  * Generates a test feed and simulates last-modified and etags.
  * @param $use_last_modified
  *   Set TRUE to send a last modified header.
  * @param $use_etag
  *   Set TRUE to send an etag.
  * @param Request $request
  *   Information about the current HTTP request.
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
  *   A feed that forces cache validation.
 public function testFeed($use_last_modified, $use_etag, Request $request)
     $response = new Response();
     $last_modified = strtotime('Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT');
     $etag = Crypt::hashBase64($last_modified);
     $if_modified_since = strtotime($request->server->get('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'));
     $if_none_match = stripslashes($request->server->get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'));
     // Send appropriate response. We respond with a 304 not modified on either
     // etag or on last modified.
     if ($use_last_modified) {
         $response->headers->set('Last-Modified', gmdate(DateTimePlus::RFC7231, $last_modified));
     if ($use_etag) {
         $response->headers->set('ETag', $etag);
     // Return 304 not modified if either last modified or etag match.
     if ($last_modified == $if_modified_since || $etag == $if_none_match) {
         return $response;
     // The following headers force validation of cache.
     $response->headers->set('Expires', 'Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT');
     $response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate');
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8');
     // Read actual feed from file.
     $file_name = drupal_get_path('module', 'aggregator_test') . '/aggregator_test_rss091.xml';
     $handle = fopen($file_name, 'r');
     $feed = fread($handle, filesize($file_name));
     return $response;
Пример #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * The file name for the CSS or JS cache file is generated from the hash of
  * the aggregated contents of the files in $data. This forces proxies and
  * browsers to download new CSS when the CSS changes.
 public function dump($data, $file_extension)
     // Prefix filename to prevent blocking by firewalls which reject files
     // starting with "ad*".
     $filename = $file_extension . '_' . Crypt::hashBase64($data) . '.' . $file_extension;
     // Create the css/ or js/ path within the files folder.
     $path = 'public://' . $file_extension;
     $uri = $path . '/' . $filename;
     // Create the CSS or JS file.
     file_prepare_directory($path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     if (!file_exists($uri) && !file_unmanaged_save_data($data, $uri, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
         return FALSE;
     // If CSS/JS gzip compression is enabled and the zlib extension is available
     // then create a gzipped version of this file. This file is served
     // conditionally to browsers that accept gzip using .htaccess rules.
     // It's possible that the rewrite rules in .htaccess aren't working on this
     // server, but there's no harm (other than the time spent generating the
     // file) in generating the file anyway. Sites on servers where rewrite rules
     // aren't working can set css.gzip to FALSE in order to skip
     // generating a file that won't be used.
     if (extension_loaded('zlib') && \Drupal::config('system.performance')->get($file_extension . '.gzip')) {
         if (!file_exists($uri . '.gz') && !file_unmanaged_save_data(gzencode($data, 9, FORCE_GZIP), $uri . '.gz', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
             return FALSE;
     return $uri;
Пример #3
  * Generates a unique hash for identification purposes.
  * @param string $source_path
  *   Source path of the redirect.
  * @param array $source_query
  *   Source query as an array.
  * @param string $language
  *   Redirect language.
  * @return string
  *   Base 64 hash.
 public static function generateHash($source_path, array $source_query, $language)
     $hash = array('source' => Unicode::strtolower($source_path), 'language' => $language);
     if (!empty($source_query)) {
         $hash['source_query'] = $source_query;
     redirect_sort_recursive($hash, 'ksort');
     return Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($hash));
Пример #4
  * Tests configuration of advanced actions through administration interface.
 function testActionConfiguration()
     // Create a user with permission to view the actions administration pages.
     $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer actions'));
     // Make a POST request to admin/config/system/actions.
     $edit = array();
     $edit['action'] = Crypt::hashBase64('action_goto_action');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/system/actions', $edit, t('Create'));
     // Make a POST request to the individual action configuration page.
     $edit = array();
     $action_label = $this->randomMachineName();
     $edit['label'] = $action_label;
     $edit['id'] = strtolower($action_label);
     $edit['url'] = 'admin';
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/system/actions/add/' . Crypt::hashBase64('action_goto_action'), $edit, t('Save'));
     // Make sure that the new complex action was saved properly.
