Пример #1
 function reflow(BlockFrameDecorator $block = null)
     //$frame = $this->_frame;
     //$page = $frame->get_root();
     //if ($frame->get_style()->float !== "none" ) {
     //  $page->add_floating_frame($this);
     // Set the frame's width
     if ($block) {
Пример #2
 function reset()
     $this->_resolved_borders = array();
     $this->_content_height = 0;
Пример #3
 function reflow(BlockFrameDecorator $block = null)
     $frame = $this->_frame;
     // Check if a page break is forced
     $page = $frame->get_root();
     if ($page->is_full()) {
     $style = $frame->get_style();
     // Generated content
     $cb = $frame->get_containing_block();
     // Add our margin, padding & border to the first and last children
     if (($f = $frame->get_first_child()) && $f instanceof TextFrameDecorator) {
         $f_style = $f->get_style();
         $f_style->margin_left = $style->margin_left;
         $f_style->padding_left = $style->padding_left;
         $f_style->border_left = $style->border_left;
     if (($l = $frame->get_last_child()) && $l instanceof TextFrameDecorator) {
         $l_style = $l->get_style();
         $l_style->margin_right = $style->margin_right;
         $l_style->padding_right = $style->padding_right;
         $l_style->border_right = $style->border_right;
     if ($block) {
     // Set the containing blocks and reflow each child.  The containing
     // block is not changed by line boxes.
     foreach ($frame->get_children() as $child) {
Пример #4
 function get_float_offsets()
     $enable_css_float = $this->_block_frame->get_dompdf()->get_option("enable_css_float");
     if (!$enable_css_float) {
     static $anti_infinite_loop = 500;
     // FIXME smelly hack
     $reflower = $this->_block_frame->get_reflower();
     if (!$reflower) {
     $cb_w = null;
     $block = $this->_block_frame;
     $root = $block->get_root();
     if (!$root) {
     $floating_frames = $this->get_floats_inside($root);
     foreach ($floating_frames as $child_key => $floating_frame) {
         $id = $floating_frame->get_id();
         if (isset($this->floating_blocks[$id])) {
         $floating_style = $floating_frame->get_style();
         $float = $floating_style->float;
         $floating_width = $floating_frame->get_margin_width();
         if (!$cb_w) {
             $cb_w = $floating_frame->get_containing_block("w");
         $line_w = $this->get_width();
         if (!$floating_frame->_float_next_line && $cb_w <= $line_w + $floating_width && $cb_w > $line_w) {
             $floating_frame->_float_next_line = true;
         // If the child is still shifted by the floating element
         if ($anti_infinite_loop-- > 0 && $floating_frame->get_position("y") + $floating_frame->get_margin_height() > $this->y && $block->get_position("x") + $block->get_margin_width() > $floating_frame->get_position("x")) {
             if ($float === "left") {
                 $this->left += $floating_width;
             } else {
                 $this->right += $floating_width;
             $this->floating_blocks[$id] = true;
         } else {
Пример #5
  * Determine current frame width based on contents
  * @return float
 public function calculate_auto_width()
     $width = 0;
     foreach ($this->_frame->get_line_boxes() as $line) {
         $line_width = 0;
         foreach ($line->get_frames() as $frame) {
             if ($frame->get_original_style()->width == 'auto') {
                 $line_width += $frame->calculate_auto_width();
             } else {
                 $line_width += $frame->get_margin_width();
         $width = max($line_width, $width);
     $this->_frame->get_style()->width = $width;
     return $this->_frame->get_margin_width();
Пример #6
 function reflow(BlockFrameDecorator $block = null)
     $frame = $this->_frame;
     $page = $frame->get_root();
     if ($page->is_full()) {
     $this->_block_parent = $frame->find_block_parent();
     // Left trim the text if this is the first text on the line and we're
     // collapsing white space
     //     if ( $this->_block_parent->get_current_line()->w == 0 &&
     //          ($frame->get_style()->white_space !== "pre" ||
     //           $frame->get_style()->white_space !== "pre-wrap") ) {
     //       $frame->set_text( ltrim( $frame->get_text() ) );
     //     }
     if ($block) {
Пример #7
  * @param BlockFrameDecorator $block
 function reflow(BlockFrameDecorator $block = null)
     // Check if a page break is forced
     $page = $this->_frame->get_root();
     // Bail if the page is full
     if ($page->is_full()) {
     // Generated content
     // Collapse margins if required
     $style = $this->_frame->get_style();
     $cb = $this->_frame->get_containing_block();
     if ($style->position === "fixed") {
         $cb = $this->_frame->get_root()->get_containing_block();
     // Determine the constraints imposed by this frame: calculate the width
     // of the content area:
     list($w, $left_margin, $right_margin, $left, $right) = $this->_calculate_restricted_width();
     // Store the calculated properties
     $style->width = $w . "pt";
     $style->margin_left = $left_margin . "pt";
     $style->margin_right = $right_margin . "pt";
     $style->left = $left . "pt";
     $style->right = $right . "pt";
     // Update the position
     list($x, $y) = $this->_frame->get_position();
     // Adjust the first line based on the text-indent property
     $indent = $style->length_in_pt($style->text_indent, $cb["w"]);
     // Determine the content edge
     $top = $style->length_in_pt(array($style->margin_top, $style->padding_top, $style->border_top_width), $cb["h"]);
