Пример #1
 function position(AbstractFrameDecorator $frame)
     $style = $frame->get_original_style();
     $root = $frame->get_root();
     $initialcb = $root->get_containing_block();
     $initialcb_style = $root->get_style();
     $p = $frame->find_block_parent();
     if ($p) {
     // Compute the margins of the @page style
     $margin_top = $initialcb_style->length_in_pt($initialcb_style->margin_top, $initialcb["h"]);
     $margin_right = $initialcb_style->length_in_pt($initialcb_style->margin_right, $initialcb["w"]);
     $margin_bottom = $initialcb_style->length_in_pt($initialcb_style->margin_bottom, $initialcb["h"]);
     $margin_left = $initialcb_style->length_in_pt($initialcb_style->margin_left, $initialcb["w"]);
     // The needed computed style of the element
     $height = $style->length_in_pt($style->height, $initialcb["h"]);
     $width = $style->length_in_pt($style->width, $initialcb["w"]);
     $top = $style->length_in_pt($style->top, $initialcb["h"]);
     $right = $style->length_in_pt($style->right, $initialcb["w"]);
     $bottom = $style->length_in_pt($style->bottom, $initialcb["h"]);
     $left = $style->length_in_pt($style->left, $initialcb["w"]);
     $y = $margin_top;
     if (isset($top)) {
         $y = $top + $margin_top;
         if ($top === "auto") {
             $y = $margin_top;
             if (isset($bottom) && $bottom !== "auto") {
                 $y = $initialcb["h"] - $bottom - $margin_bottom;
                 $margin_height = $frame->get_margin_height();
                 if ($margin_height !== "auto") {
                     $y -= $margin_height;
                 } else {
                     $y -= $height;
     $x = $margin_left;
     if (isset($left)) {
         $x = $left + $margin_left;
         if ($left === "auto") {
             $x = $margin_left;
             if (isset($right) && $right !== "auto") {
                 $x = $initialcb["w"] - $right - $margin_right;
                 $margin_width = $frame->get_margin_width();
                 if ($margin_width !== "auto") {
                     $x -= $margin_width;
                 } else {
                     $x -= $width;
     $frame->set_position($x, $y);
     $children = $frame->get_children();
     foreach ($children as $child) {
         $child->set_position($x, $y);
Пример #2
 function position(AbstractFrameDecorator $frame)
     $style = $frame->get_style();
     $cb = $frame->get_containing_block();
     $p = $frame->find_block_parent();
     if ($p) {
         $float = $style->float;
         if (!$float || $float === "none") {
         $y = $p->get_current_line_box()->y;
     } else {
         $y = $cb["y"];
     $x = $cb["x"];
     // Relative positionning
     if ($style->position === "relative") {
         $top = $style->length_in_pt($style->top, $cb["h"]);
         //$right =  $style->length_in_pt($style->right,  $cb["w"]);
         //$bottom = $style->length_in_pt($style->bottom, $cb["h"]);
         $left = $style->length_in_pt($style->left, $cb["w"]);
         $x += $left;
         $y += $top;
     $frame->set_position($x, $y);
Пример #3
 function position(AbstractFrameDecorator $frame)
     // Bullets & friends are positioned an absolute distance to the left of
     // the content edge of their parent element
     $cb = $frame->get_containing_block();
     // Note: this differs from most frames in that we must position
     // ourselves after determining our width
     $x = $cb["x"] - $frame->get_width();
     $p = $frame->find_block_parent();
     $y = $p->get_current_line_box()->y;
     // This is a bit of a hack...
     $n = $frame->get_next_sibling();
     if ($n) {
         $style = $n->get_style();
         $line_height = $style->length_in_pt($style->line_height, $style->get_font_size());
         $offset = $style->length_in_pt($line_height, $n->get_containing_block("h")) - $frame->get_height();
         $y += $offset / 2;
     // Now the position is the left top of the block which should be marked with the bullet.
     // We tried to find out the y of the start of the first text character within the block.
     // But the top margin/padding does not fit, neither from this nor from the next sibling
     // The "bit of a hack" above does not work also.
     // Instead let's position the bullet vertically centered to the block which should be marked.
     // But for get_next_sibling() the get_containing_block is all zero, and for find_block_parent()
     // the get_containing_block is paper width and the entire list as height.
