Пример #1
 function testUserTokens()
     // Add a user picture to the account.
     $image = current($this->drupalGetTestFiles('image'));
     $edit = array('files[user_picture_0]' => drupal_realpath($image->uri));
     $this->drupalPostForm('user/' . $this->account->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $storage = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('user');
     // Load actual user data from database.
     $this->account = $storage->load($this->account->id());
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($this->account->user_picture->target_id), 'User picture uploaded.');
     $picture = ['#theme' => 'user_picture', '#account' => $this->account];
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
     $renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer');
     $user_tokens = array('picture' => $renderer->render($picture), 'picture:fid' => $this->account->user_picture->target_id, 'picture:size-raw' => 125, 'ip-address' => NULL, 'roles' => implode(', ', $this->account->getRoles()));
     $this->assertTokens('user', array('user' => $this->account), $user_tokens);
     // Remove the simpletest-created user role.
     $roles = $this->account->getRoles();
     // Remove the user picture field and reload the user.
     FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('user', 'user_picture')->delete();
     $this->account = $storage->load($this->account->id());
     $user_tokens = array('picture' => NULL, 'picture:fid' => NULL, 'ip-address' => NULL, 'roles' => 'authenticated', 'roles:keys' => (string) DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID);
     $this->assertTokens('user', array('user' => $this->account), $user_tokens);
     // The ip address token should work for the current user token type.
     $tokens = array('ip-address' => \Drupal::request()->getClientIp());
     $this->assertTokens('current-user', array(), $tokens);
     $anonymous = new AnonymousUserSession();
     $tokens = array('roles' => 'anonymous', 'roles:keys' => (string) DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID);
     $this->assertTokens('user', array('user' => $anonymous), $tokens);
Пример #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function log($level, $message, array $context = array())
     // Merge in defaults.
     $context += array('channel' => $this->channel, 'link' => '', 'user' => NULL, 'uid' => 0, 'request_uri' => '', 'referer' => '', 'ip' => '', 'timestamp' => time());
     // Some context values are only available when in a request context.
     if ($this->requestStack && ($request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest())) {
         $context['request_uri'] = $request->getUri();
         $context['referer'] = $request->headers->get('Referer', '');
         $context['ip'] = $request->getClientIP();
         try {
             if ($this->currentUser) {
                 $context['user'] = $this->currentUser;
                 $context['uid'] = $this->currentUser->id();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // An exception might be thrown if the database connection is not
             // available or due to another unexpected reason. It is more important
             // to log the error that we already have so any additional exceptions
             // are ignored.
     if (is_string($level)) {
         // Convert to integer equivalent for consistency with RFC 5424.
         $level = $this->levelTranslation[$level];
     // Call all available loggers.
     foreach ($this->sortLoggers() as $logger) {
         $logger->log($level, $message, $context);
Пример #3
  * User object.
  * @return \Drupal\moodle\Sql\User
 public function user()
     // Static cache of already retrieved user data.
     $data =& drupal_static(__METHOD__, array());
     $user_cid = "moodle-user:{$this->user->id()}";
     // If we do not have this user id in the static cache, check {cache_data}.
     if (!isset($data[$user_cid])) {
         $cache = $this->cacheBackend->get($user_cid);
         if ($cache && $cache->data && isset($cache->data[$user_cid])) {
             $data[$user_cid] = $cache->data[$user_cid];
     // If nothing in the cache then retrieve it from the database.
     if (!isset($data[$user_cid])) {
         $user = new User();
         $statement = $this->query->execute();
         $statement->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_INTO, $user);
         $data[$user_cid] = $statement->fetch();
         // Store the results for a day.
         $this->cacheBackend->set($user_cid, $data, REQUEST_TIME + 86400);
     return $data[$user_cid];
  * Determine whether the page is configured to be offline.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent $event
  *   The event to process.
 public function onKernelRequestMaintenance(GetResponseEvent $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $route_match = RouteMatch::createFromRequest($request);
     $path = $request->attributes->get('_system_path');
     if ($this->maintenanceMode->applies($route_match)) {
         // If the site is offline, log out unprivileged users.
         if ($this->account->isAuthenticated() && !$this->maintenanceMode->exempt($this->account)) {
             // Redirect to homepage.