     $this->assertText(t('The action has been successfully saved.'), "Make sure we get a confirmation that we've successfully saved the complex action.");
     $this->assertText($action_label, "Make sure the action label appears on the configuration page after we've saved the complex action.");
     // Make another POST request to the action edit page.
     preg_match('|admin/config/system/actions/configure/(.+)|', $this->getUrl(), $matches);
     $aid = $matches[1];
     $edit = array();
     $new_action_label = $this->randomMachineName();
     $edit['label'] = $new_action_label;
     $edit['url'] = 'admin';
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     // Make sure that the action updated properly.
     $this->assertText(t('The action has been successfully saved.'), "Make sure we get a confirmation that we've successfully updated the complex action.");
     $this->assertNoText($action_label, "Make sure the old action label does NOT appear on the configuration page after we've updated the complex action.");
     $this->assertText($new_action_label, "Make sure the action label appears on the configuration page after we've updated the complex action.");
     $element = $this->xpath('//input[@type="text" and @value="admin"]');
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($element), 'Make sure the URL appears when re-editing the action.');
     // Make sure that deletions work properly.
     $edit = array();
     $this->drupalPostForm("admin/config/system/actions/configure/{$aid}/delete", $edit, t('Delete'));
     // Make sure that the action was actually deleted.
     $this->assertRaw(t('The action %action has been deleted.', array('%action' => $new_action_label)), 'Make sure that we get a delete confirmation message.');
     $this->assertNoText($new_action_label, "Make sure the action label does not appear on the overview page after we've deleted the action.");
     $action = entity_load('action', $aid);
     $this->assertFalse($action, 'Make sure the action is gone after being deleted.');
Пример #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process($text, $langcode)
     $settings = $this->settings;
     if ($settings['settings_source'] === 'global') {
         $config = \Drupal::config('pathologic.settings');
         $settings['protocol_style'] = $config->get('protocol_style');
         $settings['local_paths'] = $config->get('local_paths');
     } else {
         $settings = $settings['local_settings'];
     // @todo Move code from .module file to inside here.
     return new FilterProcessResult(_pathologic_filter($text, $settings, Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($settings))));
  * Tests configuration of the node_assign_owner_action action.
 public function testAssignOwnerNodeActionConfiguration()
     // Create a user with permission to view the actions administration pages.
     $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(['administer actions']);
     // Make a POST request to admin/config/system/actions.
     $edit = [];
     $edit['action'] = Crypt::hashBase64('node_assign_owner_action');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/system/actions', $edit, t('Create'));
     // Make a POST request to the individual action configuration page.
     $edit = [];
     $action_label = $this->randomMachineName();
     $edit['label'] = $action_label;
     $edit['id'] = strtolower($action_label);
     $edit['owner_uid'] = $user->id();
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/system/actions/add/' . Crypt::hashBase64('node_assign_owner_action'), $edit, t('Save'));
     // Make sure that the new action was saved properly.
     $this->assertText(t('The action has been successfully saved.'), 'The node_assign_owner_action action has been successfully saved.');
     $this->assertText($action_label, 'The label of the node_assign_owner_action action appears on the actions administration page after saving.');
     // Make another POST request to the action edit page.
     preg_match('|admin/config/system/actions/configure/(.+)|', $this->getUrl(), $matches);
     $aid = $matches[1];
     $edit = [];
     $new_action_label = $this->randomMachineName();
     $edit['label'] = $new_action_label;
     $edit['owner_uid'] = $user->id();
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     // Make sure that the action updated properly.
     $this->assertText(t('The action has been successfully saved.'), 'The node_assign_owner_action action has been successfully updated.');
     $this->assertNoText($action_label, 'The old label for the node_assign_owner_action action does not appear on the actions administration page after updating.');
     $this->assertText($new_action_label, 'The new label for the node_assign_owner_action action appears on the actions administration page after updating.');
     // Make sure that deletions work properly.
     $edit = [];
     $this->drupalPostForm("admin/config/system/actions/configure/{$aid}/delete", $edit, t('Delete'));
     // Make sure that the action was actually deleted.