     $bottom = $style->length_in_pt(array($style->border_bottom_width, $style->margin_bottom, $style->padding_bottom), $cb["h"]);
     $cb_x = $x + $left_margin + $style->length_in_pt(array($style->border_left_width, $style->padding_left), $cb["w"]);
     $cb_y = $y + $top;
     $cb_h = $cb["h"] + $cb["y"] - $bottom - $cb_y;
     // Set the y position of the first line in this block
     $line_box = $this->_frame->get_current_line_box();
     $line_box->y = $cb_y;
     // Set the containing blocks and reflow each child
     foreach ($this->_frame->get_children() as $child) {
         // Bail out if the page is full
         if ($page->is_full()) {
         $child->set_containing_block($cb_x, $cb_y, $w, $cb_h);
         // Don't add the child to the line if a page break has occurred
         if ($page->check_page_break($child)) {
         $this->process_float($child, $cb_x, $w);
     // Determine our height
     list($height, $margin_top, $margin_bottom, $top, $bottom) = $this->_calculate_restricted_height();
     $style->height = $height;
     $style->margin_top = $margin_top;
     $style->margin_bottom = $margin_bottom;
     $style->top = $top;
     $style->bottom = $bottom;
     $needs_reposition = $style->position === "absolute" && ($style->right !== "auto" || $style->bottom !== "auto");
     // Absolute positioning measurement
     if ($needs_reposition) {
         $orig_style = $this->_frame->get_original_style();
         if ($orig_style->width === "auto" && ($orig_style->left === "auto" || $orig_style->right === "auto")) {
             $width = 0;
             foreach ($this->_frame->get_line_boxes() as $line) {
                 $width = max($line->w, $width);
             $style->width = $width;
         $style->left = $orig_style->left;
         $style->right = $orig_style->right;
     // Absolute positioning
     if ($needs_reposition) {
         list($x, $y) = $this->_frame->get_position();
         list($new_x, $new_y) = $this->_frame->get_position();
         $this->_frame->move($new_x - $x, $new_y - $y, true);
     if ($block && $this->_frame->is_in_flow()) {
         // May be inline-block
         if ($style->display === "block") {
Пример #8
  * @param BlockFrameDecorator $block
 function reflow(BlockFrameDecorator $block = null)
     /** @var TableFrameDecorator */
     $frame = $this->_frame;
     // Check if a page break is forced
     $page = $frame->get_root();
     // Bail if the page is full
     if ($page->is_full()) {
     // Let the page know that we're reflowing a table so that splits
     // are suppressed (simply setting page-break-inside: avoid won't
     // work because we may have an arbitrary number of block elements
     // inside tds.)
     // Collapse vertical margins, if required
     // Table layout algorithm:
     // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#auto-table-layout
     if (is_null($this->_state)) {
     $cb = $frame->get_containing_block();
     $style = $frame->get_style();
     // This is slightly inexact, but should be okay.  Add half the
     // border-spacing to the table as padding.  The other half is added to
     // the cells themselves.
     if ($style->border_collapse === "separate") {
         list($h, $v) = $style->border_spacing;
         $v = $style->length_in_pt($v) / 2;
         $h = $style->length_in_pt($h) / 2;
         $style->padding_left = $style->length_in_pt($style->padding_left, $cb["w"]) + $h;
         $style->padding_right = $style->length_in_pt($style->padding_right, $cb["w"]) + $h;
         $style->padding_top = $style->length_in_pt($style->padding_top, $cb["h"]) + $v;
         $style->padding_bottom = $style->length_in_pt($style->padding_bottom, $cb["h"]) + $v;
     // Adjust left & right margins, if they are auto
     $width = $style->width;
     $left = $style->margin_left;
     $right = $style->margin_right;
     $diff = $cb["w"] - $width;
     if ($left === "auto" && $right === "auto") {
         if ($diff < 0) {
             $left = 0;
             $right = $diff;
         } else {
             $left = $right = $diff / 2;
         $style->margin_left = "{$left} pt";
         $style->margin_right = "{$right} pt";
     } else {
         if ($left === "auto") {
             $left = $style->length_in_pt($cb["w"] - $right - $width, $cb["w"]);
         if ($right === "auto") {
             $left = $style->length_in_pt($left, $cb["w"]);
     list($x, $y) = $frame->get_position();
     // Determine the content edge
     $content_x = $x + $left + $style->length_in_pt(array($style->padding_left, $style->border_left_width), $cb["w"]);
     $content_y = $y + $style->length_in_pt(array($style->margin_top, $style->border_top_width, $style->padding_top), $cb["h"]);
     if (isset($cb["h"])) {
         $h = $cb["h"];
     } else {
         $h = null;
     $cellmap = $frame->get_cellmap();
     $col =& $cellmap->get_column(0);
     $col["x"] = $content_x;
     $row =& $cellmap->get_row(0);
     $row["y"] = $content_y;
     // Set the containing block of each child & reflow
     foreach ($frame->get_children() as $child) {
         // Bail if the page is full
         if (!$page->in_nested_table() && $page->is_full()) {
         $child->set_containing_block($content_x, $content_y, $width, $h);
         if (!$page->in_nested_table()) {
             // Check if a split has occured
     // Assign heights to our cells:
     $style->height = $this->_calculate_height();
     if ($style->border_collapse === "collapse") {
         // Unset our borders because our cells are now using them
         $style->border_style = "none";
     // Debugging:
     //echo ($this->_frame->get_cellmap());
     if ($block && $style->float === "none" && $frame->is_in_flow()) {