     // if ($p) {
     //   //$cb = $n->get_containing_block();
     //   $cb = $p->get_containing_block();
     //   $y += $cb["h"]/2;
     // print 'cb:'.$cb["x"].':'.$cb["y"].':'.$cb["w"].':'.$cb["h"].':';
     // }
     // Todo:
     // For now give up on the above. Use Guesswork with font y-pos in the middle of the line spacing
     /*$style = $p->get_style();
       $font_size = $style->get_font_size();
       $line_height = $style->length_in_pt($style->line_height, $font_size);
       $y += ($line_height - $font_size) / 2;    */
     //Position is x-end y-top of character position of the bullet.
     $frame->set_position($x, $y);
Пример #4
 function position(AbstractFrameDecorator $frame)
      * Find our nearest block level parent and access its lines property.
      * @var BlockFrameDecorator
     $p = $frame->find_block_parent();
     // Debugging code:
     //     Helpers::pre_r("\nPositioning:");
     //     Helpers::pre_r("Me: " . $frame->get_node()->nodeName . " (" . spl_object_hash($frame->get_node()) . ")");
     //     Helpers::pre_r("Parent: " . $p->get_node()->nodeName . " (" . spl_object_hash($p->get_node()) . ")");
     // End debugging
     if (!$p) {
         throw new Exception("No block-level parent found.  Not good.");
     $f = $frame;
     $cb = $f->get_containing_block();
     $line = $p->get_current_line_box();
     // Skip the page break if in a fixed position element
     $is_fixed = false;
     while ($f = $f->get_parent()) {
         if ($f->get_style()->position === "fixed") {
             $is_fixed = true;
     $f = $frame;
     if (!$is_fixed && $f->get_parent() && $f->get_parent() instanceof InlineFrameDecorator && $f->is_text_node()) {
         $min_max = $f->get_reflower()->get_min_max_width();
         // If the frame doesn't fit in the current line, a line break occurs
         if ($min_max["min"] > $cb["w"] - $line->left - $line->w - $line->right) {
     $f->set_position($cb["x"] + $line->w, $line->y);
Пример #5
 function position(AbstractFrameDecorator $frame)
     $style = $frame->get_style();
     $p = $frame->find_positionned_parent();
     list($x, $y, $w, $h) = $frame->get_containing_block();
     $top = $style->length_in_pt($style->top, $h);
     $right = $style->length_in_pt($style->right, $w);
     $bottom = $style->length_in_pt($style->bottom, $h);
     $left = $style->length_in_pt($style->left, $w);
     if ($p && !($left === "auto" && $right === "auto")) {
         // Get the parent's padding box (see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#propdef-top)
         list($x, $y, $w, $h) = $p->get_padding_box();
     list($width, $height) = array($frame->get_margin_width(), $frame->get_margin_height());
     $orig_style = $frame->get_original_style();
     $orig_width = $orig_style->width;
     $orig_height = $orig_style->height;
      * Width auto:
      * ____________| left=auto | left=fixed |
      * right=auto  |     A     |     B      |
      * right=fixed |     C     |     D      |
      * Width fixed:
      * ____________| left=auto | left=fixed |
      * right=auto  |     E     |     F      |
      * right=fixed |     G     |     H      |
     if ($left === "auto") {
         if ($right === "auto") {
             // A or E - Keep the frame at the same position
             $x = $x + $frame->find_block_parent()->get_current_line_box()->w;
         } else {
             if ($orig_width === "auto") {
                 // C
                 $x += $w - $width - $right;
             } else {
                 // G
                 $x += $w - $width - $right;
     } else {
         if ($right === "auto") {
             // B or F
             $x += $left;
         } else {
             if ($orig_width === "auto") {
                 // D - TODO change width
                 $x += $left;
             } else {
                 // H - Everything is fixed: left + width win
                 $x += $left;
     // The same vertically
     if ($top === "auto") {
         if ($bottom === "auto") {
             // A or E - Keep the frame at the same position
             $y = $frame->find_block_parent()->get_current_line_box()->y;
         } else {
             if ($orig_height === "auto") {
                 // C
                 $y += $h - $height - $bottom;
             } else {
                 // G
                 $y += $h - $height - $bottom;
     } else {
         if ($bottom === "auto") {
             // B or F
             $y += $top;
         } else {
             if ($orig_height === "auto") {
                 // D - TODO change height
                 $y += $top;
             } else {
                 // H - Everything is fixed: top + height win
                 $y += $top;
     $frame->set_position($x, $y);