     $this->assertRaw(t('The action %action has been deleted.', ['%action' => $new_action_label]), 'The delete confirmation message appears after deleting the node_assign_owner_action action.');
     $this->assertNoText($new_action_label, 'The label for the node_assign_owner_action action does not appear on the actions administration page after deleting.');
     $action = Action::load($aid);
     $this->assertFalse($action, 'The node_assign_owner_action action is not available after being deleted.');
Пример #7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $actions = array();
     foreach ($this->manager->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
         if (is_subclass_of($definition['class'], '\\Drupal\\Core\\Plugin\\PluginFormInterface')) {
             $key = Crypt::hashBase64($id);
             $actions[$key] = $definition['label'] . '...';
     $form['parent'] = array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->t('Create an advanced action'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('container-inline')), '#open' => TRUE);
     $form['parent']['action'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Action'), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#options' => $actions, '#empty_option' => $this->t('Choose an advanced action'));
     $form['parent']['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
     $form['parent']['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Create'));
     return $form;
Пример #8
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @param string $action_id
  *   The hashed version of the action ID.
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $action_id = NULL)
     // In \Drupal\action\Form\ActionAdminManageForm::buildForm() the action
     // are hashed. Here we have to decrypt it to find the desired action ID.
     foreach ($this->actionManager->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
         $key = Crypt::hashBase64($id);
         if ($key === $action_id) {
             // Derive the label and type from the action definition.
             $this->entity->set('label', $definition['label']);
             $this->entity->set('type', $definition['type']);
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
Пример #9
  public function testActionEntityClone() {
    foreach (\Drupal::service('plugin.manager.action')->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
      if (is_subclass_of($definition['class'], '\Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginFormInterface') && $definition['label'] == 'Send email') {
        $action_key = Crypt::hashBase64($id);

    $edit = [
      'label' => 'Test send email action for clone',
      'id' => 'test_send_email_for_clone',
      'recipient' => '*****@*****.**',
      'subject' => 'test subject',
      'message' => 'test message',
    $this->drupalPostForm("admin/config/system/actions/add/$action_key", $edit, t('Save'));

    $actions = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        'id' => $edit['id'],
    $action = reset($actions);

    $edit = [
      'label' => 'Test send email action cloned',
      'id' => 'test_send_email_cloned',
    $this->drupalPostForm('entity_clone/action/' . $action->id(), $edit, t('Clone'));

    $actions = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        'id' => $edit['id'],
    $action = reset($actions);
    $this->assertTrue($action, 'Test action cloned found in database.');
  * Reinstall changed config files.
 public function autoImportConfig()
     $config = $this->getSettings();
     $changed = FALSE;
     foreach ($config->get('auto_import') as $key => $file) {
         $contents = @file_get_contents($file['filename']);
         if (!$contents) {
         $hash = Crypt::hashBase64($contents);
         if ($hash != $file['hash']) {
             $changed = TRUE;
             $config->set("auto_import.{$key}.hash", $hash);
             $data = (new InstallStorage())->decode($contents);
             $config_name = basename($file['filename'], '.yml');
             $entity_type_id = $this->configManager->getEntityTypeIdByName($config_name);
             if ($entity_type_id) {
                 $entity_storage = $this->getStorage($entity_type_id);
                 $entity_id = $this->getEntityId($entity_storage, $config_name);
                 $entity_type = $entity_storage->getEntityType();
                 $id_key = $entity_type->getKey('id');
                 $data[$id_key] = $entity_id;
                 $entity = $entity_storage->create($data);
                 if ($existing_entity = $entity_storage->load($entity_id)) {
                     $entity->set('uuid', $existing_entity->uuid())->enforceIsNew(FALSE);
             } else {
     if ($changed) {
Пример #11
  * Get a typed data instance for a property of a given typed data object.
  * This method will use prototyping for fast and efficient instantiation of
  * many property objects with the same property path; e.g.,
  * when multiple comments are used comment_body.0.value needs to be
  * instantiated very often.
  * Prototyping is done by the root object's data type and the given
  * property path, i.e. all property instances having the same property path
  * and inheriting from the same data type are prototyped.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface $object
  *   The parent typed data object, implementing the TypedDataInterface and
  *   either the ListInterface or the ComplexDataInterface.