             $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->url('<front>', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])));
     if ($this->account->isAuthenticated()) {
         if ($path == 'user/login') {
             // If the user is already logged in, redirect to their profile page.
             $event->setResponse($this->redirect('entity.user.canonical', ['user' => $this->account->id()]));
         if ($path == 'user/register') {
             // If the user is already registered, redirect to their edit page.
             $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->url('entity.user.edit_form', ['user' => $this->account->id()], ['absolute' => TRUE])));
Пример #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function onBlockActiveContext(BlockContextEvent $event)
     $current_user = $this->userStorage->load($this->account->id());
     $context = new Context(new ContextDefinition('entity:user', $this->t('Current user')));
     $event->setContext('user.current_user', $context);
Пример #6
  * Tests adding and editing values using metatag.
 public function testMetatag()
     // Create a test entity.
     $edit = ['name[0][value]' => 'Barfoo', 'user_id[0][target_id]' => 'foo (' . $this->adminUser->id() . ')'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('entity_test/add', $edit, t('Save'));
     $entities = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('entity_test', ['name' => 'Barfoo']);
     $this->assertEqual(1, count($entities), 'Entity was saved');
     $entity = reset($entities);
     // Update the Global defaults and test them.
     $values = array('keywords' => 'Purple monkey dishwasher');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/metatag_defaults/global', $values, 'Save');
     $this->assertText('Saved the Global Metatag defaults.');
     $this->drupalGet('entity_test/' . $entity->id());
     $elements = $this->cssSelect('meta[name=keywords]');
     $this->assertTrue(count($elements) === 1, 'Found keywords metatag from defaults');
     $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[0]['content'], $values['keywords'], 'Default keywords applied');
     // Tests metatags with urls work.
     $edit = ['name[0][value]' => 'UrlTags', 'user_id[0][target_id]' => 'foo (' . $this->adminUser->id() . ')', 'field_metatag[0][open_graph][og_url]' => 'http://example.com/foo.html'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('entity_test/add', $edit, t('Save'));
     $entities = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('entity_test', ['name' => 'UrlTags']);
     $this->assertEqual(1, count($entities), 'Entity was saved');
     $entity = reset($entities);
     $this->drupalGet('entity_test/' . $entity->id());
     $elements = $this->cssSelect("meta[property='og:url']");
     $this->assertTrue(count($elements) === 1, 'Found keywords metatag from defaults');
     $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[0]['content'], $edit['field_metatag[0][open_graph][og_url]']);
  * Determine whether the page is configured to be offline.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent $event
  *   The event to process.
 public function onKernelRequestMaintenance(GetResponseEvent $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $route_match = RouteMatch::createFromRequest($request);
     $path = $request->attributes->get('_system_path');
     if ($this->maintenanceMode->applies($route_match)) {
         // If the site is offline, log out unprivileged users.
         if ($this->account->isAuthenticated() && !$this->maintenanceMode->exempt($this->account)) {
             // Redirect to homepage.
             $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->url('<front>', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])));
         if ($this->account->isAnonymous() && $path == 'user') {
             // Forward anonymous user to login page.
             $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->url('user.login', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])));
     if ($this->account->isAuthenticated()) {
         if ($path == 'user/login') {
             // If user is logged in, redirect to 'user' instead of giving 403.
             $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->url('user.page', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])));
         if ($path == 'user/register') {
             // Authenticated user should be redirected to user edit page.
