Пример #1
  * Form element validation handler for #type 'number'.
  * Note that #required is validated by _form_validate() already.
 public static function validateNumber(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, &$complete_form)
     $value = $element['#value'];
     if ($value === '') {
     $name = empty($element['#title']) ? $element['#parents'][0] : $element['#title'];
     // Ensure the input is numeric.
     if (!is_numeric($value)) {
         $form_state->setError($element, t('%name must be a number.', array('%name' => $name)));
     // Ensure that the input is greater than the #min property, if set.
     if (isset($element['#min']) && $value < $element['#min']) {
         $form_state->setError($element, t('%name must be higher than or equal to %min.', array('%name' => $name, '%min' => $element['#min'])));
     // Ensure that the input is less than the #max property, if set.
     if (isset($element['#max']) && $value > $element['#max']) {
         $form_state->setError($element, t('%name must be lower than or equal to %max.', array('%name' => $name, '%max' => $element['#max'])));
     if (isset($element['#step']) && strtolower($element['#step']) != 'any') {
         // Check that the input is an allowed multiple of #step (offset by #min if
         // #min is set).
         $offset = isset($element['#min']) ? $element['#min'] : 0.0;
         if (!NumberUtility::validStep($value, $element['#step'], $offset)) {
             $form_state->setError($element, t('%name is not a valid number.', array('%name' => $name)));
Пример #2
  * Tests the alphadecimal conversion functions.
  * @dataProvider providerTestConversions
  * @covers ::intToAlphadecimal
  * @covers ::alphadecimalToInt
  * @param int $value
  *   The integer value.
  * @param string $expected
  *   The expected alphadecimal value.
 public function testConversions($value, $expected)
     $this->assertSame(Number::intToAlphadecimal($value), $expected);
     $this->assertSame($value, Number::alphadecimalToInt($expected));
Пример #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function preSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage)
     if (is_null($this->get('status')->value)) {
         $published = \Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('skip comment approval') ? CommentInterface::PUBLISHED : CommentInterface::NOT_PUBLISHED;
     if ($this->isNew()) {
         // Add the comment to database. This next section builds the thread field.
         // Also see the documentation for comment_view().
         $thread = $this->getThread();
         if (empty($thread)) {
             if ($this->threadLock) {
                 // Thread lock was not released after being set previously.
                 // This suggests there's a bug in code using this class.
                 throw new \LogicException('preSave() is called again without calling postSave() or releaseThreadLock()');
             if (!$this->hasParentComment()) {
                 // This is a comment with no parent comment (depth 0): we start
                 // by retrieving the maximum thread level.
                 $max = $storage->getMaxThread($this);
                 // Strip the "/" from the end of the thread.
                 $max = rtrim($max, '/');
                 // We need to get the value at the correct depth.
                 $parts = explode('.', $max);
                 $n = Number::alphadecimalToInt($parts[0]);
                 $prefix = '';
             } else {
                 // This is a comment with a parent comment, so increase the part of
                 // the thread value at the proper depth.
                 // Get the parent comment:
                 $parent = $this->getParentComment();
                 // Strip the "/" from the end of the parent thread.
                 $parent->setThread((string) rtrim((string) $parent->getThread(), '/'));
                 $prefix = $parent->getThread() . '.';
                 // Get the max value in *this* thread.
                 $max = $storage->getMaxThreadPerThread($this);
                 if ($max == '') {
                     // First child of this parent. As the other two cases do an
                     // increment of the thread number before creating the thread
                     // string set this to -1 so it requires an increment too.
                     $n = -1;
                 } else {
                     // Strip the "/" at the end of the thread.
                     $max = rtrim($max, '/');
                     // Get the value at the correct depth.
                     $parts = explode('.', $max);
                     $parent_depth = count(explode('.', $parent->getThread()));
                     $n = Number::alphadecimalToInt($parts[$parent_depth]);
             // Finally, build the thread field for this new comment. To avoid
             // race conditions, get a lock on the thread. If another process already
             // has the lock, just move to the next integer.
             do {
                 $thread = $prefix . Number::intToAlphadecimal(++$n) . '/';
                 $lock_name = "comment:{$this->getCommentedEntityId()}:{$thread}";
             } while (!\Drupal::lock()->acquire($lock_name));
             $this->threadLock = $lock_name;
         // We test the value with '===' because we need to modify anonymous
         // users as well.
         if ($this->getOwnerId() === \Drupal::currentUser()->id() && \Drupal::currentUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
         // Add the values which aren't passed into the function.
Пример #4
  * Tests Number::validStep() with offset.
  * @param numeric $value
  *   The value argument for Number::validStep().
  * @param numeric $step
  *   The step argument for Number::validStep().
  * @param numeric $offset
  *   The offset argument for Number::validStep().
  * @param boolean $expected
  *   Expected return value from Number::validStep().
  * @dataProvider providerTestValidStepOffset
 public function testValidStepOffset($value, $step, $offset, $expected)
     $return = Number::validStep($value, $step, $offset);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $return);