  * @param string $property_name
  *   The name of the property to instantiate, or the delta of an list item.
  * @param mixed $value
  *   (optional) The data value. If set, it has to match one of the supported
  *   data type formats as documented by the data type classes.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  *   If the given property is not known, or the passed object does not
  *   implement the ListInterface or the ComplexDataInterface.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface
  *   The new property instance.
  * @see \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataManager::create()
 public function getPropertyInstance(TypedDataInterface $object, $property_name, $value = NULL)
     $definition = $object->getRoot()->getDataDefinition();
     // If the definition is a list, we need to look at the data type and the
     // settings of its item definition.
     if ($definition instanceof ListDataDefinition) {
         $definition = $definition->getItemDefinition();
     $key = $definition->getDataType();
     if ($settings = $definition->getSettings()) {
         $key .= ':' . Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($settings));
     $key .= ':' . $object->getPropertyPath() . '.';
     // If we are creating list items, we always use 0 in the key as all list
     // items look the same.
     $key .= is_numeric($property_name) ? 0 : $property_name;
     // Make sure we have a prototype. Then, clone the prototype and set object
     // specific values, i.e. the value and the context.
     if (!isset($this->prototypes[$key]) || !$key) {
         // Create the initial prototype. For that we need to fetch the definition
         // of the to be created property instance from the parent.
         if ($object instanceof ComplexDataInterface) {
             $definition = $object->getDataDefinition()->getPropertyDefinition($property_name);
         } elseif ($object instanceof ListInterface) {
             $definition = $object->getItemDefinition();
         } else {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The passed object has to either implement the ComplexDataInterface or the ListInterface.");
         // Make sure we have got a valid definition.
         if (!$definition) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Property ' . String::checkPlain($property_name) . ' is unknown.');
         // Now create the prototype using the definition, but do not pass the
         // given value as it will serve as prototype for any further instance.
         $this->prototypes[$key] = $this->create($definition, NULL, $property_name, $object);
     // Clone from the prototype, then update the parent relationship and set the
     // data value if necessary.
     $property = clone $this->prototypes[$key];
     $property->setContext($property_name, $object);
     if (isset($value)) {
         $property->setValue($value, FALSE);
     return $property;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getContext()
     $sid = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->getSession()->getId();
     return Crypt::hashBase64($sid);
Пример #13
  * Calculates the aggregated file URI of a group of JavaScript assets.
  * @param array $js_assets
  *   A group of JavaScript assets.
  * @return string
  *   A file URI.
  * @see testAggregation()
  * @see testAggregationOrder()
 protected function calculateAggregateFilename($js_assets)
     $data = '';
     foreach ($js_assets as $js_asset) {
         $data .= file_get_contents($js_asset['data']) . ";\n";
     return file_create_url('public://js/js_' . Crypt::hashBase64($data) . '.js');
Пример #14
  * Store the Session ID and ticket for single-log-out purposes.
  * @param string $session_id
  *   The session ID, to be used to kill the session later.
  * @param string $ticket
  *   The CAS service ticket to be used as the lookup key.
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
 protected function storeLoginSessionData($session_id, $ticket)
     if ($this->settings->get('cas.settings')->get('logout.enable_single_logout') === TRUE) {
         $plainsid = $session_id;
     } else {
         $plainsid = '';
     $this->connection->insert('cas_login_data')->fields(array('sid', 'plainsid', 'ticket'), array(Crypt::hashBase64($session_id), $plainsid, $ticket))->execute();
Пример #15
  * Normalizes a cache ID in order to comply with database limitations.
  * @param string $cid
  *   The passed in cache ID.
  * @return string
  *   An ASCII-encoded cache ID that is at most 255 characters long.
 protected function normalizeCid($cid)
     // Nothing to do if the ID is a US ASCII string of 255 characters or less.
     $cid_is_ascii = mb_check_encoding($cid, 'ASCII');
     if (strlen($cid) <= 255 && $cid_is_ascii) {
         return $cid;
     // Return a string that uses as much as possible of the original cache ID
     // with the hash appended.