             $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->url('entity.user.edit_form', ['user' => $this->account->id()], ['absolute' => TRUE])));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function determineBlockContext()
     $current_user = $this->userStorage->load($this->account->id());
     $context = new Context(new ContextDefinition('entity:user', $this->t('Current user')));
     $this->addContext('current_user', $context);
Пример #9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $info = [];
     /** @var \Drupal\tmgmt_local\LocalTaskInterface $task */
     foreach ($entities as $task) {
         $info[$task->id()] = $task;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $info);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $info = [];
     /** @var \Drupal\support_ticket\SupportTicketInterface $support_ticket */
     foreach ($entities as $support_ticket) {
         $langcode = $support_ticket->language()->getId();
         $info[$support_ticket->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $info);
Пример #11
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $info = [];
     /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */
     foreach ($entities as $node) {
         $langcode = $node->language()->getId();
         $info[$node->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $info);
Пример #12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface[] $entities */
     $selection = [];
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $langcode = $entity->language()->getId();
         $selection[$entity->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $selection);
Пример #13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getRuntimeContexts(array $unqualified_context_ids)
     $current_user = $this->userStorage->load($this->account->id());
     $context = new Context(new ContextDefinition('entity:user', $this->t('Current user')), $current_user);
     $cacheability = new CacheableMetadata();
     $result = ['current_user' => $context];
     return $result;
Пример #14
 * Inform the node access system what permissions the user has.
 * This hook is for implementation by node access modules. In this hook,
 * the module grants a user different "grant IDs" within one or more
 * "realms". In hook_node_access_records(), the realms and grant IDs are
 * associated with permission to view, edit, and delete individual nodes.
 * The realms and grant IDs can be arbitrarily defined by your node access
 * module; it is common to use role IDs as grant IDs, but that is not required.
 * Your module could instead maintain its own list of users, where each list has
 * an ID. In that case, the return value of this hook would be an array of the
 * list IDs that this user is a member of.
 * A node access module may implement as many realms as necessary to properly
 * define the access privileges for the nodes. Note that the system makes no
 * distinction between published and unpublished nodes. It is the module's
 * responsibility to provide appropriate realms to limit access to unpublished
 * content.
 * Node access records are stored in the {node_access} table and define which
 * grants are required to access a node. There is a special case for the view
 * operation -- a record with node ID 0 corresponds to a "view all" grant for
 * the realm and grant ID of that record. If there are no node access modules
 * enabled, the core node module adds a node ID 0 record for realm 'all'. Node
 * access modules can also grant "view all" permission on their custom realms;
 * for example, a module could create a record in {node_access} with:
 * @code
 * $record = array(
 *   'nid' => 0,
 *   'gid' => 888,
 *   'realm' => 'example_realm',
 *   'grant_view' => 1,
 *   'grant_update' => 0,
 *   'grant_delete' => 0,
 * );
 * db_insert('node_access')->fields($record)->execute();
 * @endcode
 * And then in its hook_node_grants() implementation, it would need to return:
 * @code
 * if ($op == 'view') {
 *   $grants['example_realm'] = array(888);
 * }
 * @endcode
 * If you decide to do this, be aware that the node_access_rebuild() function
 * will erase any node ID 0 entry when it is called, so you will need to make
 * sure to restore your {node_access} record after node_access_rebuild() is
 * called.
 * For a detailed example, see node_access_example.module.
 * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account
 *   The account object whose grants are requested.
 * @param string $op
 *   The node operation to be performed, such as 'view', 'update', or 'delete'.
 * @return array
 *   An array whose keys are "realms" of grants, and whose values are arrays of
 *   the grant IDs within this realm that this user is being granted.
