Пример #1
  * Sets a template entity with the POSTed data and validates it, setting
  * an alert if there are any errors.
  * @param TemplateModel $template A Template entity
  * @return mixed FALSE if nothing was posted, void if it was an AJAX call,
  *  or a ValidationResult object.
 private function validateTemplate(TemplateModel $template)
     if (empty($_POST)) {
         return FALSE;
     $template->edit_date = ee()->localize->now;
     $template->last_author_id = ee()->session->userdata('member_id');
     $result = $template->validate();
     $field = ee()->input->post('ee_fv_field');
     // The ajaxValidation method looks for the 'ee_fv_field' in the POST
     // data. Then it checks to see if the result object has an error
     // for that field. Then it'll return. Since we may be validating
     // a field on a TemplateRoute model we should check for that
     // befaore outputting an ajax response.
     if (!isset($_POST['save_modal']) && isset($field) && $template->hasProperty($field) && ($response = $this->ajaxValidation($result))) {
     if ($result->failed()) {
     } else {
         $member_groups = ee('Model')->get('MemberGroup')->filter('site_id', ee()->config->item('site_id'))->filter('group_id', '!=', 1)->all();
         $allowed_member_groups = ee()->input->post('allowed_member_groups') ?: array();
         $template->NoAccess = $member_groups->filter(function ($group) use($allowed_member_groups) {
             return !in_array($group->group_id, $allowed_member_groups);
     return $result;