     $hash = Crypt::hashBase64($cid);
     if (!$cid_is_ascii) {
         return $hash;
     return substr($cid, 0, 255 - strlen($hash)) . $hash;
Пример #16
  * Store the Session ID and ticket for single-log-out purposes.
  * @param string $session_id
  *   The hashed session ID, to be used to kill the session later.
  * @param string $ticket
  *   The CAS service ticket to be used as the lookup key.
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
 protected function storeLoginSessionData($session_id, $ticket)
     $this->connection->insert('cas_login_data')->fields(array('sid', 'ticket'), array(Crypt::hashBase64($session_id), $ticket))->execute();
Пример #17
  * Returns whether a given user account is logged in.
  * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account
  *   The user account object to check.
  * @return bool
  *   Return TRUE if the user is logged in, FALSE otherwise.
 protected function drupalUserIsLoggedIn(UserInterface $account)
     if (!isset($account->sessionId)) {
         return FALSE;
     // The session ID is hashed before being stored in the database.
     // @see \Drupal\Core\Session\SessionHandler::read()
     return (bool) db_query("SELECT sid FROM {users_field_data} u INNER JOIN {sessions} s ON u.uid = s.uid AND u.default_langcode = 1 WHERE s.sid = :sid", array(':sid' => Crypt::hashBase64($account->sessionId)))->fetchField();
Пример #18
  * Migrates the current session to a new session id.
  * @param string $old_session_id
  *   The old session id. The new session id is $this->getId() unless
  *   $new_insecure_session_id is not empty.
 protected function migrateStoredSession($old_session_id)
     $fields = array('sid' => Crypt::hashBase64($this->getId()));
     $this->connection->update('sessions')->fields($fields)->condition('sid', Crypt::hashBase64($old_session_id))->execute();
Пример #19
  * Test that there exists a session with two specific session IDs.
  * @param $sid
  *   The insecure session ID to search for.
  * @param $assertion_text
  *   The text to display when we perform the assertion.
  * @return
  *   The result of assertTrue() that there's a session in the system that
  *   has the given insecure and secure session IDs.
 protected function assertSessionIds($sid, $assertion_text)
     $args = array(':sid' => Crypt::hashBase64($sid));
     return $this->assertTrue(db_query('SELECT timestamp FROM {sessions} WHERE sid = :sid', $args)->fetchField(), $assertion_text);
  * Builds the table portion of the form for the book administration page.
  * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
  *   The node of the top-level page in the book.
  * @param array $form
  *   The form that is being modified, passed by reference.
  * @see self::buildForm()
 protected function bookAdminTable(NodeInterface $node, array &$form)
     $form['table'] = array('#theme' => 'book_admin_table', '#tree' => TRUE);
     $tree = $this->bookManager->bookSubtreeData($node->book);
     // Do not include the book item itself.
     $tree = array_shift($tree);
     if ($tree['below']) {
         $hash = Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($tree['below']));
         // Store the hash value as a hidden form element so that we can detect
         // if another user changed the book hierarchy.
         $form['tree_hash'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => $hash);
         $form['tree_current_hash'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $hash);
         $this->bookAdminTableTree($tree['below'], $form['table']);
Пример #21
  * Tests data type handling.
 public function testDataTypes()
     $storage = new DatabaseStorage($this->container->get('database'), 'config');
     $name = 'config_test.types';
     $config = $this->config($name);
     $original_content = file_get_contents(drupal_get_path('module', 'config_test') . '/' . InstallStorage::CONFIG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY . "/{$name}.yml");
     $this->verbose('<pre>' . $original_content . "\n" . var_export($storage->read($name), TRUE));
     // Verify variable data types are intact.
     $data = array('array' => array(), 'boolean' => TRUE, 'exp' => 1.2E+34, 'float' => 3.14159, 'float_as_integer' => (double) 1, 'hex' => 0xc, 'int' => 99, 'octal' => 0775, 'string' => 'string', 'string_int' => '1');
     $data['_core']['default_config_hash'] = Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($data));
     $this->assertIdentical($config->get(), $data);
     // Re-set each key using Config::set().