 * @see node_access_view_all_nodes()
 * @see node_access_rebuild()
 * @ingroup node_access
function hook_node_grants(\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account, $op)
    if ($account->hasPermission('access private content')) {
        $grants['example'] = array(1);
    if ($account->id()) {
        $grants['example_author'] = array($account->id());
    return $grants;
Пример #15
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $info = [];
     /** @var \Drupal\magic_cards\CardBaseInterface $card */
     foreach ($entities as $card) {
         $langcode = $card->language()->getId();
         $info[$card->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $info);
Пример #16
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getRuntimeContexts(array $unqualified_context_ids)
     $current_user = $this->userStorage->load($this->account->id());
     $context1 = new Context(new ContextDefinition('entity:user', 'User 1'), $current_user);
     $context2 = new Context(new ContextDefinition('entity:user', 'User 2'), $current_user);
     $cacheability = new CacheableMetadata();
     return ['user1' => $context1, 'user2' => $context2];
Пример #17
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * Cached by role, invalidated whenever permissions change.
 public function generate(AccountInterface $account)
     // User 1 is the super user, and can always access all permissions. Use a
     // different, unique identifier for the hash.
     if ($account->id() == 1) {
         return $this->hash('is-super-user');
     $sorted_roles = $account->getRoles();
     $role_list = implode(',', $sorted_roles);
     $cid = "user_permissions_hash:{$role_list}";
     if ($static_cache = $this->static->get($cid)) {
         return $static_cache->data;
     } else {
         $tags = Cache::buildTags('config:user.role', $sorted_roles, '.');
         if ($cache = $this->cache->get($cid)) {
             $permissions_hash = $cache->data;
         } else {
             $permissions_hash = $this->doGenerate($sorted_roles);
             $this->cache->set($cid, $permissions_hash, Cache::PERMANENT, $tags);
         $this->static->set($cid, $permissions_hash, Cache::PERMANENT, $tags);
     return $permissions_hash;
Пример #18
  * Checks access to the given user's contact page.
  * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $user
  *   The user being contacted.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account
  *   The currently logged in account.
  * @return string
  *   A \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessInterface constant value.
 public function access(UserInterface $user, AccountInterface $account)
     $contact_account = $user;
     // Anonymous users cannot have contact forms.
     if ($contact_account->isAnonymous()) {
         return static::DENY;
     // Users may not contact themselves.
     if ($account->id() == $contact_account->id()) {
         return static::DENY;
     // User administrators should always have access to personal contact forms.
     if ($account->hasPermission('administer users')) {
         return static::ALLOW;
     // If requested user has been blocked, do not allow users to contact them.
     if ($contact_account->isBlocked()) {
         return static::DENY;
     // If the requested user has disabled their contact form, do not allow users
     // to contact them.
     $account_data = $this->userData->get('contact', $contact_account->id(), 'enabled');
     if (isset($account_data) && empty($account_data)) {
         return static::DENY;
     } else {
         if (!$this->configFactory->get('contact.settings')->get('user_default_enabled')) {
             return static::DENY;
     return $account->hasPermission('access user contact forms') ? static::ALLOW : static::DENY;
 public function access(AccountInterface $account)
     if (!$account->id() == 1) {
         return AccessResult::forbidden();
     return AccessResult::allowed();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function formElement(FieldItemListInterface $items, $delta, array $element, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $config = $this->configFactory->get('payment_reference.payment_type');
     $payment = $this->paymentFactory->createPayment($this->fieldDefinition);
     $element['target_id'] = array('#default_value' => isset($items[$delta]) ? (int) $items[$delta]->target_id : NULL, '#limit_allowed_plugin_ids' => $config->get('limit_allowed_plugins') ? $config->get('allowed_plugin_ids') : NULL, '#plugin_selector_id' => $config->get('plugin_selector_id'), '#prototype_payment' => $payment, '#queue_category_id' => $items->getEntity()->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $items->getEntity()->bundle() . '.' . $this->fieldDefinition->getName(), '#queue_owner_id' => (int) $this->currentUser->id(), '#required' => $this->fieldDefinition->isRequired(), '#type' => 'payment_reference');
     return $element;
Пример #21
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function userBlogPosts(UserInterface $user)
     $build = array();
     $query = db_select('node_field_data', 'n');
     $query->condition('type', 'blog');
     $query->condition('status', 1);
     $query->condition('uid', $user->id());
     $count_query = clone $query;
     $paged_query = $query->extend('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Query\\PagerSelectExtender');
     $nids = $paged_query->fields('n', array('nid', 'sticky', 'created'))->condition('type', 'blog')->orderBy('sticky', 'DESC')->orderBy('created', 'DESC')->execute()->fetchCol();
     if (!empty($nids)) {
         $nodes = node_load_multiple($nids);
         $build['nodes'] = node_view_multiple($nodes);
         $build['pager'] = array('#theme' => 'pager', '#weight' => 5);
         $build['#attached']['feed'][] = array('/blog/' . $user->id() . '/feed', t('RSS - !title', array('!title' => $user->getUsername() . t("'s blog"))));
     } else {
         if ($this->account->id() == $user->id()) {
             drupal_set_message(t('You have not created any blog entries.'));
         } else {
             drupal_set_message(t('!author has not created any blog entries.', array('!author' => $user->getUsername())));
     return $build;
Пример #22
  * Grants access only to UID 1.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account
  *   The currently logged in account.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface
  *   The access result.
