtotime($end_time_obj->date . ' 00:00:00');
             } elseif ($end_time_obj) {
                 $end_time = strtotime($end_time_obj->dateTime);
             } else {
                 $end_time = $start_time;
             // Detect URLs for link.
             if ($body && !$web_url) {
                 preg_match('@((https?://)?([-\\w]+\\.[-\\w\\.]+)+\\w(:\\d+)?(/([-\\w/_\\.]*(\\?\\S+)?)?)*)@', $body, $urls);
                 if (count($urls) > 0) {
                     $web_url = $urls[0];
             // Detect URLs for photo.
             if ($location) {
                 preg_match('@((https?://)?([-\\w]+\\.[-\\w\\.]+)+\\w(:\\d+)?(/([-\\w/_\\.]*(\\?\\S+)?)?)*)@', $location, $urls);
                 if (count($urls) > 0) {
                     $banner_url = $urls[0];
             $guid = md5(implode('|', array($event_orig->id, $start_time, $end_time, $title, $location)));
             $schedule_record = array('guid' => $guid, 'type' => $item['type'], 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'is_all_day' => $is_all_day, 'title' => $title, 'location' => $location, 'body' => \DF\Utilities::truncateText(strip_tags($body), 300), 'banner_url' => $banner_url, 'web_url' => $web_url);
             $schedule_records[$item['station_id']][$guid] = $schedule_record;
     Debug::endTimer('Get Calendar Records');
     if (count($schedule_records) == 0) {
         Debug::log('Error: No calendar records loaded');
     // Add/Remove all differential records.
     Debug::startTimer('Sync DB Records');
     foreach ($schedule_records as $station_id => $station_records) {
         $station = Station::find($station_id);
         if ($station_id == 0) {
             $existing_guids_raw = $em->createQuery('SELECT s.guid FROM Entity\\Schedule s WHERE s.station_id IS NULL')->getArrayResult();
         } else {
             $existing_guids_raw = $em->createQuery('SELECT s.guid FROM Entity\\Schedule s WHERE s.station_id = :sid')->setParameter('sid', $station_id)->getArrayResult();
         $existing_guids = array();
         foreach ($existing_guids_raw as $i) {
             $existing_guids[] = $i['guid'];
         $new_guids = array_keys($station_records);
         $guids_to_delete = array_diff($existing_guids, $new_guids);
         if ($guids_to_delete) {
             $em->createQuery('DELETE FROM Entity\\Schedule s WHERE s.guid IN (:guids)')->setParameter('guids', $guids_to_delete)->execute();
         $guids_to_add = array_diff($new_guids, $existing_guids);
         if ($guids_to_add) {
             foreach ($guids_to_add as $guid) {
                 $schedule_record = $station_records[$guid];
                 $record = new Schedule();
                 $record->station = $station;
     Debug::endTimer('Sync DB Records');
     Settings::setSetting('schedule_manager_last_run', time());