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $config->set($key, $value);
     $this->assertIdentical($config->get(), $data);
     // Assert the data against the file storage.
     $this->assertIdentical($storage->read($name), $data);
     $this->verbose('<pre>' . $name . var_export($storage->read($name), TRUE));
     // Set data using config::setData().
     $this->assertIdentical($config->get(), $data);
     $this->assertIdentical($storage->read($name), $data);
     // Test that schema type enforcement can be overridden by trusting the data.
     $this->assertIdentical(99, $config->get('int'));
     $config->set('int', '99')->save(TRUE);
     $this->assertIdentical('99', $config->get('int'));
     // Test that re-saving without testing the data enforces the schema type.
     $this->assertIdentical($data, $config->get());
     // Test that setting an unsupported type for a config object with a schema
     // fails.
     try {
         $config->set('stream', fopen(__FILE__, 'r'))->save();
         $this->fail('No Exception thrown upon saving invalid data type.');
     } catch (UnsupportedDataTypeConfigException $e) {
         $this->pass(SafeMarkup::format('%class thrown upon saving invalid data type.', array('%class' => get_class($e))));
     // Test that setting an unsupported type for a config object with no schema
     // also fails.
     $typed_config_manager = $this->container->get('config.typed');
     $config_name = 'config_test.no_schema';
     $config = $this->config($config_name);
     try {
         $config->set('stream', fopen(__FILE__, 'r'))->save();
         $this->fail('No Exception thrown upon saving invalid data type.');
     } catch (UnsupportedDataTypeConfigException $e) {
         $this->pass(SafeMarkup::format('%class thrown upon saving invalid data type.', array('%class' => get_class($e))));
Пример #22
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function destroy($sid)
     // Delete session data.
     $this->connection->delete('sessions')->condition('sid', Crypt::hashBase64($sid))->execute();
     // Reset $_SESSION and current user to prevent a new session from being
     // started in \Drupal\Core\Session\SessionManager::save().
     $_SESSION = array();
     \Drupal::currentUser()->setAccount(new AnonymousUserSession());
     // Unset the session cookies.
     return TRUE;
Пример #23
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function destroy($sid)
     // Delete session data.
     $this->connection->delete('sessions')->condition('sid', Crypt::hashBase64($sid))->execute();
     return TRUE;
Пример #24
  * Builds the table portion of the form for the book administration page.
  * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
  *   The node of the top-level page in the book.
  * @param array $form
  *   The form that is being modified, passed by reference.
  * @see self::buildForm()
 protected function bookAdminTable(NodeInterface $node, array &$form)
     $form['table'] = array('#type' => 'table', '#header' => [$this->t('Title'), $this->t('Weight'), $this->t('Parent'), $this->t('Operations')], '#empty' => $this->t('No book content available.'), '#tabledrag' => [['action' => 'match', 'relationship' => 'parent', 'group' => 'book-pid', 'subgroup' => 'book-pid', 'source' => 'book-nid', 'hidden' => TRUE, 'limit' => BookManager::BOOK_MAX_DEPTH - 2], ['action' => 'order', 'relationship' => 'sibling', 'group' => 'book-weight']]);
     $tree = $this->bookManager->bookSubtreeData($node->book);
     // Do not include the book item itself.
     $tree = array_shift($tree);
     if ($tree['below']) {
         $hash = Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($tree['below']));
         // Store the hash value as a hidden form element so that we can detect
         // if another user changed the book hierarchy.
         $form['tree_hash'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => $hash);
         $form['tree_current_hash'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $hash);
         $this->bookAdminTableTree($tree['below'], $form['table']);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getJsAssets(AttachedAssetsInterface $assets, $optimize)
     $theme_info = $this->themeManager->getActiveTheme();
     // Add the theme name to the cache key since themes may implement
     // hook_library_info_alter(). Additionally add the current language to
     // support translation of JavaScript files via hook_js_alter().