 public function access(AccountInterface $account)
     if ($account->id() == 1) {
         return AccessResult::allowed()->addCacheContexts(['user']);
     return AccessResult::forbidden()->addCacheContexts(['user']);
 protected function checkAccess(ContentEntityInterface $entity, AccountInterface $account, $operation = 'view')
     $entity_type = $entity->getEntityType();
     $entity_type_id = $entity->getEntityTypeId();
     $entity_access = $this->entityTypeManager->getAccessControlHandler($entity_type_id);
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface $entity_storage */
     $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage($entity_type_id);
     $map = ['view' => "view all {$entity_type_id} revisions", 'update' => "revert all {$entity_type_id} revisions", 'delete' => "delete all {$entity_type_id} revisions"];
     $bundle = $entity->bundle();
     $type_map = ['view' => "view {$entity_type_id} {$bundle} revisions", 'update' => "revert {$entity_type_id} {$bundle} revisions", 'delete' => "delete {$entity_type_id} {$bundle} revisions"];
     if (!$entity || !isset($map[$operation]) || !isset($type_map[$operation])) {
         // If there was no node to check against, or the $op was not one of the
         // supported ones, we return access denied.
         return FALSE;
     // Statically cache access by revision ID, language code, user account ID,
     // and operation.
     $langcode = $entity->language()->getId();
     $cid = $entity->getRevisionId() . ':' . $langcode . ':' . $account->id() . ':' . $operation;
     if (!isset($this->accessCache[$cid])) {
         // Perform basic permission checks first.
         if (!$account->hasPermission($map[$operation]) && !$account->hasPermission($type_map[$operation]) && !$account->hasPermission('administer nodes')) {
             $this->accessCache[$cid] = FALSE;
             return FALSE;
         if (($admin_permission = $entity_type->getAdminPermission()) && $account->hasPermission($admin_permission)) {
             $this->accessCache[$cid] = TRUE;
         } else {
             // First check the access to the default revision and finally, if the
             // node passed in is not the default revision then access to that, too.
             $this->accessCache[$cid] = $entity_access->access($entity_storage->load($entity->id()), $operation, $account) && ($entity->isDefaultRevision() || $entity_access->access($entity, $operation, $account));
     return $this->accessCache[$cid];
Пример #24
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function checkAccess(EntityInterface $entity, $operation, AccountInterface $account)
     if ($entity->getOwnerId() == $account->id()) {
         return AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, $operation . ' own ' . $entity->bundle() . ' entity');
     return AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, $operation . ' any ' . $entity->bundle() . ' entity');
  * Checks access to the given user's contact page.
  * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $user
  *   The user being contacted.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account
  *   The currently logged in account.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface
  *   The access result.
 public function access(UserInterface $user, AccountInterface $account)
     $contact_account = $user;
     // Anonymous users cannot have contact forms.
     if ($contact_account->isAnonymous()) {
         return AccessResult::forbidden();
     // Users may not contact themselves.
     if ($account->id() == $contact_account->id()) {
         return AccessResult::forbidden()->cachePerUser();
     // User administrators should always have access to personal contact forms.
