Пример #1
  * Test taxonomy functionality with nodes prior to 1970.
 function testTaxonomyLegacyNode()
     // Posts an article with a taxonomy term and a date prior to 1970.
     $date = new DrupalDateTime('1969-01-01 00:00:00');
     $edit = array();
     $edit['title[0][value]'] = $this->randomMachineName();
     $edit['created[0][value][date]'] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
     $edit['created[0][value][time]'] = $date->format('H:i:s');
     $edit['body[0][value]'] = $this->randomMachineName();
     $edit['field_tags[target_id]'] = $this->randomMachineName();
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/add/article', $edit, t('Save and publish'));
     // Checks that the node has been saved.
     $node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($edit['title[0][value]']);
     $this->assertEqual($node->getCreatedTime(), $date->getTimestamp(), 'Legacy node was saved with the right date.');
Пример #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function setDateTime(DrupalDateTime $dateTime, $notify = TRUE)
     $this->value = $dateTime->format('c');
     // Notify the parent of any changes.
     if ($notify && isset($this->parent)) {
Пример #3
 * Alter the default value for a date argument.
 * @param object $argument
 *   The argument object.
 * @param string $value
 *   The default value created by the argument handler.
function hook_date_default_argument_alter(&$argument, &$value)
    $style_options = $style_options = $argument->view->display_handler->get_option('style_options');
    if (!empty($style_options['track_date'])) {
        $default_date = new DrupalDateTime();
        $value = $default_date->format($argument->arg_format);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $form = parent::settingsForm($form, $form_state);
     $time = new DrupalDateTime();
     $format_types = $this->dateFormatStorage->loadMultiple();
     $options = [];
     foreach ($format_types as $type => $type_info) {
         $format = $this->dateFormatter->format($time->format('U'), $type);
         $options[$type] = $type_info->label() . ' (' . $format . ')';
     $form['format_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Date format'), '#description' => t("Choose a format for displaying the date. Be sure to set a format appropriate for the field, i.e. omitting time for a field that only has a date."), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('format_type'));
     return $form;
Пример #5
  * Specifies the start and end year to use as a date range.
  * Handles a string like -3:+3 or 2001:2010 to describe a dynamic range of
  * minimum and maximum years to use in a date selector.
  * Centers the range around the current year, if any, but expands it far enough
  * so it will pick up the year value in the field in case the value in the field
  * is outside the initial range.
  * @param string $string
  *   A min and max year string like '-3:+1' or '2000:2010' or '2000:+3'.
  * @param object $date
  *   (optional) A date object to test as a default value. Defaults to NULL.
  * @return array
  *   A numerically indexed array, containing the minimum and maximum year
  *   described by this pattern.
 protected static function datetimeRangeYears($string, $date = NULL)
     $datetime = new DrupalDateTime();
     $this_year = $datetime->format('Y');
     list($min_year, $max_year) = explode(':', $string);
     // Valid patterns would be -5:+5, 0:+1, 2008:2010.
     $plus_pattern = '@[\\+|\\-][0-9]{1,4}@';
     $year_pattern = '@^[0-9]{4}@';
     if (!preg_match($year_pattern, $min_year, $matches)) {
         if (preg_match($plus_pattern, $min_year, $matches)) {
             $min_year = $this_year + $matches[0];
         } else {
             $min_year = $this_year;
     if (!preg_match($year_pattern, $max_year, $matches)) {
         if (preg_match($plus_pattern, $max_year, $matches)) {
             $max_year = $this_year + $matches[0];
         } else {
             $max_year = $this_year;
     // We expect the $min year to be less than the $max year. Some custom values
     // for -99:+99 might not obey that.
     if ($min_year > $max_year) {
         $temp = $max_year;
         $max_year = $min_year;
         $min_year = $temp;
     // If there is a current value, stretch the range to include it.
