  * Generate an element.
  * This function is an internal function, to be reused in:
  * - TransitionElement
  * - TransitionDefaultWidget
  * Usage:
  *  @example $element['#default_value'] = $transition;
  *  @example $element += WorkflowTransitionElement::transitionElement($element, $form_state, $form);
 public static function transitionElement(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, &$complete_form)
     // $element = [];
      * Input.
     // A Transition object must have been set explicitly.
     /* @var $transition WorkflowTransitionInterface */
     $transition = $element['#default_value'];
     /* @var $user \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface */
     $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
     $force = FALSE;
      * Derived input.
     $field_name = $transition->getFieldName();
     $workflow = $transition->getWorkflow();
     $wid = $transition->getWorkflowId();
     if ($transition->getTargetEntityTypeId() == 'comment') {
         /* @var $comment_entity CommentInterface */
         $comment_entity = $transition->getTargetEntity();
         $entity = $comment_entity ? $comment_entity->getCommentedEntity() : NULL;
         $entity_type = $comment_entity ? $comment_entity->getCommentedEntityTypeId() : '';
         $entity_id = $comment_entity ? $comment_entity->getCommentedEntityId() : '';
         $transition->from_sid = $entity->{$field_name}->value;
     } else {
         $entity = $transition->getTargetEntity();
         $entity_type = $transition->getTargetEntityTypeId();
         $entity_id = $transition->getTargetEntityId();
     if ($transition->isExecuted()) {
         // We are editing an existing/executed/not-scheduled transition.
         // Only the comments may be changed!
         $current_sid = $from_sid = $transition->getFromSid();
         // The states may not be changed anymore.
         $to_state = $transition->getToState();
         $options = array($to_state->id() => $to_state->label());
         // We need the widget to edit the comment.
         $show_widget = TRUE;
         $default_value = $transition->getToSid();
     } elseif ($entity) {
         // Normal situation: adding a new transition on an new/existing entity.
         // Get the scheduling info, only when updating an existing entity.
         // This may change the $default_value on the Form.
         // Technically you could have more than one scheduled transition, but
         // this will only add the soonest one.
         // @todo?: Read the history with an explicit langcode.
         $langcode = '';
         // $entity->language()->getId();
         if ($entity_id && ($scheduled_transition = WorkflowScheduledTransition::loadByProperties($entity_type, $entity_id, [], $field_name, $langcode))) {
             $transition = $scheduled_transition;
         $current_sid = $from_sid = $transition->getFromSid();
         $current_state = $from_state = $transition->getFromState();
         $options = $current_state ? $current_state->getOptions($entity, $field_name, $user, $force) : [];
         $show_widget = $from_state ? $from_state->showWidget($entity, $field_name, $user, $force) : [];
         $default_value = $from_sid;
         $default_value = $from_state && $from_state->isCreationState() ? $workflow->getFirstSid($entity, $field_name, $user, $force) : $default_value;
         $default_value = $transition->isScheduled() ? $transition->getToSid() : $default_value;
     } elseif (!$entity) {
         // Sometimes, no entity is given. We encountered the following cases:
         // - D7: the Field settings page,
         // - D7: the VBO action form;
         // - D7/D8: the Advance Action form on admin/config/system/actions;
         // If so, show all options for the given workflow(s).
         if (!($temp_state = $transition->getFromState())) {
             $temp_state = $transition->getToState();
         $options = $temp_state ? $temp_state->getOptions($entity, $field_name, $user, $force) : workflow_get_workflow_state_names($wid, $grouped = TRUE, $all = FALSE);
         $show_widget = TRUE;
         $current_sid = $transition->getToSid();
         // TODO
         $default_value = $from_sid = $transition->getToSid();
         // TODO
     } else {
         // We are in trouble! A message is already set in workflow_node_current_state().
         $options = array();
         $show_widget = FALSE;
     // Fetch the form ID. This is unique for each entity, to allow multiple form per page (Views, etc.).
     // Make it uniquer by adding the field name, or else the scheduling of
     // multiple workflow_fields is not independent of eachother.
     // IF we are truely on a Transition form (so, not a Node Form with widget)
     // then change the form id, too.
     $form_id = 'workflow_transition_form';
     // TODO D8-port: add $form_id for widget and History tab.
     //    $form_id = $this->getFormId();
     if (!isset($form_state->getValue('build_info')['base_form_id'])) {
       // Strange: on node form, the base_form_id is node_form,
       // but on term form, it is not set.
       // In both cases, it is OK.
     else {
       workflow_debug( __FILE__ , __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);  // @todo D8-port: still test this snippet.
       if ($form_state['build_info']['base_form_id'] == 'workflow_transition_form') {
         $form_state['build_info']['form_id'] = $form_id;
      * Output: generate the element.