     $access = AccessResult::neutral()->cachePerRole();
     $permission_access = AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, 'administer users');
     if ($permission_access->isAllowed()) {
         return $access->orIf($permission_access);
     // If requested user has been blocked, do not allow users to contact them.
     if ($contact_account->isBlocked()) {
         return $access;
     // If the requested user has disabled their contact form, do not allow users
     // to contact them.
     $account_data = $this->userData->get('contact', $contact_account->id(), 'enabled');
     if (isset($account_data) && empty($account_data)) {
         return $access;
     } else {
         if (!$this->configFactory->get('contact.settings')->get('user_default_enabled')) {
             return $access;
     return $access->orIf(AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, 'access user contact forms'));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function validateArgument($argument)
     if (!parent::validateArgument($argument)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Extract the IDs from the argument. See parent::validateArgument().
     if ($this->multipleCapable && $this->options['multiple']) {
         $user_ids = array_filter(preg_split('/[,+ ]/', $argument));
     } else {
         $user_ids = [$argument];
     // Allow access when the current user has access to view all payments, or
     // when the current user only tries to view their own payments and has
     // permission to do so.
     return [$this->currentUser->id()] == $user_ids && $this->currentUser->hasPermission('payment.payment.view.own') || $this->currentUser->hasPermission('payment.payment.view.any');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function update(CommentInterface $comment)
     // Allow bulk updates and inserts to temporarily disable the maintenance of
     // the {comment_entity_statistics} table.
     if (!$this->state->get('comment.maintain_entity_statistics')) {
     $query = $this->database->select('comment_field_data', 'c');
     $count = $query->condition('c.entity_id', $comment->getCommentedEntityId())->condition('c.entity_type', $comment->getCommentedEntityTypeId())->condition('c.field_name', $comment->getFieldName())->condition('c.status', CommentInterface::PUBLISHED)->condition('default_langcode', 1)->execute()->fetchField();
     if ($count > 0) {
         // Comments exist.
         $last_reply = $this->database->select('comment_field_data', 'c')->fields('c', array('cid', 'name', 'changed', 'uid'))->condition('c.entity_id', $comment->getCommentedEntityId())->condition('c.entity_type', $comment->getCommentedEntityTypeId())->condition('c.field_name', $comment->getFieldName())->condition('c.status', CommentInterface::PUBLISHED)->condition('default_langcode', 1)->orderBy('c.created', 'DESC')->range(0, 1)->execute()->fetchObject();
         // Use merge here because entity could be created before comment field.
         $this->database->merge('comment_entity_statistics')->fields(array('cid' => $last_reply->cid, 'comment_count' => $count, 'last_comment_timestamp' => $last_reply->changed, 'last_comment_name' => $last_reply->uid ? '' : $last_reply->name, 'last_comment_uid' => $last_reply->uid))->keys(array('entity_id' => $comment->getCommentedEntityId(), 'entity_type' => $comment->getCommentedEntityTypeId(), 'field_name' => $comment->getFieldName()))->execute();
     } else {
         // Comments do not exist.
         $entity = $comment->getCommentedEntity();
         // Get the user ID from the entity if it's set, or default to the
         // currently logged in user.
         if ($entity instanceof EntityOwnerInterface) {
             $last_comment_uid = $entity->getOwnerId();
         if (!isset($last_comment_uid)) {
             // Default to current user when entity does not implement
             // EntityOwnerInterface or author is not set.
             $last_comment_uid = $this->currentUser->id();
         $this->database->update('comment_entity_statistics')->fields(array('cid' => 0, 'comment_count' => 0, 'last_comment_timestamp' => $entity instanceof EntityChangedInterface ? $entity->getChangedTime() : REQUEST_TIME, 'last_comment_name' => '', 'last_comment_uid' => $last_comment_uid))->condition('entity_id', $comment->getCommentedEntityId())->condition('entity_type', $comment->getCommentedEntityTypeId())->condition('field_name', $comment->getFieldName())->execute();
     // Reset the cache of the commented entity so that when the entity is loaded
     // the next time, the statistics will be loaded again.
