Пример #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function render()
     $element = array();
     $view = $this->view;
     $settings = $this->options;
     $display_name = isset($view->current_display) ? $view->current_display : 'default';
     $view_args = empty($view->args) ? array() : $view->args;
     // Generate xml details.
     $xml_route_info = array('route_name' => 'juicebox.xml_viewsstyle', 'route_parameters' => array('viewName' => $view->id(), 'displayName' => $display_name), 'options' => array('query' => $this->argsToQuery() + $this->request->query->all()));
     // If we are previewing the view in the admin interface any changes made
     // will not be propogated through to the XML until the view is saved. This
     // can be very confusing as the preview will appear to be broken, so we
     // simply hide the preview output.
     if ($this->request->get('_route') == 'entity.view.preview_form') {
         $message = $this->stringTranslation->translate("Juicebox galleries cannot be viewed as a live preview. Please save your view and visit the full page URL for this display to preview this gallery.");
         drupal_set_message($message, 'warning');
         return array('#markup' => $message);
     // Try building the gallery and its XML.
     try {
         // Initialize the gallery.
         $gallery = $this->juicebox->newGallery($xml_route_info['route_parameters']);
         // Build the gallery.
         // Build field-specific contextual links.
         $contextual = $this->buildContextualLinks($xml_route_info);
         // Create a render array with the gallery markup.
         $element = $this->juicebox->buildEmbed($gallery, $settings, $xml_route_info, TRUE, FALSE, $contextual);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $message = 'Exception building Juicebox embed code for view: !message in %function (line %line of %file).';
         watchdog_exception('juicebox', $e, $message);
     return $element;
Пример #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode)
     $element = array();
     // If there are no images, don't do anything else.
     if ($items->isEmpty()) {
         return array();
     $entity = $items->getEntity();
     $field_instance = $items->getFieldDefinition();
     $entity_type_id = $entity->getEntityTypeId();
     $entity_id = $entity->id();
     $field_name = $field_instance->getName();
     $display_name = $this->viewMode;
     $add_js = TRUE;
     // Check for incompatible view modes - see issue #2217791
     if ($display_name == 'search_result' || $display_name == 'search_index') {
         $add_js = FALSE;
     // The gallery shown in preview view will only display field data from the
     // previously saved version (that is the only version the XML generation
     // methods will have access to). Display a warning because of this.
     if (!empty($entity->in_preview)) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Juicebox galleries may not display correctly in preview mode. Any edits made to gallery data will only be visible after all changes are saved.'), 'warning', FALSE);
     // Generate xml details.
     $xml_route_info = array('route_name' => 'juicebox.xml_field', 'route_parameters' => array('entityType' => $entity_type_id, 'entityId' => $entity_id, 'fieldName' => $field_name, 'displayName' => $display_name), 'options' => array('query' => $this->request->query->all()));
     // Try building the gallery and its XML.
     try {
         // Initialize the gallery.
         $gallery = $this->juicebox->newGallery($xml_route_info['route_parameters']);
         // Build the gallery.
         $this->buildGallery($gallery, $items);
         // Build field-specific contextual links.
         $contextual = $this->buildContextualLinks($xml_route_info, $entity_type_id);
         // Create a render array with the gallery markup.
         $element[0] = $this->juicebox->buildEmbed($gallery, $this->getSettings(), $xml_route_info, $add_js, $this->isPseudoInstance(), $contextual);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $message = 'Exception building Juicebox embed code for field: !message in %function (line %line of %file).';
         watchdog_exception('juicebox', $e, $message);
     return $element;