     $libraries_to_load = $this->getLibrariesToLoad($assets);
     $cid = 'js:' . $theme_info->getName() . ':' . $this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage()->getId() . ':' . Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($libraries_to_load)) . (int) (count($assets->getSettings()) > 0) . (int) $optimize;
     if ($cached = $this->cache->get($cid)) {
         list($js_assets_header, $js_assets_footer, $settings, $settings_in_header) = $cached->data;
     } else {
         $javascript = [];
         $default_options = ['type' => 'file', 'group' => JS_DEFAULT, 'weight' => 0, 'cache' => TRUE, 'preprocess' => TRUE, 'attributes' => [], 'version' => NULL, 'browsers' => []];
         // Collect all libraries that contain JS assets and are in the header.
         $header_js_libraries = [];
         foreach ($libraries_to_load as $library) {
             list($extension, $name) = explode('/', $library, 2);
             $definition = $this->libraryDiscovery->getLibraryByName($extension, $name);
             if (isset($definition['js']) && !empty($definition['header'])) {
                 $header_js_libraries[] = $library;
         // The current list of header JS libraries are only those libraries that
         // are in the header, but their dependencies must also be loaded for them
         // to function correctly, so update the list with those.
         $header_js_libraries = $this->libraryDependencyResolver->getLibrariesWithDependencies($header_js_libraries);
         foreach ($libraries_to_load as $library) {
             list($extension, $name) = explode('/', $library, 2);
             $definition = $this->libraryDiscovery->getLibraryByName($extension, $name);
             if (isset($definition['js'])) {
                 foreach ($definition['js'] as $options) {
                     $options += $default_options;
                     // 'scope' is a calculated option, based on which libraries are
                     // marked to be loaded from the header (see above).
                     $options['scope'] = in_array($library, $header_js_libraries) ? 'header' : 'footer';
                     // Preprocess can only be set if caching is enabled and no
                     // attributes are set.
                     $options['preprocess'] = $options['cache'] && empty($options['attributes']) ? $options['preprocess'] : FALSE;
                     // Always add a tiny value to the weight, to conserve the insertion
                     // order.
                     $options['weight'] += count($javascript) / 1000;
                     // Local and external files must keep their name as the associative
                     // key so the same JavaScript file is not added twice.
                     $javascript[$options['data']] = $options;
         // Allow modules and themes to alter the JavaScript assets.
         $this->moduleHandler->alter('js', $javascript, $assets);
         $this->themeManager->alter('js', $javascript, $assets);
         // Sort JavaScript assets, so that they appear in the correct order.
         uasort($javascript, 'static::sort');
         // Prepare the return value: filter JavaScript assets per scope.
         $js_assets_header = [];
         $js_assets_footer = [];
         foreach ($javascript as $key => $item) {
             if ($item['scope'] == 'header') {
                 $js_assets_header[$key] = $item;
             } elseif ($item['scope'] == 'footer') {
                 $js_assets_footer[$key] = $item;
         if ($optimize) {
             $collection_optimizer = \Drupal::service('asset.js.collection_optimizer');
             $js_assets_header = $collection_optimizer->optimize($js_assets_header);
             $js_assets_footer = $collection_optimizer->optimize($js_assets_footer);
         // If the core/drupalSettings library is being loaded or is already
         // loaded, get the JavaScript settings assets, and convert them into a
         // single "regular" JavaScript asset.
         $libraries_to_load = $this->getLibrariesToLoad($assets);
         $settings_required = in_array('core/drupalSettings', $libraries_to_load) || in_array('core/drupalSettings', $this->libraryDependencyResolver->getLibrariesWithDependencies($assets->getAlreadyLoadedLibraries()));
         $settings_have_changed = count($libraries_to_load) > 0 || count($assets->getSettings()) > 0;
         // Initialize settings to FALSE since they are not needed by default. This
         // distinguishes between an empty array which must still allow
         // hook_js_settings_alter() to be run.
         $settings = FALSE;
         if ($settings_required && $settings_have_changed) {
             $settings = $this->getJsSettingsAssets($assets);
             // Allow modules to add cached JavaScript settings.
             foreach ($this->moduleHandler->getImplementations('js_settings_build') as $module) {
                 $function = $module . '_' . 'js_settings_build';
                 $function($settings, $assets);
         $settings_in_header = in_array('core/drupalSettings', $header_js_libraries);
         $this->cache->set($cid, [$js_assets_header, $js_assets_footer, $settings, $settings_in_header], CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, ['library_info']);
     if ($settings !== FALSE) {
         // Attached settings override both library definitions and
         // hook_js_settings_build().