     $value_year = $date instanceof DrupalDateTime ? $date->format('Y') : '';
     if (!empty($value_year)) {
         $min_year = min($value_year, $min_year);
         $max_year = max($value_year, $max_year);
     return array($min_year, $max_year);
  * Tests comment edit, preview, and save.
 function testCommentEditPreviewSave()
     $web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access comments', 'post comments', 'skip comment approval', 'edit own comments'));
     $this->setCommentSettings('default_mode', CommentManagerInterface::COMMENT_MODE_THREADED, 'Comment paging changed.');
     $edit = array();
     $date = new DrupalDateTime('2008-03-02 17:23');
     $edit['subject[0][value]'] = $this->randomMachineName(8);
     $edit['comment_body[0][value]'] = $this->randomMachineName(16);
     $edit['uid'] = $web_user->getUsername() . ' (' . $web_user->id() . ')';
     $edit['date[date]'] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
     $edit['date[time]'] = $date->format('H:i:s');
     $raw_date = $date->getTimestamp();
     $expected_text_date = format_date($raw_date);
     $expected_form_date = $date->format('Y-m-d');
     $expected_form_time = $date->format('H:i:s');
     $comment = $this->postComment($this->node, $edit['subject[0][value]'], $edit['comment_body[0][value]'], TRUE);
     $this->drupalPostForm('comment/' . $comment->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Preview'));
     // Check that the preview is displaying the subject, comment, author and date correctly.
     $this->assertTitle(t('Preview comment | Drupal'), 'Page title is "Preview comment".');
     $this->assertText($edit['subject[0][value]'], 'Subject displayed.');
     $this->assertText($edit['comment_body[0][value]'], 'Comment displayed.');
     $this->assertText($web_user->getUsername(), 'Author displayed.');
     $this->assertText($expected_text_date, 'Date displayed.');
     // Check that the subject, comment, author and date fields are displayed with the correct values.
     $this->assertFieldByName('subject[0][value]', $edit['subject[0][value]'], 'Subject field displayed.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', $edit['comment_body[0][value]'], 'Comment field displayed.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('uid', $edit['uid'], 'Author field displayed.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('date[date]', $edit['date[date]'], 'Date field displayed.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('date[time]', $edit['date[time]'], 'Time field displayed.');
     // Check that saving a comment produces a success message.
     $this->drupalPostForm('comment/' . $comment->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertText(t('Your comment has been posted.'), 'Comment posted.');
     // Check that the comment fields are correct after loading the saved comment.
     $this->drupalGet('comment/' . $comment->id() . '/edit');
     $this->assertFieldByName('subject[0][value]', $edit['subject[0][value]'], 'Subject field displayed.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', $edit['comment_body[0][value]'], 'Comment field displayed.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('uid', $edit['uid'], 'Author field displayed.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('date[date]', $expected_form_date, 'Date field displayed.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('date[time]', $expected_form_time, 'Time field displayed.');
     // Submit the form using the displayed values.
     $displayed = array();
     $displayed['subject[0][value]'] = (string) current($this->xpath("//input[@id='edit-subject-0-value']/@value"));
     $displayed['comment_body[0][value]'] = (string) current($this->xpath("//textarea[@id='edit-comment-body-0-value']"));
     $displayed['uid'] = (string) current($this->xpath("//input[@id='edit-uid']/@value"));
     $displayed['date[date]'] = (string) current($this->xpath("//input[@id='edit-date-date']/@value"));
     $displayed['date[time]'] = (string) current($this->xpath("//input[@id='edit-date-time']/@value"));
     $this->drupalPostForm('comment/' . $comment->id() . '/edit', $displayed, t('Save'));
     // Check that the saved comment is still correct.
     $comment_storage = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('comment');
     /** @var \Drupal\comment\CommentInterface $comment_loaded */
     $comment_loaded = Comment::load($comment->id());
     $this->assertEqual($comment_loaded->getSubject(), $edit['subject[0][value]'], 'Subject loaded.');
     $this->assertEqual($comment_loaded->comment_body->value, $edit['comment_body[0][value]'], 'Comment body loaded.');
     $this->assertEqual($comment_loaded->getOwner()->id(), $web_user->id(), 'Name loaded.');
     $this->assertEqual($comment_loaded->getCreatedTime(), $raw_date, 'Date loaded.');
     // Check that the date and time of the comment are correct when edited by
     // non-admin users.
     $user_edit = array();
     $expected_created_time = $comment_loaded->getCreatedTime();
     // Web user cannot change the comment author.
     $this->drupalPostForm('comment/' . $comment->id() . '/edit', $user_edit, t('Save'));
     $comment_loaded = Comment::load($comment->id());
     $this->assertEqual($comment_loaded->getCreatedTime(), $expected_created_time, 'Expected date and time for comment edited.');
Пример #7
  * Test default value functionality.
 function testDefaultValue()
     // Create a test content type.
     $this->drupalCreateContentType(array('type' => 'date_content'));
     // Create a field storage with settings to validate.