Пример #28
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function loadMultipleByUser(AccountInterface $account, $profile_type) {
   return $this->loadByProperties([
       'uid' => $account->id(),
       'type' => $profile_type,
       'status' => PROFILE_ACTIVE,
  * Tests adding and editing values using metatag.
 public function testMetatag()
     // Create a test entity.
     $edit = ['name[0][value]' => 'Barfoo', 'user_id[0][target_id]' => 'foo (' . $this->adminUser->id() . ')', 'field_metatag[0][basic][metatag_test]' => 'Kilimanjaro'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('entity_test/add', $edit, t('Save'));
     $entities = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('entity_test', ['name' => 'Barfoo']);
     $this->assertEqual(1, count($entities), 'Entity was saved');
     $entity = reset($entities);
     // Make sure tags that have a field value but no default value still show
     // up.
     $this->drupalGet('entity_test/' . $entity->id());
     $elements = $this->cssSelect('meta[name=metatag_test]');
     $this->assertTrue(count($elements) === 1, 'Found keywords metatag_test from defaults');
     $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[0]['content'], 'Kilimanjaro', 'Field value for metatag_test found when no default set.');
     // @TODO: This should not be required, but metatags does not invalidate
     // cache upon setting globals.
     Cache::invalidateTags(array('entity_test:' . $entity->id()));
     // Update the Global defaults and test them.
     $values = array('keywords' => 'Purple monkey dishwasher');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/metatag/global', $values, 'Save');
     $this->assertText('Saved the Global Metatag defaults.');
     $this->drupalGet('entity_test/' . $entity->id());
     $elements = $this->cssSelect('meta[name=keywords]');
     $this->assertTrue(count($elements) === 1, 'Found keywords metatag from defaults');
     $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[0]['content'], $values['keywords'], 'Default keywords applied');
     // Tests metatags with URLs work.
     $edit = ['name[0][value]' => 'UrlTags', 'user_id[0][target_id]' => 'foo (' . $this->adminUser->id() . ')', 'field_metatag[0][advanced][original_source]' => 'http://example.com/foo.html'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('entity_test/add', $edit, t('Save'));
     $entities = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('entity_test', ['name' => 'UrlTags']);
     $this->assertEqual(1, count($entities), 'Entity was saved');
     $entity = reset($entities);
     $this->drupalGet('entity_test/' . $entity->id());
     $elements = $this->cssSelect("meta[name='original-source']");
     $this->assertTrue(count($elements) === 1, 'Found original source metatag from defaults');
     $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[0]['content'], $edit['field_metatag[0][advanced][original_source]']);
     // Test a route where the entity for that route does not implement
     // ContentEntityInterface.
     $controller = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('contact_form');
     $controller->create(array('id' => 'test_contact_form'))->save();
     $account = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access site-wide contact form'));
Пример #30
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function checkAccess(EntityInterface $entity, $operation, AccountInterface $account)
     if ($account->hasPermission('administer media')) {
         return AccessResult::allowed()->cachePerPermissions();
     $is_owner = $account->id() && $account->id() == $entity->getPublisherId() ? TRUE : FALSE;
     switch ($operation) {
         case 'view':
             return AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, 'view media');
         case 'update':
             return AccessResult::allowedIf($account->hasPermission('update media') && $is_owner || $account->hasPermission('update any media'))->cachePerPermissions()->cachePerUser()->cacheUntilEntityChanges($entity);
         case 'delete':
             return AccessResult::allowedIf($account->hasPermission('delete media') && $is_owner || $account->hasPermission('delete any media'))->cachePerPermissions()->cachePerUser()->cacheUntilEntityChanges($entity);
     // No opinion.
     return AccessResult::neutral()->cachePerPermissions();