         $settings = NestedArray::mergeDeepArray([$settings, $assets->getSettings()], TRUE);
         // Allow modules and themes to alter the JavaScript settings.
         $this->moduleHandler->alter('js_settings', $settings, $assets);
         $this->themeManager->alter('js_settings', $settings, $assets);
         // Update the $assets object accordingly, so that it reflects the final
         // settings.
         $settings_as_inline_javascript = ['type' => 'setting', 'group' => JS_SETTING, 'weight' => 0, 'browsers' => [], 'data' => $settings];
         $settings_js_asset = ['drupalSettings' => $settings_as_inline_javascript];
         // Prepend to the list of JS assets, to render it first. Preferably in
         // the footer, but in the header if necessary.
         if ($settings_in_header) {
             $js_assets_header = $settings_js_asset + $js_assets_header;
         } else {
             $js_assets_footer = $settings_js_asset + $js_assets_footer;
     return [$js_assets_header, $js_assets_footer];
Пример #26
  * Tests \Drupal\Component\Utility\Crypt::hashBase64().
  * @param string $data
  *   Data to hash.
  * @param string $expected_hash
  *   Expected result from hashing $data.
  * @dataProvider providerTestHashBase64
 public function testHashBase64($data, $expected_hash)
     $hash = Crypt::hashBase64($data);
     $this->assertEquals($expected_hash, $hash, 'The correct hash was not calculated.');
Пример #27
  * Generates a prefix for APCu user cache keys.
  * A standardized prefix is useful to allow visual inspection of an APCu user
  * cache. By default, this method will produce a unique prefix per site using
  * the hash salt. If the setting 'apcu_ensure_unique_prefix' is set to FALSE
  * then if the caller does not provide a $site_path only the Drupal root will
  * be used. This allows WebTestBase to use the same prefix ensuring that the
  * number of APCu items created during a full test run is kept to a minimum.
  * Additionally, if a multi site implementation does not use site specific
  * module directories setting apcu_ensure_unique_prefix would allow the sites
  * to share APCu cache items.
  * @param $identifier
  *   An identifier for the prefix. For example, 'class_loader' or
  *   'cache_backend'.
  * @return string
  *   The prefix for APCu user cache keys.
 public static function getApcuPrefix($identifier, $root, $site_path = '')
     if (static::get('apcu_ensure_unique_prefix', TRUE)) {
         return 'drupal.' . $identifier . '.' . \Drupal::VERSION . '.' . static::get('deployment_identifier') . '.' . hash_hmac('sha256', $identifier, static::get('hash_salt') . '.' . $root . '/' . $site_path);
     return 'drupal.' . $identifier . '.' . \Drupal::VERSION . '.' . static::get('deployment_identifier') . '.' . Crypt::hashBase64($root . '/' . $site_path);
  * Remove sessions marked for garbage collection.
 protected function cleanupObsoleteSessions()
     foreach ($this->obsoleteSessionIds as $sid => $key) {
         $this->connection->delete('sessions')->condition($key, Crypt::hashBase64($sid))->execute();
Пример #29
  * Ensures that cache IDs have a maximum length of 255 characters.
  * @param string $cid
  *   The passed in cache ID.
  * @return string
  *   A cache ID that is at most 255 characters long.
 protected function normalizeCid($cid)
     // Nothing to do if the ID length is 255 characters or less.
     if (strlen($cid) <= 255) {
         return $cid;
     // Return a string that uses as much as possible of the original cache ID
     // with the hash appended.
     $hash = Crypt::hashBase64($cid);
     return substr($cid, 0, 255 - strlen($hash)) . $hash;
Пример #30
  * Constructs an ApcuBackendFactory object.
  * @param string $root
  *   The app root.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheTagsChecksumInterface $checksum_provider
  *   The cache tags checksum provider.
 public function __construct($root, CacheTagsChecksumInterface $checksum_provider)
     $this->sitePrefix = Crypt::hashBase64($root . '/' . conf_path());
     $this->checksumProvider = $checksum_provider;