     $field_name = Unicode::strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
     $field_storage = entity_create('field_storage_config', array('field_name' => $field_name, 'entity_type' => 'node', 'type' => 'datetime', 'settings' => array('datetime_type' => 'date')));
     $field = entity_create('field_config', array('field_storage' => $field_storage, 'bundle' => 'date_content'));
     // Set now as default_value.
     $field_edit = array('default_value_input[default_date_type]' => 'now');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Check that default value is selected in default value form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name);
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-date-type', 'now', 'The default value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_date]', '', 'The relative default value is empty in instance settings page');
     // Check if default_date has been stored successfully.
     $config_entity = $this->config('field.field.node.date_content.' . $field_name)->get();
     $this->assertEqual($config_entity['default_value'][0], array('default_date_type' => 'now', 'default_date' => 'now'), 'Default value has been stored successfully');
     // Clear field cache in order to avoid stale cache values.
     // Create a new node to check that datetime field default value is today.
     $new_node = entity_create('node', array('type' => 'date_content'));
     $expected_date = new DrupalDateTime('now', DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
     $this->assertEqual($new_node->get($field_name)->offsetGet(0)->value, $expected_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT));
     // Set an invalid relative default_value to test validation.
     $field_edit = array('default_value_input[default_date_type]' => 'relative', 'default_value_input[default_date]' => 'invalid date');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     $this->assertText('The relative date value entered is invalid.');
     // Set a relative default_value.
     $field_edit = array('default_value_input[default_date_type]' => 'relative', 'default_value_input[default_date]' => '+90 days');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Check that default value is selected in default value form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name);
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-date-type', 'relative', 'The default value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_date]', '+90 days', 'The relative default value is displayed in instance settings page');
     // Check if default_date has been stored successfully.
     $config_entity = $this->config('field.field.node.date_content.' . $field_name)->get();
     $this->assertEqual($config_entity['default_value'][0], array('default_date_type' => 'relative', 'default_date' => '+90 days'), 'Default value has been stored successfully');
     // Clear field cache in order to avoid stale cache values.
     // Create a new node to check that datetime field default value is +90 days.
     $new_node = entity_create('node', array('type' => 'date_content'));
     $expected_date = new DrupalDateTime('+90 days', DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
     $this->assertEqual($new_node->get($field_name)->offsetGet(0)->value, $expected_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT));
     // Remove default value.
     $field_edit = array('default_value_input[default_date_type]' => '');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Check that default value is selected in default value form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name);
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-date-type', '', 'The default value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_date]', '', 'The relative default value is empty in instance settings page');
     // Check if default_date has been stored successfully.
     $config_entity = $this->config('field.field.node.date_content.' . $field_name)->get();
     $this->assertTrue(empty($config_entity['default_value']), 'Empty default value has been stored successfully');
     // Clear field cache in order to avoid stale cache values.
     // Create a new node to check that datetime field default value is not set.
     $new_node = entity_create('node', array('type' => 'date_content'));
     $this->assertNull($new_node->get($field_name)->value, 'Default value is not set');
Пример #8
  * Creates a forum topic.
  * @return string
  *   The title of the newly generated topic.
 protected function createForumTopics($count = 5)
     $topics = array();
     $date = new DrupalDateTime();
     $date->modify('-24 hours');
     for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) {
         // Generate a random subject/body.
         $title = $this->randomMachineName(20);
         $body = $this->randomMachineName(200);
         // Forum posts are ordered by timestamp, so force a unique timestamp by
         // changing the date.
         $date->modify('+1 minute');
         $edit = array('title[0][value]' => $title, 'body[0][value]' => $body, 'created[0][value][date]' => $date->format('Y-m-d'), 'created[0][value][time]' => $date->format('H:i:s'));
         // Create the forum topic, preselecting the forum ID via a URL parameter.
         $this->drupalPostForm('node/add/forum', $edit, t('Save and publish'), array('query' => array('forum_id' => 1)));
         $topics[] = $title;
     return $topics;
Пример #9
  * Returns day of week for a given date (0 = Sunday).
  * @param mixed $date
  *   (optional) A date object, timestamp, or a date string.
  *   Defaults to NULL, which means use the current date.
  * @return int
  *   The number of the day in the week.
 public static function dayOfWeek($date = NULL)
     if (!$date instanceof DrupalDateTime) {
         $date = new DrupalDateTime($date);
     if (!$date->hasErrors()) {
         return $date->format('w');
     return NULL;
Пример #10
  * Test default value functionality.
 public function testDefaultValue()
     // Create a test content type.