     // Get settings from workflow. @todo : implement default_settings.
     if ($workflow) {
         $workflow_settings = $workflow->options;
     } else {
         // @TODO D8-port: now only tested with Action.
         $workflow_settings = ['name_as_title' => 0, 'options' => "radios", 'schedule_timezone' => 1, 'comment_log_node' => "1", 'comment_log_tab' => "1", 'watchdog_log' => TRUE];
     // Current sid and default value may differ in a scheduled transition.
     // Set 'grouped' option. Only valid for select list and undefined/multiple workflows.
     $settings_options_type = $workflow_settings['options'];
     $grouped = $settings_options_type == 'select';
     $workflow_settings['comment'] = $workflow_settings['comment_log_node'];
     // vs. ['comment_log_tab'];
     // TODO D8-port: remove following code.
     //    workflow_debug( __FILE__ , __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);  // @todo D8-port: still test this snippet.
         // Change settings locally.
         if (!$field_name) {
           // This is a Workflow Node workflow. Set widget options as in v7.x-1.2
           if ($form_state['build_info']['base_form_id'] == 'node_form') {
             $workflow_settings['comment'] = isset($workflow_settings['comment_log_node']) ? $workflow_settings['comment_log_node'] : 1; // vs. ['comment_log_tab'];
             $workflow_settings['current_status'] = TRUE;
           else {
             $workflow_settings['comment'] = isset($workflow_settings['comment_log_tab']) ? $workflow_settings['comment_log_tab'] : 1; // vs. ['comment_log_node'];
             $workflow_settings['current_status'] = TRUE;
     // Capture settings to format the form/widget.
     $settings_title_as_name = !empty($workflow_settings['name_as_title']);
     $settings_fieldset = isset($workflow_settings['fieldset']) ? $workflow_settings['fieldset'] : 0;
     $settings_options_type = $workflow_settings['options'];
     // Display scheduling form if user has permission.
     // Not shown on new entity (not supported by workflow module, because that
     // leaves the entity in the (creation) state until scheduling time.)
     // Not shown when editing existing transition.
     $type_id = $workflow ? $workflow->id() : '';
     // Might be empty on Action configuration.
     $settings_schedule = !$transition->isExecuted() && $user->hasPermission("schedule {$type_id} workflow_transition");
     if ($settings_schedule) {
         // TODO D8-port: check below code: form on VBO.
         // workflow_debug( __FILE__ , __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);  // @todo D8-port: still test this snippet.
         $step = $form_state->getValue('step');
         if (isset($step) && $form_state->getValue('step') == 'views_bulk_operations_config_form') {
             // On VBO 'modify entity values' form, leave field settings.
             $settings_schedule = TRUE;
         } else {
             // ... and cannot be shown on a Content add page (no $entity_id),
             // ...but can be shown on a VBO 'set workflow state to..'page (no entity).
             $settings_schedule = !($entity && !$entity_id);
     $settings_schedule_timezone = !empty($workflow_settings['schedule_timezone']);
     // Show comment, when both Field and Instance allow this.
     $settings_comment = $workflow_settings['comment'];
     $transition_is_scheduled = $transition->isScheduled();
     // Save the current value of the entity in the form, for later Workflow-module specific references.
     // We add prefix, since #tree == FALSE.
     $element['workflow_transition'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $transition);
     // Decide if we show a widget or a formatter.
     // There is no need for a widget when the only option is the current sid.
     // Add a state formatter before the rest of the form,
     // when transition is scheduled or widget is hidden.
     if (!$show_widget || $transition_is_scheduled || $transition->isExecuted()) {
         $element['workflow_current_state'] = workflow_state_formatter($entity, $field_name, $current_sid);
         // Set a proper weight, which works for Workflow Options in select list AND action buttons.
         $element['workflow_current_state']['#weight'] = -0.005;
     $element['#tree'] = TRUE;
     // Add class following node-form pattern (both on form and container).
     $workflow_type_id = $workflow ? $workflow->id() : '';
     $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'workflow-transition-' . $workflow_type_id . '-container';
     $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'workflow-transition-container';
     if (!$show_widget) {
         // Show no widget.
         $element['to_sid']['#type'] = 'value';
         $element['to_sid']['#value'] = $default_value;
         $element['to_sid']['#options'] = $options;
         // In case action buttons need them.
         $element['comment']['#type'] = 'value';
         $element['comment']['#value'] = '';
         return $element;
         // <-- exit.
     } else {
         // TODO: repair the usage of $settings_title_as_name: no container if no details (schedule/comment).
         // Prepare a UI wrapper. This might be a fieldset.
         if ($settings_fieldset == 0) {
             // Use 'container'.
             $element += array('#type' => 'container');
         } else {
             $element += array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('@label', array('@label' => $workflow->label())), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#open' => $settings_fieldset == 2 ? FALSE : TRUE);
         // This overrides BaseFieldDefinition. @todo: apply for form and widget.
