Пример #1
  * Constructor for MBC_Mailchimp
  * @param array $apiKey
  *   The MailChimp API key to use for this instance of MailChip API activities.
 public function __construct($apiKey)
     $this->mailChimp = new MailChimp($apiKey);
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');
  * Constructor for MB_Toolbox_BaseConsumer - all consumer applications should extend this base class.
 public function __construct($targetMBconfig = 'messageBroker')
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->messageBroker = $this->mbConfig->getProperty($targetMBconfig);
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');
     $this->startTime = date('c');
Пример #3
  * Constructor
  * @param array $settings
  *   Connection and configuration settings common to the application
  * @return object
 public function __construct()
     $this->auth = null;
     // Check for cURL on server
     if (!is_callable('curl_init')) {
         throw new Exception("Error - PHP cURL extension is not enabled on the server. cURL is required by many of the methods in the mb-toolbox library.");
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');
  * Constructor for MBC_BaseConsumer - all consumer applications should extend this base class.
  * @param string $targetMBconfig The Message Broker object used to interface the RabbitMQ server
  *                               exchanges and related queues.
 public function __construct($targetMBconfig = 'messageBroker')
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->settings = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('generalSettings');
     $this->messageBroker = $this->mbConfig->getProperty($targetMBconfig);
     $this->messageBroker_deadLetter = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('messageBroker_deadLetter');
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');
     $this->mbRabbitMQManagementAPI = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('mbRabbitMQManagementAPI');
     $connection = $this->messageBroker->connection;
     $this->channel = $connection->channel();
  * __construct: When a new instance of the class is created it must include an email address. An
  * email address is the minimum value needed to work with Digest User related functionality.
  * @parm string $email (required)
  * @return boolean
 public function __construct($email)
     // Validate structure and existing TLD (top level domain) for address
     if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $this->email = $email;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');
     $this->mbToolbox = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('mbToolbox');
  * __construct(): When a new Consumer class is created at the time of starting the mbc-digest-script
  * this method will ensure key variables are constructed.
 public function __construct($batchSize)
     $this->batchSize = $batchSize;
     // Future support of different Services other than Mandrill could be toggled. Currently the Mandrill
     // service is hard coded. There's no reason more than one service could be used at the same time
     // depending on the affiliates arrangements. Use of the different Service classes could be toggled with
     // logic for user origin.
     // See mbc-registration-mobile for working example of toggling based on user origin.
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->mbcDEMessenger = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('mbcDEMessenger');
 public function __construct()
     // Application configuration
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->messageBroker = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('messageBroker');
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');
     $this->mbToolbox = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('mbToolbox');
     $this->mandrill = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('mandrill');
     // Resources for building digest batch
     $this->userIndex = 0;
     $this->campaignTempate = parent::getTemplate('campaign-markup.inc');
     $this->campaignTempateDivider = parent::getTemplate('campaign-divider-markup.inc');
  * Constructor for MB_RabbitMQManagementAPI
  * @param array $config
  *   Configuration settings from mb-config.inc
 public function __construct($conig)
     $domain = 'http://' . $conig['domain'];
     $port = $conig['port'];
     $vhost = $conig['vhost'];
     $this->vhost = $vhost;
     $username = $conig['username'];
     $password = $conig['password'];
     if ($port > 0 && is_numeric($port)) {
         $domain .= ':' . (int) $port;
     $this->rabbitManagement = new RabbitMqManagementApi(null, $domain, $username, $password);
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');
  * __construct(): Trigger populating values in Campaign object when object is created.
  * @param integer $nid
  *   nid (Drupal node ID) of the campaign content item.
 public function __construct($nid)
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');
     $this->mbToolboxcURL = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('mbToolboxcURL');
Пример #10
  * Constructor for MBC_Slack - gather config settings.
 public function __construct()
     $this->mbConfig = MB_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->slackConfig = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('slack_config');
     $this->statHat = $this->mbConfig->getProperty('statHat');