     $this->drupalCreateContentType(['type' => 'date_content']);
     // Create a field storage with settings to validate.
     $field_name = Unicode::strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
     $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::create(['field_name' => $field_name, 'entity_type' => 'node', 'type' => 'daterange', 'settings' => ['datetime_type' => DateRangeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATE]]);
     $field = FieldConfig::create(['field_storage' => $field_storage, 'bundle' => 'date_content']);
     // Set now as default_value.
     $field_edit = ['default_value_input[default_date_type]' => 'now', 'default_value_input[default_end_date_type]' => 'now'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Check that default value is selected in default value form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name);
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-date-type', 'now', 'The default start value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_date]', '', 'The relative start default value is empty in instance settings page');
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-end-date-type', 'now', 'The default end value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_end_date]', '', 'The relative end default value is empty in instance settings page');
     // Check if default_date has been stored successfully.
     $config_entity = $this->config('field.field.node.date_content.' . $field_name)->get();
     $this->assertEqual($config_entity['default_value'][0], ['default_date_type' => 'now', 'default_date' => 'now', 'default_end_date_type' => 'now', 'default_end_date' => 'now'], 'Default value has been stored successfully');
     // Clear field cache in order to avoid stale cache values.
     // Create a new node to check that datetime field default value is today.
     $new_node = Node::create(['type' => 'date_content']);
     $expected_date = new DrupalDateTime('now', DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
     $this->assertEqual($new_node->get($field_name)->offsetGet(0)->value, $expected_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT));
     $this->assertEqual($new_node->get($field_name)->offsetGet(0)->end_value, $expected_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT));
     // Set an invalid relative default_value to test validation.
     $field_edit = ['default_value_input[default_date_type]' => 'relative', 'default_value_input[default_date]' => 'invalid date', 'default_value_input[default_end_date_type]' => 'relative', 'default_value_input[default_end_date]' => '+1 day'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     $this->assertText('The relative start date value entered is invalid.');
     $field_edit = ['default_value_input[default_date_type]' => 'relative', 'default_value_input[default_date]' => '+1 day', 'default_value_input[default_end_date_type]' => 'relative', 'default_value_input[default_end_date]' => 'invalid date'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     $this->assertText('The relative end date value entered is invalid.');
     // Set a relative default_value.
     $field_edit = ['default_value_input[default_date_type]' => 'relative', 'default_value_input[default_date]' => '+45 days', 'default_value_input[default_end_date_type]' => 'relative', 'default_value_input[default_end_date]' => '+90 days'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Check that default value is selected in default value form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name);
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-date-type', 'relative', 'The default start value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_date]', '+45 days', 'The relative default start value is displayed in instance settings page');
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-end-date-type', 'relative', 'The default end value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_end_date]', '+90 days', 'The relative default end value is displayed in instance settings page');
     // Check if default_date has been stored successfully.
     $config_entity = $this->config('field.field.node.date_content.' . $field_name)->get();
     $this->assertEqual($config_entity['default_value'][0], ['default_date_type' => 'relative', 'default_date' => '+45 days', 'default_end_date_type' => 'relative', 'default_end_date' => '+90 days'], 'Default value has been stored successfully');
     // Clear field cache in order to avoid stale cache values.
     // Create a new node to check that datetime field default value is +90 days.
     $new_node = Node::create(['type' => 'date_content']);
     $expected_start_date = new DrupalDateTime('+45 days', DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
     $expected_end_date = new DrupalDateTime('+90 days', DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
     $this->assertEqual($new_node->get($field_name)->offsetGet(0)->value, $expected_start_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT));
     $this->assertEqual($new_node->get($field_name)->offsetGet(0)->end_value, $expected_end_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT));
     // Remove default value.
     $field_edit = ['default_value_input[default_date_type]' => '', 'default_value_input[default_end_date_type]' => ''];
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Check that default value is selected in default value form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name);
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-date-type', '', 'The default start value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_date]', '', 'The relative default start value is empty in instance settings page');
     $this->assertOptionSelected('edit-default-value-input-default-end-date-type', '', 'The default end value is selected in instance settings page');
     $this->assertFieldByName('default_value_input[default_end_date]', '', 'The relative default end value is empty in instance settings page');
     // Check if default_date has been stored successfully.
     $config_entity = $this->config('field.field.node.date_content.' . $field_name)->get();
     $this->assertTrue(empty($config_entity['default_value']), 'Empty default value has been stored successfully');
     // Clear field cache in order to avoid stale cache values.