         // The 'options' widget. May be removed later if 'Action buttons' are chosen.
         // The help text is not available for container. Let's add it to the
         // State box. N.B. it is emptyu on Workflow Tab, Node View page.
         $help_text = isset($element['#description']) ? $element['#description'] : '';
         // This overrides BaseFieldDefinition. @todo: apply for form and widget.
         $element['to_sid'] = array('#type' => $wid ? $settings_options_type : 'select', '#title' => $settings_title_as_name && !$transition->isExecuted() ? t('Change !name state', array('!name' => $workflow->label())) : t('Target state'), '#access' => TRUE, '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $default_value, '#description' => $help_text);
     // Display scheduling form under certain conditions.
     if ($settings_schedule == TRUE) {
         $timezone = $user->getTimeZone();
         $timezone_options = array_combine(timezone_identifiers_list(), timezone_identifiers_list());
         $timestamp = $transition ? $transition->getTimestamp() : REQUEST_TIME;
         $hours = !$transition_is_scheduled ? '00:00' : format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'H:i', $timezone);
         // Add a container, so checkbox and time stay together in extra fields.
         $element['workflow_scheduling'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#tree' => TRUE);
         $element['workflow_scheduling']['scheduled'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Schedule'), '#options' => array('0' => t('Immediately'), '1' => t('Schedule for state change')), '#default_value' => $transition_is_scheduled ? '1' : '0', '#attributes' => array('class' => array(Html::getClass('scheduled_' . $form_id))));
         $element['workflow_scheduling']['date_time'] = array('#type' => 'details', '#open' => TRUE, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('container-inline')), '#prefix' => '<div style="margin-left: 1em;">', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#states' => array('visible' => array('input.' . Html::getClass('scheduled_' . $form_id) => array('value' => '1'))));
         $element['workflow_scheduling']['date_time']['workflow_scheduled_date'] = array('#type' => 'date', '#prefix' => t('At'), '#default_value' => implode('-', array('year' => date('Y', $timestamp), 'month' => date('m', $timestamp), 'day' => date('d', $timestamp))));
         $element['workflow_scheduling']['date_time']['workflow_scheduled_hour'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Time'), '#maxlength' => 7, '#size' => 6, '#default_value' => $hours, '#element_validate' => array('_workflow_transition_form_element_validate_time'));
         $element['workflow_scheduling']['date_time']['workflow_scheduled_timezone'] = array('#type' => $settings_schedule_timezone ? 'select' : 'hidden', '#title' => t('Time zone'), '#options' => $timezone_options, '#default_value' => array($timezone => $timezone));
         $element['workflow_scheduling']['date_time']['workflow_scheduled_help'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#prefix' => '<br />', '#description' => t('Please enter a time.
       If no time is included, the default will be midnight on the specified date.
       The current time is: @time.', array('@time' => format_date(REQUEST_TIME, 'custom', 'H:i', $timezone))));
     // This overrides BaseFieldDefinition. @todo: apply for form and widget.
     $element['comment'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#required' => $settings_comment == '2', '#access' => $settings_comment != '0', '#title' => t('Workflow comment'), '#description' => t('A comment to put in the workflow log.'), '#default_value' => $transition ? $transition->getComment() : '', '#rows' => 2);
     // TODO D8: make transition fieldable.
     // Add the fields from the WorkflowTransition.
     // field_attach_form('WorkflowTransition', $transition, $element, $form_state);
     // TODO D8-port: test ActionButtons.
     // D7: Finally, add Submit buttons/Action buttons.
     // D8: In WorkflowTransitionForm, a default 'Submit' button is added over there.
     // D8: in Entity Formm, a button per permitted state is added in workflow_form_alter().
     if ($settings_options_type == 'buttons') {
         // D7: How do action buttons work? See also d.o. issue #2187151.
         // D7: Create 'action buttons' per state option. Set $sid property on each button.
         // 1. Admin sets ['widget']['options']['#type'] = 'buttons'.
         // 2. This function formElelent() creates 'action buttons' per state option;
         //    sets $sid property on each button.
         // 3. User clicks button.
         // 4. Callback _workflow_transition_form_validate_buttons() sets proper State.
         // 5. Callback _workflow_transition_form_validate_buttons() sets Submit function.
         // @todo: this does not work yet for the Add Comment form.
         // Performance: inform workflow_form_alter() to do its job.
         // Make sure the '#type' is not set to the invalid 'buttons' value.
         // It will be replaced by action buttons, but sometimes, the select box
         // is still shown.
         // @see workflowfield_form_alter().
         $element['to_sid']['#type'] = 'select';
         $element['to_sid']['#access'] = FALSE;
     return $element;