     // Create a new node to check that datetime field default value is not set.
     $new_node = Node::create(['type' => 'date_content']);
     $this->assertNull($new_node->get($field_name)->value, 'Default value is not set');
     // Set now as default_value for start date only.
     entity_get_form_display('node', 'date_content', 'default')->setComponent($field_name, ['type' => 'datetime_default'])->save();
     $expected_date = new DrupalDateTime('now', DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
     $field_edit = ['default_value_input[default_date_type]' => 'now', 'default_value_input[default_end_date_type]' => ''];
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Make sure only the start value is populated on node add page.
     $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][value][date]", $expected_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT), 'Start date element populated.');
     $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][end_value][date]", '', 'End date element empty.');
     // Set now as default_value for end date only.
     $field_edit = ['default_value_input[default_date_type]' => '', 'default_value_input[default_end_date_type]' => 'now'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_name, $field_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Make sure only the start value is populated on node add page.
     $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][value][date]", '', 'Start date element empty.');
     $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][end_value][date]", $expected_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT), 'End date element populated.');
Пример #11
  * Parse date parts from an ISO date argument.
  * Based on ISO 8601 date duration and time interval standards.
  * Parses a value like 2006-01-01--2006-01-15, or 2006-W24, or @P1W.
  * Separate start and end dates or date and period with a double hyphen (--).
  * The 'end' portion of the argument can be eliminated if it is the same as
  * the 'start' portion. Use @ instead of a date to substitute in the current
  * date and time.
  * Use periods (P1H, P1D, P1W, P1M, P1Y) to get next hour/day/week/month/year
  * from now. Use date before P sign to get next hour/day/week/month/year from
  * that date. Use period then date to get a period that ends on the date.
  * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Week_dates
  * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Duration
 function arg_parts($argument)
     $values = array();
     // Keep mal-formed arguments from creating errors.
     if (empty($argument) || is_array($argument)) {
         return array('date' => array(), 'period' => array());
     $fromto = explode('--', $argument);
     foreach ($fromto as $arg) {
         $parts = array();
         if ($arg == '@') {
             $date = new DrupalDateTime();
             $parts['date'] = date_parse($date->format(DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME));
         } elseif (preg_match('/(\\d{4})?-?(W)?(\\d{1,2})?-?(\\d{1,2})?[T\\s]?(\\d{1,2})?:?(\\d{1,2})?:?(\\d{1,2})?/', $arg, $matches)) {
             $date = array();
             if (!empty($matches[1])) {
                 $date['year'] = $matches[1];
             if (!empty($matches[3])) {
                 if (empty($matches[2])) {
                     $date['month'] = $matches[3];
                 } else {
                     $date['week'] = $matches[3];
             if (!empty($matches[4])) {
                 $date['day'] = $matches[4];
             if (!empty($matches[5])) {
                 $date['hour'] = $matches[5];
             if (!empty($matches[6])) {
                 $date['minute'] = $matches[6];
             if (!empty($matches[7])) {
                 $date['second'] = $matches[7];
             $parts['date'] = $date;
         if (preg_match('/^P(\\d{1,4}[Y])?(\\d{1,2}[M])?(\\d{1,2}[W])?(\\d{1,2}[D])?([T]{0,1})?(\\d{1,2}[H])?(\\d{1,2}[M])?(\\d{1,2}[S])?/', $arg, $matches)) {
             $period = array();
             if (!empty($matches[1])) {
                 $period['year'] = str_replace('Y', '', $matches[1]);
             if (!empty($matches[2])) {
                 $period['month'] = str_replace('M', '', $matches[2]);
             if (!empty($matches[3])) {
                 $period['week'] = str_replace('W', '', $matches[3]);
             if (!empty($matches[4])) {
                 $period['day'] = str_replace('D', '', $matches[4]);
             if (!empty($matches[6])) {
                 $period['hour'] = str_replace('H', '', $matches[6]);
             if (!empty($matches[7])) {
                 $period['minute'] = str_replace('M', '', $matches[7]);
             if (!empty($matches[8])) {
                 $period['second'] = str_replace('S', '', $matches[8]);
             $parts['period'] = $period;
         $values[] = $parts;
     return $values;
Пример #12
  * Test default value functionality.
 function testDefaultValue()
     // Create a test content type.
     $this->drupalCreateContentType(array('type' => 'date_content'));
     // Create a field storage with settings to validate.
     $field_storage = entity_create('field_storage_config', array('name' => drupal_strtolower($this->randomMachineName()), 'entity_type' => 'node', 'type' => 'datetime', 'settings' => array('datetime_type' => 'date')));
     $instance = entity_create('field_instance_config', array('field_storage' => $field_storage, 'bundle' => 'date_content'));
     // Set now as default_value.
     $instance_edit = array('default_value_input[default_date]' => 'now');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_storage->name, $instance_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Check that default value is selected in default value form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_storage->name);
     $this->assertRaw('<option value="now" selected="selected">The current date</option>', 'The default value is selected in instance settings page');
     // Check if default_date has been stored successfully.
     $config_entity = $this->container->get('config.factory')->get('field.instance.node.date_content.' . $field_storage->name)->get();
     $this->assertEqual($config_entity['default_value'][0]['default_date'], 'now', 'Default value has been stored successfully');
     // Clear field cache in order to avoid stale cache values.
     // Create a new node to check that datetime field default value is today.
     $new_node = entity_create('node', array('type' => 'date_content'));
     $expected_date = new DrupalDateTime('now', DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
     $this->assertEqual($new_node->get($field_storage->name)->offsetGet(0)->value, $expected_date->format(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT));
     // Remove default value.
     $instance_edit = array('default_value_input[default_date]' => '');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_storage->name, $instance_edit, t('Save settings'));
     // Check that default value is selected in default value form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/date_content/fields/node.date_content.' . $field_storage->name);
     $this->assertRaw('<option value="" selected="selected">' . t('- None -') . '</option>', 'The default value is selected in instance settings page');
     // Check if default_date has been stored successfully.
     $config_entity = $this->container->get('config.factory')->get('field.instance.node.date_content.' . $field_storage->name)->get();
     $this->assertTrue(empty($config_entity['default_value']), 'Empty default value has been stored successfully');
     // Clear field cache in order to avoid stale cache values.
     // Create a new node to check that datetime field default value is today.
     $new_node = entity_create('node', array('type' => 'date_content'));
     $this->assertNull($new_node->get($field_storage->name)->offsetGet(0)->value, 'Default value is not set');
Пример #13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function processDefaultValue($default_value, FieldableEntityInterface $entity, FieldDefinitionInterface $definition)
     $default_value = parent::processDefaultValue($default_value, $entity, $definition);
     if (isset($default_value[0]['default_date_type'])) {
         // A default value should be in the format and timezone used for date
         // storage.
         $date = new DrupalDateTime($default_value[0]['default_date'], DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
         $storage_format = $definition->getSetting('datetime_type') == DateTimeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATE ? DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT : DATETIME_DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT;
         $value = $date->format($storage_format);
         // We only provide a default value for the first item, as do all fields.
         // Otherwise, there is no way to clear out unwanted values on multiple value
         // fields.
         $default_value = array(array('value' => $value, 'date' => $date));
     return $default_value;
Пример #14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function processDefaultValue($default_value, FieldableEntityInterface $entity, FieldDefinitionInterface $definition)
     // Explicitly call the base class so that we can get the default value
     // types.
     $default_value = FieldItemList::processDefaultValue($default_value, $entity, $definition);
     // Allow either the start or end date to have a default, but not require
     // defaults for both.
     if (!empty($default_value[0]['default_date_type']) || !empty($default_value[0]['default_end_date_type'])) {
         // A default value should be in the format and timezone used for date
         // storage. All-day ranges are stored the same as date+time ranges.  We
         // only provide a default value for the first item, as do all fields.
         // Otherwise, there is no way to clear out unwanted values on multiple
         // value fields.
         $storage_format = $definition->getSetting('datetime_type') == DateRangeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATE ? DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT : DATETIME_DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT;
         $default_values = [[]];
         if (!empty($default_value[0]['default_date_type'])) {
             $start_date = new DrupalDateTime($default_value[0]['default_date'], DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
             $start_value = $start_date->format($storage_format);
             $default_values[0]['value'] = $start_value;
             $default_values[0]['start_date'] = $start_date;
         if (!empty($default_value[0]['default_end_date_type'])) {
             $end_date = new DrupalDateTime($default_value[0]['default_end_date'], DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
             $end_value = $end_date->format($storage_format);
             $default_values[0]['end_value'] = $end_value;
             $default_values[0]['end_date'] = $end_date;
         $default_value = $default_values;
     return $default_value;